Book Read Free

Security Breach

Page 15

by Evan Grace

  “Food’s on,” I hear Jack yell up the stairs.

  “Will you eat something for me?” I ask her.

  She nods. “Y-Yeah. I’m hungry.”

  Her voice is hoarse, and I’m sure she’s got to be thirsty. “Come on, let’s go eat dinner with your dad.”

  I lead her downstairs and she walks right into her dad’s open arms. I give them a minute and walk into the kitchen to get plates and silverware out. They join me a few minutes later. Delilah is quiet during dinner, but she’s eating and that makes me happy.

  After we eat, she kisses both her dad and me and heads up to bed.

  “Walk me out,” Jack says, and I follow him. “Take tomorrow off. I don’t want her coming into the office. She’s too raw right now. It’s taking all of my willpower not to go after that crazy bitch for hurting our daughter like that. I should’ve taken Delilah and run. I hate that she had to be raised by that cunt.”

  “You couldn’t know that she was going to turn out like that.”

  “In the beginning I was blinded by pussy, and what I thought love was, but I knew nothing about love until they placed my daughter in my arms. Just wait—I know the love you have for Delilah is real, but as soon as you hold your son, you’ll wonder how you ever lived your life without him.”

  I let Jack know that I’ll update him on how our girl is doing tomorrow. He gets in his truck and I watch him drive away.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’m finishing up some invoices when thoughts of this past week hit me. It’s hard to believe it’s been a week since my mom showed up and tried to wreak havoc, and maybe she did a little, but that night I came to the conclusion that I didn’t need her in my life anymore. I have my dad, Brandon, Elizabeth, and best of all, Reece.

  Elizabeth called me the next day to check on me, after hearing about my mom, and when I started to cry she gave me the best pep talk. She told me that being a parent was the hardest, yet most rewarding job she’d ever had, and as sad as she found it, some women weren’t cut out for motherhood. She told me that she saw the love I have for my son every time I put my hand on my belly already, and she didn’t doubt for a second that I was going to be the best mother.

  She promised to come see me next week, plus she wanted to see the nursery. Rachel is going to come with her too, which I’m super psyched for.

  My dad’s looking forward to meeting them. It felt like everything was falling into place. I’ve gotten a couple of hang-up calls the past week, but the number was blocked. I’ve tried not to let it bother me and live in fear, but I still remember the way it felt when the man hit me in the stomach.

  The guys are still working their asses off trying to find the person who hurt me, but they’re stumped and hitting dead end after dead end, which has pissed off the alpha brigade. They don’t like to lose.

  When I told Brandon about what happened with my mom, he’d felt terrible for letting it slip that I had been sick. I assured him that she was bound to show up anyway, and at least I knew the truth, and that was she didn’t love me and didn’t love her grandson. The only thing she loved was herself, and maybe whatever guy she was fucking, but that was only until they served their purpose and she scraped them off.

  It still hurts, and every day I wake up with a heavy heart, but then I remind myself of what I do have. I have a father who’d do anything for me and loves me unconditionally. I’ve got a group of men that is doing what they can to keep me protected. They think I don’t notice that someone’s always tailing me, but my father is Jack Mackenzie. They should know better. They’re always keeping watch.

  Brandon is someone I can always count on and has been there for me always. Then there’s Reece, and everyone that comes with him. They’ve shown me love and compassion, and they barely know me.

  I focus back on my task, double-checking my work before sending the bills out, and then I shut my computer off. I grab the gift bag from under my desk and carry it down to the surveillance room. I knock and wait for Egan to tell me to come in. Sometimes they’re working on stuff that I don’t need to see—that I shouldn’t see.

  “Hey, Egan,” I greet him as I step inside, then sit down next to him.

  “Hey sweetheart, how are you doing?” He leans over and gives me a quick hug.

  “Good, just ready to meet this little booger. I was at the mall the other day and thought this would be cute for Leif.” I hand him the bag, and he pulls out the little green sleeper that says, “Baby Hacker.”

  “This is fucking excellent. I can’t wait to put this on him. Carrie’s going to crack up.”

