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Security Breach

Page 19

by Evan Grace

  She smiles at me with big brown eyes that are identical to her momma’s. I set her down and she runs toward our brown Labradoodle, Jinx, that my parents bought for us for our 1st anniversary. They said Charlie needed a dog, and I’m glad they did because that dog is our girl’s shadow. He’s protective of her and hates when she cries. Of course I don’t like it either. Delilah says I spoil her, but she’s just as bad. I think about fifty percent of the time she lets our daughter sleep with us.

  I just miss being able to fuck my wife when I want. I told her this next one was not going to sleep with us, no matter what. This baby is a boy, and we are ninety-nine percent certain that he is a boy. Of course I’ll believe it when I see it.

  “How are you feeling?” I wrap my arms around my wife’s swollen belly.

  “Good…tired. Our daughter could tell I was beat today—she was actually really good. Her papa picked her up today for lunch.” Jack is the biggest pushover for our daughter. She just has to bat her eyelashes, and he does her bidding. “Go shower, and dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes.” She smiles up at me.

  I stroke her cheek. “I can finish up if you want?” This woman gets more and more beautiful, and when she’s swollen with my child, she’s stunning.

  “No, go shower. You stink.” She pinches her nose, and I tickle her sides until she lets go of her nose.

  “Tinky,” I hear Charlie say from where she’s lying on the kitchen floor. She pinches her nose just like her mom.

  I point at her. “No, you’re stinky. Pee phew.” She giggles her little girl giggles and buries her little head under the dog’s front paws. Delilah just shakes her head.

  Upstairs I shower, and then throw on some flannel pants and a t-shirt. On top of our dresser a picture frame grabs my attention. It’s from the night we got married, when Charlotte was six months old.

  We got married at a little church, surrounded by our friends and family. Delilah looked like an angel in the antique white dress that skimmed over her curves and hit the floor with a little train. The sleeves were long and hung off her shoulders. It was sexy, and classic. Charlie wore a dress the same color that was adorable.

  I wore a black suit, with a white dress shirt and no tie. The picture was taken at our reception. Delilah had her arms around my waist, Charlie was in my arms, and we’re smiling at each other. I couldn’t tell you what happened, but I know that all I felt at that moment was pure bliss.

  Heading back down the stairs, the walls are lined with pictures of our girl, a family photo I did under protest, and one that Delilah and my sister arranged with all of us that we gave to our mom. The woman cried so we obviously did well…very well.

  “Uh oh,” I hear Charlie announce. She usually says that when she spills something or takes her pullup off and pees on the floor. Lord, give me strength to get through potty training.

  I step into the kitchen. “Charlie girl, what did you—uh oh.”

  That’s when I realize she’s pointing at Delilah. I don’t miss the puddle between her legs. “Well, I think you better call my dad.”

  With Charlotte, Del had been given a medication to bring on labor, and she went really fast. This time we don’t want to take a chance since they said the second baby can sometimes come quicker than the first. Jack sold his place in the city and bought a house ten minutes from us earlier this year.

  I run upstairs and grab the hospital bag before changing into jeans and throwing some tennis shoes on. Delilah and Charlie come upstairs, and I help her change into some dry clothes. By the time we’re heading downstairs, Jack is here.

  He slaps me on the back before crouching down on the floor. “Come here, baby girl.” Of course our daughter runs right to her papa.

  He walks us out, hugging his daughter before I load her into the 4Runner.

  Four hours later, our son Jackson Reece Meyers is born.



  One year later

  I climb out of the SUV and make my way to the elevator. Carrie greets me, but when she sees my face, her smile dies. She pushes the button to open the sliding doors for me. In the back I can hear the men in the conference room. I stomp my way down the hall and find him sitting at the end of the table with Erik. He smiles when he sees me, but then he sees my face, it falls.

  “What’s wrong, babe? What happened at the doctor?”

  “You refused to take your sample in after your vasectomy—well guess what, bucko? It didn’t work, and I’m pregnant. Congratulations.”

  I’m not really mad, just in shock. We were happy with two healthy kids, and one of each. I told him over and over that he needed to take it in—that I would give him a blowjob to finish the job, but nooooo…he wasn’t carrying around his cum. Sure he didn’t mind asking me to take it in.

  He comes toward me with a sheepish grin on his face. “Don’t be mad. It’s a baby—our baby.”

  I shake my head and smile up at him. “I’m not mad. Shocked, not mad, but I swear, if you don’t get your vasectomy redone, or whatever it’s called, we’re never having sex again.” I grab his face and pull him down for a kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” He places his hand on my lower stomach. Ugh, this man knows how to make me melt, and I’m forgetting that I was ever irritated with him.

  I poke my head in my office, and Shayla is behind my desk. She’s the backup to Carrie and me when we’re off, but she also helps with filing and anything else that is needed. She’s become a great friend, and a great asset to the company.

  “Hey Del, what are you doing here?”

  “I had to talk to Reece. I just wanted to see if you got my notes about the order that was coming in.”

  She nods. “Yep, everything was good to go.”

