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Slavery 2030

Page 9

by Mark Andrews

  By now, recognising her love for Robert, he decided to allow them to remain as a pair and for that at least she was grateful but he also found it necessary to acquire more male slaves to pair with the other girls for it seemed a girl and boy was a vastly more attractive combination than two girls, although he couldn’t work out why. Certainly of course, a female passenger would rather look at the muscular physique of a male human pony pulling her tax-gig but it seemed the male passengers also preferred the male/female combination.

  Anyway, he didn’t care why. Just that his taxis were more popular than any of his competitors and if that meant he had to purchase a number of handsome young male slaves so be it.

  Debra didn’t mind in the least. If she had to trot around the streets of London, stark naked and in a position so that every part of her nude body was totally exposed to the prurient crowds, then if she could do so with Robert at her side, that was at least some consolation.

  Robert didn’t mind either. By now, each was deeply in love with the other and every moment they had together was a bonus. James still regulated their love life, only allowing them an hour or so here and there as a reward for good work and dedication but even that they accepted. Not that they didn’t both yearn for the day, still over two years away, when they would be free and could make a life together, but at least they were now working together.

  The one thing both of them hated above all else was the constant pawing at both their bodies by the public out in the streets. And Robert was no less a victim of this obscene fingering of their flesh than Debra was. Nor were his examiners restricted to women who wanted to feel his beautiful muscles and stroke his velvet-smooth skin and very prominent and well-sized genital organs. There were many males among them, some of whom were obviously effeminate, who delighted in feeling and fondling his flesh, just as there were many butch women who stroked and mauled Debra’s body and particularly her breasts and sex as they stared into her eyes, smirking at her discomfort.

  Debra cringed as these women whispered to her how much they wanted to buy her and then force her into disgusting sexual practices with them and Robert was subject to the same lewd comments by the male admirers.

  But they learned. They learned to stare these reptiles in the face and if not exactly smile back at them, to keep their faces carefully neutral while the horrible hands roved all over their bodies.

  James did nothing to prevent the public from looking over his pony slaves at close quarters or even fondling their naked bodies. Indeed, he encouraged it. His gigs were the finest in London and his team of ponies, male and female both were the pick of them all. They were not only beautiful and athletic they were also fast and never faltered.

  He had them trained as hard as the human physique would allow. The exercises in the gymnasium coupled with the very best diet (albeit delivered in the form of porridge) and ultra-hard track work all combined to develop bodies that were not only attractively athletic but were also extraordinarily strong, fast and had a quite incredible endurance.

  Indeed, his teams could easily gallop the gigs for long periods when a ‘fare’ wanted a quick trip. This was normally rare for most travelled on the gigs for the delight they derived from observing the naked bodies of their ponies rather than the speed with which they traversed the streets. Many ordered a period of galloping though, so that they could enjoy the added strain this placed on the muscles of the pair of steeds but then they allowed a cut back to the normal trotting gait.

  In this step was another reason James’ gig were so popular. He didn’t only have them trained to look good and to run fast and long around the streets, he also had them trained to trot in perfect unison, each pair of buttocks and thighs cording and then relaxing in perfect symmetry as the passenger(s) sat back in the beautifully trimmed red leather seat of the gig and stared ahead at the pair of beautiful bodies in front of them.

  Most used the gigs for pleasure. Some legitimately to get from one place or another but by far the majority just wanted to take a jaunt around the leafy avenues and enjoy the perfect bodies of the naked human steeds pulling them.

  Many lovers booked a gig for a night-time excursion and kissed and cuddled each other while keeping one eye on the tanned and fit nude human ponies only a few feet in front of them, their bare feet padding along the bitumen streets, buttocks rising and falling erotically, back and thigh muscles rippling and cording... and there were few who didn’t alight after the trip and go straight to one of their beds to consummate the lust the little sojourn had built in their loins.

  The ponies themselves saw little of this of course. Not that they couldn’t. James had decided on no harness at all for his pony slaves. He didn’t want any part of their bodies hidden by leather and metal harness and he knew there was now no reason to lock them to their gigs. The punishment for a runaway slave was to be shaven naked on the top of the head and all hair permanently removed after which they were to be branded with a red-hot iron on the left buttock with a large ‘R’ for runaway. They were then sentenced to slavery for life and sent to the salt works. They didn’t last long for they were kept naked there just as elsewhere and the cuts they soon suffered were exacerbated by the salt, no running away was not an option!

  Once a fare mounted the gig and the credit card transaction was approved, all you heard was an instruction to go to a certain location or route and off you went, trotting along at the standard pace unless your fare ordered you to walk or to gallop and then you obeyed.

  It was an incredible evolution of the world’s penal system but right around the globe, everyone agreed it was a vastly more successful system of civil correction that the old penal system had been. They also agreed, but with less sanctimony and much less loudly, that it was also a vastly more attractive system.

