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Rancher Bear Complete Series: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK: Rancher Bears' Merry Christmas

Page 12

by Candace Ayers

  He whimpered and buried his face into her side. His body shook and I could tell he was crying.

  I scooped him up and held him against my chest. His little body was heavy in my arms and I glanced back at Sammie, impressed by her strength. “She’ll be okay, Mason.”

  He didn’t fight me, but instead wrapped his paws around my neck and held on. My chest felt heavy and I sunk down onto one of the kitchen chairs. My family moved around me, being sure to keep a wide berth around Sammie, but to me there was just the three of us in that room. Only three of us existed. I had never experienced anything like the feeling that surrounded us.

  I sat staring at Sammie’s unconscious form until I’d memorized every line and curve of her, while Mason breathed deeply in my arms. When I realized he’d fallen asleep in my arms, I stood up and looked around. I wanted to be alone with them.

  Mom appeared at my side and held out her arms. “I’ll carry him up to a guest room so you can carry Sammie. We’ll put them together.”

  I nodded and handed Mason to her before scooping Sammie into my arms. She made a whimpering noise, not unlike the ones Mason made, and curled into my chest. I held her tighter and prayed that she’d wake up soon so I could be assured she was okay.

  Mom and I secured them in one of the guest bedrooms and Mom patted me on the shoulder before leaving. She came back to the room a few minutes later with a first aid kit. “You may as well take care of her shoulders while she’s asleep. She doesn’t seem like the type to let you when she’s awake.”

  I couldn’t help the smile that touched my face. “Did you get to talk to her much before I got here?”

  She nodded. “She’s a tough one. She loves Mason, that’s for sure. I don’t know how she’ll leave him.”

  I growled. “She’s too weak to leave.”

  Mom ruffled my hair, the same way she had when I was little. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll give her a reason to stay.”

  I glanced over at her but she was already out the door. The door closed softly and I was alone with Mason and Sammie. They were both on the king sized bed, curled into one another. Mason had nuzzled his head into her stomach as soon as they were both on the bed. He loved her, too. It was clear.

  The thought of her leaving had my bear pushing through. I let the shift take over and paced the room before leaning against the wall, watching them.

  CHAPTER 5: Sammie

  I woke up and stretched. My shoulders ached, but I’d grown used to the stinging pain. Mason had definitely left his mark on me. I opened my eyes and took in the unfamiliar ceiling above me.

  Mason was curled up next to me, his wet nose shoved against my stomach where my shirt had ridden up. He stirred and looked up at me, blinking the sleepiness out of his little bear eyes.

  I heard his belly growl and sat up. My head hurt, and as the memories flooded back and I remembered the reason for the headache, it worsened. I buried my face in my hands and groaned. I’d passed out. I’d never passed out before in my life. What the hell?

  A low snore sounded from my left and I jerked my eyes over to the giant sleeping bear across the room. His large furry body was sprawled in front of the door. I felt warmth creeping through my body. I knew it was Lucas. I’d seen him as a bear and recognized the huge beast.

  “Let’s see if we can get out of here without waking your Daddy.” I stood up and crept across the room. My body ached and I wondered how long I’d been out.

  Mason seemed lighter as he jumped down from the bed and hurried behind me on all fours. He sniffed at Lucas and then climbed up on the sleeping bear’s back.

  I laughed, enjoying seeing Mason act more like a kid than a sulking, sullen animal. I leaned over to scoop him off of his Dad’s back, but suddenly found myself being grabbed.

  Lucas was on top of me in a second, a man again, completely naked. He’d changed so fast that I’d just seen a blur as he pulled me under him. Mason still clung to his back, making excited sounds.

  My heart pounded away in my chest, attempting to break free from its own body. I couldn’t find words as I felt Lucas’s muscular body pressed firmly against mine. I looked into his golden eyes. A lock of his curly hair had fallen across his forehead. The man was even more visually pleasing up close.

  I felt like I was on fire. Everywhere his body touched, I burned with the ache of wanting more.

  He leaned on his forearms on either side of my head and slowly smiled at me. “Don’t you know never to wake a sleeping bear?”

