Perfect Hire Blueprint
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But if the new company throws the new employee right into the job without any training, or worse gives her little direction, she’s less likely to be a successful long-term employee:
the excitement will dissipate
resentment may creep in
fear of doing the wrong things
career path uncertainty
wonder how promotions are made
company/personal mission mismatch
lack of HR compliance
lack of connection with other employees
60% of companies don’t set onboarding goals. This often leads to dissent among new employees, hence, companies lose 25% of all new employees in the first year. This is not only frustrating, but also expensive, since the average cost to fill a position was $11,000 without relocation (2012 Allied Workforce Mobility Survey - Gallup).
I hate to see this happen at companies – that’s why there should be an emphasis on onboarding. This PHB process can also generate a “development plan” that is based on what the Benchmark indicates is desirable. This can be a good guide for the first 90 days.
Onboarding is a big topic, but this is a book on hiring. To get the full overview on how to do onboarding correctly, go to the website and get the eBook that covers the topic fully.
You have invested a great number of resources to get the candidate this far. Finish the job to help ensure the perfect new hire will stick.
Chapter 19: Benefits of This Process
When the Perfect Hire Blueprint process is followed, the likelihood of a great hire is very high. If shortcuts are taken, this increases the possibility of a Mis-fit. Other benefits include:
Perception that the company is ethical, selective (full of A-players), and thoughtful.
Ethical – follows the rules and laws
Selective – enables the cream to rise to the top
Thoughtful – treats candidates with respect
Confidence that laws are not broken
Better retention – existing employees recognize the benefits of the process, and they appreciate the quality of new hires
Efficiency – spend time only with the right people and doing the right things in the business
Saving money – cuts the cost of a Mis-fit
Reduces bias in hiring, enabling more diversity
Increasing customer satisfaction – clients only deal with A-players
May increase margins – customers will pay more for a better service or product, and fewer mistakes leads to fewer product returns
Lower overhead – A-players need less supervision: should be able to reduce the manager to employee ratio
Life balance – leaders worry less because they trust the competence of the team, and the leaders are called less after hours to clean up mistakes
More time on strategy – if managers are not dealing with problem employees, they can focus on growth
Objection: Hiring A-Players is TOO EXPENSIVE.
While it may be true that A-players earn more than B-players, the increased revenue and lower number of issues will recoup that salary difference multiple times over. According to an Oracle study in 2012, “… high performers in operations roles are able to increase productivity by 40 percent, high performers in management roles increase profits by 49 percent, and in sales positions high performers are responsible for 67 percent greater revenue.”
Objection: Our experience is that hiring is just a shot in the dark. That is why we have a probation period.
What A-player in her right mind would leave her old job where she has a great reputation to jump to a new job where she starts on probation? The probation program virtually guarantees that you will not get A-players. People willing to be on probations are either escaping their current job or are unemployed. Either of these are typically not a good source of A-players (though we acknowledge that all situations are unique).
Objection: Headhunters/recruiters charge too much.
When there is an abundance of good talent available, we agree! In times of low unemployment and economic expansion, the A-players are just not looking for jobs. In these times, good recruiters will entice A-players to look at new opportunities. If your company can’t grow or is losing money because you can’t find the right people, recruiters may be the only option, but we would recommend trying the non-recruiting options first if filling the position is not urgent. Use the PHB process.
Objection: Assessments are not accurate.
We agree that there are Assessments that are not very accurate. Some may not have enough research or science behind them to prove validity. Some are intended for a different purpose and are being used for hiring. We use the TTI TriMetrix HD Assessment which includes behaviors, motivators, soft skills and acumen.
These are backed by decades of research and more recently validated with brain science. Brain scans have been used to verify that the Assessments are triggering the correct part of the brain, including checking languages other than English. With this we know that candidates need to take the Assessment in their native language for the highest accuracy.
Chapter 20: Why I Use TTI Assessments
There are a lot of Assessments available today. The Assessments that I use are the best for me and my clients. I’ve taken all kinds of Assessments in the past. The first one that I remember taking was Myers-Briggs (now MBTI) years ago, and it was insightful. I was later introduced to DISC, which has a similar lineage, and I found it better for me and I’ll tell you why below. There are many companies that offer DISC, just as many offer MBTI, but they are not all equal.
