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THE ENDLESS DARK OCEAN_A space epic that will change the history of the universe

Page 16

by Boris Mosso

  She looked at her rooms for the last time and went out to the outer gallery. She climbed in her personal levitator there and shot out towards the command bridge floating at twenty centimeters from the ground.

  The gravitational slider stopped at the huge control room threshold, after a few minutes.

  She got off from the devise looking for some inner peace. She was still furious with old Captain Fromdert and with De Kraun, but she didn’t want to arrive at the Officers’ and scientists’ meeting in that mood.

  The room became a great activity area again and many crewmen and Officers moved about everywhere, who greeted her formally as she passed them.

  She gave a sidelong glance at the holographic screens, observing the endless amount of information flowing continuously, while the star leap maneuvers continued a frantic rhythm.

  She recognized Dimia, backing up Andra in the navigation controls; she also found Lustan checking the antimatter missile’s status type Supernova, and the rest of the Vector’s weapons. The young Officer ran simulations on some big sized holographics in front of his seat, in the middle of the bridge.

  She didn’t cease to be surprised that a teenager had the responsibility of controlling her spaceship’s defensive controls. An itch went down her body upon imagining him before the pressure, in a real confrontation.

  On the other hand, Fromdert’s complaints dug deep in her mind and made her question everything. Deep down, she found that the old and arrogant Captain was right, since her appointment over Fromdert was very questionable, despite existing many precedents in a war fleet’s history which valued the capacity of its Officers, based on their seniority. Without going too far, Tronius was a lot younger than at least half of the General Commanders from the battle groups and the fleet’s command strategy Admirals. However, she figured that this time the age difference and rank was too big. Fromdert had twenty more years than she did, and the Tubular Captain’s rank was higher than hers, in several levels. A Tubular measuring four kilometers long more less, and carrying forty thousand crewmen and terrestrial forces’ soldiers, instead, she was only carrying forty crewmen and pilots under her command in her old Vector.

  She shook her head after she concluded that a Tubular’s Captain, transferred to a Vector’s Captain and with such wielded reputation as Fromdert, and suddenly subjected under the command of an Officer twenty years younger, was unexplainable and suspicious, to say the least. She sensed some awkward reasons for it. The sad thing about the matter was, that she didn’t have anybody to answer her questioning. She was the expedition’s highest rank and hence, she didn’t have anybody to complain to.

  She was sure now, that captain Fromdert wasn’t the only one not trusting her abilities and experience to confront the unusual incursion of both spaceships to Lumina. Since her arrival, she felt sneaky glances and some gossip between the crewmen who moved around everywhere; she was on her own and to make matters worse, she couldn’t find even one familiar face amongst the crewmen.

  —She wondered, Captain Lena, why did they assign this mission to someone like you, isn’t it so?

  Surprised, she turned on her feet to find herself with the mysterious and unwelcomed hangar eight’s scientist again.

  —Apparently, you’re used to appear when one least expects it, or needed, Mr….?

  —You’re mistaken, Captain, you need me a lot more than you can imagine; Renar, my name is Renar.

  —I don’t remember well what your occupation was.

  —Archeological astronomer.

  —And what would be the reason of your presence in my “excursion”, Mr. Renar?

  —My occupation’s title explains it clearly. Even though it’s a pleasure to find out you have a good sense of humor. Apparently, it will be a pleasant journey after all.

  Lena watched him coldly, ignoring the last comment from the casual scientist. In fact, and up to a certain point, she saw some enthusiasm and candor in him.

  She wondered if Renar completely understood the great danger to plunge at full speed, through the endless dark ocean, to emerge then out into another unexplored galaxy and much more, in battle; or if he was just a cynical puppet who would be terrified before the first serious inconvenience in the incursion. At the end, she concluded that it must be a young theoretical scientist, beginning the greatest adventure of his life, although, without the perspective from the first real experience. Despite all that, she was surprised that the star archeologist pleased her a little as well.

