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Decision at Thunder Rift

Page 31

by William H. Keith

  "If you stay," Grayson continued, "my people remain in the field, harassing you and making life miserable for everyone, themselves included. We'd rather see you off of Trellwan, and at this point, I suspect you'd rather see that too."

  "You'd let us go?"

  "My word on it, your Grace. Frankly, Thunder Rift was hard on both of our forces. We have no wish to continue fighting — not unless you force us to it"

  That was both an understatement and stark misrepresentation on Grayson's part. Though his astechs would soon have five 'Mechs working again from among the wrecks left on the ridge, at the moment the Shadow Hawk was the only fully functional BattleMech remaining. Nor could Ricol suspect that, at that moment, Grayson could call upon exactly 30 unwounded men.

  There were so many dead, and so many more wounded. And there were some injuries that seemed deeper than those of flesh and blood.

  "Where were you?" Lori had asked, pain in her eyes. There'd been no anger in the words, only hurt and something like sorrow. With her 'Mech burning around her, she had called for his help. He knew how she feared death by fire, and it must have seemed that he'd abandoned her. He'd reached out for Lori, and she'd turned away. "No, Gray. Not... just... no." There had been a violation of the trust between them, and no telling if that particular wound would ever heal.

  It seemed that the price for revenge was high, much higher than those caught in the crossfire could afford to pay. And what vengeance was there, after all? What could restore the dead?

  "You're right, of course," Ricol said. That simple admission, the sag of his shoulders, caught Grayson by surprise. "As allies, the Trell indigs would have been useful. But we can't afford to garrison a backwater desert like Trellwan, not when the planet is in revolt, and Stannic dead. No, the action, the real action, is elsewhere."

  "The Inner Sphere."

  Ricol shrugged. "So, if you want Trellwan, youngster, it's yours. And welcome. A dreary, savage place." The

  Speechless, Grayson could only nod. Duke Ricol was requesting that his men and machines be allowed to leave Trellwan, that his troops keep their guns and equipment, that everything remain as if the Duke's men had never come to Trellwan in the first place.

  What of all the dead? Grayson thought. Larressen, Enzelman, Claydon, Ari, Kai Griffith, his father... and so many more...

  "Full privileges," Grayson said at last "And the sooner you burn for your starship, the better."


  "Ten... SHUT!"

  Ranks of grey-clad men snapped to attention in the sullen light of the westering sun. Master Sergeant Ramage did a sharp about-face and saluted Grayson. "COMP'ny all present and accounted for, SIR!"

  Grayson let his eyes run along the rows of men, each armed, each with his duffel bag of equipment, uniforms, and personal gear at his feet. Beyond the last rank, the 'Mechs were lined up as well, towering above the assembly. The two Wasps and the Stinger had been salvaged on the field and repaired. The Locust and the Shadow Hawk had been completely refitted. All were newly painted, too, with emblems of a death's head in gray and black against a red background on each 'Mech's left leg. Grayson's eyes strayed to the Locust, as though trying to see past armor and sensors to the woman inside.

  "Very well, Sergeant. I will inspect the troops."

  "Sir!" Ramage did another smart turn, and faced the ranks. "COMP'ny, in-spec-tion... HARMS!"

  The man sounds more like a Master Sergeant every day, Grayson thought. For that matter, the troops were looking more like troops. Ramage at his heels, he began walking along the line, checking men, uniforms, and weapons... for what? Grayson shrugged off the rebellious thought For military appearance and readiness, of course. For reassurance that the three platoons were tight and sharp and ready to board the DropShip at his back. And to remind them of who they were.

  When the remnants of the Trellwan Lancers had emerged from Thunder Rift to meet Grayson, there had been a scant 30 men unwounded and ready (after several straight periods of sleep) for duty. The Locust, the single surviving ‘Mech, had been badly damaged, with a machine gun out, ammo storage wrecked, heat sinks gone, and large sections of the hull armor half melted away. There had been little to commend them as a victorious fighting unit

  Except for the fact that they had won.

  Trellwan's Royal Guards had been somewhat taken aback by Sarghad's response to the warriors. News of the Battle of Thunder Rift was more rumor than fact, twisted and changing even as it spread. The only clearly discernible facts were that Ricol had led his army up to the Rift and been thrown back. A lone raider at the starport had destroyed the Combine force's communications station and much of their fuel. Two days later, the Combine DropShips had left, taking every 'Mech and offworld warrior with them. And then a DropShip from an incoming freighter had descended at the port, and the victors had returned to the city.

