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Rock God_Book 1_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

Page 14

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “Oh wow, it smells delicious!” Katherine said as she danced into the room and bounded onto the stool next to Aimee. “Good morning, Sunshine!” she said to Aimee as she leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Aimee giggled, which caused Katherine to giggle. I felt my body relax.

  “I just made some eggs. I have some sunny side up here if you want them, or I can make you some more. We also have bagels, salmon, and cream cheese.” Katherine eyed my plate intensely. She was wearing an aqua-colored tank top and blue jeans. She looked pretty casual.

  “I’m all about instant gratification, so I will take that. You don’t mind do you? Was it yours?” Katherine tore her hungry gaze from the plate to look at me apologetically.

  “Oh no, it’s totally fine. Eggs are quick to cook.” I set the plate down in front of her. “Orange juice okay?” She nodded as she dug into the eggs and grabbed a piece of bread. I set down the juice in front of her and then glanced over at Aimee. She was busy eating too.

  “How did you sleep?” Aimee asked Katherine as I went back to the fridge to grab more eggs.

  “I really didn’t. I was too busy getting my brains fucked out!” Katherine replied around a mouthful of food. Then she giggled hysterically. I didn’t see Aimee’s expression. There was silence for about five seconds, while I pretended to rummage around in the fridge.

  “Ohh, that’s…. ummmm. Nice…,” Aimee choked out. But, I don’t think Katherine heard because she had already moved on to the next topic.

  “Ugh, I’ve got volleyball every night this week, and then we are traveling this weekend. I’m going to be totally swamped trying to keep up with homework!”

  I finally grabbed the eggs and cracked them over the pan. I just did two in the pan and then stared at them intently. I realized I was avoiding looking over at Aimee, then I got mad at myself. What the hell should I care about her knowing Katherine and I fucked? She was screwing Jack. She was Jack’s girlfriend. It wasn’t my fault she had some weird crush thing for me. I forced myself to look at them, while Katherine kept talking about a really hard class she had. Aimee was staring at me intently. I thought she would be angry or jealous, but she looked concerned. Weird.

  Katherine asked Aimee about a class they shared, and the girls got to discussing the professor. I glanced over at them again. Aimee’s nipples weren’t pushing against her tight tee-shirt, but I could still see the outline of her perfectly round breasts beneath the material. Katherine didn’t seem to notice her friend’s choice in clothes.

  The rest of the morning went smoothly. I finished breakfast with Katherine and Aimee. Aimee didn’t say anything weird in front of Katherine, for which I was thankful for. After we ate, Aimee tried to help me clean the kitchen, but Katherine insisted she go upstairs and get ready for the day while we cleaned up for her. As we were cleaning up, Patrick, Daya, Brent, and Sam came down. They were all in pajama-type attire. I was going to offer to cook them something, but they dug into the bagels.

  Eventually, Katherine said she needed to go home and work on school stuff since she would be tied up all week with volleyball. I figured it was a good time for me to leave as well, so I thanked them all for their company and helped Katherine carry her bag out to her car. Aimee and Jack hadn’t come down from their room, but I figured I would catch up with them later.

  “I’ll probably see you in a few weeks,” Katherine said as she gave me a lingering kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “Looking forward to it,” I said with a smile. I loaded her suitcase in the trunk of her Mercedes and made my way home.

  Chapter 18

  I finished the day by cleaning my apartment and catching up on schoolwork. I was actually still two or three weeks ahead in my studies, but I used it as a time killer. I also spent time daydreaming about the weekend with Katherine and Kim. Then I found myself thinking about Kelly.

  I felt conflicted about the situation. While I justified it last night and I didn’t regret the experience, I knew I was going to have to identify what Kelly wanted from me. I couldn’t be screwing three different girls without one of them knowing about it. Well, some guys could, but I wasn’t that type of guy.

  Who did I prefer? My mind struggled to grasp at three beautiful straws. Maybe I should break this down: personality, intelligence, and, maybe I was shallow, but looks were important too.