  Turning away from him, she approached the holographic screens checking on something, and Renar followed her.

  —Were you asking me about my appointment?

  —I imagine it was something unexpected for you also, as it was for almost the entire crewmen also. After all, there was Stradius and lastly, Fromdert… by the way, have you had the pleasure to meet him?

  Lena stopped for a minute looking straight in his eyes before continuing with her activities. Something in between Renar’s sentences, implied the situation’s control and at the same time, knowledge of Lena’s experienced circumstances in the past hours. Everything said in such way, that appeared to be innocent words spoken without full knowledge; however, something heavier and deeper was there, hidden behind the star archeologist’s gaze.

  Lena decided not to ever take him lightly again.

  —Yes, I already had the pleasure. Then, do you know the reasons behind my commanding appointment of this spaceship and expedition, Mr. Renar?

  —You see, Gobar Terilian’s expedition’s disappearance which took off two months ago, was given to the most knowledgeable specialist of the space capsule found four hundred years ago, and of the mysterious object lost in Lumina also, except to old Professor Trivian.

  —Does your explanation have a short version, Mr. Renar?

  —I’ll hurry. Pursuant to the tragic event developing in the galaxy, Terilian took off with the most experienced Officers in long lasting explorations available in Espacia’s vicinity. Everything else, performed in absolute privacy. In fact, I found out about this incursion’s departure, just a couple of days after it began.

  —And you didn’t go with Commander Terilian?

  —Captain, I have the impression that I wasn’t the first nor the second alternative in my specialty. Two of my brilliant colleagues were enrolled to accompany the Commander General.

  —What a disappointment for you.

  —Relief, instead…

  —If you say so… Does your explanation continue, or did you finish? I still don’t understand what I’m doing here according to your hypothesis; I’ve never travelled too far nor for too long.

  —Give me one more minute. Some days ago, I was suddenly taken out from an evacuation spaceship, ordered by Professor Trivian and they took me to the Council’s spaceship. Once I boarded, the Professor told me that I would go with him in the journey to Lumina.

  In the meantime, some surprising replacements have been made during the last hours. If you’ve noticed, the spaceship is full of crewmen with surprised and frustrated looks.

  Is it then an improvised incursion? Did they not trust Stradius and the other Officers?

  —A little of each.

  I believe they appointed the mission’s Command to you, for being extremely trustworthy. It’s very possible that they had reviewed your professional and personal life to the last difficult detail.

  —Then they found out I’ve had a boring life? Don’t you think there’s a possibility they could have selected me for my abilities?

  —Let’s hope so for everyone’s sake, that they’ve selected you as Captain for that also.

  —I see… Apparently neither one of us were priority for this purpose, Mr. Renar. That’s not too comforting so to speak.

  —That’s also my impression.

  —We’ll see, Mr. Renar, what are you useful for after all? Besides ingenuously theorizing about the Council’s and high command strategic decisions…

  At that moment two persons, who di
dn’t wear the fleet’s uniforms, entered the bridge, distracting her. It was a thin woman, tall and of medium age, the other one was an older man. Then she saw two other Officers waiting in the Meeting Center. Andra and the first officer was there also.

  Lena looked straight at Renar again without ending the sentence and then walked to the middle of the bridge, she sat down there, and the rest imitated her afterwards. A huge white and oval table emerged from the floor; four holograms from the other spaceship’s Officers appeared sitting right next to each other on Lena’s right side. They were Captain Fromdert and Dramstor, her first Officer. Koner sat next and a third, a yellowish skinned Officer with half-closed fine eyes and delicate facial features. It was Borlan.