Other Assessments do exist. Some are still being used because “that is what we’ve always used,” and some are trendy for a while (like StrengthsFinder). The marketing for many is good, and some have strong sales teams. I can’t say that I’ve taken them all, but I’ve taken many, and I have chosen the Assessments from TTI Success Insights because they have everything that I think is needed, including Benchmarking. They are unbiased, normed internationally, and validated. TTI Assessments are consistently referred to as “best in class” in side-by-side comparisons with competitors in immediate impact and completeness.
I have met the founder and know the leaders of the company. I attend their annual conference and keep my certifications current. They are in the business for all the right reasons, and while I think their Assessments are the best today, they are not sitting on their laurels; the Assessments are improving every year. Here are some of the key items to look for in Assessments:
My clients and I have found the results to not only give us insight into the person being assessed, but they also give us a view into the future. TTI just reaffirmed the validity of Behaviors and Motivators via an independent study in 2015.
To ensure the accuracy of the Assessment, it can be taken in the native language of the candidate. This is because it is difficult to fully grasp the English language with what I call “loaded words.” As an example, the word “Welfare” has a negative connotation to many conservative people in the US. Canada is much more liberal, having an extensive welfare system that includes free health and medical care, and it is ranked as one of the top 5 countries to live in by the UN. TTI uses neuroscience to ensure that the words used trigger the desired parts of the brain, and that is best done through one’s native language.
Unlike other Assessments, the TTI Assessments make sense to the typical reader who has not spent hours trying to understand the jargon. For example, if your spouse were to read your completed Assessment, the result is (more often than not) laughter and exclamations of “that’s so true.” This reaction is common not only because the Assessment is accurate, but also because the reader understands it. Even though the Assessment is based in science, the report does not read like a research paper.
The laughter comes from pointing out all the traits and habits that have been observed. Thi
s is not new; Jerry Seinfeld (and Larry David) made a living of pointing out the obvious to get laughs. The humor was not highbrow, it was pointing out the funny in everyday life.
The terminology is not the use of 4 letters, but uses clear language such as Conductor, Persuader or Analyzer. The average person can visualize someone when they hear the term. These terms are accessible to all employees and can be used in work interactions. INTJ is just not as useful for most people.
I recommend that co-workers who may not know each other well should let the other read their Assessment. This gives both the insight into the other that can forge strong relationships and very high productivity. When there is conflict, I don’t recommend just letting the other read the report. Use an intermediary along with the reports because there is a higher chance of manipulation, since there isn’t good will from the beginning.
The information in the Assessments can be applied immediately. The information can shape a new hire’s onboarding plan, or an employee’s performance plan, or for setting goals. The reports give the reader ways to successfully interact with the person assessed. This leads to fewer misunderstandings and ultimately helps create a work environment for all employees to thrive.
A manager should review the Assessment results periodically to be reminded of strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. This can enable a strong direct relationship and team dynamic.
Safe for Hiring
I see the interviewer’s biases all the time when hiring. Sometimes it is subtle, but other times it is overt. I’ve had hiring managers say that they prefer only men or only women, and only in a certain age range, or only married. We discuss this when creating a job Benchmark, but none of this appears in the Benchmark Assessment. And I have seen that when a Benchmark is used, biases are reconsidered.
While the interviewers may have a bias, the Assessments need to not disfavor or exclude members of a protected category disproportionally. TTI completed an Adverse Impact Study in 2014 that concluded that there is no evidence that the Assessments could cause adverse impact with regard to gender, race, disability or veteran status. Their products are Safe Harbor-approved, non-discriminatory and are fully compliant with hiring laws and regulations including EEOC and OFCCP. Everyone has biases, and it is comforting to know that the Assessments can contribute to objectivity.
Note: At the time of this printing, the Emotional Quotient report is not yet approved for hiring. I use it extensively for employee development, especially in managers, leaders and anyone with significant customer contact. Unlike the other Assessments where there is no right answer, it is generally accepted that higher EQ scores are better than lower. There will likely be more research on this, but my initial view is that women tend to have higher EQ scores than men on average, and older people have higher EQ scores than younger people on average. Unless there is proof that there is not built in bias, these Assessments should not be used in hiring decisions.
