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Unsuitable_Reverse Harem Royal Romance

Page 16

by Penelope Wren

  I nodded, "Mmhmm…"

  "It doesn't hurt?"

  "No… no. It feels… not good… but not bad either?" I smiled.

  He returned the smile, "I'll try to make it good for you, Vi"

  I moved experimentally, rising up and pushing back down. A soft "oh" escaping when I did. I repeated the movement, earning a muted groan from him.

  He released my hands and grasped my hips instead. I smirked as I sped up my movements, delighted to see the reaction I could elicit from him.

  "Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" he asked, sounding almost in awe, like he couldn't believe this was happening. A feeling which I understood wholeheartedly. His hands were now gripping handfuls of the comforter as I slowly moved up and down on top of him. Shallow movements, because I was worried he was going to fall out of me if I raised up too high and the last thing I wanted to do was bend his… member… or something. That didn't seem fun or sexy at all.

  "It doesn't hurt," I reassured him.

  "Do you mind if I drive for a while?" He smiled up at me, running his hands up my thighs.

  I gulped, squeezing around him involuntarily at the thought. "I don't mind at all."

  "Okay." He sat up, spreading his legs and knocking me back on my butt. He pulled out for a second but pressed back into me when he was settled over me. He moved one of my legs experimentally, bending my knee and pushing it back, checking with me every so often to make sure he wasn't hurting me.

  He wasn't.

  With the next thrust of his hips, I moaned. He kept a slow pace, constantly checking with me to make sure I was fine.

  Gods, I was fine. More than fine. Not too much more than fine, but I was moving into 'good' territory. Because what he was doing felt good.

  He sped up a little, still holding back, if the way he was biting his bottom lip was any indication. His cheeks were red, his eyes dark.

  "I'm close," he huffed, his eyes searching for and holding my gaze. "I'm so close…You feel so good."

  He kept pulling back, slowing down and then speeding back up, only to slow down again. Trying to hold himself back.

  "Gideon… Gideon, you're amazing. Don't stop… Please."

  His eyes squeezed shut when he came, his hips stuttering into mine and my name on his lips, barely a whisper.

  "You're beautiful," I murmured, pulling him down for a kiss.

  "I think that's my line," he mumbled against my lips, kissing me once more before slowly pulling out, noting my visible wince. "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, weirdo. The wince was from my leg." I looked down where his hand was still pressing my thigh back.

  "Oh!" He released it, immediately massaging my hip. "Sorry."

  I shook my head, "It's okay, I just may need to try doing yoga again."

  Gideon leaned down, pressing his lips to mine softly. "Better?"

  "Much," I replied, reaching for him as he rolled over onto his back to my right. He tucked me under his arm, curling around my body. "Now even more."

  His laugh was soft, barely a whisper against my skin. I could feel his lips as he smiled, pressing them to my forehead. "So…"


  "Do you feel different?" he asked.

  "Not particularly," I replied. "I feel… tired. Like, the good kind of tired that you feel after a long day in the sun."

  "Me too," he admitted. "But you don't feel…? " he trailed off slightly.

  "I feel wonderful," I replied. "And I'm so happy this finally happened. And that it was with you."

  I felt his smile widen as his arms tightened around me. "I am so happy to hear you say that."

  "I'm just happy," I confessed, sliding my arm over his bare stomach to hook around his waist. "So very happy."



  "I'm thirsty," I said, leaning forward to reach for my drink that I'd left on the coffee table.

  "I'll get it, don't move," Kostas said.

  "How is that possible, are you teleporting?" I asked, laughing. Because he was kind of pinned beneath me on the sofa. Not even kind of:he was absolutely pinned beneath me.

  "Gideon, hand me her drink," Kostas said, pointing in the vague direction of the coffee table.

  Gideon rolled his eyes, but retrieved the drink for me, holding it up behind his head from the floor where he had finally settled.

  "That's cheating," Tristan said from the other end of the sofa. "Kostas, you said you'd get it for her." His hands were otherwise occupied by rubbing my feet, which were propped in his lap.

  "Technically, I did. She didn't have to do anything," Kostas insisted, his fingers trailing over my ribs and making me giggle.

  "Stop, or I'm going to spill!"

  "Oh what a tragedy that would be. You'd stain your shirt and make the front page of the Daily Justanian," Kostas teased. "They can't seem to find anything bad to say about you anymore, so I'm sure the faulty glass would be blamed for soiling your blouse."

  "That's because she's perfect," said Gideon, tilting his head back against my hip. "She's above reproach."

  "For now," Tristan said under his breath.

  "What was that, Mr. Pessimist?" Kostas asked, nudging Tristan's leg with his foot.

  "That's Prince Pessimist to you, your Grace," Tristan returned.

  "I'm no one's Grace," Kostas replied. "Not yet, at least."

  "Soon, though," I replied, patting his hand. "Father's working on it right now."

  Kostas tightened his hold on me. "Will you still love me when I'm a Duke?"

