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Claiming Their Racy Sub [Racy Nights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Tara Rose

  The night Donnie McCoy had returned, he’d hidden in the closet in the back room during the chaos of opening day, and when Kari had gone downstairs to make sure she’d set the alarm, he’d attacked her. Fresh guilt washed over Alexa as she recalled asking Kari about the alarm that night. If she hadn’t asked her…

  But she stopped those thoughts. She and Julie had discussed that night, and Alexa knew it wouldn’t have made a difference who had gone to check the alarm. Donnie would still have been hiding in the back room. But he wasn’t there now. He was dead.

  The noise sounded again, and Alexa stifled a scream. What had she heard? It sounded like something had fallen. But the alarm was on, and no one was hiding in the closet in the back room. She should simply go down there and investigate. It was probably nothing. She was just overreacting.

  She grabbed her phone and crept down the sweeping staircase, listening. The clock on the wall ticked, just like it did every day, but the wind seemed louder down here. Passing headlights on the street outside illuminated the inside of the shop. Alexa flipped on the bank of lights at the bottom of the stairs and glanced around. Nothing appeared out of place.

  She walked around the shop, admiring the rows of merchandise. All their stock had finally arrived, and they were just as busy this week as they’d been before Christmas, when they’d opened with less than half of what Kari had ordered. They’d both been so worried about the town’s reaction to Kari opening a sex shop, but it had been for nothing. The town, with the exception of a small group of residents who had written a letter to the editor of the local paper condemning their shop, had welcomed Kari, Alexa, and their shop.

  Alexa glanced around at the gleaming mahogany counters, the parquet floor, and the purple, lime, turquoise, and pink neon colors that she and Kari had hand-painted on the walls.

  She walked around straightening lingerie on hangers and brushing dust off the tops of boxes. It was so different owning her own shop. There was a lot to do, but she embraced it, learning along with Kari. What would her mother say if she could see her now?

  A sigh escaped her throat as she recalled the image of her mother, dead from a drug overdose on her bed. Alexa had found her one morning. Only Julie knew that Alexa had been more relieved than sad. Her mother was finally at peace.

  The noise sounded again from the back room, and Alexa’s hand froze on the vibrator display she’d been readjusting. It had to be the wind. She stared at the closed door for a long time before punching in Luke’s number, only because his bar was closer to the shop than Chase’s condo. It went to voice mail, and Alexa hesitated but finally left him a message asking him to call her as soon as possible.

  Then she called Chase. He’d be home and more likely able to come over quickly. Luke was working, and she didn’t want him to have to leave his bar in the middle of business hours. She also had no idea how long it would be before he checked his voice mail, and this couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Chase, it’s me. I’m sorry to bother you but—”

  “Alexa.” He cut her off. The relief in his voice was unmistakable. Her heart gave a strange lurch at the sound of it. “You’re not bothering me. It’s so good to hear from you. How are you?”

  “I’m not sure. Can you come over? I’m alone in the house and I keep hearing a noise I can’t identify.”

  “On my way.” The call disconnected so quickly Alexa thought she’d lost it. She stood in the middle of the shop, debating whether to wait for him or open the door to the back room herself. She finally began to climb the stairs to wait for Chase upstairs. With each step, she stopped and listened for the sound again.

  * * * *

  Chase broke at least four traffic laws racing to Alexa’s house. All the lights were on downstairs when he arrived. He was about to knock on the door when she came down the stairs. He watched her turn off the alarm and then she opened the door and fell into his arms.

  Her scent filled his head, and there was nothing he could do about the fact that his dick grew rock hard in a matter of seconds. He’d missed her so much it was painful. “What’s going on? Are you okay?” She looked like she hadn’t slept in days. There were dark circles under her beautiful eyes, and her skin was puffy and pale.

  “I don’t know what the noise is. The alarm was on when Kari left.”

  He glanced around the shop. Nothing was disturbed. It was most likely the wind, but he didn’t care. She’d called him, and he was here now. He wouldn’t leave her alone. “Where does it seem to be coming from?”

