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Page 17

by Jay Lawrence

  "Oh, for fuck's sake, Mr. W!"

  Sally raised her head and scanned the house. Not a sign of her sadistic neighbor. She called out.

  "Mr. Wilberforce!"

  No response. A little louder and sweeter.

  "Mr. Wil-ber-force!"


  Sally gathered her considerable lung power and bellowed like a baseball mom on the bleachers.


  An outraged face appeared at the kitchen window. In a few moments, Mr. Wilberforce appeared, carrying condoms, lube and a small selection of kitchen implements. If anything, his member had grown firmer. Sally gasped.

  "There's no need to inform the entire neighborhood, Mrs. Roberts. I will not tolerate such vulgarity. Now, head down, bottom up!"

  Sally assumed the position. Her heavy thighs were parted, the heady scent of her pussy musk reached Mr. Wilberforce's delicate nose.

  "First, the spatula."

  "The what?"

  Sally squealed as something small and flat but very stingy made contact with her trembling buttocks.


  Slap, slap, slap went the spatula against Sally's naked bottom, making her wriggle and shriek. Mr. Wilberforce showed little mercy and soon Sally's ass cheeks were scarlet and throbbing. Her cunt was approaching meltdown. With each short sharp shock a monstrous orgasm came a little bit closer.

  "Oh my!"

  Mr. Wilberforce knelt behind Sally, his spanking arm working so fast it was amazing he didn't get cramp in his biceps. Actually, he did have a touch of cramp but that minor detail wasn't going to stop him giving the saucy blonde minx the hide-tanning of her lifetime.

  "Turn over, Mrs. Roberts. Spread your cunt lips."

  Sally Roberts gasped at the coarse words coming from her superior neighbor's mouth. The shock only added to her arousal. It was so damned sexy when a stuck-up, so-called sophisticated person got down and dirty. Slowly, trembling with anticipation, she maneuvered herself onto her back. The tiles around the pool felt cool beneath her back and her huge breasts swelled wantonly through the sopping top. Mr. Wilberforce's enormous dick loomed above her, casting a long meaty shadow across her damp pink face.

  "It's so fucking big!"

  Mr. Wilberforce frowned.

  "Language, Mrs. Roberts. I told you to spread your cunt lips. Do it."

  Sally's trembling hands found her pussy. Her fingers played over the slick plump vulva, slipping across the cushiony depths of her stunningly moist cunt. As best she could, she opened herself wide, creating a highway to heaven.

  "Fuck me," she whispered, closing her eyes in a strange blend of ecstasy and desperation. "Oh God, will you fuck me, please?"

  "Put your legs over your head."


  "You heard me. Pretend you're doing yoga. You're a fit young woman. I'm sure you can cope. When you're in the desired position, you shall have a taste of my, um, manhood."

  Bemused, Sally raised her legs, still holding her pussy lips open. She couldn't quite manage to get her legs over her head but her bottom lifted nicely from the tiles and that was exactly the effect Mr. Wilberforce desired.

  Mr. Wilberforce picked up a wooden spoon.

  "You have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy doing this, Mrs. Roberts."

  "What the fuck?"

  "Language, Mrs. Roberts!"

  Deftly, Mr. Wilberforce dipped the tip of the spoon handle into lube. He placed the slippery rod against Sally's rosebud anus, which was already slick with pussy juice. Affecting a Southern drawl he began to insert the tip of the spoon handle.

  "Ah'm gonna fuck your ass!"

  Sally squealed. The sensation was incredible – so hard – and, in her wide-open, super-exposed position, she felt incredibly vulnerable, almost violated in her most private place. Actually, she was no anal virgin but no one had ever slipped a kitchen implement in there. The fast-track journey to orgasm ramped up several notches.

  Mr. Wilberforce hesitated with the spoon inserted just a fraction of an inch into Sally's asshole. Sadistically, he gently withdrew it again.

  "Fuck me you bastard! Fuck me you fucking sadist! Fuck me or I'll fill your fucking pool with fucking grass and fucking leaves every fucking day! FUCK ME YOU PRICK!!!"

  Mr. Wilberforce stiffened. That is, his body stiffened. His cock had no further to go.

  "I make the demands, Mrs. Roberts. You watch your language and take what I give you."

  "FUCK ME THEN! Or won't it stay up when it's in me?"

  Mr. Wilberforce's face reddened in anger. He pulled the spoon out and threw it in the pool.

