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Gone Before Goodbye (Love &Mystery in the--6-oh-3 Book 1)

Page 24

by Nora LeDuc

  “You heard her. Stop.”

  Noah! Was she hallucinating? No, he was standing there. His jaw clenched. Anger blazed in his eyes. In his hand, he clutched a flashlight aimed at the floor. “Drop the ax and put your hands up, Seth.”

  She gasped short breaths, while Seth stepped toward Noah. Where was his gun? Now they’d both die. “Run, No-ah.”

  “Let me see you turn tail.” Seth smirked.

  “Seth, from what I see, you’ve been lying to me. I warned you I don’t like people who lie, and I warned you to stay away from Teagan. You didn’t.”

  “What are you gonna do? Blind me to death with your flashlight? Go ahead.”

  “You got it.” Noah raised his flashlight. A beam arced across the room with a crack. Teagan squinted against the brightness. What in the world?

  Seth collapsed to the ground with a thud. The illumination vanished, and Noah clicked off his light and strode across the space to her.

  What… what happened? She blinked in shock at Noah.

  “My stun gun. Always obey law enforcement, Bodell.” He tossed a glance at the prostrate man. “Are you hurt, Teagan?” He sent a searching gaze over her.

  “Okay,” she croaked.

  Noah grabbed the clippers from the floor and snapped the wire around her neck. She gripped the edge of the tabletop and breathed.

  Noah wrapped his arm around her waist. “Will you okay for a minute?

  She nodded and Noah crouched beside Seth.

  “Is he…alive?”

  “He should be.” Noah had his handcuffs in his hand. “Seth Bodell, you’re under arrest.” He cuffed the man while reciting his rights and straightened. “We’ll read them again in a few minutes when he’s regained his senses, but I enjoyed the moment.”

  Noah’s arms circled around her, crushing her to him. Tears filled her eyes and she clung to him, feeling his warmth, each of his breaths. They were both alive and together.

  Too soon, he released her. “There’s a chair beside the shelving. Sit while I call in.”

  She nodded and he supported her across the few feet to the bookcase and released her when she sank into the seat. Was he real? Was anything real?

  Noah spoke into his cell phone. “Backup and ambulance requested at…”

  His words faded as she hugged herself against the chills racing over her. She’d never feel safe until she escaped this hole. She wanted to go miles and miles from the church dungeon.

  Noah was patting Seth down. “Hines and his men are close. They’ll be here in minutes.” He glanced at her. “You doing okay, Teagan?”


  Pounding drowned out her words. What was that? The sound came from somewhere near her. It grew louder and louder until she leaned closer to the noise. It came from behind the bookcase. Was she crazy? “Noah, someone is in the wall.”

  She didn’t wait for an answer but thumped three times on the granite near the shelves. Knocks echoed hers.

  “Noah! There’s a person on the other side of the wall.” Thudding against the spot, she held her breath until the echo of her taps repeated.

  “Maybe it’s Lisa. Lisa? Are you there?” Teagan shoved the tools from the shelves, letting them clatter to the floor. “Lisa!” She paused. Thumps answered.

  “It must be her.” Teagan rose up on tiptoes to the next shelf and threw off cords, dustpans, and batteries, anything in her way.

  “Police.” The shout came from above.

  “Clear below, Hines,” Noah shouted.

  Officers led by Hines streamed down the ladder. They surrounded Seth, who began to make guttural noises. Noah filled in his partner while Teagan yanked on the metal frame to give herself better access.

  Suddenly, Noah was beside her. “I’ll do it.”

  “Hurry,” she begged. “St. Jude, help us find Lisa.”

  With one swift jerk, Noah dragged the unit next to the table to reveal a small door in the wall.

  Noah pulled on the handle. Nothing budged. He grabbed a shovel from the floor and hacked at the wall. Two other officers joined him with shovels and rakes.

  “Hurry,” Teagan urged and strained to see past the men in front of her. The sounds of their metal tools hitting and breaking the wall filled the silence in the chamber.

  Let it be Lisa, Teagan prayed.

  “It’s open,” Noah shouted.

  She pushed forward and peeked through the officers. Noah was shining a flashlight into the hole in the wall.