  His voice was deeper than normal, rough from sleep, and it sent chills down to my core. I bit my lip and tried to remember what I was doing at his house. It was hard, though. I could hear Mason actually playing on his father’s bare back. He was obviously safe. Without him to worry about, my body had all of its energy back. To focus on Lucas.

  “What happens when a sleeping bear is awakened?”

  His grin was fierce as he leaned closer. “You owe that bear a kiss.”

  My eyes went wide and an embarrassing little gasp escaped my mouth. “A kiss?”

  Lucas nodded. “Yep. A kiss. Sometimes, it has to be paid at a later date, due to little bear circumstances, but yes. You owe me a kiss. I’ll collect it later.”

  I nodded before I realized what I was doing. Then, I moved under him, attempting to slide myself free. I brushed against his very hard length of manhood and felt my face go red. “Mason’s hungry.”

  “Scaredy-cat.” Lucas immediately rolled over, though. He laughed as Mason tumbled off of him and bounced off the wall behind him. “Watch out, little cub.”

  I scooped Mason up and practically ran from the room. Everything about Lucas left me feeling completely out of control. It wasn’t horrible, but it was insane. I’d just met the man. I didn’t know him from any stranger on the street, yet my body reacted to him like a silly schoolgirl.

  Carolyn was in the kitchen, grinning to herself over the stove. There were massive piles of food spread out on the counters around her, enough to feed a small army.

  “Wow. Are you having a party?”

  She turned her bright sunshiny smile on me and called me over. “Kind of. Most of the family will be coming over this morning. They’re excited to meet Mason and you.”

  I frowned. “Me?”

  She laughed. “Yes, you. The woman who pulled a gun on Michael and faced Alex down like he was a teddy bear. They’re all impressed by you. You’ll get to meet the girls, too.”

  I looked down at my outfit and frowned. “I don’t know if I’m exactly dressed for a party.”

  “I’ve got it covered. Elizabeth will be here shortly with an array of clothes for you. You two are similar in size. You’re a little taller than she is, but I think it’ll work.”

  I nodded and sat Mason down. I watched Carolyn offer him a piece of bacon which he greedily snatched. “Manners, Mason.”

  He grunted and inhaled the bacon before holding out his paws for more. Carolyn held the second piece closer to her and he inched over. He took the second piece slower and let her stroked him behind the ears.

  “He’s an adorable cub. I’d love to see a little boy soon, though. I’ve got so many toys that won’t work for a little bear, but would work amazingly well for a little boy.”

  Mason gestured for more bacon and then slowly nuzzled his head against her legs. Carolyn was a goner. Her eyes flooded and she wiped away a tear, trying to hide it by giving him more food.

  I snagged a piece of sausage and shoved it in my mouth. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten. I’d been so focused on keeping Mason safe that I hadn’t taken care of myself.

  Carolyn saw me and slid a plate towards me. “Eat. We won’t tell the boys that I let you eat early. They never get to. I noticed you didn’t eat at all yesterday, though. No wonder you fainted”

  I greedily scarfed the food down, not stopping to remember my own manners. When I finished the plate, I came up for air and laughed roughly. “Sorry. I guess it’s been a few days.”

he put a large bowl of milk on the floor for Mason and then suddenly grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug. “Thank you for keeping him safe and finding us. He’s safe now, though, so you can focus on your own needs.”

  Before I could reply, she winked. “All of them.”

  Lucas chose that moment to strut into the kitchen, freshly showered, in a faded pair of jeans and a flannel. His hair was curling around his face as it dried and he was cleanly shaven. He looked and smelled so delectable that I had to force my eyes away from him.

  “Is that an empty plate I see?” He moved behind me resting his hand on the small of my back as he leaned over and tried to grab a biscuit.

  Carolyn smacked his hand. “You know the rules.”

  A pretty woman came in, carrying a large baby. She immediately pushed the baby into Carolyn’s arms before turning to me. “Hi! I’m Elizabeth.”

  I couldn’t help but grin at her enthusiasm. “Sammie. Nice to meet you.”