  Who had the best personality? I hardly knew Kim, but Kelly was the clear winner when compared to Katherine. Kelly was fun, outgoing, supportive, and interested in my life. Katherine was selfish and only interested in what I could give her. Okay, maybe that wasn’t fair. She was really honest about her situation. But still, if I had to choose right now, to cast two aside and make some sort of commitment based on personality, it would be Kelly. The thought of her giggling over dinner and singing songs in her car made my heart warm.

  All three of them seemed intelligent, although I really didn’t know enough about Kim in this category. Kelly and I seemed to have more to talk about when we were together, and that was definitely important. Again, I seemed to be choosing Kelly.

  All three of them were beautiful. It was impossible for me to decide which one I liked more. Kelly was taller than Kim and Katherine, which I liked. But Katherine had almost the perfect amount of curves, which I also liked. Kim wasn’t short compared to most women, but, when compared to the six-foot Kelly and the almost six-foot Katherine, she looked like a shrimp. Kim also lacked any sort of curves, but made up for it with the tightest pussy I have ever felt. Katherine was an amazing lover, and even though I had only been inside of Kim once, it was an unforgettable experience. Kelly satisfied me in bed, but I couldn’t help but feel her lacking when I unfairly compared her to Kim and Katherine. It also helped Kim and Katherine’s tally when I thought about both of them as a package deal. It might be hard to be sexually satisfied by one woman when you could have two.

  The more I pondered the three women, the less decisive I became. Who did I spend time thinking about when I wasn’t with them? I would be lying to myself if I said my mind hadn’t been filled with thoughts of Kim and Katherine for most of the day. Kelly had almost been pushed out of my head completely by the sexual escapades of Saturday night. But then again, I wasn’t even thinking about Katherine or Kim until this weekend when Katherine came on to me. I spent time thinking about Kelly often. We did have fun together, and I missed her when she wasn’t around. But still, it didn’t feel like love, or at least what it had felt like with a few girls in high school, when I had first kissed and then done more interesting things with them.

  I remember thinking of nothing but the girl for months while my schoolwork suffered. Of course, things eventually turned cold and then sour with my childhood sweethearts, but wasn’t love supposed to be like tunnel vision focused around the one who was our heart’s desire? With Kelly, I felt like a normal, functioning member of society.

  Suddenly, I realized there was a girl I thought about almost constantly. One who flittered in and out of my mind all the time. She was completely unhealthy for me; she mystified me, and she was trying to tempt me.


  I groaned in despair and realized I couldn’t make a decision right now, but I needed to make one before Kelly and I slept together again. It wasn’t fair to her to progress any further in our relationship until we established what our intentions were to each other. I assumed she wanted us to be exclusive, since that is what I would want from someone I was dating seriously, and sleeping with, but she could want something different. If she did want to be exclusive would I stop with Katherine and Kim?

  As I lay on the couch, randomly flipping through channels and thinking about the girls, my phone buzzed. It was Aimee.

  I don’t think Katherine is right for you.

  I felt my anger rise. It was easier to get frustrated and mad at her when I wasn’t looking at her.

  Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind. Have a good night.

  Maybe I was being too nice? Maybe I should have just told her
to fuck off. The phone beeped again almost immediately.

  She will just use you.

  Use me for what? Sex? Maybe I am okay with that :-)

  She is using you to make me jealous. She’s always been competitive with me.

  I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Aimee seemed so normal ninety-five percent of the time. Smart, charming, beautiful, but this didn’t make any sense. But, I did know girls were competitive, even more so than boys. Did she honestly think she was the center of the universe? She had a bigger ego than Katherine. I took a few minutes to ponder what I would text back. I had to play nice with her; Jack was smitten with her, and I didn’t want to put him between us.

  This isn’t about you. I can make my own decisions. Have a good night.

  Fine. TTYL.