  “Do you see Lisa?” Teagan shook with nerves.

  “Hold on. I’m going in.” Noah disappeared into the dark space.

  “What’s happening? Noah?” Teagan clenched her hands until they hurt.

  “I got her,” he shouted. “Bring me the tarp.”

  “Will do.” An officer grabbed the blue covering hanging off a corner of the table and passed it through to Noah.

  Tarp? Was she injured? Nausea worked its way up Teagan’s throat.

  Hines appeared at her side. “An ambulance is almost here. You should be seen by a doctor. I’ll take you up after Seth.”

  “I’m not leaving without Lisa.”

  More uniformed officers arrived. They surrounded Seth and pulled him to his feet. A crowd of uniforms formed a wall around him, blocking her view. They escorted him to the ladder.

  What was taking Noah so long? “What’s happening?”

  He stuck his head out. “She’s breathing, but in bad shape.” He inched aside, and she leaned into the gap. Noah’s flashlight lit the hole. A form under the tarp lay on what looked like a ledge.

  The beat of Teagan’s heart drowned out the shouts of Hines, directing the men who were taking Seth away.

  “Lisa. It’s me. Teagan. We’re bringing you home.”

  The girl didn’t answer.

  “Lisa, Lisa.”

  The girl stirred with a groan.

  “She’ll need medical care,” Noah said. “You’ll go to the hospital and get checked, too.”

  “No, I want to sit with her. I’m fine.” She climbed inside after Noah exited and crouched beside Lisa. Her face was ashen, and she mumbled, “Home.”

  Lisa was alive! A miracle had happened. Tears rolled down Teagan’s cheeks and chin. She folded her knees beneath her and held Lisa’s hand. She swallowed and whispered, “I’m so happy to see you. We’ve been looking forever.”

  An eternity later, the officers who’d removed Seth returned. Teagan crawled out and Noah joined her while they waited for them to pass Lisa out of her hellhole on a backboard. At last, she appeared. A blanket replaced the canvas over her limp form. Her filthy hair clung to her wan, dirt-streaked face. She lay motionless like she was sleeping. Only the movement of her chest reassured Teagan that Lisa was alive.

  The EMTs pushed past Teagan and worked together to lift Lisa up to the next level.

  “We’ll wait and they’ll return to carry you up,” Noah told her.

  “No way. I’m going up on my own.”

  Noah frowned but he let Teagan head up the ladder while he shadowed her behind as they climbed. When she finally stood in the silence of the upstairs storage room, excitement raced through her and drowned out the throbs of pain in her legs, neck, and head. Teagan and Noah wound up the stairs to the empty church entryway.

  “Noah, where did they take her?”

  “This way.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and walked with her to the front steps. The ambulance sat in the lot. Its light flashed in the night. A group of spectators gaped at them from the sidewalk where officers ordered them to stay.

  Ahead, the EMTs carried Lisa to the emergency vehicle. Teagan broke away from Noah and ran to her side.

  “Teagan.” Lisa opened her eyes dark with pain and looked up at Teagan.

  The medics carrying the stretcher paused while the emergency vehicle pulled closer to them.

  Teagan bent down toward the teenager. “Seth is going to jail for a long time. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

  Lisa’s l
ips moved. Teagan leaned down to hear her.



  “Matt…police. Please. Too.” Her eyelids fluttered closed.


  An EMT placed a hand on Teagan’s arm. “Please, move aside while we load the ambulance. You can get in after she’s secured.”

  She nodded and he turned away.

  What did Lisa mean? Matt police too. Monster? Had Seth hurt Matt? A fear whirled in her head. Across the lot, Noah and his team were surrounding the rectory. Matt had been at a meeting, hadn’t he? Maybe not.

  She raced to the rectory. An EMT shouted to her the ambulance was leaving, but she didn’t stop. “Noah. Noah.”

  He turned to her and lowered his drawn weapon. “Teagan, what are you doing? Go to the hospital with Lisa.”

  “Not yet, Lisa said two words to me. Matt and monster.” Teagan paused to catch her breath. “I’m guessing if Matt returned, Seth might have hurt him. I don’t know.”

  “She could be delirious, Teagan.”