  Hundreds, no thousands of naked girls and young men playing sports for the pleasure their vastly enhanced skill and now quite incredibly honed bodies gave the public and taking risks in doing so as no voluntary sportsman or woman would have in former times. And now, hundreds of the little taxi-gigs and the larger landaus to take a family on an outing, all hauled by pairs or teams of the just as naked and even more beautiful or handsome penal slaves.

  Oh yes, this was much better than the highly expensive and quite useless prisons.

  Chapter 6

  Debra, former minor aristocrat and now penal slave, found herself as a permanent taxi pony. She was out on the public streets all the time and the only consolation being that she was permanently partnered with Robert. There was another consolation, actually. She was now allowed to share a bed with him as well.

  James had decided that giving the pair of them permission to sleep together could make them more docile and perhaps more eager to please since the privilege could easily be withdrawn. Observing the success of this ploy, he now allowed other male/female partnerships to do the same and he therefore set up another dormitory exclusively for use of paired slaves. They weren’t given any more privacy than this but at least the couples no longer had to make love in front of the single slaves.

  This isn’t to say that he gave up the use of their bodies himself. No indeed! Debra remained his favourite and he continued to use her body when the fancy took him. Now though, he took to having Robert accompany her to his bed. At first it was just a whim, perhaps even an act of perversity that he would make the beautiful and magnificent girl submit to his advances while her lover lay on the bed beside them, forced to look on...

  But then he found himself wondering about the boy’s body as well and ordered him to move up close behind him as he made love to Debra. This eventually resulted in Robert being required to rub his hard cock against the pair of their bodies and to otherwise take part in the love making.

  James remained as ruthless as ever, though. One hint of resistance to his demands and the guilty party was instantly ordered on to one or another of the punishments in the gymnasi
um, Debra and Robert as much as any of them.

  James tried raping the boy’s anus but didn’t repeat it as he found it unpleasant. He also ordered the boy to do it to him but the pain was so great he quickly desisted, wondering what the hell gays found pleasant in the horrible act. Robert still had to snuggle close to the pair rutting on the Master’s bed though and to caress their flesh with his hands, his body and particularly his cock - and James now forced him to accompany her each time he took the boy’s lover.

  They put up with it. They had little other option, but they both hated it. Debra could have coped with James’ advances as she had since being purchased by him, but now that she had been permitted to form a permanent liaison with her Robert, it seemed so cruel to make him come and watch her raped by their Master... But slaves were not choosers. They were at the mercy of their owners. One hint of rebellion and you suffered - and suffered dreadfully.

  Both Robert and Debra were now very, very careful to obey the rules and avoid the punishments in the gymnasium but that didn’t mean they could avoid witnessing them. James rightly believed that just watching another slave suffering was a very powerful deterrent and since the punishments were now always carried out over a sleeping period, those ordered to watch now also missed out on their beds, thus earning the guilty slave severe reproaches from the rest - yet another deterrent.

  There was no longer the nettle patch of course. That had been back at the London Tigers club ground but the pyramid, the stationary bicycle and the triangle had been re-created and set up in the new gymnasium and were there for all to see every time they trained.

  When one of the dreadful instruments of pain was ordered into use to correct a slave, girl or boy, who had erred, the rest were chained together around the instrument by means of thumb cuffs connecting each to the next.

  Debra and Robert hated these sessions as much as the others but in their case it was more in sorrow for the guilty slavegirl or boy than the loss of their own hard bed for the night. They both found it was possible to doze as they sat on the floor of the gym around the pyramid or the other two implements of torture but every now and then, as either one of them, or their other partner moved, or as the victim moaned in pain, they would wake up, stare up at the poor boy or girl and mourn for them.

  Fortunately it didn’t happen all that often for James as well as Archie and the other trainers were fair but it was often enough that their minds were constantly aware of what awaited them if they did err.

  Having experienced the pyramid and the triangle herself when she first became one of James’ slaves, Debra knew at first hand the rigours of those punishments and since she had also seen her man, Robert, forced to work the pedals of the bike, and the mess it had made of his buttocks as he himself had whipped them into a bloodied mess, she was only too well aware of the terrors they held, but that didn’t mean, as she was made to watch another girl or boy similarly tortured, that the horror she felt didn’t repeat itself all over again.

  There was one of them, a statuesque black girl named Sandra whose body was just about superlative. It really couldn’t have been bettered, Debra thought, certainly not if you were into muscular, athletic females with burnished ebony (or at least dark chocolate) skin, a striking face that was constantly grinning, black eyes surrounded by pure white; two rows of sparkling white teeth, high cheek bones and as already said, absolutely perfect skin.

  But Sandra was always in trouble. She seemed to have a penchant for it and while James made allowances for her because she was always so contrite afterwards and because he was aware she seemed to be accident prone, he couldn’t always forgive her and so she, much more than the others was ordered on to the pyramid, bike or triangle quite often.

  Of the three of them, the Bike was the most feared. Both the pyramid and triangle were bad, the former biting into your anus at the four sharp edges while the triangle felt as if you were being sliced into two halves as you sat on it with your legs pulled wide open; but the bike you had to pedal yourself, knowing that the faster you pedalled, the harder the thongs bit into your bottom and yet if you didn’t pedal hard enough, you got one of these dreadful shocks to your sexual organs.

