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Security Breach

Page 2

by Evan Grace

  After stepping out for a quick sandwich that I eat on my way back to the office, I’m ready to meet the new guy. I grab the stack of papers and head down the hall to the conference room.

  I give a knock, then open the door. He turns toward me, and I’m frozen in shock. “It’s you,” his deep voice rumbles.

  Placing a protective hand over my belly, I don’t miss when his gaze slides down my body, stopping at my bump. He stands up and moves toward me. God, I forgot how big he is—so much taller than my five-foot-three frame. He rubs a hand over his head as he stands right in front of me.

  I’ve yet to say anything, because what do I say to the man who gave me the best sex in my life, only for me to wake up and find him gone, leaving me with the greatest gift I’ve ever received? My mind immediately goes to that night six months ago.

  Chapter Three


  Six Months Ago

  It’s my twenty-first birthday, and I’m on my way to a bar called The Road Trip to have drinks with some friends. I’m not much of a partier, but Brandon said if I didn’t go out drinking on my twenty-first, then I’d never be allowed to step into any bars or clubs ever again. Of course he’s lying, but it’s not surprising that he’d use any tactic to make me come out. Hello…dramatic, much?

  Brandon picked out my outfit for tonight. Since it’s cold out but unseasonably warm for Chicago in December, I’m wearing black leggings and black riding boots that come up to just below my knee. Up top, I’m wearing a form-fitting, white v-neck t-shirt and a thin, lavender duster. Silver necklaces hang down the front, and silver bangles jingle from my wrists as we walk up the sidewalk to the bar.

  I left my dark blonde locks in their natural state—slightly wavy. My makeup is a little heavier than I’d planned, but if I hadn’t done it, Brandon would’ve tied me to a chair and tried to slather a full mask on my face.

  My friends tried to convince me to go to a nightclub, but I hate them. It’s always loud and guys hit on us constantly, then it begins to not be any fun. I just want to drink some beer and eat some good food.

  We step inside and find our friends all sitting around a large table. Hugs are exchanged, and Brandon and I take our seats across from each other.

  Soon the beers have been flowing for a while, and I’ve had the best spicy shrimp tacos. Now we’re playing darts, which I suck at. Brandon left an hour ago to meet his boyfriend, Jose, for dinner. They should be back in an hour or so. Kelsey and Emily are flirting with the group of guys who conveniently took the table right by the dart board, so they could watch us.

  They tried to buy me shots, but I declined. I may be only twenty-one, but I’m not an idiot—I don’t mix my alcoholic beverages, and I don’t take drinks from people I don’t know. I grab my purse, slip out into the main bar, and find an empty stool. The bartender stops in front of me. “What can I getcha?”

  “I’ll take a Summer Shandy draft, please.” I pull out my phone and see a text from Brandon.

  Brandon: We’ll be there in about an hour. Doing okay?

  Delilah: Okay, sounds good. Say hi to Jose for me. I just ordered a beer so I’m doing fine.

  Brandon: Jose says hi, and we’ll see you in a bit.

  The bartender sticks my beer in front of me. “That’ll be four-fifty.” I grab my wallet to pay the bartender, but a deep voice speaks up beside me.

  “Put it on my tab.” I turn to my right, and the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen is sitting beside me. His dark hair is shaved close to the scalp, and his eyes are a dark, mossy green. He glances at me with a warm smile. “I hope you don’t mind me doing that.”

  “Um…not at all. Thank you. I’m Lilah, by the way.” I don’t know why I don’t give him my full name. His woodsy scent wraps around me as I reach my hand out to shake his.

  His large hand feels rough, but strong, and it fills me with a strange but welcome tingly feeling. “Reece.” He turns on his stool so he faces me, and I do the same.

  “Do you live here?” I ask before taking a sip of my beer.

  He shakes his head. “Not yet. I was just here to talk to a buddy of mine about a job. What about you?”

  “Yeah, I’ve lived here for two years now and love it. I live with my best friend and he’s crazy. He actually ditched me to have dinner with his boyfriend, but I can’t blame him for that. A couple of our friends are by the dart boards, but guys were starting to circle, and they were eating it up. I had to get out of there.”

