Book Read Free

Security Breach

Page 4

by Evan Grace

  “Do you need anything? Can I go get you some food or something?” That feels like something so small, but for now that’s all I can do. “We need to tell your dad that I’m the father. Sooner rather than later.”

  “No, I don’t need anything, but thank you, and you’re right. I need to tell him, but you need to know he may possibly kill you.” Her eyes—or rather, the eye that’s not swollen, twinkles.

  “I’m prepared for that…I think.”

  “Hey girl, I’ve got your…” I freeze and turn around to find her roommate. He comes toward me. “I’m Brandon, and you are?”

  “Reece.” He shakes my hand and then goes to Delilah, bending down and kissing her cheek. Brandon whispers something to her. They turn to look at me and I don’t miss the way her friend checks me out.

  “So you’re the baby daddy.” He turns to look at Delilah. “You’re going to have one good-looking kid. Way to go, girl.” She giggles, but then sobers quickly, touching her face. My anger returns in full force.

  I move close to the bed and look at her, then her belly. She nods and I slowly reach out, placing my hand on her stomach. It’s soft but firm, and just as I’m about to move my hand away, I feel a little bump against my hand. I look at Delilah with wide eyes and she gives me a soft smile.

  “He’s really started moving to where I could feel it over the past few weeks,” she says. “Little bumps here and there. He loves when I sing to him.”

  “Del’s got the voice of an angel,” Brandon says from behind me. “Sing to the baby now, Del.”

  She shakes her head. “I’m not your trained monkey.” Delilah yawns widely. “I’m sleepy.”

  I should leave and let her rest, but who’s going to protect her if the guy who attacked her comes back? Brandon seems like a nice guy, but he’s not going to be able to stop someone who has no problem hitting a pregnant woman.

  Brandon sets books, a bag of Skittles, and a package of powdered donuts on the table next to the bed. I look at them, and then at her with a raised brow. Her cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. “This baby has given me a major sweet tooth. Normally I’m a pretty healthy eater.”

  “She is…she’s also a pseudo-vegetarian, but the baby has her eating red meat like crazy,” Brandon adds. “Girly, I’m going to head out. I’ll be back in the morning.” He leans down, hugs Delilah, and then gives me a wave before disappearing.

  “You don’t need to stay. I’m sure you’ve got stuff to do.” She grabs her phone and starts messing with it.

  I move across the room and sit on the couch, getting comfortable before staring up at the TV. “Sorry, sweetheart, but someone jumped you, hit you. I’m honestly surprised your dad didn’t hire someone to sit outside your room. I can’t in good conscience leave you alone. This is nonnegotiable.”

  “What do you mean, nonnegotiable? You can’t just come in here and boss me around.” She huffs and crosses her arms over her chest.

  “Whether you want me involved or not, that’s my baby you’re carrying, and I’ll do whatever I have to do to protect you both. I promise that to you.”

  Delilah doesn’t say anything; instead she nods her head, settling into the bed. It isn’t long before I watch her eyes slowly drift closed. She looks so young lying in the hospital bed. The bruises are purple and angry looking as I stare at her like a stalker. When I’m finally face to face with the guy who hurt her, I’m going to have a good time making him pay.

  I’m a light sleeper, so when my eyes start to drift closed, I let them.


  My eyes drift open, then closed, before popping open. Jack is standing over me. “You are so dead, motherfucker.”

  I jump off the couch. “Jack, I swear to Christ I didn’t know she was your daughter. I didn’t even know about the baby until yesterday.” My hands go up in surrender. “You know me, man—I wouldn’t fucking do that.”

  “Dad, please don’t,” Delilah cries from where she’s perched up on her bed. Jack immediately goes to his daughter, wrapping his arms around her. “Don’t be mad at him. I could’ve said no.”

  A nurse pops her head in, asking if everything is all right. We all tell her yes, even though she looks at us skeptically. I move toward Delilah and Jack once the nurse leaves. “Jack, you know me, man. I’ll make this right.”

  “You’re damn right, you’re going to fix this shit! You guys need to get married.”