  “Sandra,” said James resignedly. “I have been very lenient with you of late, but to actually tip your passenger out of his seat!”

  James had investigated the accident properly and it became clear, especially as she didn’t attempt to pass the blame on to her partner, a just as handsome (and as muscular) black boy named Arthur, that her attention had been diverted from the road by a handsome boy on the footpath and had caused the near wheel of the gig to hit the kerb, thus tipping the passenger out. He hadn’t been seriously hurt but his dignity had been affronted and punishment was definitely called for.

  Sandra had hung her head and agreed that it was... “Very well, you may spend the night on the bike - and let us hope that this time the pain and exhaustion you will suffer will correct your lackadaisical ways.”

  He didn’t really hold out much hope of this but he couldn’t just let her off and he certainly wasn’t going to sell her - she was far too beautiful and such magnificent a body... After Debra, she was his favourite bed wench.

  He stayed to watch as the other slaves were ushered in and made to sit around the bike and then each girl and boy’s thumbs were connected each to the next. Then Sandra was brought in, her eyes wide with fear now as she stared at the hated instrument around which her colleagues were now sitting.

  “Climb up onto to it, girl,” said Archie gruffly. He too had a soft spot for this very beautiful girl with the fine muscles of a dedicated athlete and a skin that just begged to be stroked.

  She did, fitting one foot into the left hand pedal and then swinging her shapely right leg over the frame and into the other pedal, both of which were now buckled shut. With the addition of the horrible alligator clip to her clitoris, she was now ready to begin.

  “Since you will be required to pedal all night, girl, we will not set the speed too high, but you will still need to work and believe me, your buttocks are still going to be a nice mess by tomorrow morning,” said James. “Alright, begin...”

  Robert and Debra, sitting down next to one another on the wooden floor of the gym, stared up at the black girl as she began to pedal. Oh God she was beautiful, they both thought. With her thighs now straining to get the rear wheel up to the speed set by James, they flexed and corded most erotically and both felt a surge in their loins as they watched her lovely breasts wobbling and her body swung from side to side with each revolution of the pedals.

  James had installed a large gauge on the wall facing the bike, a refinement that allowed the slave being punished to see the speed he or she was required to achieve and that they were currently pedalling at. It had two needles: one showed the set speed; the other that she was currently pedalling at. James had set the required speed at a very reasonable ten miles per hour but over the next eight hours, she was going to have to expend a great deal of energy to maintain it. Nevertheless, the fear of the shock to her clit was such that she would try her damnedest for every single slave who had suffered those shocks would do anything rather than suffer a repeat.

  Debra hadn’t actually tasted it but Robert had and he told her how bad it was. “It is as if someone had grabbed my testicles, Debra, and then squeezed them violently - in a series of waves; at the same time it made every muscle in my body go into massive and extreme tension, shaking violently in tremors that had me exhausted in just a few seconds. The pain to my balls was absolutely horrible but the attacks on my muscles were almost as bad...”

  Now, as they watched Sandra settle down into the steady rhythm just above the ten mph mark, they knew James was being very lenient with her. At that speed, the thongs attached to the tyre-less rim of the wheel behind and underneath her bottom caressed more than actually whipped her buttocks. Still, they also knew that after eight hours
those caresses were going to be almost as bad as the most violent strokes of a whip for by then, the nerve-endings would be ultra-sensitive.

  Still, right now, she looked utterly wonderful. Standing erect on the pedals and at the same time working them, she had to use her arms and her upper body to counteract the movement of her muscular thighs - thighs that had been developed even more by her gym work and by the taxi duty out on the roads.

  Debra’s mind slipped away from the scene in front of her to her day tomorrow. Oh how she hated them! Being an athletics slavegirl had been bad enough but at least then she was far enough away from the spectators (if not the close-up lenses of the TV cameras that were everywhere), that she didn’t feel oppressed by them - and the TV cameras were anonymous enough, especially when she didn’t know how closely the cameraman had focused it on her naked body.

  But out in the streets she was constantly on view and in close proximity to the prurient public who never seemed to tire of crowding in on her and her colleagues, feeling their flesh and pawing at their most intimate parts until the lights changed and they were able to take off once more.

  Every day was as bad as the last and by now she still had another year of it. Somehow, she had lasted through her time of soccer training, even if she didn’t actually get a real game, then another couple of years as an athletics slave and now the first of two years as a pony-slave helping her man, Robert, to pull the beautifully crafted taxi gigs through the streets of London.

  Her reverie was cut short by a scream from Sandra. She had let her speed drop, probably by lack of concentration on the task, and the current had attacked her clit. The attack was violent and sent her muscles into violent tremors but having had her attention restored to the task in hand, she well knew she had to somehow regain control over her body and particularly its muscles and to get them working again so that she could get up enough speed to shut off the dreadful shocks that were every bit as bad as Robert had described them.


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