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THE ENDLESS DARK OCEAN_A space epic that will change the history of the universe

Page 8

by Boris Mosso

  Followed by a debated process, it was implemented in the entire Solarian System as a rule, just half a century ago, and the first to receive it was a month-old fetus called Umbaga.

  Some assured that it would create a huge division between the Espacians, separating them into first and second category citizens. On the one hand, those that could live for one hundred and fifty or two hundred years at the most before, intervened with the old medical technologies but deteriorating rapidly constantly. And those who would enjoy one thousand years of healthy and whole lives with the adjustment.

  Whereby, Director Umbaga would have at least nine hundred and fifty years of life ahead, something that made more than one Government High Officer nervous, given the immeasurable power already gathered in the secretive Director himself and with just fifty years behind him.

  Immediately, Umbaga’s pervasive voice echoed powerfully in the spacious room. His subordinates heard him with a mixture of fear and respect; even the ones who worked at thirty meters away clearly understood the dazzled Officer’s words, although not daring to raise their heads.

  —I’ll repeat it for the last time, I won’t tolerate any more devastating surprises! Admiral Tronius demands security assurance. What happened with the Tubular can’t be repeated one more time again! The Espacian people wouldn’t withstand to see spaceships exploding amidst the fleet’s formation just before going into battle into Atirov’s System, as it almost happened two hours ago.

  —Sir, we’ve done everything possible to prevent something like that.

  —You must do something else, damn it! Or are you going to wait for the field agents to keep on leaping head on straight to death in the damn outer space to save spaceships? Supplying the ineffectiveness and incompetence from you all with supreme sacrifices? Damn worthless troop! You’re supposed to be the highest level and capable analyst agents in the Solarian System! Envisage! Find these bastards on time, or I swear by my Ancestors that I’m going to send all of you to Admiral’s Tronius spaceship! There, with a rotatory in hand you will chase the undercover personally! Kronenbel wanted to do that and I assure you that I’m thinking about it…

  Umbaga perceived fear in the Divisions’ Leaders before his threat, and he got even angrier.

  —Or better yet, flock of cowards! I’ll send you once and for all to the land forces in the Tubulars, so you can land in any of Atirov’s System’s planet and therefore, do something different for a change. Confronting the Armored Entities face to face…!

  The highest-level analysts and advisors in the Solarian System were quite nervous amongst each other, until the urged gazes began settling on the Baltar’s Moon Intelligence Assistant Director; the highest rank Officer present in the room, besides Umbaga.

  —It’s true, Mr. Director. Many of our agents have died these past days, risking the disruption of possible attacks to its limit, but…

  —Damn aliens! I hope they would all evaporate together inside a quasar!

  No one answered that. The Director moved away a couple of meters and grudgingly grabbed a glass which a droid was giving him. It contained a smoldering and oozing beverage from a relaxing plant called Hirbia. A recent interest, but strongly rooted into the irritated Director. When he moved the glass away from his mouth, he saw a person standing and waiting for him a few meters away in a dark area.

  —Who the heck are you?

  —Agent Renar, Mr. Director.

  He waited with restrained nervousness for the Director to remember who he was.

  —Agent Renar! A real agent finally sets foot on these noble Departments! Here’s an analyst agent’s example who knows how to go into action when the situation requires it! He’s a scientist and saved a Tubular!

  Renar remained uncomfortably still after seeing dozens of eyes from several most powerful System’s Espacians looking at him. His only longing in that moment was a solitary room and a bottle of Driac; a strong golden translucent liquor, which only some could drink without side dishes.

  —And moreover, you were assigned with Professor Trivian in the Systemic Council’s secret mission expedition. What a life Renar! Adventures everywhere! Come with me. Let’s walk for a while.

  Director Umbaga grabbed him by the shoulder, taking him away from the rest of his silent advisors before beginning a private conversation with the young agent. The Espacian Intelligence High Rank Officers breathed, relieved upon seeing that Umbaga stopped paying attention to them and incidentally, allowing them a momentary break.