  She stopped at the elder scientist sitting right in front. It was Trivian, without doubt; she felt a sense of intimacy from him, which disappeared immediately. The scientist remained engrossed in his thoughts, indifferent to the crewmen’s presence. The woman about sixty years old sitting beside the old Professor, slyly nervous, checked her files in a small holographic screen at her knee’s level; she thought the woman was very beautiful and had such liveliness regardless of her age, sparing instantly the marvels of the Espacian reconstructive science. The linguist possessed a crystalline very deep gaze. Her hair cut in a chestnut mane, hung down her beautiful neck, ending perfectly over her shoulders.

  She saw other lower rank Officers spread out around the table, although at a proper distance and from where they could also listen. It wasn’t a private meeting, so she didn’t pay too much attention and decided to begin with the issues to be discussed.

  —Well, let’s make the routine introductions: I’m Captain Lena and I’m in charge of the spaceships and the compliance of the objective outlined for this incursion. We have the escort spaceship’s Captain Irgo Fromdert in holographic; his mission is to protect us in every event and support each other in search of the object. Greetings, Captain Fromdert.

  —Greetings, Captain Lena.

  —Would you introduce your Officers?

  —Very well. To my right is Dramstor, my first Officer; Officer Koner follows, he’s leading my hunting spaceships, which represents the defense bulk in space for the expedition; to my left is Captain Borlan, in charge of the STF’s in my spaceship.

  Lena noticed that Fromdert notoriously emphasized the last part of his sentence, but she didn’t acknowledge it and continued:

  —Please, proceed with the other introductions. Let’s begin with this Vector’s operation base Officers.

  Lena signaled Pranus and he introduced himself:

  —I’m the spaceship’s main first Officer and my name is Pranus. With me is Lustan, weapons specialist Officer and Officer Andra, the first Vector’s navigator.

  —I’m the quantum engineer, antimatter and energy lead Officer, my name is Estrader and with me, my second Officer who is the specialized antimatter engineer, his name is Lagras.

  —My name is Ribar and I’m the first Medical Officer and with me is Doctor Dirva, she’s an expert in cell reconstruction and its organic applications.

  Gander briefly looked at young Doctor Dirva, immediately recognizing her as the beautiful woman who passed by his side in hangar eight, just a few hours ago.

  There was silence, and everyone waited for the incursion’s Officers and scientists’ introductions, which many curious disguised gazes rested on.

  Drexiliander went ahead at Lena’s signal. She perceived certain innocence in his gaze, something unusual for a robotics’ pilot leader; she thought that he hid a determined and efficient Officer, under his tender covering.

  —My name is Drexiliander, hunting spaceships’ lead Officer. I’m in charge of two exploration spaceships, plus three automated light attack spaceships’ squads; for those who don’t know, we’re talking about one hundred fifty hunting spaceships in total. Elenda is with me, my second rank Officer and two other third rank Officers, Trimen and Atisia.

  Lena recognized Elenda just then, as the young red-haired pilot who transferred her from her old spaceship in the war fleet’s formation to the Systemic Council’s spaceship. Now she could see her face clearly; her features were harmonious, although not beautiful. She had white skin with freckles and short red hair, a straight nose and baby blue eyes.

  She suddenly felt ridiculous, since that second rank Officer, knew more about her for sure, when she was transferred. She couldn’t prevent thinking that everything was arranged previously, it was obvious.

  She also envisioned that since her removal, she was already surrounded by her future crew without even knowing it. Thus, being transferred to her new assignment as a prisoner… Without no respect nor regard for her rank. Elenda avoided looking at her, foreseeing Lena’s tortuous thoughts, which took up eagerly with the introductions already.

  —Well, we’ll call you Officer Drex, if you don’t mind.

  —It’s no problem, that’s how they’ve called me in all my assignments.

  —Proceed please.

  —My name is Gander and I’m the STF’s Captain; with me are this incursion’s seven Officers, beginning with Rombar my second Officer, are Lesir and Blesten also, as third Officers. In closing, my task force are the STF’s: Chan, Kivolaris, Betinia and Dantori. We’re in charge of six robotic combat terrestrial squads, in other words, three hundred new units; it’s not normal for such a spaceship’s size, but that’s how it was planned. This Vector’s force will be focused on the terrestrial search. I imagine we should make some tactical deployments at surface level, in the next weeks.