  I haven’t been able to see Carrie and Leif because I’ve been sick, and then there was the stuff with my mom. “How are Carrie and Leif?”

  “They’re great. He’s starting to hold his head up a little better. He’s still an adorable bobblehead, though.”

  “I want to see them, but I’ve been trying to get caught up since I was sick. I’ve talked to her on the phone, but I know that’s not the same as a face-to-face visit. Plus I need baby snuggles.”

  He gives me a smile. “I think she’d love that, and he already is quite the ladies man.”

  “I’m sure he is,” I say with a laugh. “I’m finished for the day, so I’m going to get my stuff ready. Reece should be here soon to get me.”

  I stand up, but he stops me with a hand on my arm. “I’m really happy for you and Reece. I know everyone was worried about you when we first found out, but I see good things in the future for you guys.”

  “Thank you. I’ll see you later.”

  I head back to my desk and find my man sitting in a chair across from it. “Hey, babe,” I say and then bend down, giving him a kiss. “I’ll be ready in just a second.”

  “No rush. Are you almost caught up? You’ve been working too much this week.” He worries all the time about me.

  “I’m about as caught up as I can be before this little boy comes.” Reece rubs my belly and then leans forward, placing his lips on it. Our son gives him a big kick, and then he wiggles his butt, or at least that’s what it feels like.

  Reece leans closer. “Son, you quit kicking your mommy. You’re getting too big to be doing that.” He gives another kick, and we both smile. Reece looks up at me. “Get your stuff together, and when we get home I’ll rub your feet.”

  That sounds heavenly because my ankles and feet are starting to swell a little bit. They’re pretty sore by the time I get home. My ballet flats are about the only shoes I can wear right now. I grab my bag, and Reece takes it from me while I put my cardigan on.

  Hand in hand we walk out, and I tell Shayla that I’ll get ahold of her about doing lunch. That girl is full of secrets, and I’m looking forward to learning more about her. Hopefully she’ll feel comfortable enough to share them with me if she chooses to. All I know is that I really like her and can totally see us becoming great friends.

  “I look forward to it,” she says and gives us a wave as we step onto the elevator.

  When we reach the parking garage I scan it for his car, but I don’t see it anywhere. “Um…where’s the Shelby?”

  “I put it in storage.”

  I stop walking and look up at him. “In storage?”

  “Yeah, it dawned on me the other day that we’re going to need something better to get a car seat in and out of. Also, something safer for when we’re driving around with him in the car, and I couldn’t do the minivan, so I got this…” He leads me to a sweet looking Toyota 4Runner. It’s black, of course. These men all have a thing for black rides. He holds his key fob up and unlocks the SUV.

  He helps me inside, and the interior is sick. The smell of new leather mixed with new car smell hits my nose. The leather feels soft and the seat is comfortable as I get situated in it.

  When he climbs in, he turns it on and what looks like a mini computer screen lights up. “You just need to pair your phone, and you’ll be able to use the hands-free. I’ll go over everything else with you l

  “This is so sweet, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle driving something so big.” As soon as I say it, I notice the innuendo and my cheeks flare up.

  Reece chuckles and I turn and slap his arm. “Oh, you’re pretty amazing at handling big stuff.”

  “I can’t believe I said that.” I stare at the ceiling and notice the sunroof. “You’ll just have to help me learn how to manage something so big.” I give him what I hope is a saucy wink.

  He gives me a grin that makes my heart race. Pulling me toward him, he kisses my lips hard. I open to him as our tongues dance, and I fill myself get wet. He barely touches me and my body lights up. The kiss ends all too soon, and Reece pulls back. “After this baby is born, we’re breaking in the SUV and I’m fucking you in the back.”

  My nipples harden immediately. When I look down, I see a tiny wet spot on the front of my shirt. I knew this would happen, but still it’s pretty crazy that my body knows to start preparing for the baby’s arrival.

  Reece looks down and notices too. “Is that what I think that is?”

  I nod. “Yeah. I guess I better start using those pads that your mom got for me.”