  —Renar… in a narrow sense you know that you disobeyed a direct order to return here, isn’t that so? Another team of agents was prepared and on board a Nimide to relieve you, departing from the Trendar spaceship, and you didn’t come back.

  —They would have not arrived on time…

  —That’s not the matter, you disobeyed a direct order. That simple fact is grounds for suspension, summary and trial according to our strict administrative code, which you perfectly know.

  —Yes, Sir.

  —A process which usually ends up with the removal from the agents’ force and into confinement during decades in a prison of a frozen and lost protoplanet, at a light year from here.

  —I know.

  —Besides, you had perfect knowledge that a secret expedition would take off in this great spaceship made possible and organized by the very Espacian Council, and in which you are our Highest Rank Agent, a fact which you should have not put your life at risk for no reason at all. Not because we appreciate you, instead, for the simple fact that your body and soul belong to the Espacian Foreign Intelligence Office, doesn’t it?

  —Yes, Sir… I understand that.

  Umbaga stopped and looking directly at Renar, he formed an enigmatic smile. Then he let go his shoulder and began walking again.

  The agent just followed his steps listening attentively to the words that the Director tied together in such a way that he couldn’t completely understand what the real intentions of the imposing Agent’s disposition were.

  On the other hand, he felt uncovered even from his deepest fears and thoughts, upon being watched by Umbaga.

  —Fine, Agent Renar, having said that… we understand that you, along your agents’ team, saved a Tubular spaceship with thousands of Espacian soldiers on board, added to a bunch of war machines and the fleet’s honor. So, lastly and against all prognostic, you became a Espacian hero; like those in the old legends… What a turn of fortune!

  Renar couldn’t distinguish if the Director spoke seriously or mocked him unabashedly. Just at that instant a neutral expression in Umbaga’s face reshaped in his dark and penetrating gaze; it seemed like a hungry and fierce expression from a predator before his cornered prey.

  —I’m nothing, we owe everything to Alvian… he did sacrifice himself.

  Fine, very well, we both know who Alvian was. Someone better than you and me, without a doubt; now forget it, you should concentrate in the future. Leave it behind…

  —Very well, Director.

  —Is everything ready? Your people, your team?

  —Yes, Sir. My agents are already in their positions and Professor Trivian is resting in the main Vector. We have everything necessary and we’re waiting for the order to take off.

  —Good, that should be in a little more than an hour. Did you speak to the Professor?

  —Very briefly.

  —I see… he was very worried about you when he found out where you were at. Apparently, he values you very highly.

  Renar didn’t answer to that comment.

  Suddenly they stopped their slow stroll again, which seemed like a casual stroll of two great friends. Nothing could be further from the truth, Renar thought, who wished with all his heart and without knowing what he was asking for, to meet a couple of million light years away from there.

  The intimidating shape from the Solarian System’s highest intelligence authority stood before him expressionless, once again. The unfathomable and cold gaze from Umbaga, seemed to be lost in the
outer space infinite horizon behind the transparent screens which covered the agency’s department’s side. It was difficult for the young agent to hold the Director’s gaze, therefore, he felt short-run relief.

  —This war began for us long before than for the fleet. We have suffered many casualties in this struggle against the undercover. This has happened to all the galaxy’s Intelligence Organisms.

  Alvian will be replaced by another agent in your team. He was supposed to travel in the Vector as an embodied escort for an STF Lead Officer.

  —It was so.

  —Well, you’ll have someone with the same qualifications our fallen in action agent had. Agent Borlan, an STF ex-captain. You’ll be very pleased.

  Umbaga took a drink from his mug without looking away from Renar. He felt that the Director was scanning him sharply; he evaluated him with definite effort to convince himself of his suitability to lead the Espacian Intelligence’s low contingent, included in the expedition that was about to begin.

  —I understand you were assigned to Professor Trivian’s team five months ago?

  —Six months, Sir.