  She pointed toward the back room. Chase took a deep breath. Donnie had been hiding in a closet back there. He was dead, of course, and Chase didn’t believe anyone was back there now, but his pulse quickened just the same.

  The door in the back room that led to the outside had been replaced with a steel core one, and Adison had rigged up a better security system than the one they’d originally had. No one was getting inside this shop while it was armed unless they crashed through the walls.

  “Let’s go check it out, okay?”

  She nodded, her eyes big and full of trust. His heart swelled. She knew he’d keep her safe. It was more than he’d dared to hope for. Ever since she’d told him and Luke what Brad had done to her, all Chase had wanted to do was protect her and help her forget it. Was that even possible? He hadn’t yet lived down his own past. How could he expect Alexa to do what he couldn’t?

  “Are you sure? Should we call the cops?”

  He bit back a smile. “No. We’re going to do this, Alexa. I know you can, okay?”

  Marianne, his wife of three years, had never looked at him like Alexa did now. But he didn’t want to think about Marianne right now or why she’d left him five years ago. He wanted to go into the back room and obliterate Alexa’s fears.

  “Okay.” She took his hand, and he was shocked to find it cold and clammy. She was terrified.

  Chase opened the door to the back room and flipped on the light. Nothing was disturbed. The door to the outside was locked and the windows were intact. He walked inside and opened the bathroom door. The scent of lilacs permeated the air, no doubt from the potpourri in a basket on top of the tank. He then opened the door to the closet where Donnie had been hiding. A broom fell, eliciting a tiny yelp from Alexa, but nothing else was in there except the rest of their cleaning supplies.

  He righted the broom and closed the door. “You probably just heard the wind outside. It’s shaping up to be quite a storm they say.”

  “Yeah. Saw that on The Weather Channel.”

  “Want me to stay with you for a while?”

  “You wouldn’t mind? Don’t you have to get up for work?”

  Chase smiled. “Alexa, I haven’t slept worth shit since Sunday night.”

  “Neither have I.”

  “Then let’s go upstairs and talk. Or watch TV. Or anything. Just let me spend time with you.” He reached for her hand, unsure of whether or not she’d agree to his offer. He honestly didn’t care what they did, as long as he could spend time with her. He’d do anything to erase the fear in her eyes.

  Chapter Seven

  Alexa took his hand and turned off the light as they exited the room. She felt like a prize idiot. It had only been the wind after all. She made sure the alarm was on then led Chase upstairs. The large front bedroom she and Kari had converted into a living room featured a big-screen TV that all the guys loved. It pulled them in and mesmerized them, but tonight Alexa didn’t mind competing with the television. She just didn’t want to be alone.

  He picked up the remote and began to flip through channels. “Is Kari staying here tonight?”

  “I doubt it. Do you want something to eat or drink?”

  He shook his head. “There’s a Bette Davis movie on. Want to watch that?

  Alexa smiled at him. “I never pictured you as a fan of old movies.”

  “She reminds me of my aunt Tess. Did I ever tell you about her?”

  Alexa shook her head as she tucked her legs underne
ath her body and snuggled back against the sofa cushions.

  “She was a chain-smoking, hard-boiled woman, but if we needed anything, she was there. Once my brother Reece and I were almost thrown in jail for vandalism. Stupid kid shit, you know. Aunt Tess was behind closed doors with the cop for what seemed liked a very long time, and when she finally came out of the office, they just sent us home.”

  “Wow. What did you do?”

  He shrugged. “Spray-painted a few houses. Stupid shit, like I said. Aunt Tess smacked us both upside our heads and made us clean the paint off the houses. She told us if we ever did anything like that again she’d beat the shit out of us.”

  Alexa laughed. She could listen to the sound of Chase’s voice for hours. It was deep and sexy, and so soothing.

  “You laugh, but she would have done it, and it would have hurt like hell. She was as big as an ox. She grew up chopping wood and baling hay.”