  When we reach the house, he pulls into the garage and I climb out. Reece carries my bag inside for me and sets it on the kitchen island. I head upstairs to change out of my work clothes and tie my hair up. I stop in the nursery and notice that Reece moved the furniture so it’s against the wall now that the paint’s dry.

  I run my hand across the smooth wood of the crib and can already picture my boy snoozing away in here. Of course, for at least the first few weeks he’ll be in our room in his bassinet Reece’s parents bought. I look around the room and stop at the dresser. The picture of Reece and I is missing. I look in the top drawer and behind it, but it didn’t fall either way. Maybe Reece took it and was planning on replacing it.

  I turn off the light and head back downstairs. Reece is out messing with the grill. I see burgers on the counter, so I get some potatoes out and slice them up for homemade fries. Those are his favorite. He comes in and wraps his arms around me. “Homemade fries?”

  “Yep. I thought I’d make your favorite side dish. I’m going to steam some broccoli too.” He hates that I make him eat his vegetables, but I told him we needed to be good role models for the baby. Again, he pouted because our son won’t be eating solid foods for a long time. “You like broccoli, so quit bitching.”

  After dinner I lie on the sofa with my feet in his lap and let him massage them for me. I swear his massages make me sound like I’m starring in my own porno. I situate myself so I’m kind of on my side, but with my feet still on him.

  He’s watching some show on Netflix, and my eyes feel heavy. I don’t bother trying to fight it.

  I wake up later as Reece gently shakes me. He helps me upstairs and I stagger into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Reece comes in and wraps his arms around me while I finish brushing my teeth. The smell of my toothpaste mixed with his manly, woodsy scent wrap around me. I quickly rinse and put my toothbrush away.

  “Look how sexy you look.” He holds my gaze in the mirror but I turn away, shaking my head. “No? You don’t see what I do.” His hands grab the hem of my nightgown and pull it up my body. First, exposing my thighs that are a little shapelier than they were pre-baby, and my belly comes into view next. I’ve been lucky and haven’t gotten stretch marks on my belly, but there are some little ones on my hips.

  “Look at that belly. You’re growing our child in there.” He pulls my nightgown the rest of the way off. “I’m not going to lie, but I fucking love your tits. They’re fuller and more sensitive now.”

  To punctuate his statement, he drags his thumbs over my nipples, and I moan as he pinches them between his thumb and pointer finger. I feel the wetness between my legs, and my panties stick to my lips. I don’t even get embarrassed at how wet I get for him anymore. It’ll probably never stop being like that.

  He presses his lips to my neck, still watching me watch him in the mirror. “Fucking gorgeous,” he whispers as he holds one breast, and the other hand slips inside my panties. My head rests on his shoulder as he zeroes in on my clit.

  I hold onto the cool marble counter with one hand and wrap my other arm around the back of his neck. My lips part, and a moan slips out. “Delilah, look at yourself.” I do as he touches me. My skin is flushed looking, my eyes are bright, and my blonde hair is wild around my shoulders. “Pure fucking beauty.”

  Two fingers enter me and his thumb strokes my clit. I begin to come hard. My mouth opens in a wordless cry as my pussy clamps down on his fingers. I turn my mouth up to his, and our tongues tangle as I ride the aftershocks of my orgasm.

  Reece pulls his fingers from me and brings them up to my mouth, and I suck them inside. I moan at the tangy, sweet taste of myself as he watches me in the mirror and I watch him back. “Fuck me, please,” I whisper.

  A growl rips from his throat, and next thing I know my panties are gone. His lips touch my ear. “Hold on, baby.” I grab onto to the marble counter and tilt my hips back.

  Before I have time to react, he thrusts inside me to the hilt, and I cry out. His grip tightens on my hips. I watch him as he watches me. This is the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced. The tingling low in my belly starts, and I know my orgasm is close. I reach between my legs and begin rubbing my clit.

  “Are you going to come for me?” I nod. “Good. Take yourself there.” I do and in seconds I begin to come, and then he follows behind me. The hot splash of his cum inside of me triggers aftershocks that make me moan and grind against him until he’s leaning over my back and we’re both breathing heavy.

  Reece kisses my sweaty neck and whispers quietly, “Marry me?”