  My stomach turns, but Delilah speaks up first.

  “That’s not going to happen, Dad. When I get married I’m doing it for love. I’m sorry, but look at you and Mom. That was a nightmare for you, and granted I’m not her, but I don’t want someone resenting me or my son because they think we trapped them into a marriage they didn’t want. I know I’m young, and I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m sure now that Reece knows he’ll do whatever he can to help, and to be there for us.” She wraps her arms around him, and even though I know it’s her dad, I get a little jealous. “Plus, I’ve got you. You’re going to be the best grandpa there is.”

  It’s easy to see how smart and put-together she is. Hell, less than twenty-four hours ago she was attacked, but she’s calm, cool, and collected now. I admire her strength already. It also isn’t hard to miss how much Jack loves his daughter.

  Jack cups his daughter’s face. “I promise I won’t kill him, at least not until we’ve found the guy who hurt you. They said you could leave today, and I want you to come stay with me.”

  She’s already shaking her head and opens her mouth to speak, but I cut her off. “She can stay with me.” They both look at me. “Jack, it makes sense. I’ve got a security system, and I just moved here—whoever did this doesn’t know I work for you. At least not yet, and I can bring her to work every day, and take her home. I’ve got a spare bedroom she can sleep in. She’ll be safe. Plus, she and I have lots to talk about.”

  Judging by the murderous look on his face, Jack has probably already killed me at least twice in his head. “You know I’m right,” I say. “Let me do this. She’s your daughter, and that’s my son. I’d die before I let something happen to them.”

  “Daddy, he’s right. I’m okay with it, and you need to be okay with it too.”

  “Fine, I’ll arrange getting your stuff delivered there.” He kisses the top of her head, and then signals me to follow him into the hall. “If you fucking hurt her or my grandson, I’ll kill you.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less. I meant what I said, man, I’ll do right by them.” I scrub my hand over my head. “Do I still have a job?”

  He fucking rolls his eyes at me. “Of course you still have your job. I know you didn’t know who she was, but, man…she’s twenty-one, you’re thirty-four, and I wanted her to get her life in order first before she started a family. I wanted to make sure all the poison her mom filled her head with was gone. That bitch convinced my daughter she was dumb and worth nothing for so long that sometimes Del is still too damn hard on herself.” Jack shakes his head. “Stay with her while I make some calls.”

  Without another word, Jack takes off down the hall. For a minute, I just stand there processing the fact that even though he’s pissed—rightfully so—I’m still alive and employed. But shit…Delilah is twenty-one? I already knew she was young, but I’m a full thirteen years older than her, and she’s having my baby. I pinch the bridge of my nose and groan. What the fuck did I get myself into?

  I slip back inside the room and find Delilah in black leggings and pulling a tank top down, but I don’t miss the quick flash of her rounded belly. A weird sensation runs through my body…lust, maybe…or love for my child? Whatever it is, it’s quickly replaced with rage when she turns toward me and I see the huge bruise on the side of her belly.

  Before I can stop myself, I’m right in front of her with my large hand covering her belly. “I swear to you that I’ll make sure that you and our son are safe.”

  Delilah stares up at me. Her chin begins to quiver, and her eyes glisten. “I thought
he was going to kill me,” she whispers. “I thought I was going to lose the baby.” A tear leaks from each eye. Before I can stop myself, I wrap my hand around the back of her head. I pull her until I can hug her tightly to my chest.

  I rest my cheek on the top of her head. She cries softly against my chest. It takes her just a few minutes to get it out, and then she backs up, disappearing into the bathroom. When she comes out, her face is red. Maybe from wiping her face? “You okay?”

  She nods. “Yeah, sorry for losing it.”

  I walk toward her, but she holds up her hands to stop me. Why does that one simple move rub me the wrong way? Before I can ask her what that was about, the aide comes in with the wheelchair to take her downstairs.

  Delilah is certainly stubborn because she doesn’t want to get in it, but finally she does and we head home.