  “How old were you?”

  “Ten, and Reece was nine. We were born eleven months apart, and used to like to pretend we were twins, since we had one month every year when technically we were the same age.”

  Alexa had no siblings. She’d longed for a sister when she was younger. “That must have been wonderful. To grow up with a brother so close in age.”

  “We protected each other, but when one of us got into trouble, the other always did, too.” He gave her a thoughtful look. “Do you have siblings?”

  “No. I’m an only child.”

  “Ah…spoiled rotten I bet.”

  She averted her gaze. “Not even close. Are you sure you don’t want something? I’m going to get some juice.”

  He was behind her as she took the juice carton out of the fridge. Strong arms encircled her. His scent filled her head, and Alexa couldn’t help the moan that escaped her throat as his erection pressed against her lower back.

  “Alexa, I’m sorry. I’ve upset you.”

  “No, no you didn’t, Chase. It’s just been a long day.”

  “It’s been a long two days without you. I’ve missed you so much.”

  She turned in his arms. He took the carton from her and placed it on the table. Then he took her arms and draped them around his shoulders. Alexa couldn’t look away from his eyes. They were more green than gold tonight, almost like emeralds. She’d never seen eyes so beautiful. “I’ve missed you, too,” she whispered. Arousal built slowly, spreading through her body like warm liquid, filling the cold, dark places that had been so frightened and lonely.

  When he kissed her, she forgot all about noises and the wind. She put thoughts of her past out of her mind and instead pressed closer to Chase. His hard body was warm and comforting. She wanted to be in his arms tonight.

  He released her, walked into the living room, and flipped off the TV, and she followed. When he turned around, the look he gave her was so smoldering and full of lust that Alexa’s breath caught in her throat. He crossed the room, a question in his eyes.


  As soon as she said it, he picked her up in his arms. He started to walk down the hall then stopped, a sheepish look on his face. “Which room is yours, Alexa?”

  She giggled and nodded toward the end of the hallway. “Second one on the left.”

  “Talk about Prince Charming tripping over his feet,” he muttered.

  “No, not at all. You’re perfect, Chase Taylor.”

  “And you’re beautiful, Alexa Monahan,” he whispered.

  He put her down to open the door, then picked her up again and laid her gently on the bed. She pulled him close and wrapped her arms and legs around him as he kissed her again. The man knew how to use his mouth. Desire whipped through her body, fast and furious.

  Chase moved off her just long enough to shed his clothes, and Alexa wasted no time in removing hers. They were locked in a hot embrace, and she suddenly realized she had no condoms in her room. “Shit.”

  “What’s wrong, love?”

  “Condoms. We’ll have to use some from the shop.”

  “I’ll get them.”

  She sat up. “Chase…um…when you go downstairs, would you get one of the floggers as well?”

  His eyes flew open. “Are you sure?”

  “Oh, yes.” She was. She was surer of that than anything right now. She hadn’t stopped thinking about it since Sunday. She trusted him. It was time to put part of her past behind her, and she couldn’t think of a better time than now to do it. She wasn’t going to screw things up with him again.

  Chase pulled on his jeans so quickly he nearly fell over doing so. Alexa laughed, and he gave her a molten look. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She used the bathroom while he was gone, and when she returned to her room, he was walking down the hall, swinging a large blue-and-black-striped flogger. She shivered in anticipation as they went back into her room. He dropped a box of condoms on the nightstand and laid the flogger on the bed.

  As they fell into each other’s arms again, Alexa moaned. His hands were strong but gentle on her, kneading her breasts and playing with her nipples, teasing them to taut peaks. He traced a line with his tongue over each one, then down to her soaking wet pussy. He gently spread her legs and licked her, and then he sucked her clit until the orgasm crashed over her. Her cries filled the room. It amazed her how easily he’d been able to make her come.

  “Stand up.” She did as he asked. He took her hand and led her over to the dresser. “Lean against it. I don’t want to restrain you yet, Alexa. We need to go slowly.”