  Tears leak from my eyes, and every fiber of my being wants me to say yes—no, to scream it—but I don’t say anything. I open my mouth, and then close it.

  I whimper as he pulls his softening cock from me. He turns me around and tips my chin up. “You’ll say yes when you’re ready.”

  I wrap my arms around him and hug him as tight as I can. “Thank you.” I hope he can feel how much that simple question meant to me.

  After a few minutes he helps me put my nightgown back on, takes me to bed, and then follows me in, and with my belly pressed against his I fall asleep in his arms.


  “Babe, my mom just pulled into the driveway,” Reece hollers up to me. Elizabeth is taking me for a pre-baby spa day. She wants me nice and relaxed when the baby comes, which could be any time now. At least according to my OB, because I’m already dilated to a three and my belly has dropped.

  Anxiety has consumed me and the thought of pushing out Reece’s giant son out of my vagina has me freaking out. Every time I share this with him he laughs at me, and if I could get my leg that high I’d kick him in his balls. I secure the end of my braid with a rubber band and grab my lavender duster. I’d found a larger size at the store of the one I wore the night I met Reece…the night our son was conceived.

  As a matter of fact, I’m wearing an outfit almost identical to that one. Instead of boots, I’m wearing my ballet flats, and my t-shirt and black leggings are maternity ones. I waddle as fast as I can down the stairs and feel like my child is trying to jam his head out of me.

  Sex has also become borderline painful, so Reece has just had to get blowjobs, but he doesn’t seem to mind. For me usually he gets me off with his hand or his mouth. Speaking of my man, he meets me at the bottom of the stairs. He smiles at me as he looks me up and down. Does he remember?

  “You were wearing the exact same outfit when we met.”

  I stop in front of him. “You remember?”

  “Of course baby, I remember everything from that night.”

  Elizabeth interrupts us when she knocks and comes in the front door. “Hey guys. Oh my gosh, Delilah, you’re absolutely glowing.” She stops in front of me. “How are you feeling? Are you ready to get pampered?”

“Uh…hello. Are you going to acknowledge your son?” I turn and look at Reece, rolling my eyes. He winks at me before going to his mom to give her a kiss. “Have fun, and keep an eye on my girl today.”

  “She’s going to be in good hands.”

  I grab my purse and my phone and then Reece walks us out. At the passenger door, I look up at Reece and smile. “Who’s babysitting me today?” He cocks an eyebrow. “You know who my dad is. I know someone is always tailing me. I’m not dumb.”

  Reece shakes his head. “It’s Dalton.”

  I love Dalton. He’s one of the funniest guys I’ve ever met. He reminds me of the lean, buff version of John Krasinski from The Office. His beard even looks like the actor’s. The main difference is Dalton is British and used to be part of the SAS—the Special Air Service. He, like most of the other guys, is “a pussy magnet,” as he likes to call himself, and a bona fide badass.

  “Kiss her so we can go,” his mom calls from the open window.

  He bends down and kisses my lips. “Have fun. I’m meeting some of the guys at your dad’s to play cards. If I’m not home when you’re done, just text me.”

  “No, hang out with the guys. I feel like I’ve kept you from doing stuff with them.”

  “Babe, I’m a grown man and do what I want. I love spending time with you.” He kisses my lips chastely and helps me inside. Then he stands in the driveway as we pull out.

  “Thank you,” Elizabeth says from the driver’s seat.

  “Thank you? For what?” I ask.

  She smiles as we drive down the street. “Thank you for making my son happy. I’m sorry I ever doubted you two.”

  I grab her hand and give it a squeeze. “I only want to make him as happy as he makes me. He’s going to be such a great dad.”

  We pull into the parking lot of Serenity Spa and head inside. Elizabeth gives them our names. A woman with dark-brown hair that’s pulled back in a sleek ponytail comes toward me. “Ms. Mackenzie, I’m Raven, and I’ll be doing your prenatal treatments today. If you’ll follow me, we’ll get you into one of our luxurious cotton robes, and then we’ll go over the menu so we can decide what treatments you would like.”


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