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Rancher Bear Complete Series: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK: Rancher Bears' Merry Christmas

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by Candace Ayers

  I breathed in deeper and singled out Alex. Fur erupted on my arms and chest and I angrily headed towards the woods. I could be at his place in less than half an hour. I would kill him for touching my mate.

  Leila grabbed my arm and clung to my back when I didn’t stop moving. “Stop it, you big oaf!”

  I shrugged her off and kept going.


  I jerked around and saw her on the ground, holding her knee. Fear overrode my anger and I rushed back to her side. “What happened?”

  She reached up and wrapped her arms around me before tugging me down to the ground. She rolled on top of me and straddled me with her hands on my chest. “Nothing happened. I just needed you to stop and listen to me.”

  I wanted to be pissed at her manipulation tactic, but her ass was perfectly cradling my dick and it was hard to think about anything else. I caught the sides of my shirt that she was wearing and tugged. The buttons flew apart, revealing her perfect bare breasts to me.

  She squealed and covered herself. “No. You’ve got to listen to me first.”

  I blew out a rough breath. There were definitely parts of having a mate that were difficult.

  CHAPTER 15: Matt

  “I ran into Alex with Elizabeth and Connor in the store.”

  I growled and shook my head. “Don’t say his name right now.”

  She gave me a flat stare. “Fine. I ran into male with Elizabeth and Connor in the store. Male is worried about you. He thinks that I may be taking advantage of your current state. Which, according to him, is shit.”

  I scowled. “Shit?”

  She leaned down and nipped my chin. “His words. Not mine. I love your current state.”

  I lost my breath when she rotated her hips to punctuate her words. I’d had something to say, but when she did that, everything in my brain turned to sludge.

  “He was an asshole, but Elizabeth is great. And Connor, oh my god. That baby is adorable. She actually invited me to your little sister’s birthday party. Tonight. Both of us, actually.”


  She pressed her lips to my bare chest and then stood up. “Yes. I’m going. Elizabeth is going to pick me up at six-thirty, unless you want to drive me?”

  I hadn’t been with my family, together in a group, in a long time. I still had issues with the way things had gone down after Dad died. There was no way I was going to show up with ‘broken bear’ at Bailey’s birthday party. Maybe I did need to go over and see everyone, but I wasn’t going to interrupt her party with bullshit that was sure to arise.

  “I’m not going.” I climbed to my feet and headed towards the house. “You do what you want.”

  Something hit me in my back and I turned around to find Leila standing with a handful of pebbles she’d just picked up. She stood there, glaring at me with her shirt open, chest exposed. “Don’t be an asshole.”

  Seeing her like that did something to me and I strode back over to her and scooped her up before she even knew what was happening. I took her into the house and we found a useful way to spend the afternoon.


  “Elizabeth is going to be here soon, Matt. Are you sure you’re going to stay and pout around the cabin instead of being with your family and me?”

  I was in bed, stretched out, gripping the sheets so hard that my fingers were going numb. Leila looked amazing. It physically hurt to turn her down, especially when she looked like that.

  She stood there, her body on display in a dress that fell off her shoulder and showed a lot of skin. Skin that I wanted to taste again. Too much skin.

  “It’s February. Why are you wearing a dress?”

  She crossed her arms and tapped the boot she was wearing on the floor. “It’s a sweater dress. I’m also wearing tights and boots and I’ll also wear a coat. Don’t be an asshole just because you’re feeling left out. I have begged you, in more ways than one, to come with me. I wear what I want, when I want. You don’t ask me questions about it, either. What you could do in this situation is come with me. Then, you wouldn’t have to stay here and worry that some other big, bad male was looking at me.”

  I jumped to my feet and stormed across to the door. Of course, she was right. I knew she was right. I should go with her. She was going to my family’s and I was letting her face them alone. Knowing I was wrong didn’t make it any easier to say it, or to go and face them. I shifted, letting bear take over, sand stormed out of the house, feeling frustrated with myself.