  —Quite so, Gander. The Vector’s escort will focus on the spatial coverage and ours on the surface deployments.

  —Excuse me for the interruption… but, what does STF stand for?

  —Renar was the one asking. Everyone looked at the scientist.

  Gander watched Lena silently and waiting. She observed the archeological astronomer and answered in a neutral tone of voice:

  —They’re special forces: Stealth Terrestrial Forces.

  —Wow, what a name! Very impressive.

  —They are the people who are going to save your ass one of these days, Mr. Renar.

  —Very well, I didn’t want to offend anybody, Captain.

  —I understand, and now that we’re both talking, can you finish explaining how you gained a spot in this spaceship for me?

  —Correct. My name is Renar. For the ones that don’t know me, I’m an archeologic astronomer or star archeologist; hence, I devote myself to study and understand how they were and how they moved in the planetary structures, constellations and galaxies, million years ago, and its almost everlasting involvement in the present. It focuses on the effect caused in different galactic systems’ populations, in the emerging and extinction of the species; it’s a little-known discipline, but very entertaining.

  I take the opportunity to introduce my scientists’ colleagues; let’s begin with Doctor Zenda, she’s an expert in old galactic languages and possesses a degree in primitive graphologies’ decoding. She must be the best linguist from the Solarian System.

  Doctor Zenda blushed before Renar’s unexpected introduction, bending down her head so the others wouldn’t notice her.

  —Professor Trivian is also with us, he’s an expert in genetics and in this object, we’re looking for.

  Lena straightened up in her seat, while the brief introductions were about to end. Upon turning her gaze to the outside, she saw that exactly at that moment they were leaping once again into hyperspace, amongst an intense and brief flash coming from space. The escort Vector continued by its side when performing the same maneuver. Her ears plugged up for a second and then everything went back to normal. She noticed that the scientists looked a little uncomfortable with the quantum operation, completely routine for her; then she approached Trivian:

  —Professor Trivian, do we know each other from somewhere? Your face looks familiar.

  The Professor kept his gaze lowered before answering her, while his features
contracted in a subtle and repressed indecipherable gesture. Then the elder lifted his head slowly.

  —No, Captain, I haven’t had the pleasure to meet you.

  —Well, forget it. I understand you’re the one appointed to reveal the motives and secrets about this expedition and the subsequent steps to take.

  The Professor, without saying more, made a slight gesture in the air and the tridimensional holographic screen appeared in the middle over the round table. Without changing expressions, he began to talk:

  —All of you already know that we’re looking for a very valuable object, which we’ll talk about later.

  At that time, Andra, the first navigator, interrupted Trivian.

  —Professor Trivian… is the object some type of weapon?

  —It’s not the time to talk about the object… yet.

  —Why does the Council think this object can destroy the invaders?

  —No such thing has been said that I recall. Later, when we find it or very close to it, we’ll talk about the object itself.

  Everyone looked disappointed, since it was one of the things they expected to clarify and from which a lot was theorized at the beginning of the journey, in view of the crewmen having just found out about the entire matter; the STF force and the robotics’ pilots included.

  Lena signaled Trivian subtly and he continued with his explanatory speech:

  —Two months ago, an expedition with ten spaceships like this one, more than ten Black Stars, departed in its search. As you may already know, Commander General, Gobar Terilian was commanding it, an experienced and exploratory Officer, who until departing for his journey, was the battle group’s hundred and fourth’s Commander. His mission: they would travel into the huge space between the Astral Galaxy and our distant neighbor, the Lumina Galaxy. They would track and find System X, named by the first explorers who looked for it three hundred seventy years ago, thirty years after finding the capsule. We were then and for a long time, traveling, registering and scanning each constellation and planetary system which appeared to be… the right one.


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