  “Maybe.” The ambulance pulled out to the street. The strobe lights rolled over them in the darkness, and she became aware of the men waiting for Noah. “What are you doing?”

  “We’re searching the grounds, Teagan. It’s a crime scene.” He laid a hand on her shoulder. “Go back and wait by the steps.” He ordered two of his men to escort her.

  “But I know the floor plan,” she yelled to him, but he was already leading his men forward.

  The officers flanked her sides as they led her to the front of the church, and the rectory was out of sight. Clutching her medal, she paced the walkway until Noah returned.

  “No signs of the priest,” he said before she asked. “I’ll take you to the hospital. You’re in no condition to drive.” He took her arm and guided her toward the lot.

  She glanced back for one last glimpse. The rectory was dark. Should she feel relieved or afraid?

  Matt monster. The words shouted in her mind. She had to be wrong.

  Chapter 37

  As Noah drove the legal thirty miles per hour to Teagan’s house, his mind cruised full speed ahead. A day had passed since the arrest. He’d grabbed a few hours of sleep after booking Seth Bodell who’d refused to answer questions. They’d have to connect him to Kara Linn, but he held onto the hope Seth would spill his guts when his future life choices were explained to him.

  His thoughts turned to Teagan. He and Hines had taken her statement after the doctor cleared her and then left her with Lisa. Both of them were safe, but he’d wanted to stay with her. Put his arms around her and whisper words just for them.

  He hit the accelerator and headed through the roundabout. Most of the tourists were headed to the lake on this sunny weekend, and traffic was sparse.

  Residents were off with friends and loved ones. Loved ones. Any doubt that he had strong feelings for Teagan vanished when he’d entered Seth’s lair to find her collared like an animal about to be slaughtered by Bodell. Noah hadn’t felt the rage that flooded him for a long time, but he’d kept control and taken Bodell down.

  Noah spent the past hours thinking about what his life would be like if he’d arrived too late for Teagan. He knew with clarity he didn’t want to go back to his empty days, which meant never seeing her again. His anticipation lifted when he pulled into her drive; although, he dreaded what he had to tell her. She’d had enough suffering. Too bad he was bringing her more. He hoped she didn’t blame the messenger.


  At the ring of the bell, Teagan paused in her dusting and glanced out the front window. Noah had arrived. A wave of excitement flowed through her until she realized he was here to report on the case, not to visit her. Still she couldn’t stop the happiness flowing from the top of her head to her toes.

  She opened up. “Good afternoon, Detective Cassidy. You found a way to escape your fans?” Since arresting Seth over twenty-four hours ago, Noah had become an instant hero in Hawick Falls.

  “The chief is handling the media. I couldn’t speak to you earlier because I was doing reports, and you were at the hospital with Lisa. Can I come in?”

  “Yes, of course.” She stepped aside.

  He walked past her with his usual scent of fresh soap and determined gait. He stopped in the middle of the living room and scanned the furnishings with his intense stare.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “The place is different. It’s —”

  “Neat and clean? I’m picking up this morning before I go back to the hospital. I rearranged the furniture and was vacuuming when you arrived.”

  Jogger appeared on the threshold, sat,

  “Morning, Jogger.” Noah fished in his pocket. He tossed a small object to the cat who batted a felt toy into the other room and scampered after it.

  “You bought her a fake mouse?”

  “Is that what it was?” He shrugged.

  “Thanks, Noah.” She’d never expected him to give her pet a second thought.

  “The mouse was on sale at Muffy’s. You’re busy. Jogger’s doing well, and you look happy.” His gaze roamed over her.

  Her hand went to her hair. She should have looked in the mirror before she let him inside.

  “Your eyes are…brighter.” He broke into a grin. “I’m glad.”

  “My eyes? Thank you.” It was a strange compliment, but her pulse raced faster. Now she had no excuse but to confess her thoughts to him. “Come sit, please.” She limped across the room to the sofa.

  “You’re hurt. I’ll take you back to the doctor.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m just bruised.” When her adrenaline had been pumping through her, she’d felt nothing. No such luck today. Her body ached everywhere, but her happiness overrode the pains. “Lisa’s alive. Seth’s in jail and Jogger has a new toy. I’m super. Why don’t you have a seat?”