  “Great. I’m heading to get the kids, but lunch tomorrow?” We’re so busy now that we have to schedule our lunch dates.

  “You got it.”

  I tell her goodbye and tell Carrie I’ll call her later. On my way home, thoughts consume me. It’s almost my mom’s birthday, and although I haven’t been back to see her, I send her a yearly letter with some photos of Charlie, and now Jackson. She’s serving five years in prison for the kidnapping and attempting to steal my daughter and sell her.

  With the help of my therapist, I’ve let go of the anger that was poisoning me and have even forgiven her. She’ll never be a part of our lives, though—I just can’t do it. She always sends me a generic thank you card and has sent Charlotte a couple of cards for her birthday, which surprised me, but she always signs them, “Becky.” Not “grandma” or “Nana,” which is what Charlie calls Reece’s mom.

  My dad made it very clear to her that when she’s released that she’s not to come anywhere near us unless that is what I want, and honestly, I don’t know if that is what I want, ever.

  I pull into the driveway and see that my dad is here, which is odd because our neighbor, Harley, is watching the kids for me because he was busy.

  She moved in a year ago and has become a good friend. She’s single, and gorgeous, and she won’t let me set her up on any dates. Instead, she hangs out with us quite a bit and watches the kids for us. What I love that others don’t know about her is that she writes erotic romance novels under the pen name Eva Steele. How cool is that?

  I make my way inside, and Jackson comes crawling to me. He turns one in a week and does not want to walk. He does this spider man crawl that’s hilarious. If he has something he wants to carry, he’ll put it in his mouth like a dog. He looks just like his daddy, and has the same bossy demeanor. “Hi, my monkey man.” I scoop him up, covering his face in kisses.

  I find Harley picking up toys in the living room with Charlie helping, and my dad can’t take his eyes off her…hmmm, interesting.

  “Hey, guys.”

  Harley gives me a nervous smile. “Hey, Del. How’d it go?” She knows that I’m pregnant, but only because she was there when I threw up.

  I look at my dad. “I’m pregnant.�

  He gets up and pulls me into a hug. “That’s great, honey.”

  “Yeah, this one was not planned at all. I’m super happy, but this is it. Three kids are perfect. What are you doing here?”

  His eyes drift to Harley, and back to me. “I was just in the neighborhood, and thought I’d pop on by.”

  I’ll let it go for now, but it makes me curious as hell about what was happening before I walked in.

  Harley leaves right after that, and I promise her we’ll talk later. Dad then leaves right after that. I’d mention something to Reece, but he’d tell me to stay out of it. What can I say—I love playing matchmaker, and I caught the matchmaking bug from Carrie.

  I lay both kids down for their nap and sit down to write my mom.


  First, happy birthday, and I hope you’re doing well. Things are well here. Both kids are doing great, and getting bigger every day. Charlie is so smart. She can count to ten and knows her ABC’s. She loves her baby brother, but not so much right now since he loves getting into her toys.

  Jinx just goes with the flow and does whatever the kids want. What can I say…they’re spoiled I got the birthday card for Jackson; thank you for that. I’ll keep it in a folder for him so he can see them when he’s older.

  I’m pregnant again, and it wasn’t planned, but I’m still excited, but this will be the last baby. The two we have already keep us on our toes, so I can only imagine what another one will be like, but Reece is so great, and such a great helper.

  Brandon and Jose got married this past summer, I couldn’t remember if I told you. Charlie was their flower girl and loved it—she twirled down the aisle so much she fell down spilling her rose petals, but she hopped right back up, and ran down the aisle to her daddy.

  I think that’s all I have for now. I’ve enclosed pictures of the kids with the dog, and one of us from Brandon’s wedding.

  Take care of yourself…Please.



  I fold the letter around the photos I’ll send her. Usually after I send her letter I need a drink, but obviously I can’t have one now. Instead, I decide to lie down until the kids wake up.


  Reece eases his softening cock out of me, and a whimper slips past my lips. He still makes my toes curl even three years later. I don’t know what I was expecting—maybe for the sex to die down, or not be so toe curling, but if anything, it’s better than ever.

  He pulls me to him so we’re chest to chest. “You make me so happy.”

  “Ditto, baby.” I kiss his lips. “I never thought I’d find happiness like this. You’ve given me so much, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to thank you.” Ugh, now I’m crying.

  Reece kisses each tear away. “You’ve given me an amazing family, baby. You love us so much, and that’s all I could ask for. I should be thanking you.”

  Who knew that a one-night stand would turn into a love I could never imagine, and that I would forever be grateful for.

  Eight months later, we’d be blessed again with the birth of our second son, Brandon Joseph.

  The End!

  ***Sneak Peek***

  Stake Out

  Rogue Security and Investigation Series

  Book Two

  Coming Spring/Early Summer 2018!



  I grab my coffee when they call my name at the counter and make my way to one of the chairs in the corner. I take a sip and sigh happily as the hot liquid slides down my throat. My coffeemaker broke this morning; the cat threw up in my doorway, which I didn’t know until I stepped in it. While I hobbled into the bathroom, Grant—or as I like to call him, Grunt—came running past me, hit the throw up, and went sliding across my hardwood floor.