  Chapter Six


  It’s been two days since Reece moved me into his home…temporarily. I swear it’s the quintessential bachelor pad. The walls are bare. He’s got a huge brown leather sofa and loveseat, which I will admit is amazing. The cushions are soft, but firm, and the leather is buttery soft. He’s got his flat-screen mounted above the fireplace, and off to the side is some gaming device.

  There is no kitchen table, but stools at the breakfast bar. Yesterday he went to the grocery store. Now the refrigerator is filled with fruits, veggies, almond milk, and eggs. He also got several options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I tried to give him money for the groceries, but he flat-out refused me.

  Within two hours of being released from the hospital, Reece had my whole bedroom basically loaded up and transferred to his place. I do admit I love the neighborhood he lives in. It’s quiet, except for the occasional child that can be heard playing or a random dog barking.

  Another nice thing is my bedroom has a Jack and Jill bathroom that connects to the other spare room. I roll onto my back in bed with my hands on my stomach, smiling as I feel my son move around. Next week I have to follow up with my OB/GYN—she wants to make sure there are no lingering issues from the blow to my stomach.

  Nausea pools in my belly as I think about the attack, and I fly out of bed, barely making it to the toilet. Over and over I empty the contents of my stomach. Hands pull my hair away from my face and then rub my back. When the heaving stops, Reece helps me stand up, flushing the toilet for me. He has me sit on the closed toilet, grabs a wet washcloth, and then wipes my face off.

  “Morning sickness?”

  I shake my head. “No, I was just thinking about what happened, and it made me sick.”

  He crouches down in front of me. “It’s going to be okay, I promise.”

  The baby moves around like crazy. I grab his hand and put it on my belly, ignoring—or trying to ignore—the fact that he’s in a pair of boxer briefs and nothing else. He’s all sinewy, with broad shoulders, and I forgot that he had a light happy trail that disappears into his underwear, which outlines his big, beautiful cock.

  Our son feels like he’s doing cartwheels in my belly, and I know he can feel it because he looks at me with a huge smile on his face. “That’s incredible. Does it hurt you when he does that?”

  “No, but I’ve heard that as he gets bigger it’ll feel more uncomfortable.” I don’t miss how his hand practically covers my entire belly. My breasts begin to tingle and feel heavy. If I stick my hand in my panties, my fingers will be wet.

  That’s been the one side effect of my pregnancy that’s sucked because I’m single: I’m horny all the time. Before my last birthday, my libido had been almost nonexistent ever since I first started having sex. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me, but then I met Reece and realized it was just the partners I’d picked before him.

  At the beginning of my pregnancy I was sick all the time, so I didn’t think about sex too much, but a month and a half ago the morning sickness left and I became a hornball. I’ve had dreams so vivid I’ve woken up coming, and let us not forget the masturbating. I’ve been to the adult toy store by my place so much lately that the owner and I are on a first-name basis.

  “Delilah?” His deep voice pulls me from my horny stupor. “You okay?”

  I can only nod because it’s possible I’d give myself away if I spoke right now. He stands up, and my mouth waters—his bulge is right in front of my face. I shove my hands under my butt so I’m not tempted to touch him, because my body is screaming at me right now to pounce.

  “I’m going to go take a shower, and then I’ll make us some breakfast.” He disappears, and I take a deep breath.

  The scent of him is all around me as I stand up. It’s warm and woodsy with a hint of sweat. My body is like a live wire, but I ignore what I want and brush my teeth. Back in my temporary room, I stick my head out the doorway and hear his shower on. Quickly, I shut my door and grab the backpack that holds my toys.

  I grab just my simple vibrator because I’m sure I don’t have much time. Crawling under my covers, I strategically stick the vibe in my underwear so it’s right against my clit. Closing my eyes, I think about Reece and our night together. It was the last time we had sex before I fell asleep.

  His cock slips from my mouth with a pop, and I take the condom from him, sliding it down his thick shaft. My pussy is so wet right now I should be embarrassed, but I’m not. I straddle his hips and slowly ease myself down onto his cock. We groan simultaneously as my ass settles against his upper thighs.