  “If you’re going to be a big brat and shift to avoid me, the least you could do is learn how to close the damn door!” I heard her scream at my back before I heard the slam.

  I grunted and went into the woods, making use of the cave that rested a mile back from my house. I looked around at it, feeling disgusted with myself. Not just my actions, but my living habits. Leila had swept into my life like a breath of fresh air and warmed up my cabin- and my life- in a matter of days. She’d organized stuff and even brought a candle home. The fucking place felt like a home already.

  Looking around the cave I stayed in when I was bear, made me snarl. It was filthy. There was even some sort of rotting fruit in one corner. I sat back, resting on my ass, and used my paw to scratch my chin. My bear was furious at me, which wasn’t really that unusual. He was only happy when Leila was near.

  I huffed and tried my best to be stubborn enough to sit it out but every second felt like a million years. I looked at my paws and combed out a knot of fur on my leg. Heaving out another sigh, I shook my head and stood up. I just needed to run through the woods. I went down on four legs and ran for all I was worth.

  I ran straight back to the cabin. I could feel that Leila was already gone, but it didn’t stop me from throwing open the cabin door, hoping to find her in my bed.

  I shifted back and headed to the shower. I’d made a mistake and I was man enough to admit it. For her.

  I cleaned myself and got dressed in the nicest button down I owned. I combed my wet hair back and pulled on my cowboy hat before grabbing my keys and getting in my truck.

  It didn’t take me long at all to reach the property line of the Long Ranch. I stopped my truck there and looked out at the land. Dad and Alex had been convinced that I’d only cared about the ranch for the money. They’d been wrong. I’d been an ass to Alex and Elizabeth when I found out the ranch was going to Alex, just because he’d knocked Elizabeth up.

  Looking back, I realized I owed Elizabeth an apology. Hell, it hadn’t even been Alex’s fault. Somehow, I’d let Dad die thinking that I didn’t care about the family business, that I was a man only concerned with money and material things. I’d somehow hidden how much I really cared about the place.

  I shrugged off the feelings that settled heavy on my shoulders and drove on towards the house. Leila was inside there somewhere and I knew I belonged at her side.

  I parked and walked to the front door. Without knocking, I let myself in and followed my mate’s scent to the kitchen. She was standing with her back to me, helping Mom do something. She’d covered the sexy little dress with an apron and had pulled her hair into a messy ponytail.

  I knew we were bonded to each other already, but seeing her like that hit me so hard in the chest that it actually hurt. I was the luckiest man in the world I just then in that very second realized that nothing else mattered. Alex could keep the ranch. It just didn’t matter. It was nothing when compared to Leila.

  CHAPTER 16: Leila

  I’d arrived at the party and met Matt’s family without a hitch. They’d all heard of me already, and were expecting me, so it wasn’t a shock. While some of the brothers had questioning looks on their faces, Matt’s mom, Carolyn, was a sweetheart. She’d been eager to have my help in the kitchen and before we knew it, the party had moved there, as we laughed and moved around each other.

  Bailey stood between us, watching as we put the final touches on her cake. I’d proved to be an icing wiz and the cake looked beautiful. All of the food was finally ready
and everyone was standing around waiting to eat.

  “It’s so cool that you know all of this stuff. Mom’s cakes always look so messed up.” Bailey giggled as she bumped me with her hip. “One year, it toppled over! It fell right off the plate and just landed on the floor. Icing went everywhere!”

  I laughed, but then shook my head. “Sometimes, the messiest cakes taste the best. Isn’t that right, Carolyn?”

  She grinned at me over Bailey’s head. “Sure do. I’ll admit, though, that this is stunning.”

  I opened my mouth to reply, but suddenly the air around me felt like it was sizzling electricity. I felt my body instantly responding in excitement and blushed. He’s here. I cleared my throat and rolled my shoulders, before turning around.

  My heart leapt. Matt. He’d come, and he looked amazingly hot. I dropped the spatula I was holding and ran to him, unable to contain my excitement. I jumped into his arms and grinned down at his handsome face. Without a care in the world about who was watching us, I knocked his cowboy hat off of his head and kissed him with everything I had.