  He sat in the chair.

  “First, what’s happening with Seth? He’s not getting out, is he?”

  “Travis refused bail. He and his uncle are enjoying the family rate behind bars. Except for protesting his innocence, Seth has turned into a mute, but we have a stronger case against him every hour. He worked on repairs to the church basement before construction of the Activity Center. We theorize he became familiar with the old cellar and built his separate chamber at that time. The building is open during the day, giving him access. We searched his house for a key to St. Jude’s but nothing, yet.”

  “So he’s planned the chamber for a long time.”

  “Don’t worry. Once the doctor gives the green light to question Lisa, we’ll nail the guy.”

  “Thanks. Noah, I found threatening emails on my aunt’s phone.” She rose, ignoring her pain and grabbed the cell from the mantle.

  “Someone threatened your aunt?”

  Teagan wet her dry lips. “No, Aunt Sophia warned Matt she’d reveal his affair with Lucy unless he withdrew from the list of candidates for bishop.” She held out the phone to him, waiting for his surprise.

  “I know about Lucy’s affair with the priest,” he said, accepting the cell. I’ll need to keep your aunt’s phone.” He slipped the cell into a plastic bag from his pocket. “I’ll send yours back today.”

  “Matt and my best friend.” She sank on to a sofa cushion. When would the world return to normal?

  “Lucy regained consciousness. She named the priest as the man she returned to meet.”

  “Thank God she’s conscious.” Teagan released a sigh of relief. “Why was she here?”

  “Lucy came back because she wasn’t dealing with the guilt and wanted to confess her sin, but not in confession. She’d already done that and was still suffering. She met with the priest and they went round and round. I’m guessing when he couldn’t talk her out of acknowledging their involvement, he hoped to silence her.”

  Teagan tapped her fingertips on her knee. “None of this sounds like Matt.”

  “I’m sorry. Lucy identified him as the driver who hit her.�

  “I can’t believe Matt would hurt anyone.”

  “We believe he and Seth worked together. Matt was the brains, and Seth the brawn. How long they’ve been a team, we don’t know yet. We studied timelines, opportunities. First we questioned how Seth would know Lisa went to the park that night. Travis could have told him, but since he wasn’t going to meet her, probably not. Lisa might have mentioned it to Matt when they spoke after lunch. Either one of them could have picked her up. The key will be Lisa.”

  Lisa held the missing pieces.

  He rose and moved to the couch. His knee pressed against her, reminding her of how much she wished they were together.

  “We collected a lot of items for the lab from his underground lair. Forensics will help us with convictions. We found one of Father Matt’s half-smoked cigarettes in the chamber. It’s at the lab, but it’s his brand. Seth doesn’t smoke.”

  Her head ached with doubts. “Matt and Seth seem a strange duo to me.”

  “We learned Matt was paying Seth’s mortgage under the guise of the church’s help. I’m sure that’s how the relationship began. Now no one has seen Matt. He’s been missing since he left his meeting at noon, the day we found Lisa.”

  Teagan let the reality sink deeper into her mind. “Matt pointed out to me that my aunt wasn’t perfect. I bet he was referring to her threat to reveal the affair.” He’d been her trusted friend and family.

  “Why would Sophia hurt Matt by revealing the truth about his illicit relationship?” Noah asked. “She and your priest were close.”

  “He betrayed his vows. It was that simple.” At least she understood her aunt’s actions. “I’m still processing Matt hurting Lucy and possibly Lisa and Kara. He did know where to get Jake’s car and his keys.”

  “We’re looking into other missing girl cases to see if there are connections.”

  “Others?” Her stomach did a flip, and her jaw dropped in shock. She rose, stopped a few feet from him, and threw out her hands. “The nightmare never ends.”

  Noah crossed the floor to her. He took her hands and held them still. “I’m sorry, Teagan, but there’s more. We discovered a notebook hidden in the floorboards of Matt’s bedroom. The book contained years of news clippings of girls who had disappeared within a hundred mile radius of Father Matt’s churches. Almost all of them were homeless, making them difficult for the police to track. I’m afraid these saved articles are Matt’s trophies of his victims. We’re re-investigating all of them.”


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