  He immediately started crying. I grabbed him instead of cleaning my foot, so I could stick him in the shower and clean him up. Once he was dried off, I wrapped him in a towel and sent him to his room to wait for me. I quickly rinsed my foot before cleaning up the floor in my room. If I didn’t love that cat so much, I might strangle him.

  Once that was done, I headed into my son’s room and leaned against the doorframe, watching him. He was lying on his bed looking at one of his picture books. Sadness washed over me when I thought about everything that’d happened over the past two years. My once fun-loving, joyful son is now quiet and overly sensitive.

  My ex, Grant’s father, used to hit me…bad, and I stayed because I was scared to leave because I had my child to think about and he loved his daddy. He loved him until he walked in on his dad pinning me to the bed, hitting and biting me until I was covered in blood and bruises. Ryan knew our son was in the room, but he didn’t stop.

  Grant was only three when it happened, and it was like someone had flipped a switch inside of him. The next day I went into the police station, pressing charges against him, and then filed for divorce. It was the last straw.

  We moved to Chicago last year, hoping that a change of scenery would do him good, but so far it hasn’t. He sees a therapist, but there’s no change.

  I sat down on his bed, glancing at the book he was looking at, and smiled. The Dog Man series is his favorite. We love going to the library, and he’ll go through each page. I read with him, and work with him even though he doesn’t talk. I’m hoping one day he’ll snap out of it. Every day I’m hopeful.

  My neighbor Luna watches him during the day while I work. She’s a stay-at-home mom with three- and four-year-old girls. My sweet little Grunt does whatever they want, and they seem to talk for him so he doesn’t have to.

  He ran right over there when it was time to go. Grant always hugs Luna, and then both girls, but avoids her partner Rocco like the plague. I hate that he’s so fearful of men, even the good ones.

  “Shayla?” I’m pulled from my thoughts and look up to find my new friend Carrie coming toward me with her cute pregnant belly.

  “Hi girlie, you look fantastic.”

  The beautiful blonde rubs her belly and smiles. “Thanks.” She sits down in the other chair. We met a few weeks ago when there were no chairs free for her, and I was on the loveseat. I’d invited her to sit with me, and we ended up talking for a little while.

  My life is my son, but it’s nice to have adult conversation. Due to my son, and him being non-verbal right now, I work for a temp agency, going where I’m needed, but with the flexibility I sometimes need. Luckily in the divorce settlement I got Ryan’s 401k, which leaves me comfortable enough right now that I can work part time if that’s what Grant needs from me.

  “Are you getting ready for the baby to come?” She’s due any time now.

  Carries takes a sip of her tea. “We are. The nursery is ready, I’m doing cloth diapers and I’ve got the service set up. My bag’s packed, and I’ve got the baby’s coming home outfit picked up.”

  “That’s exciting.” I haven’t shared that I have a son because then I’d have to explain that he doesn’t speak, and then they’d find out about Ryan, and I’d rather keep that stuff private—it’s easier that way.

  “So, I have a question, and a possible request.” She looks hopeful. “Okay first, I know you said you work for a temp agency, but I was wondering what type of work you do?”

  “I do secretarial work, and when I lived in Madison, Wisconsin, I was the manager of a law office.” That’s why I was able to nail Ryan to the wall when I filed for divorce. I could’ve stayed working there, but after they learned the truth about my home life, I just couldn’t do it. I had to leave.

  “That’s perfect. Okay, so my husband and I work for a security and investigation company called Rogue. Well, I go on maternity leave soon, and our office manager is searching for my replacement. She’s expecting too, so we want someone that could step in and fill either role. This is just perfect that we met each other. It was like fate. You should come work for us.”

  “I’m not sure if I’m cut out for that right now. I just have some stuff that I�
��m dealing with,” I tell her.

  “How about this: I’ll email you, or Delilah will. We’ll give you a rundown of the job, the hours, and the pay. If you decide you want it, we can talk more.”

  I give her my email and drink the rest of my coffee down. I’m ready to say goodbye to her, but she stays me with a hand on my arm. “I have one more thing. I know you’re single, and I was wondering if you’d be opposed to being set up on a blind date.”

  “I don’t know. I’m not really in a good place to date.” What I really need is to have sex. Masturbating is all I’ve done since my divorce. It’s less complicated than sharing my history with someone.

  “Oh, please. I’ve got the perfect guy for you. His name is Erik, and he’s so much fun. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you seem like you could use some fun.”

  When is the last time I had fun? I know Luna and Rocco would watch Grant. “If I do this, I’ll pick a place, and he can meet me.” That way if it’s disastrous, I can make my escape. Shit, maybe I could get some decent sex out of it, and then I’d be good for another couple of years.

  Against my better judgment, I nod my head. “Ugh…Okay, set it up.”

  Right in the middle of the coffee shop, she starts squealing and clapping her hands.

  I have a feeling saying yes was a mistake.



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