  "This is what fat little bitch whores get. You asked for it – here it is!"

  Sally squealed and tried to lower her legs. Before she could move more than two inches she heard the brief rustle of a condom packet and then felt his meaty cock-head at her anus. She thought for a moment he would ease his way in, but none of it. With a single thrust his cock disappeared to the hilt. Sally screamed in a medley of pain and ecstasy.

  Mr. Wilberforce withdrew almost all the way, then thrust again, all in the space of a second. The next second he did the same again. Then again. And again, sixty times in a minute. Mr. Wilberforce, for all his fuddy-duddy ways, was a fit man.

  Sally screamed and shrieked non-stop, with no time to take a breath between each thrust. Her arms waved, her hands grasped. She found the lapels of Mr. Wilberforce's tuxedo jacket. She dug her fingers into the material, twisted and turned, felt the pressure on her finger nails. She could not hear the ripping sound over her yells.

  Mr. Wilberforce could. He could hear a moth nibbling at a handkerchief three rooms away, never mind a busty faux-blonde ripping his best jacket to shreds. What to do? A silent battle raged in his head – best jacket or best ever orgasm? For once, his formidable self-control wavered. On and on he thrust, his strong lean hips pounding against Sally's deliciously fleshy ass. His cock was on auto-pilot as his hands reached forward to grasp her wrists.

  "Let –go – of – my – jacket."

  Sally's luscious bottom ground and wobbled like Jell-O on springs. Her huge boobs oozed out on either side of her body as whipped cream from a squashed éclair. Her hot pink nails clutched and scratched at Mr. Robert's $1,000 jacket. Sally was working on a monstrous orgasm and high-end tailoring was the last thing on her mind. Unable to speak, her pained shrieks swiftly settled into a deep pleasurable moaning as her neighbor's world-class shaft savagely reamed her stretched-to-the-limit ass.

  Mr. Roberts was seeing stars. Incredible sensations played up and down the length of his plunging cock and swirled in his drum-tight balls. The slut was so hot, so damned good... But she was ruining his jacket. The more he tried to pull her hands away from the cloth, the more she clutched at it in a kind of fuck-driven spasm. He was effectively causing more damage. Furious with frustration, Mr. Roberts released her arms and grasped the straps of Sally's rucked-up soaking wet top.

  "Go – home – naked – you – slut!"

  Sally was past caring. Her orgasm was building to the point of no return. In fact, she groaned in pleasure as her neighbor's strong fingers ripped her skimpy sun-top to shreds. It was just the kind of wild act to take her over the edge. The poolside tiles felt hard and cold beneath her back as she began to scream. He was so big, so hard, it was all so fucking good...

  Mr. Wilberforce closed his eyes. He felt Sally's warm, deep asshole contract around his solid, steadily thrusting cock. Her broad buttocks quivered with shocks. He was coming too, close on her heels. So slick, so hot, so good... Remnants of wet cotton cloth fell from his hands as he shot his load deep inside Sally's pulsing ass.

  "What the hell you doin'?"

  Limp with post-coital fatigue, the couple looked round to see Luisa, Mr. Wilberforce's Hispanic daily help, standing by the pool with a shocked expression on her face. Mr. Wilberforce's heart sank. He'd completely forgotten that she was coming, a little later than usua
l, to set his en-suite bathroom to rights. Oh lord.

  "I can explain..."

  "I don' t'ink you can, Mister Wil'fos!"

  Horrified, Luisa backed away, her exotic features registering disapproval and fear.

  "An' wit' Sally Roberts!"

  Her tone was prim with disgust. Sally glared.

  "You have a problem with me? I'm not good enough to get shafted by Mr. W here?"

  Luisa's olive cheeks blushed. Mr. Wilberforce noticed that she was wearing a rather short skirt. What lovely legs she had. And those heels. A little high and spiky for cleaning the shower. Obviously, the pool-side session had gone to his head. Why had he never appreciated just how attractive his housekeeper was? The girl was a regular doll.

  "You watch whose ass you're in, mister!"

  Sally had seen Mr. Wilberforce's eyes wander to Luisa's thighs. And felt his slowly deflating tumescence resurge.

  Mr. Wilberforce had been ready to disengage slowly, almost kindly. The impulse left him. Abruptly he pulled out of Sally's ass and his erection pointed to the sky.

  Luisa gasped.

  "El toro!"