  He eyes me suspiciously. “You don’t like male attention?”

  “It’s not that I don’t like it, but when I go out with my friends, I want to be with my friends, not to be some random girl that they’re hoping to make a play for. It seems that if you don’t return their affection, then they just move on to the next one, and that’s just not okay with me.”

  Reece nods his head. “I can respect that. A lot of women eat that shit up, but you don’t?”

  “Not really. If I’m interested, then I’ll let you know. What about you? You’re obviously a good-looking guy. I’m sure the women in this place have been circling like vultures.”

  His laugh is a deep, rich sound that causes my heart to race a little bit. “They might’ve, but I only stopped in here because the bar at my hotel is closed for renovations, plus they told me this place had the best nachos.”

  As if he knew Reece was talking about it, the bartender sets a ginormous plate of nachos in front of him. “I’m gonna need your help eating these. I wasn’t expecting such a huge platter.”

  I’ve never been shy around food, so I grab a chip loaded with seasoned shredded chicken, beans, lettuce, tomato, guacamole, salsa, and sour cream. I’m not embarrassed at all when I take a bite and moan. I find Reece staring at me; the look in his eyes makes my nipples hard.

  “I love to see a woman who likes to eat.”

  “Oh yeah, I love to cook, and even more I love to eat. When I was younger, my mom used to get on me, worried that I’d get fat, but I’m really active, so obviously she had nothing to worry about.” I pop the rest of my nacho in my mouth and finish off my beer.

  Reece signals for the bartender and orders himself and me another beer. “I’m buying this round,” I tell him, but he waves me off.

  “If I let you buy, my mom would whoop my ass if she found out.”

  “Are you sure? That’s not why I’m still sitting here.”

  He gives me a smile before handing me my glass. “I’m sure, and I’m aware of that because you didn’t even notice me sitting here when you sat down.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I’m very observant.” We both dig in with gusto, and before long, the entire plate of nachos is gone.

  I’ve always been outgoing and have had no problem talking to people I don’t know, and with Reece, it’s like we’ve known each other forever. While we drink, he tells me that he’s got a younger sister, and they all live back in his tiny little hometown in central Illinois. I share a little bit about my mom and the revolving men in and out of our lives.

  “We’re not very close now. She’s just very critical of everything I do. I’m convinced she thinks I ruined her life. She was only nineteen when she had me, and I used to hear all the time about the stuff she didn’t get to do because she was a mom.” I lower my head because sometimes I have verbal diarrhea. “Sorry to be a downer.”

  His fingertips touch my chin and lift it, and I realize how close he is to me. I can see the gold flecks in his eyes. “Don’t apologize. I’ve enjoyed talking to you.”

  I’ve never been forward with men before, but for some reason I’m not ready for my time to be over with him just yet. “I don’t know if you have to get back to your hotel now or not, but there’s this great diner about two blocks away that serves the best apple pie with a heaping scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream on top.”

  He doesn’t even seem to think about it—Reece just signals for the bartender to close out his tab, signs the receipt, sticks his card bac
k in his wallet, and stands up. I follow suit, and that’s when I realize how big he is compared to me. His shirt molds to defined muscles and shows off a slim waist. Reece’s jeans fit him like a second skin and highlight muscled legs. And don’t think I don’t notice the huge bulge in his pants…great. Now I’m horny.

  “I’m going to tell my friends I’m leaving,” I say.

  “Sure, I’ll be waiting right here,” he says with a smile that makes my knees weak.

  With quick steps, I head toward the dart boards and spot Kelsey and Emily. “Hey guys, I’m taking off.”

  “Where are you going?” Emily asks.

  “Out for dessert with a guy named Reece. We’re walking down to Patty’s.”

  “Okay, have fun and be safe,” Kelsey says before wrapping her arms around me. “Happy birthday.”

  “Thanks, honey. I love you guys.” I hug and kiss them both before walking back out to the bar and smiling when I spot Reece standing there waiting for me. “Ready?”

  “Yep, lead the way.”