  Matt wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back with just as much heat. His hands roamed to my ass and then farther down, to slip under my dress.

  A throat cleared beside us and I pulled away, suddenly remembering where we were. My blush deepened and I forced Matt to put me down. Sure enough, everyone in the room was watching us with wide eyes.

  Carolyn had a huge grin on her face. She wiped her hands and then walked towards us. Her eyes filled with tears and she stared at Matt. “Matt, honey. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  I stepped out of the way and watched with a knot in my throat as she grabbed Matt and hugged him tight to her body. Bailey was right behind her, throwing her little body at him.

  I met Matt’s eyes over their heads and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him. It meant everything to me that he’d come, but I could see that it meant just as much to his family. He raised an eyebrow at me and then nodded to the cake. Instead of answering him, I just grinned. I had lots of secret talents that he was going to find out about eventually.

  “Damn, Leila. You know what? Maybe I was wrong about you.”

  I scowled at Alex. “Of course, you were, asshole.”

  Matt disengaged from his mother and sister and shoved his brother’s shoulder. “You heard the lady. You were wrong. Don’t let it happen again.”

  I stiffened as Alex stood up taller and puffed out his chest. The last thing they needed was a fist fight.

  Alex shoved Matt back. “How was I supposed to know that she wasn’t taking advantage of you? You’ve been depressed and locked away for so long, we were starting to forget what you looked like. You can’t blame me for being suspicious. Who would have thought that such a fine woman would fall for a sullen, salty prick like you?”

  Matt shoved him back and then locked Alex’s head under his arm. “Don’t forget that you’re still the little brother, Alex.”

  Alex sent a rib shot to Matt and then slipped out of his grip. “Yeah, I remember that you’re an old man.”

  I waited with my breath frozen in my lungs to see what Matt was going to do. I wasn’t stupid enough to get between the two of them. I liked all of my teeth where they were, thank you.

  Matt suddenly laughed and shrugged. “Be nice to my mate. Or, I will make you remember how hard I used to kick your ass.”

  His smile sent tingles straight to my core and I couldn’t help wrapping myself around him. I pressed my face into his chest and grinned. This man impressed the hell out of me, right and left.

  “It was a mistake. Won’t happen again. Everyone knows she’s yours now.”

  I raised my head. “I’m my own. But, that’s nice of you, anyway.”

  Matt stole a kiss. “You’re mine, but we can phrase it however you like.”

  I gave him a growl of my own and then grinned. “I’m glad you came.”

  He nipped my ear and grunted. “Keep that in mind later, baby.”

  I laughed as Bailey faked a gag. I secretly brushed my hand over Matt’s already hard dick and winked at him. “Got it covered.”


  The party lasted for several hours. Bailey was having too much fun for anyone to cut out early. Having Matt back seemed to make everyone feel festive. He, himself, seemed to be lighter. He laughed more and every look he sent my way was a grin or a heated one that took my breath away. As much as I was enjoying myself, I was eager to get back home with him.

  By the time we were able to sneak away, it was nearly midnight. I was exhausted, but all I could think about was getting Matt out of his clothes and into bed. I wanted to wrap myself around him and stay that way for weeks.

  Seeing him with his family, coming out of his shell, made me realize just how much I already cared for him. I’d never been in love before, but I damned well was now. It was scary that it happened so fast, but the feelings were there. No use ignoring them to fit some pre-conceived idea that I had in my head about the speed at which relationships should progress.

  The entire drive back to the cabin, Matt had his free hand all over me. He’d tried to get up my dress, but my tights were in the way. I laughed at the growl he sent my way when he’d realized it.

  I slipped my hand into his lap and tried to work at the button while he drove. One sharp tug at the wheel, though, and I stopped that. Turned out that touching Matt’s dick directly affected his ability to keep the truck on the road. Who knew?