  I breathed a sigh of relief and put the phone back on the coffee table. I focused on the TV for a few minutes and then yawned. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, but the clock said it was only six thirty and I hadn’t had dinner yet. I groaned as the phone buzzed with a text. I thought it was Aimee again, but I didn’t recognize the number.

  Had a great time last night. Hope you did too. Maybe you can call me sometime? XOXO ~ Kim

  Her cuteness came through even in her text messages. I felt a smile creep across my face, but then I started thinking about the predicament I was in with Kelly.

  I had a great time too! :-D

  Then I made sure the phone saved her number. I realized I didn’t even know her last name and sighed. I was an asshole. My life had certainly taken an unexpected turn in the last few weeks, and I suddenly felt exhausted. Mom always told me I never ate enough, but I couldn’t stand the thought of consciousness anymore and didn’t want to cook dinner.

  I wanted to forget about Kim, Kelly, Katherine, Jack, and, most of all, Aimee, for the night. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, then stumbled to bed. I think I was out before my head hit the pillow.

  Chapter 19

  “Hey baby, I’m back, but I’ve got terrible news.” Kelly said on my phone. I was heading to work after my Monday morning classes.

  “Uh oh. I don’t like terrible news.”

  “Yeah, I know, sorry. I really miss you, but I’ve got matches and practices pretty much every night this week. So we can’t hang out.” I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

  “Ah, that does suck. Can I come to a game or something?” I asked hopefully, and then I remembered they were called “matches” and each “match” consisted of “games.”

  “Totally! That would be great. Oh, I really want to see you again. Wednesday should be good! We are playing San Diego State. I think it starts at seven o’clock.”

  “Okay, great. I’ll come then. Maybe we can do lunch or something?” It was a shot in the dark. As I recalled, she had almost exactly the opposite schedule to me.

  “The only day I have free is Wednesday, and I think you have work, right?”

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  “Oh!” She suddenly gasped in excitement, “but I don’t have any volleyball this weekend. It’s, like, the only weekend I’m going to have off for the next two months. I was talking with my brothers, and we may go up to Gorman this weekend to go off-roading and camping. Do you want to come? I mean, it might be kinda cold, but we can share a tent and keep each other warm.” She giggled at the last part; her voice was thick with excitement.

  To be honest, I wasn’t much of an outdoors person. Growing up in the suburbs gave me a dislike of cities and a fear of anything too rural. But I had never done anything like it before, so it would be fun to try dirt bike riding or whatever activities Kelly liked to do. I could also tell it was important to her.

  “Where is Gorman at?” I also didn’t want to spend more than five hours in the car getting to some remote location.

  “It’s north off the 5, past Pyramid Lake, right before Frasier. Will take us, like, an hour and a half to get there. Forty-five minutes if you let me drive your car!” We laughed at her comment.

  “Yeah, it sounds like fun. Your brothers will be cool with me tagging along?” I forgot exactly how many brothers she had, but I somewhat recalled the number to be around four.

  “Oh yeah, they are all bringing girlfriends, wives, and kids. No worries. They’ll like you!” She sounded so happy. I suddenly realized I liked making her happy. A lot. “I gotta go. See you Wednesday, and I’ll confirm plans and stuff then. I’ve got camping stuff, so you don’t have to worry about bringing anything besides clothes and a warm coat. Oh wait, you’ll also need a pair of boots that cover your ankles. “

  “Okay, sounds good. I think I have boots like that. Talk to you then.”

  “Buhhhyyyyeee!” She drew it out before she hung up.

  Work was great. I was still getting used to the job, but my percentage of leads that turned into appointments was increasing. I hardly ever saw Michael. In fact, there didn’t really seem to be any one in charge of the office. I didn’t know enough about the business or the industry to tell was it was supposed to be like, but it seemed like the back-end support didn’t work that hard.

  On my way home, I got a call from another unknown number. I hit the speakerphone so I wouldn’t have to hold it up to my ear.

  “Hello, this is Eric.”

  “Hey buddy, it’s Brent.”

  “Oh, hey dude. How’s it going?” I was surprised, but tried not to let it come out in my voice.