  We walk side by side down the street in a companionable silence. Up ahead I see Patty’s, and when we step inside, we grab a booth toward the back. When the waitress comes to us, we both order apple pie à la Mode and coffee. A few minutes later, she returns with two huge pieces of pie with heaping scoops of ice cream and two cups of coffee.

  “You are in for a treat.” I dig in and take a huge bite, knowing I probably have ice cream in the corner of my mouth, but I’m rocking a nice buzz, so I don’t really care, moaning and groaning around the pie as I chew it.

  He takes a bite himself and closes his eyes. I know that look—pure ecstasy. “This is the best fucking pie I’ve ever eaten.”

  “I told you, didn’t I? This place is an institution.” I add cream and sugar to my coffee and take a generous sip. We finish our pie—well, I only ate half, and Reece finished mine as well as his.

  I’ve never had this much fun talking to someone I just met before. It doesn’t hurt that there’s this underlying sexual tension that seems to be building between us.

  I notice his lingering glances at my lips when we talk and the subtle glances at my chest. I, of course, have been checking him out too. When the check comes, I wrestle it away from him and pay it before he can. “I invited you for dessert, it’s the least I can do.”

  Our waitress brings us a couple of to-go cups with coffee, and after I doctor mine up, we step outside. Right there on the street, Reece surprises me by cupping my face and pressing his lips to mine. The kiss is soft and tender, and my lips begin moving against his. He licks the seam of my lips and I allow him entrance into my mouth.

  His kiss turns firm and seductive, and I swear I could come right now from this alone. Far too soon the kiss is over and he’s slowly pulling away. “Fuck, if I didn’t want to do that all night.”

  “Me too.” My voice has taken on a breathy tone.

  Reece reaches out, stroking my cheek so tenderly my eyes drift shut. Goosebumps break out across my skin as he whispers against my ear, “Come back to my hotel room with me?”

  I’ve never had casual sex before. I’ve had two lovers, and both were about as inexperienced as I am. I feel like Reece is my one shot at spontaneous, uninhibited sex. “Okay,” I whisper as my eyes open and find him so close, his breath hits me in sweet-smelling puffs.

  With one more addictive kiss, he laces his fingers with mine, and hand in hand we head to his hotel. Neither of us says anything as we enter the lobby and step onto the elevator. We reach his floor and walk toward his door. He produces his keycard and slips it into the slot, but before he opens it all the way, he turns to me.

  “We don’t have to do anything. We can just hang out. I just wanted you to know that before we go inside.”

  Maybe it’s the beer or maybe it’s the sugar high from the pie, but I move toward him and place my hand on his chest, letting it slide up around his neck. I pull him down until our lips touch in a soft kiss. He pulls back, and I smile at him before pushing his door open and pulling him inside.

  The door shuts quietly, and I turn to face Reece. In two steps I’m in his arms and my back meets the wall. I wrap my legs around his waist and feel his hard cock. His lips are on mine, and I open my mouth to his seeking tongue. Mine meets his in that familiar dance and I moan into his mouth as I feel one of his hands cup my breast, plucking at the nipple through my bra.

  He sets me down on my feet and pushes my duster off. Then it’s my shirt. I return the favor and slowly unbutton his, kissing every newly exposed inch of his chest. What a fine chest it is. All muscles and smooth skin that’s totally kissable. I finally slip his shirt off his shoulders, and it floats to the floor. Then in one smooth move, I’m up in the air and then my back is hitting the mattress with Reece following me down.

  Our lips connect in a fiery gnashing of lips, tongues, and teeth. My bra is gone in seconds and his lips begin their descent toward my breasts. He nibbles and sucks every inch of my skin as he makes his way down first to one nipple, sucking it between his lips. I grip the top of his head as a moan rips from my lips. He moves to the other, nipping it with his teeth and then sucking the sting away.

  I whimper as he pulls away until I realize it’s so he can pull off one boot and then the other. He grabs my leggings and panties, pulling them down my legs until they’re off. “Fuck me, you’re beautiful,” he whispers reverently. “Spread your legs for me.”