  —Then you should clearly understand that Professor Trivian is one of our most outstanding scientists in the last thousand years, despite being almost unknown by the Espacian people. He’s the genetic adjustment against aging father, in the shadows, among other marvelous achievements of extreme importance for the Espacian civilization and its history, which he has developed with a team of distinguished scientists, during hundreds of years up till today. That’s the reason why and because of other reasons which are not your business, will understand that I hold the highest regard for him.

  —I understand…

  —The mission is extremely important, vital I would say; but the Professor’s life is too. You should protect him at all costs. The journey is no sightseeing tour around the stars.

  —I know.

  —None of us in this office, nor in the Systemic Council either, wish to see Professor Trivian embarked in this incursion… so risky. Despite that, their arguments have no counterweigh, your presence is vital until the end of the journey. He’s a man of an incredible advanced age, but of great character and unthinkable strengths. That’s why I entrust you with his protection, despite himself. We want him back at any material or lives’ cost. I want him back, do you understand?

  —Yes, Sir.

  —It’s very probable that some of those damn modified Browns have snuck into either one of the two spaceships. You must deal with that during the entire journey. We exhausted all the screening with the crew and instantly replaced anyone that gave us the slightest suspicion, there’s nothing else we can do. We have orders to bring that so valued object for the Council back to Espacia and to accomplish it, you must always support both spaceships’ Captains by providing them safety in the shadows. Nobody should know about you, only the Professor knows about this situation. Do you clearly understand that, Renar? You’re going undercover. That’s a direct and absolute order.

  —I know, Sir. Anybody could be an undercover spy.

  —Exactly, Agent Renar. Anybody but Professor Trivian and Captain Lena. An STF’s Captain will join you, called Gander, in the main Vector. He’s also trustworthy.

  Besides, don’t ever forget that if the spaceships, the crew members and the expedition Commander belong to the fleet, the mission will be conducted under the supervision and absolute control from the Espacian Intelligence and the Systemic Council. If you must take hard decisions… do it, don’t doubt about it. You must be persistent and clever, distrustful and brave. But especially intransigent to follow our orders all the way to the end and at any cost. More than one will want to influence you or pressure you… Don’t allow it; trust your instinct… trust me.

  —I won’t forget it.

  —You’ll do it very well. Now withdraw.

  When Renar walked away relieved to get away from the Central Office and the Director, he spoke to him again, stalling him at a couple of meters wide and striking doorway.

  —Renar… we recovered Alvians’ body. Admiral Tronius sent a Nimide for him.

  —He had a seven-year-old son.

  —I know, we’ll take care of him.

  Renar remained static after perceiving Umbaga still looking at him.

  —Did you know that Professor Trivian was the one that insisted on you leading our people in this mission?

  —No, Director Umbaga, I didn’t know it.

  —One last thing Renar. If you are unable to bring Professor Trivian back alive… you might as well not come back either.

  Renar swallowed hard and moved away, still feeling the Director’s intense gaze pinned on his back. The little spirit he had left ended up breaking instantly.

  He understood perfectly and for the first time. The huge responsibility on his shoulders.

  Upon crossing the arch covered with beautiful decorations and watermarks which framed the entrance, he decided to focus completely in the mission. He couldn’t be caught by surprise or surpassed again by a situation he oversaw, no matter how hard or terrible it was, if he wanted to remain alive, he had to achieve his objectives and return some uncertain day to his beloved Espacia.

  11 - The Espacian Fleet

  Tronius saw the light flash from the leaping point at a distance at first glance. It was a small spacecraft, part of an advanced exploratory devise returned to inform us about the situation of the star breakage position in Atirov’s System; they were undisputable safety procedures to prevent ambushes.

  The spaceship’s Captain’s voice echoed loudly in the insides of the enormous strategic control bridge.

  —Mr. Admiral, the decoy is informing of a full-blown confrontation developing in some of Atirov’s Systems quadrants.

  —It already began! Can we take the leap now?

  —They’re trying to fix safe coordinates. There’s too much combat traffic; we should wait.