  “It’s going well. Are you in the car right now?”

  “Yeah, just heading home from work. What are you doing?”

  “Just hanging out with Sam. I hope you don’t mind me calling you…” He hesitated.

  “Oh no, dude! That’s totally cool. What’s going on?”

  “Well… Remember that band I was talking to you about? They are playing tomorrow night in North Hollywood. Should be an awesome show, and some industry folks my dad knows are going to be there. I was going to go with Sam after dinner to check them out, and I wanted to know if you would be down to go.” I was pretty flattered. I guess Brent had gotten to like me now that I wasn’t competition for girls.

  “Yeah, that sounds great! I’d love to go check them out. You said they sounded pretty good. What time and where?”

  “They are playing at ten-ish. I’ll text you the address.” He sounded happy.

  “Great. Thanks for inviting me.”

  “Oh, one more thing. Can you bring Katherine or another girl? Then we could make it like a double date. I don’t want you to feel like a third wheel. Sam and I are pretty into each other right now… you know how it is, right?” He said with an apology.

  “Oh yeah I get it… Ummmm….” I started to think. I recalled that Katherine said she was busy with volleyball all week. Shit, Kelly was busy too. I also figured Kim would be busy, since she was on the team with Katherine. “Katherine is actually busy all week with matches. Ugh. Sorry, I don’t really have anyone else I can invite. I won’t feel like a third wheel though.”

  “Okay. We’ll figure something out. I’m fucking happy you are going to come though. No one else really seems into music as much as me, besides you. So, I’ll talk to you tomorrow night.” We exchanged goodbyes and then hung up.

  Chapter 20

  On my way home from work the next day, Brent called me again.

  “Hey dude. What’s up?” I asked as I hit the speakerphone.

  “Nothing much, dude. You’re still coming tonight, right?”

  “Yeah, totally. I wouldn’t miss it!” I was pretty stoked to be invited, and thinking about the show kept my mind off the women situation I was in.

  “Okay, cool. Samantha got you a date for the show tonight, so you don’t have to feel like a third wheel.” He sounded far away on the phone, and I had to struggle to hear.

  “Oh… okay. So, you guys are going to meet me there or… do I need to pick her up?” I started to get nervous. I had never been on a blind date, but I’d heard horrible stories about them.

“Sam and I are going to catch a movie and some dinner, so we’ll meet you guys there. You know where Aimee lives, right?”

  “She lives in Bel Air, right? She’s going to come too?” I must have sounded annoyed. I didn’t want to hang out with her tonight.

  “Yeah, dude. She’s your date! Jack has some LSAT class or something. Sam told her we were going and that you didn’t have a date. Do you have her phone number? You probably better get directions from her.” His voice trailed off, and I heard a wall of static. Fuck. This was not good. Actually, this was horrible. I yelled Brent’s name into the phone, but the screen said it was disconnected. I had full bars, so it must have been on his end.

  I needed a way to get out of this. I could not spend the evening, hanging out with Aimee. Sam and Brent were going to be so into each other that I might as well just be alone with Aimee. I already committed to Brent that I would come tonight. Fuck, we started off the conversation confirming I would come, so I couldn’t pretend I was sick now.

  My mind ran through a half dozen possible solutions to the problem. The only thing that came somewhat close to acceptable would be to have Aimee drive herself to and from the show. Picking her up and taking her home would be too risky. Also, it really didn’t make a lot of sense for me to pick her up. Bel Air, North Hollywood, and my apartment made a perfect triangle that involved me going up and down the 405 grade four times to get the job done.

  As I pulled into my apartment complex, my phone rang. I figured it was Brent calling me back.

  “Hello?” I asked

  “Hey Eric. So, what time are you going to come get me tonight?” Her voice sounded sweet across the phone.

  “Listen, Aimee, I was wondering if you would be okay to drive yourself. It doesn’t make much sense for me to come get you. You are actually closer to North Hollywood than I am.” I tried not to sound like I was pleading.


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