  She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from everyone. “I am so glad you’re here. Leila, Matt’s wife, is pregnant and her hormones have been all over the place. She’s about as mean as rattlesnake right now.”

  I looked back to find Mason and caught Lucas staring at me. I blushed and turned back around hurrying after Elizabeth.

  CHAPTER 6: Lucas

  I stood at the kitchen counter, watching Mason warm up to Mom for a while. My mind was elsewhere, though. I couldn’t stop thinking about Sammie and the way she felt under my body. The woman was driving me crazy. Even my bear, who usually looked at my conquests with disdain, was sitting up and howling.

  Mom leaned over and picked Mason up in her free arm. He struggled for a second and then quieted down when she shoved a piece of bacon at him. “That’s it. We’re going to be good friends, aren’t we?”

  “You could bribe me, you know. I’m standing right here.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me and shook her head. “You don’t need bribing. You need to get your head out of your backside.”

  Mason made a sound that was dangerously close to a laugh. I glared at both of them. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means that you’d better not let that woman get away.” She fed another piece of bacon to Mason and then turned the stove off. “Let’s go find a toy before everyone else gets here, huh?”

  She left with Mason and Connor so I grabbed one of the chocolate croissants she’d made. I shoved it into my mouth and stared after them. I didn’t know what she was talking about. I didn’t especially feel like my head was up my ass. And how the hell did she expect me to keep Sammie around? What was I supposed to do? She’d done her job. I was assuming she’d probably leave soon.

  That thought had my bear pacing frantically inside of me, demanding that I go to her. I headed towards the stairs. Beg her to stay.

  I took the stairs quickly and then stopped. What the hell was I doing? What the hell did I plan to say to her? I spun and headed back down the stairs, feeling like an idiot. With my foot on the bottom step, I turned around again. How could I not say anything? I felt such a strong pull to her. What if she felt it, too?

  I made it halfway back up the stairs before pivoting and heading down them again. I argued with myself back and forth until I felt completely mentally exhausted. I finally stopped moving and sat down on a stair.

  “Well, hell.” I’d been sitting there for a little while before Elizabeth passed me. “Don’t you look utterly confused. What’s wrong?”

  I frowned. It hadn’t been that long ago that I was an asshole to Elizabeth. She’d been the reason that control of the ranch went to Alex. It seemed now that, if Dad’s will was still in force, I was the rightful heir. I had the first child. The ranch was technically mine. I wasn’t as excited as I thought I would be in that moment, though. I had a son to raise. A scared, scarred son. Hell, I had a son I didn’t even know. A son who didn’t know me. I needed to spend a lot of one-on-one time with him, if the way he clung to Sammie was any indication. Sammie. Could Mason let her go? Is there any way we could keep her?

  “Earth to Lucas?” Elizabeth waved her hand in front of my face. “You in there?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, sorry. How is she?”

  “Sammie? She’s fine. Seems a little weary right now. I like her. Do you?”

  A growl escaped my chest.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. She should be out of the shower soon. Good luck, Lucas.”

  I waited a few minutes and then headed up to Sammie’s room. My chest tightened and I realized I was desperately nervous. It was pathetic, but I was terrified to screw this up by saying or doing the wrong thing. I knocked on the door and leaned closer so I could listen for a reply.

  I heard soft, muffled cries from her side of the door and I didn’t think twice about pushing it open and letting myself into the room. Something was wrong.

  The sounds grew louder near the bathroom and I rushed in. She was huddled in the corner of the shower, sobbing. My heart twisted and I ran to her.

  Sammie gasped when she saw me and tried to cover herself, but I just grabbed her and pulled her into my chest so I could wrap her in my arms and hold her. She struggled feebly at first, but I rested my chin on her head and held her tighter.

  “It’s okay. Just let me hold you.”

  She instantly went lax and slumped into my body. I could hear how hard her heart was beating and she shook as I held her.

  “I’ve got you, Sammie.” I stroked her hair and back, forcing myself to ignore all the bare skin and soft curves pressed against me. I just wanted to take away her pain, help her get through, make it okay.