  Mr. Wilberforce's knowledge of the Cuban language, or Spanish or whatever they spoke, was limited, but he vaguely remembered from an old film that toro was associated with a very large animal. In at least two senses.

  "El toro!"

  Luisa's Latin temperament took charge. With three strides she was across the pool side, elbowed Sally out of the way, whipped the condom off Mr. Wilberforce's startled dick, sank to her knees, and took a respectable proportion of him in her mouth.

  Mr. Wilberforce's eyes widened in an extremity of startlement. He had had occasion before to bestow the tonsils of ladies with his largesse, but none before had taken so much of his largesse so deep – and kept up a rhythmic suction while apparently still managing to breathe.

  "El toro?! El fucking slutto!"

  Sally struggled to her feet from the sprawl Luisa's elbow had sent her in and lurched across the deck. She took a fistful of Luisa's thick dark hair and leaned back viciously.

  "Mrs. Roberts! No! She may bite . . ."

  Mr. Wilberforce felt teeth slide down his cock and with relief realized his skin was intact.

  Sally sprawled on the deck with Luisa on top her, spitting and trying to turn to meet her assailant. Wisely, Sally strived to maintain the status quo.

  "Le' me at yo', yo' fat Yankee bitch...!"

  "Shut it, you greasy slut whore...!"

  The volume was impressive. Insults and screams echoed round the pool, and Mr. Wilberforce thought he could hear echoes from neighboring properties.




  Now Mr. Wilberforce knew he could hear echoes from neighboring properties. His reputation was at risk. Firm action was called for. An executive decision. Yes, decisive, that was it.

  Mr. Wilberforce decided.

  Mr. Wilberforce leaned down, gathered the struggling women in his arms, straightened, momentarily heard two startled cries interrupt their invective, and heaved them into the pool.

  There was a minor tidal wave in the turquoise water then two heads bobbed up, both coughing and spluttering. The outraged expression was the same in any language. Mr. Wilberforce looked down at the two women. It was a rather enjoyable sight. Sally was naked but for a leftover rag of skimpy top which had somehow managed to twist itself round her neck like a scarf. Her vast breasts floated on top of the water like a pair of fleshy life-preservers. Luisa's pert young boobs were quite small by comparison but they had a delicious life of their own. Clearly defined through a white blouse made almost transparent by the drenching, the housekeeper's large dark nipples beckoned to Mr. Wilberforce.

  "It's time you took a dip, Mr. W!"

  "Si. Senor is way too dry!"

  Oops. Mr. Wilberforce saw the steely glint in two pairs of female eyes, one set blue, the other deep brown. Mrs. Roberts began to swim towards the edge of the pool, closely followed by his housekeeper. He stood his ground on the wet tiles. Two against one. Well, he was a strong man. He worked out. He'd take his chances.

  "Way too dry." Sally pulled herself up over the rim of the pool, her curvy suntanned body dripping all over his $500 shoes. It would be so easy just to push her back in. Mr. Wilberforce put his hands on his hips. His cock and will remained firm and unyielding. Luisa had taken an easier route and was de-pooling via the steps. His gaze automatically swiveled to take in her firm young body. Not surprisingly, she had lost her shoes. The thin blouse and mini skirt clung to her smooth olive skin, emphasizing tight high breasts and deliciously pert buttocks. Mr. Wilberforce swallowed hard.

  "Time for your bath!"

  In his moment's distraction, Sally darted forwards and grabbed him firmly by the cock. Mr. Wilberforce yelped, as most men do when their manhood is compromised. Luisa advanced, a toreador expression in her eyes.

  "Come now, ladies! Enough is enough. I'm sure we can talk this over..."

  Mr. Wilberforce's sentence ended with a sharp upwards inflection as Sally tightened her grasp on his monstrous member. He could pull himself away but at what cost? His balls felt as if they would pop with the pressure of her iron grip.

  "El toro is not such a big boy bull now, huh?"

  Mr. Wilberforce shivered as Luisa ran her delicate fingertips up and down his back. The women's quarrel was forgotten. Now, they turned on him, as one.

  "Cold shower time!"

  "Unhand me, woman!" said Mr. Wilberforce sternly. "Let go at once!"

  Sally gave a theatrical shudder.

  "Ooh, aren't you the dominant one! Please have mercy on poor little me. I didn't mean any harm, oh master!"

  Sally sank to her haunches and lowered her head. After a moment she peered upward at Mr. Wilberforce from under long lashes. Her lower lip quivered in fear.