  "Only if you'll still love me when you're a Duke," I replied, turning slightly to press a kiss to his chin. The angle was awkward, but I still landed it. The glass was in a precarious situation, however, so I handed it back to Gideon.

  "I will. I will not allow the love of my Dukedom to cool the hot flames of my passion for you, Violet."

  "Gag me, blegh," Gideon pretended to retch from the floor. "And move over, because I'm coming up there."

  "There isn't room," I protested, even as I was pulled into Tristan's lap.

  "We need a bigger sofa, then," Gideon said, moving in between Kostas and I. "Because I'm not giving in on this."

  "Maybe I'll just let all of you have this sofa, and I'll take the other one," I teased, making as if I was going to get up and walk across the room.

  "Not a chance," Tristan said, laughing and wrapping his arms tightly around my waist to hold me in place. "I can't let go of you, anyway."

  "I'm sure you could if you tried," I said.

  "Nah, not possible," he replied, his lips brushing against my neck as he spoke, his voice getting low and raspy. "Can't let go of you, Vi."

  "You're going to have to let go soon, Tris," Gideon said, clapping his brother on the knee. "Share."

  Rolling my eyes, I turned to face Gideon. "I know you didn't just tell him to share."

  He smirked. "And so what if I did? What happens then?"

  "Nothing, because she's in my lap right now," Tristan said pointedly, cupping my jaw so he could steal a kiss. He moved his lips against mine, leaving me breathless when he ended it.

  "He is right about that," I leaned back for another.

  "So that's how it is, huh?" Kostas asked. "It's whoever's lap she's on."

  "Interesting…" Gideon hauled me off Tristan's lap and into his. He nuzzled against my throat, his tongue tracing something on my throat before he sucked a hot kiss to my jaw.

  "Gideon," I whispered, worried about him doing something that very clearly worked to get me out of my clothes in the past. Especially in front of Tristan and Kostas.

  "What?" he asked, his tone teasing as he kissed me once more on my jaw. "Afraid I'm going to give away all your sweet spots?" His lips brushed over my jaw. "Don't tell me they didn't know about this one."

  "No, we do," Kostas said, his voice low and ragged as he watched Gideon kiss me. "Or at least… I do." He shot a haughty look down at Tristan.

  "Please. I discovered that one," was his princely reply.

nbsp; "Did you?" Gideon asked. "When was that?" HIs arm tightened around my waist as Tristan's hand began to move up my thigh.

  "Oh that night you were out with the King," said Tristan. "I found quite a few of Vi's sweet spots…"

  "Don't talk about me as if I'm not here," I murmured, my head falling back as Gideon continued to kiss me. Tristan's hand moved up my skirt, brushing against my panties.

  I was missing Kostas' touch… and then I wasn't. He'd shifted his weight on the sofa, his fingers toying with the waist of my skirt, where the hem of my blouse was tucked in. He tugged it up and out, fingers playing with the skin now bared to him.

  "I might know of a few myself," he whispered.

  My chest was heaving; the anticipation of what was to come was almost too much. Tristan seemed to notice my predicament before the other two.

  "Maybe we should stick a pin in this for now?" he asked, smoothing my skirt down on my thighs. "It might be too soon, Vi?"

  I nodded and Gideon quickly righted me in his lap. Kostas leaned back onto his side of the couch, reaching down to adjust himself in his pants.

  "Sorry," I apologized. "I would like that, just…"

  "Just not yet," Gideon finished for me, leaning over to kiss my temple. "That's more than alright. We've got plenty of time to experiment, darling."

  Kostas and Tristan agreed, and we all settled back down on the too-small-turned-just-right couch. Me in Gideon's lap, my head on Tristan's shoulder, my feet now in Kostas' lap. He ran his fingertips over the soles of my bare feet, tickling me softly.

  "What would you like to do now, Vi?" Kostas asked.

  "In general, or actually right now?"


  "Well, right now, I actually just want to soak up as much time with you guys as I can.

  "And in general?"

  "In general…" I trailed off. "I want to find a new advisor."

  "You want to fire George?" asked Tristan, sounding surprised only in the most sarcastic sense.

  "I know you think I should have done something a long time ago, but it's not really something done here, no matter how much he bothered me. But he's not just bothering me. He was… bad mouthing Kostas at the dinner," I said, releasing the tension in my shoulders as I confided in them as to them what he'd said. Kostas already knew, of course but Tristan and Gideon did not.

  "That absolute asshole," Gideon said, turning towards Kostas. "Slumming it? Really? Has he seen you?"

  Kostas laughed, turning beet red as Tristan mulled over what I'd told him. "We'd do well to keep an eye on him," Tristan said. "He knows what he's doing."

  Kostas rolled his eyes. "He's an idiot. I know tons of guys just like him at work, and they're all the same."

  "Still though…" Tristan said. "It wouldn't hurt to be vigilant."

  "I guess not," I said thoughtfully. "Even though I'd rather just fire him and be done with it."