  Fresh desire washed over her. How could she refuse such an offer? He understood. He understood all of it. “Are you okay with that?” She knew he was dominant, and the fact he was even asking filled her with emotions she couldn’t name or understand. Brad had never asked her what she wanted, or if she was okay with something. Not once.

  Chase put down the flogger and cupped her face in both hands. His gaze was intense. “Alexa, remember what I told you? Being a Dom is more than tying someone up and spanking them. I know I’m not your Dom, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help you through this. What Brad did to you was horrible. No one should have to go through it. I want to make love to you. I want the gift of your submission. I want it more than I can tell you. But I won’t just take it from you. I want your trust more than anything right now, because without that, your submission isn’t whole. It’s not complete.”

  Alexa’s heart beat so loudly she was sure he could hear it. How she’d longed to hear words like this. Tears spilled down her cheeks, and he gently kissed them away.

  “We’re going to go slow. And if you want Luke to join us in the future, I’m okay with that. He’s as crazy about you as I am, and I know you have feelings for both of us. But tonight…let me have you tonight. I promise you I will honor your limits, and I promise I will not ask you to do anything you really don’t want to do.”

  “Oh, Chase…I want that. I want all of it.” Alexa turned around and leaned against the dresser, every nerve ending on fire. She was apprehensive, but her arousal was stronger. Her need for Chase outweighed the slivers of hot fear trying to force their way in. “Go ahead. Please. Use the flogger.”

  She heard the whistle before the first strike. It stung, but not nearly as much as she’d thought it would. Either he was holding back, or she could take more than she had thought she could. He struck her five times. His erratic breathing competed with the whistling of the flogger inside and the wind outside.

  “You okay?” His voice was raspy.

  “Yes. I like it. A lot. Please, sir…give me more.” The level of her arousal shocked Alexa. Her pussy was so wet that she was certain her juices were going to drip onto the carpet. Chase moaned as he struck her five more times, and still she wanted more. She leaned closer to the dresser and planted her feet, sticking out her ass.

  The stinging combined with the desire racing through her body spread throughout like warm water, healing the fear and the scars
. She’d craved this. To be taken but not forced, to be punished but not past the point where it became terrifying and hopeless. Chase wouldn’t push her beyond the place where it was no longer arousing.

  He groaned loudly and struck her harder now, ten times. She was about to use her safe word when he stopped, pulling her into his arms from behind. It was as if he’d known she’d nearly reached her limits. His dick pressed against her, wet and throbbing. He reached under her arms and caressed her breasts, then moved his hands to her pussy. Alexa cried out when he cupped it like a treasure to hold and admire.

  “I had to stop,” he whispered. “Because I’m so fucking turned on right now that if I hadn’t I would have hurt you without meaning to.”

  “Fuck me, Chase. Please.” She needed him inside her. She needed him to erase the bad memories and fill her with new ones. Good ones where she was cherished and loved, not hurt and used up.

  With another cry, he pulled her over to the bed and laid her facedown. He bunched up pillows under her hips so that her ass was in the air, and then he caressed her ass cheeks. His hands were rough over the sensitive areas, but Alexa didn’t protest. She loved it. She heard him slip on a condom, and then he teased the opening to her pussy with his dick.

  “Please,” she cried.

  Chase plunged inside and Alexa moaned loudly as wave after wave crashed over her. His cock grazed her G-spot over and over, and another orgasm was inevitable. He thrust fast and hard, and when she came, he moaned deep in his throat.

  His finger teased the opening to her anus, and she wished they had lube. He pulled out of her pussy suddenly and put his finger inside swirling it around. Then he put his cock into her pussy again, and when he gently inserted his finger inside her asshole, it was wet with her juices.

  It stung for a moment, but his dick still fucked her with wild abandon, and Alexa couldn’t concentrate on both sensations at once. Soon, his finger was all the way in and the burning was replaced by a feeling of fullness that made her moan and writhe under Chase’s strong body.


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