Continuous Education
TTI continually educates and recertifies their certified Value Added Associates (VAA). To ensure the person getting the report understands the results, the Assessments are not sold by TTI to the company that is hiring. The Assessment is administered by a VAA and the report is debriefed with the end client so that the report is fully understood in the context of the intended job. The reports are easily digestible, but there are important nuances and report interactions that only a Certified VAA who has debriefed many Assessments can fully understand. I have delivered hundreds (approximately 1000) of reports, and each time the reports are improved, there is even more data that can be gleaned from the combination of Assessments. Research PHDs are on staff that refine the Assessments and train the VAAs on the proper use of the information.
Social Proof
Over 100,000 companies have used TTI Assessments. Over 22 Million TTI SI Assessments have been taken since 2000, and another Assessment is taken every 7 seconds around the world. TTI is written up in business journals and often quoted as being an authority on unbiased, accurate Assessments.
Science of Self
TTI does extensive research to ensure the Assessments trigger the appropriate parts of the brain. They also confirm that the score matches the brain activity that should give that result. This is also used in validating the Assessment accuracy in other languages. I know of no other Assessment company that puts this level of research into their products. This allows TTI Assessments to not only be accurate, but to be advancing on a continual basis.
For over 30 years, TTI has researched and applied social and brain science, creating behavioral Assessments that consultants all over the world use to hire, develop and retain the best talent in the world.
Brain scan of person taking Competencies/Soft Skills Assessment
You can see more at
For these reasons and many more, TTI is my “go to” company, and the TriMetrix HD Assessment is what I count on for hiring A-players. To see samples of the reports mentioned in this process, visit
For more information about TTI, visit
If you’d like to see what the report says about you, fill out the form at I have a limited number of copies for readers of this book (unless you bought a bundle with the book containing an Assessment), so don’t wait to inquire.
TTI Assessments are only available from certified Value Added Associates. You will see how accurate the Assessments are after you take one. If you are as impressed as I think you will be, I can set up an account for you where you can administer the reports for your company.
Just fill out the form at and I will recommend the right Assessment(s) for your needs.
Chapter 21: Takeaways
Hiring the right people can make or break a business. Every hire is important when a company is small; some of these hires will be your future leaders, and key positions of leadership are critically important in growing companies.
All customer facing positions are important because they are the window to the customer base. The quality of the people and the fit within the company culture determines if the person will thrive in the position.
The sum of the hires determines the growth trajectory of the company. A-players, while they may cost a little more, are worth it since you’ll get a higher multiple of ROI on A-players than B-players or lower.
Don’t settle; work hard and recruit the right person who is the perfect hire for the job and the company. Start the ball rolling by hiring one A-player – then that one will attract another, and another. Soon you can focus on your business rather than your employee issues.
Follow the Perfect Hire Blueprint to stop making the hiring mistakes that plague companies of all sizes. Every step is critical, so don’t skip any. Lack of execution on any step, even if every other step went well, could allow a Mis-fit into your company.
Adding EEOC and OFCCP compliant Assessments will uncover blind spots and biases to take your hiring process to the next level – one that attracts A-players and leads to the retention of existing employees.
For additional resources visit There you will find more detailed information about hiring and retaining A-players, samples of the Assessments that I use, and an opportunity to take the Assessment yourself to see how “spot-on” it is in capturing the whole person. Take the guesswork out of hiring!
Now that you know the secret to consistent company growth, why would you risk your company by ignoring this advice and continuing to hire with your gut? It’s your company – I want you to beat the odds, and grow a successful and profitable business.
To your success!
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What Are People Saying?
“Dave Clough has written a must-read for any person who is hiring talent for his or her company. He carefully walks you through a practical guide to discovering and engaging
the best talent in any industry. Read this book and learn from one of the best."
- Rick Bowers, President of Global Distribution, TTI Success Insights
“David Clough and his crew were invaluable in my efforts to hire an Administrative Assistant in my accounting practice. His company placed the online ads and did the initial screening which eliminated all people who did not have the skills to perform the work or were located hundreds (or thousands) of miles away. They also did the next screening to look more deeply into their background and do the initial telephone interview.
They presented us with a list of candidates and we then took over and did the in person interviews. The candidates took the TriMetrix Assessment and Dave went over the results of the test with me and made his recommendations.