  Slowly I bend my knees and then let my legs come apart. I feel open and vulnerable, but it’s a huge fucking turn-on. He grabs my thighs and spreads my legs even further. He leans in and I moan as I feel his tongue lick me from the bottom to the top, paying extra attention to my clit, sucking it between his lips.

  “Oh God, that feels so good.” I don’t recognize my own voice right now. “Yes, right there.” He again licks me from the bottom to the top, moaning against my pussy. Reece pushes one finger inside of me, rubbing the elusive G-spot. I pump my hips but then he pins them down with his forearm.

  He adds another finger and begins rubbing my G-spot again, and this time he starts sucking on my clit with gusto. I reach up, pinching my nipples as I feel my orgasm coming. My head tips back as I arch off the bed, crying out.

  “Fuck, you’re squeezing my fingers.” Reece pulls them out and then brings them to my mouth. I moan around them as I suck the moisture off. As he pulls them out, I nip at the tips. He pushes up on his knees and I reach out, unbuttoning his pants. As I pull the zipper down, nervous anticipation fills me when I see the outline of a very large cock behind the denim.

  I look up at Reece. “Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you.” Then he freaking winks at me and I can’t help it—I start to laugh.

  He grabs my sides and begins tickling me. I’m squealing and squirming until he finally stops and we’re chest to chest. His gaze is intense as he strokes my cheek. “Are you ready for me to fuck you?”

  “Yes, please.” He grabs his wallet out of his jeans and pulls a condom free, tossing it on the bed next to me. Reece stands up and shucks his jeans, socks, and boxer briefs, and when I get the first look at his dick, my pussy involuntarily spasms. It’s long and veiny, with the perfect girth, and my mouth waters at the sight of it.

  He grabs the condom and slides it on, then settles between my legs. He kisses me urgently, sucking my tongue into his mouth. I feel Reece reach between us and line his cock up with my entrance. He pulls his mouth away. I hold his gaze as he slowly eases his big, beautiful dick inside me until he’s buried to the hilt. We groan in unison before he slowly eases out until just the tip remains, and then slowly pushes it back in.

  My thighs cradle his hips as he moves slowly in and out. He puts his arms under my thighs to lift me a little, and then he begins to drive into me with a force that has me crying out over and over. “Rub your clit, baby—take yourself there. I’m gonna come so hard.”

  Reaching down in between us, I begin rubbing my clit as the desire to come becomes overwhelming. I kno
w that when I do come, it’s going to be amazing.

  As Reece pumps his cock in and out of me, he bends his head, sucking my nipple into his mouth as something snaps inside me. He covers my mouth with his hand as I scream, “Oh fuck!” over and over until he plants himself deep and groans against my neck.

  He collapses on top of me and I welcome the weight of him. I wrap my arms around his shoulders as his hot panting breaths hit my neck. I whimper as he pulls out of me. “I’ll be right back.” Reece kisses my lips before climbing off the bed and disappearing into the bathroom.

  I’m not sure what to do here, so I get out of bed and search the floor for my clothes. Arms wrap around me and lips meet my neck. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  Turning in his arms, I look up at him. “You’re not?”

  Placing his hands on my ass, he lifts me with ease until I’ve got my legs wrapped around his hips and my arms are around his shoulders. With his lips on mine, he carries me back to bed.


  I open my eyes and silence greets me. I stretch and moan as the evidence of my night reveals itself—my muscles deliciously ache and I can’t help but smile. After Reece carried me back to bed he fucked me, and fucked me hard. We took a nap, then we woke and I rode him until we both came again. He and I fell asleep in a tangle of arms and legs.

  Rolling over, I’m surprised to find the other side of the bed empty. I reach my hand out and it’s cold. Sitting up, I listen to see if I can hear him; maybe he’s in the bathroom. I get out of the bed, and when I look around, that’s when I notice his suitcase that was on the other bed is gone.

  “Would he really leave without at least saying goodbye?” I whisper.

  In the bathroom, I see a towel on the counter, but nothing else. Disappointment hits me like a freight train. I feel like a slut right now. I let a stranger fuck me ten ways from Sunday and when he was done with me, he took off…asshole.


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