  Slowly I ease myself up and down, rolling my hips on each downward motion. My body does a full shudder each time because he hits that spot deep inside of me. My hands rest on his stomach for balance, and his fingers pluck my nipples.

  The only sounds that can be heard are the wet squelches of my body and our pants and groans. Reece pushes himself up and wraps one arm around my waist. The other grabs my hair at the base of my skull. He uses it to bring my lips down to his, and he kisses me so hard I groan into his mouth.

  I continue to slowly ride him until we’re both worked into a frenzy. He flips me onto my stomach and pulls me up by my hips, thrusting inside of me so hard my head flies back and a moan rips from my lips.

  “You’re so fucking tight.” He places a kiss between my shoulder blades. “You feel so fucking good, baby.” My pussy likes him calling me “baby” because it spasms around him, causing Reece to groan. “Fuck, I love that. Shit, you were made just for me.” He pulls me up until my back is against his front, and he begins to thrust into me over and over.

  His lips touch the side of my neck while he rubs my clit with one hand and pinches a nipple with the other. The moment his teeth sink into my neck I come with a surprised cry. He follows me shortly after, and I fall face down onto the mattress with him landing on top of me. I relish the feel of his body on mine, but groan as he pulls out.

  I slap my hand over my mouth as I begin to come. My pussy is trying to pull an imaginary cock inside of it. When it’s over, I remove my hand and turn off the vibrator. Fuck that was so fast, but so good.

  After quickly washing and putting away my vibrator, I put up my hair in a bun and take a quick shower. My dad wanted me to take the rest of the week off, but today I have to work on payroll. If he messes with it he’ll ruin it, so I really need to go.

  I put on some makeup—paying extra attention to my bruises with some concealer—and then throw on a fitted sundress with a cardigan over it. After slipping on a pair of nude ballet flats, I head downstairs. The scent of sausage hits me, and my mouth begins to water. It’s very hard to eat every bit of meat this baby makes me crave, but it’s only temporary.

  In the kitchen, I find Reece at the stove in a pair of worn jeans that mold to his spectacular ass. The t-shirt he’s wearing is fitted, but not so tight I can see every bit of six pack.

  “Hey,” I say as I grab a mug and pour myself coffee. Before I can take a sip, he takes it from me. “Um…that was mine.”

  “Coffee isn’t good for the baby.”

  “Seriously? I c
an have one cup, it won’t hurt him. Since when did you become a pregnancy expert?” From next to the stove he holds up a copy of What to Expect When You’re Expecting, and all I can do is roll my eyes. “Well, my doctor says one cup won’t hurt him, so give it back.” I march right over to him and grab my mug.

  He slaps eggs, sausage, and some buttered toast on a plate and sets it in front of me with a clatter. “What crawled up your ass? It’s just a cup of coffee—hell, most of the time I drink decaf.”

  Reece comes toward me and bends down so we’re face to face. “Next time you’re going to masturbate, keep it down, and don’t fucking moan my name when I’m not in there with you and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”

  He stomps away, and my face heats up. I thought I was quiet, and when I came I covered my mouth…oops. It’s not my fault he’s so fucking sexy, and I know how well he uses his cock. I’m only human.

  While I eat I wonder what it’ll be like co-parenting with Reece. Would we live together? What if he got a girlfriend? I don’t think I could listen to him fuck some other girl, or worse he left to be with her, leaving us alone. I shake my head because there is no sense in thinking about that stuff until there is reason to.

  After finishing my breakfast, I run upstairs and brush my teeth. I’m not sure where Reece is when I come back down, so I quickly pack my lunch. I start to put a lunch together for him but realize he probably wouldn’t want that. Most of the guys go out to lunch.

  I grab my phone off the charger and see a missed text from my mom. Ugh, I don’t want to read it, but I’m dumb.

  Mom: You finally get smart, and get rid of that mistake?

  My stomach turns as I read her words. How can she be like that? Was it so terrible to have had me when she was young? Dad helped the best he could but serving in the military took a lot of his time. My mom would always try to poison my mind about him. She’d tell me that he didn’t love me and didn’t want me—that I was the reason he joined the Army and left us in the first place.


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