  Water saturated my clothes, but I didn’t care. I held her until her tears quieted and then she stiffened against me once more. I pulled back slightly and looked down at her face. “Better?”

  Her cheeks were flaming red. “I’m naked.”

  I groaned. “Don’t remind me. I didn’t come in here to sneak a peek, sweetheart. I heard you crying. You okay now?”

  She snaked her arms around my waist and gently moved her hands over my back. “You’re soaked.”

  I nodded. “I’m fine. Are you okay?”

  She rested her forehead against my chest and shivered against me. “Not really. I don’t want to think about it, Lucas.”

  I couldn’t have missed the sudden change in her demeanor if I’d been blind, deaf, and completely stupid. Her body squirmed against mine. Her thighs rubbed together and then her hands slowly edged to the front of my body running up under my shirt. She lifted it until she could pull it off.

  When she backed away, her naked body was completely on display for me. Her breasts were full with tight rosy-pink nipples, her soft stomach let down to a small patch of brown curls. I was already hard, but I felt myself growing even harder when the scent of her arousal reached my nostrils.

  Sammie’s knuckles brushed my lower abdomen as she unbuttoned my jeans. “Help take my mind off of it.”

  CHAPTER 7: Sammie

  I hadn’t meant to cry. One thought had led to another and the next thing I knew, I was falling apart like a blubbering fool in the shower. I would’ve gathered myself eventually. But, then Lucas barged in and took me in his arms, and in that moment everything about him soothed and comforted me. Until it didn’t. I hadn’t meant to beg him to screw me like a love-starved harlot.

  Lucas gently lifted my face so I was looking at him. “I can distract you in other ways. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

  “You don’t want to?” Had I misread the situation?

  “Of course I do; I just want you to be sure.”

  I was sure. There was something about the man that had me yearning for him more than I could ever remember wanting anyone or anything else.

  “I’m sure.”

  He slid his mouth over mine and growled softly. With ease, he lifted me and sat me down on the bathroom counter. “I don’t know if this first time is going to be slow and romantic.”

  I tugg
ed his jeans down and wrapped my legs around him. “Don’t care.”

  He moved back and lined our bodies up and then slid into me. His size surprised me, and I had to stretch to accommodate, but he filled me so fully that I couldn’t help but cry out. He captured my cries in his mouth and stroked my tongue with his until everything in me felt like it belonged to him. Everything felt so right.

  Lucas slid almost all the way out and then thrust back into me harder. His big hands gripped my ass and lifted me when he pulled out again. “Fuck.”

  I bit his bottom lip and raked my nails down his back as he thrust faster. “Lucas, yes. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  He picked me up and held me in the air as we spun and slammed up against the wall; he pummeled in and out me. I wrapped my arms around his head and tugged on his hair. We were forehead to forehead. He filled me more than I thought possible, but my body responded to his like it’d been made for him.

  Our chests rubbed together and his fingers tightened on my ass. “I don’t think I could.”

  I caught sight of us in the mirror and moaned. Seeing his hard body, tight with tension, pumping into mine was nearly too much. I let my head fall backwards, arching my back slightly and the new angle hit a different spot inside me.

  Lucas swore and reached his fingers down to brush lightly against my clit. He grunted as my walls squeezed around him in response. “This isn’t going to last if you do that again.”

  I kissed him as he circled my clit with his fingers. My legs were wrapped around his waist. I was so lost in him, his tongue, his fingers, his cock.

  Warmth budded in my core, blossoming and spreading out to my limbs as I edged closer and closer. My nails dug into his shoulders and I clung to him for all I was worth as the first wave of my orgasm hit. It rolled over me, slowly drowning me in pleasure.

  Lucas stumbled as he growled and thrust himself deeply into me. My back hit the cool tiles of the bathroom wall and a second later I felt his warm shooting ejaculations filling me. I cried out as my body came apart around him. My head rolled and I moaned his name. I’d never orgasmed so hard in my life. Even as I was coming down from it, as the last tremors were still rocking my body, I felt shell-shocked from its power.


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