  "That might be the best thing here," agreed Gideon. "But for now, let's just… worry about where we're going to spend the summer."

  "Where do you want to go?" I asked.

  Tristan chuckled. "Call me boring, but Bermuda?"

  "OH," said Kostas. "I thought we were choosing between Justana and Etria."

  "Justana's not even a remote possibility," laughed Gideon.

  "I actually was going to suggest staying here," I said slowly, folding my hands primly. "I thought I could… take the summer to actually learn about the people I'm supposed to rule one day." I looked nervously between them all. "Bermuda does sound fun, but I doubt I could enjoy myself knowing how many unhappy people there are in my nation. Not without taking some time to try to figure out what I can do to help."

  "I agree," Kostas said immediately. "I just wasn't sure if I should say it or not."

  "Say whatever you want, whenever you want," Gideon insisted. "We three are a bunch of rich royals, after all. If we start floating too high, feel free to grab us and drag us back down to earth."

  Tristan nodded in agreement, apologizing quickly for even suggesting Bermuda in the first place.

  "It's fine," I insisted, reaching over to tousel his hair. "I wanted to go for a split second, so don't feel bad."

  "I really wanted to go," Kostas admitted, smiling over at Tristan, reaching out to nudge him with his foot. "Don't beat yourself up."

  "We'll go eventually," Gideon said with a terse nod.

  I rose, standing with aid from Tristan and Gideon. "I need to make a run to the ladies room… but when I get back, I fully expect to plan a lovely summer travelling all over Justana."

  "Come back soon!" Kostas called as I left the room. "And be careful, don't fall in!"

  Rolling my eyes, I gazed at my guys, all lounging on the couch together in various states of disarray and undress. I loved them all. And I loved this. I could definitely get used to it.

  I was happy. So very happy. It looked as if perhaps everything was lining up for us.

  Sighing in boldfaced contentment, I stepped out of the room and into the mini hallway that led back to Gideon's bedroom, where a full bathroom was situated.

  I reached inside and felt for the switch.

  The lights flashed on and a strange sight surprised me.

  A figure, dressed all in black, standing there, as if they were waiting for me.

  They moved so quickly, I was unable to cry out. I simply grunted as something hard came down on my head as I reached up to grab at the mask covering my attacker's face. A bright shock of red hair greeted me.

  Confused, my eyes fluttered closed and all that remained was darkness.

  To Be Continued…

  Don't worry! You won't be hanging from that cliff for too long…

  Undeniable: Part 2 of a Reverse Harem Royal Romance

  The Princess' Harem

  Is coming to Amazon in August!


  I would like to thank so many people for their support.

  First off, I'd like to thank my husband for kid-wrangling and cooking dinner and doing laundry and all the other billions of things he did so I could actually sit down and get this story out of my head. Babe, you've been my rock for so long and I wouldn't be able to FUNCTION without you, so thank you so, so, so much. I love you and you will always be my Prince Charming.

  Secondly, Dizzy, Pink, Stancey, Ragwitch and Cherie, for all your emotional support and for listening to me grumble and grouse about getting this thing written. Thank you so, so much for listening and being a sounding board when I was lost in my own words. You pushed me and cheered me on when I wanted to quit. You are all rock stars and deserve only good things in life. <3

  Next, my amazing beta readers! Who read this when it was a mess and a half and were able to somehow see the good story beneath the mess! Cassandra Ward, Anghela Kane, Cierrah Rikard, Elizabeth Kilea, Taylor Banuchie, Tracy Hoyt, Hanna Dodder, Iliana Gkioni, Cathy Jackson, Stacy Lira, Kathleen Hoffman, Brittany Devlin, Courtney Baxter, Brandi Bowman, and Amber Adams. Thanks, you guys!

  A huge thank you to May Robertson. Who practically saved this story from the garbage. You are amazing.

  A super big thanks to Ariel Bishop for making my covers for me! You are super talented and these covers are beautiful!

  All the thanks I can possibly scrape up for Myranda Bolstad and her never wavering support and all the grammar edits. She got rid of so many ellipses, you guys. SO MANY.

  And finally, thank you to all my patrons on Patreon. Particularly Mia Vodanodich, Kayla Walter, Elizabeth Malley , Caitlin Patrick-Nichols, Maria Rivera, Magen Knell, Sara Bishop, and Katie Havok.

  About the Author:

  Penelope Wren is a Reverse Harem Romance author from the Southeastern United States. She's spent the last few years getting her family settled, but she's excited to share some of the worlds she's built in her head with you!

  She's borne a lifelong hatred of the 'love triangle', and has never understood the need to 'choose'. Why choose, when you can have it all? Therefore, none of her heroine
s will ever have to struggle to choose just one man.

  Penelope enjoys baking, reading, and watching movies in what little spare time she has, and has made it her personal goal to bake all the cupcakes, read all the dragon shifter novels, and watch all the rom-coms! She could choose just one goal, but choices are dumb. She's just going to do it all! ;)

  Connect with Penelope here:







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