  We got to the cabin, our frustration building until I thought we were going to implode. I wanted him so bad that I was shaking. I jumped out of the truck on my side and ran around to Matt, ready to start our night.

  Matt was stock still, though, his nose lifted, taking in the night. I was about to ask him what he was doing when he shoved me to the side just as a mass flew into him, knocking him against the side of his truck.

  CHAPTER 17: Leila

  I screamed as I hit the ground hard. Matt shifted into a bear in seconds, his claws swiping at whatever was on him. I stared hard in the faint moonlight at the shifting form that was against him, slowly turning into an alligator.

  I screamed again as I realized that it was Steven. Seeing his huge alligator form sent terror racing through my body. I watched in horror as his massive jaws snapped down on Matt’s leg.

  He rolled and dragged Matt to the ground before opening his mouth to clamp higher up on his body. Matt ripped his claws up the soft underside of Steven’s massive body and blood spurted.

  Steven rolled away and shifted back to his human form before taking off towards the woods. I watched as blood poured from his chest. Matt released a roar that felt like it shook the ground. He raced after Steven, his eyes glowing golden in the darkness.

  I scrambled to my feet and chased after them. Nothing could happen to Matt. Please, please don’t let anything happen to Matt. I couldn’t breathe as fear clogged my throat.

  Stumbling through the woods, I cried out Matt’s name. If I was too late and anything happened to him, I didn’t know what I’d do. I couldn’t be without him.

  I heard another roar and followed it, tripping and catching my hand on a sharp stick. I cried out again but didn’t stop moving towards the sounds.

  I found Matt’s bear hovering over Steven’s limp form. He snapped his head towards me, blood dripping from his mouth. I covered my mouth and turned away from the scene. I was glad with the outcome, but the dead body, mauled as it was, wasn’t something I needed to keep looking at. Steven was gone. It was over.

  Warm arms wrapped around me. “I’m sorry.”

  I leaned into him. “Don’t be. He found me and he attacked you. He would have killed us both if he’d been able to.”

  Matt easily lifted me into his arms and carried me back to the cabin. “So, that was your ex? Nice guy.”

  “That was him. It’s over, now, though. I don’t know how he found us, Matt. I thought…I thought I’d handled it. I thought I’d hidden my tracks well enough. I’m the one who s
hould be sorry.”

  He put me down on the steps and stared at me. Blood coated his naked body, but it didn’t matter. It was his badge of honor. He’d proven that he was willing to fight to the death for me. He was more than I deserved. I ducked my head and noticed that his leg was bleeding and that he was holding it off the ground slightly.

  I gasped and dropped to my knees so I could look at it. “He bit you. You’re hurt, Matt.”

  He grunted. “It’s not pleasant, but it’ll heal soon. Stop it, Leila. You look like you’re about to crumble. This wasn’t your fault.”

  I shook my head. “It was. He was here because of me. You got hurt because of me. You had to do…that because of me. I’m so sorry, Matt. I’m so, so sorry.”

  Three massive bears ran into the clearing beside Matt’s house. They roared and stood on their back legs before shifting into Matt’s brothers. Alex, Michael, and John hurried to their brother’s side, while also looking around.

  “What happened?” Michael, the third oldest brother, asked with a wild look on his face. “It smells terrible. Like blood and… swamp.”

  Matt turned to me. “Why don’t you go inside and get cleaned up? We have to take care of this, okay?”

  I nodded and went inside, feeling worse than I could’ve imagined.

  CHAPTER 18: Matt

  Leila turned and disappeared inside the cabin with tears still in her eyes.

  I swore and turned to my brothers. Lucas was out of town, on some trip across the states, but the rest had come running as soon as they heard my call. I held out my hand and clasped each of theirs in turn. “Thanks for coming.”

  I told them what happened and led them to the body. I stared down at it, feeling angry all over again. He was the man who’d marked my mate. He came to try and hurt her again. He had to die. I felt no remorse for his life being lost. Shifters had their own law, and their own way of policing it. He was a sick animal and he’d been put down. Simple as that.


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