  —Transmit the current battle’s holographic to the entire fleet.

  Within a second, the entire crew could see the battle’s deployment being fought in three dimensions in the Atirov’s System, in a holographic of more than thirty meters in diameter, displayed in the middle of the bridge.

  Tronius retained an exclamation. He had never in his life seen such different kinds of war spaceships gathered, fighting a mortal combat.

  —Admiral Tribar. What do you think?

  Tribar was searching the hundreds of present crew members nervous gazes.

  —Wow, it’s… amazing. All the coalition spaceships must be there.

  —All of them but ours.

  —Watch Atirov’s tenth quadrant, other enemy’s groupings appear there.

  —It’s an entire fleet emerging from hyperspace. They’re at least one thousand huge size motherships moving at great speed.

  —Yes, they are Class A supply spaceships. They are escorted at least by other two thousand class D and E destroyers. With that, they’ve already doubled what they were introducing into battle!

  —This doesn’t end here… they will keep coming Tribar, we’ll change the star breakage point… Let’s go to the tenth quadrant, two inhabited planets can be seen from there, which soon will collapse if we don’t do something about it: Decan and Taris.

  —At your command, Admiral.

  Hundreds of voices were heard at the same time with a surprised nasty exclamation when the new and huge enemy attack force went into furious combat, launching a shower of lethal thermal disintegrating missiles combined with other huge sized dark energy micro cores, which impacted dozens of spaceships in complete coalition formation, despite the countermeasures launched in their defense.

  They identified devises of at least eleven different systems defending themselves desperately. You could see them maneuvering in a big space portion, and dangerously near one of the inhabited worlds mentioned by Tronius. Planet Decan.

  The Supreme Admiral stood up and climbed into the transparent front ramp. He could see his fleets’ sp
aceships from there, spread out in all directions.

  He carefully walked the distance to the middle of the huge ramp, upon perceiving hundreds of eyes fixed on his movements, he figured that millions of beings as well, waited in silence for his orders.

  —Communications, how are the sensors doing?

  —To wait, Sir.

  Tronius knew that there was absolutely no power capable of contradicting the forefront sensors. If they didn’t authorize the fleet’s leap, he just had to wait. Bitter experiences defined those permanent procedures in a distant past. Without being able to do anything else at that point, he continued taking careful steps, apparently with ease while he watched the enormous battle spaceships as far as his eyes could see around three hundred and sixty degrees.

  Five thousand type Flantart motherships surrounded him, Espacia’s great strength, added to the four thousand Tubulars which transported the armored infantry. Impossible to see them at first glance from the Trendar’s command bridge, being deployed at hundreds of kilometers away from their positions.

  Thousands of more different models and construction information spaceships formed in between, some thousands of years old. All willing to defend the larger spaceships. The sizes of these machines varied from two hundred to six hundred meters long and alike the spaceships, were equipped with modern robotic hunting spaceships, but in much less quantities than the enormous space structures.

  These old models had been updated in the past months after a wonderful effort from the engineers and fleet’s personnel in Baltar Moon’s space shipyards, apart from the two huge repair shipyards of great value that the fleet possessed, located on two rocky moons that rotated around Cratias.

  On the other hand, the increased Espacian fleet was comprised by another fifty thousand different sizes war spaceships, including about fifteen thousand Vectors and about ten thousand Black Star destroyers. The most modern medium or small spaceships’ fleet squads built in the last five hundred years in the automated plants which orbited around Cratias also.

  At least eighteen thousand Nimides reinforced the groupings’ outer space. The smaller and adaptable fleet’s raiders. All of them equipped with powerful type Supernova and type Solar antimatter torpedoes, amongst other sophisticated weapons. Everything they had was in front of him and beyond the scope of his gaze. Everything except some of the oldest Flantarts and Tubulars separated along with its escort and supply squads, to protect the fleet from evacuation. The ones comprised the not despicable, but very old Twelfth fleet, which would escort the Espacians to the ocean in their evacuation to the very ends of the galaxy.


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