  "Oh, please don't punish me sir!"

  The effect was complete apart from one detail. Throughout her submissive collapse Sally kept a firm grip on Mr. Wilberforce's cock. If anything her grip tightened.

  Mr. Wilberforce, after one fleeting moment of delighted anticipation, faced reality. He could not pull away from Sally's imprisonment without risking a harm, which he did not care to contemplate. Therefore, applying impeccable logic, he perforce must adopt a different strategy to free himself.

  Like all the best strategies, Mr. Wilberforce's was simple. He reached out with both hands, one to grasp Sally firmly by the hair and the other to pry her fingers away from his endangered manhood.

  "Naughty man!"

  With a start Mr. Wilberforce realized his strategy, simple and foolproof though it appeared, had a fatal flaw. Or rather, the assembled cast provided the flaw.

  He never quite worked out how, but of a sudden he found his arms pinioned behind his back and a husky Cuban whisper in his ear.

  "Have a care, Mister Wil'fos!. I grow up wit' eight brothers and I a virgin when I leave home at eighteen years! One wrong twitchy an' I snap yo' brazos like number five brother at carnival time!"

  Mr. Wilberforce, big and strong as he was, saw the value of discretion in relation to valor. Not least because as Luisa twisted his arms, so Sally twisted his cock.

  "He likes it!" Sally experimented with another twist. She fluttered her eyelashes and pouted.

  "Please don't hurt me, mister big stern man!"

  She twisted again and felt a gratifying throbbing grow in her hand.

  "I'll do anything for you!" she lisped.

  To prove it, Sally did something for Mr. Wilberforce. She did something Mr. Wilberforce had never before experienced in just that way.

  Sally lifted her head shyly and her mouth approached the tip of Mr. Wilberforce's resurgent cock. Her lips opened around it, but did not touch. She hesitated. Luisa applied a little pressure to his arms. The slight pain emphasized the frustrated pounding of his member.

  Sally was quite still. After an eon Mr. Wilberforce felt a sensation on
that most sensitive of areas on the underside of his member, just behind and below the engorged purple helmet. Something tiny and hard made a small pattern against his flesh.

  Mr. Wilberforce groaned aloud and all but collapsed in Luisa's arms.

  Sally's tongue stud moved again, delivering a micro-massage of incredible potency. Again she stopped and gazed up at her captive "master", fluttering her thick wet lashes in mock coyness while the housekeeper held him fast with a surprisingly powerful grip. Mr. Wilberforce began to feel intensely teased. Delicious sensations surged in his cock each time Sally's hot wet tongue ran up and down the length of his shaft then ebbed away as she stopped to make silly slave girl faces at him. Mr. Wilberforce, being a control freak, was not a happy camper.

  However, something had diverted Sally's attention. The recent drenching had caused the housekeeper's blouse to mold to her lovely breasts and the late afternoon sun illuminated her exciting pointy nipples to perfection. Sally remembered that she liked girls. Sometimes she liked girls very much indeed. Wickedly, she sucked Mr. Wilberforce's bursting cock into her mouth and on down her throat, almost gagging on the thick shaft that pressed insistently against her tonsils. Adeptly, she deep-throated him until she could feel him almost – but not quite – reach the point of no return. Then she stopped in her tracks. Mr. Wilberforce howled as Sally rocked back on her heels and his pulsing member shot back out of her mouth. She no longer wanted cock, even a world-class cut of meat like Mr. W's. She wanted hot Cuban pussy.

  "Luisa, sweetie, didn't we mention a nice cold shower?"

  The housekeeper nodded, Latina fire still sparking from her gorgeous mahogany eyes.

  "Si, Senora Roberts!"

  Mr. Wilberforce sighed. A cold shower was not what he had in mind. His cock throbbed wistfully as the two women frog-marched him across the patio, Sally leading him by his dangling dong like some poor beast to market, Luisa doing a passable impersonation of a concentration camp guard. They shuffled in through the French doors of Mr. Wilberforce's bedroom and headed straight for the en-suite bath.

  "Okay ladies, enough is enough. I am going to be late, you have ruined my clothing and this is all quite unnecess-"

  Mr. Wilberforce's last word was drowned by the sound of the shower being turned on full and cold. Unceremoniously, he was pushed into the clear glass cabinet and the door closed with a bang. Swiftly, Luisa pulled a stray hair elastic from her mass of wet curls and secured the shower door with it.


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