  Their reception by Sarghad's citizens had been a minor revolution in its own right. With the government in total disarray after the deaths of Stannic and Adel, there'd been no one to issue an order for Carlyle's arrest. It was doubtful that there were troops on Trellwan who would have carried such an order out, for the Green Coats were citizens of Sarghad as well, and totally caught up in the carnival atmosphere that surrounded the heroes' homecoming.

  As for Grayson, he had not feared the government's response. Though he had had only two functional 'Mechs, the Locust and his battered Hawk, that was more than Sarghad could muster in its own defense.

  "COMP'ny, sling HARMS! Right FACE! FOR'ard HARCH!"

  Many of Sarghad's troops — Militia and Guards alike — had joined the Lancers after Thunder Rift. The unit's survivors had become the experienced cadre that trained and seasoned the new troops. Grayson had already drawn up schedules so that training would continue aboard the Invidious. There were many men, it turned out, with no attachments, no reason to remain on Trellwan. When Grayson issued the call for volunteers for the new 'Mech regiment, they had come forward, this time leaving behind their earlier rivalries. The Lancers' new reputation had achieved that

  Grayson turned to face Trellwan's new leader. General Varney had taken charge of the military upon his return to the city from the DropShip. Marshalling the popular support of the now reinstated Militia and many of the Royal Guard as well, the Defense Ministers and Military Staff officers had elected Varney as military governor until a new king could be nominated.

  It was entirely possible that office would also fall on Varney's shoulders. Of all Trellwan's leaders, only he had the power and authority to hold the military's openly warring factions together. The Lancers' new reputation had also achieved that

  "We wish you wouldn't go. There is a place for the Lancers here." Varney said.

  "They're not the Trellwan Lancers any longer, General. Remember?"

  "But you could stay! Look, Grayson, don't hold what happened against all of Trellwan! Please, reconsider! Hendrik still hangs over us, not to mention the Combine. But with your unit, we could..."

  Grayson looked past Varney to where Mara watched him from the cluster of ministers and officials. The forces that had torn Trellwan's society apart were still there, for all the deaths and bloodshed.

  Grayson wondered now how could he have been such a fool in regard to Mara. He thought he'd been using her, unaware that she was using him to win useful information and to control him for the sake of her father's plans to become King.

  His eyes snapped back to Varney. "Precisely, sir. They are my units now, and I will not have the Lancers be the focus of any more power struggles. We have our own destiny." He gave the General his hand, which the old man clasped firmly. Varney would be a good leader. Trellwan might yet have a chance to combat that inner sickness of power and strife.

  "The Commonwealth will be informed of the situation here," Grayson said. "I doubt that the Kuritists will bother you anymore, but the Gray Death Legion will seek employment elsewhere."

  He took an odd pleasure in that name suggested by Sergeant Ramag
e and made official by acclamation among the troops. As a newly formed mercenary regiment, they were small, yet — with only five 'Mechs and 147 troops — but they had a ship and a pilot and the hope of a place among the embattled Houses of the Inner Sphere. Perhaps at Tharkad they would find whatever was left of Carlyle's Commandos. The regiment could be built to full strength elsewhere. And Grayson knew he would meet Ricol and Vallendel again one day.

  A man fights for his comrades on the firing line, Griffith had said. But home and family are what brings him to the firing line in the first place. Looking across at the troops boarding the DropShip, Grayson felt a thrill of pride, of accomplishment. And of belonging.

  He wanted to leave Trellwan as quickly as possible now. He needed time to assimilate what had happened here and to examine the changes in himself. He saluted Varney with a smile. "By your leave, General."

  The line of 'Mechs waited until the last of the troops filed past and up the ramp of the waiting DropShip. Grayson strode toward the Shadow Hawk at the end of the line and swung himself up on the chain ladder that hung down the machine's flank. Inside the Hawk's cockpit, with the neural impulse helmet on his head, an electronic voice sounded in his ears.

  "We're ready, Boss. Let's get the hell out of here!"

  "Right, Lori. Lance formation... right turn... and embark." At this moment, Grayson felt content. Lori was important to him, both as a valued NCO and as a valued friend. He'd promised her the time to seek her own healing, while he sought his. Meanwhile, they were still friends. In time, the wounds would heal, perhaps even before they reached Tharkad.

  The DropShip's BattleMech ports gaped open. Grayson Death Carlyle's new family filed up the ramps and boarded their new home.


  Autocannon: A rapid-firing, auto-loading cannon mounted on some 'Mechs and weapons carriers. Light vehicle autocannon have calibers ranging from 30 to 90 mm, while heavy 'Mech autocannon may be 80 to 120 mm or more. The weapon fires high-explosive or armor-piercing shells. Because of the limitations of 'Mech targeting technology, its range is limited to less than 600 meters.

  Company: A tactical military unit consisting of three BattleMech Lances or, for infantry, three platoons with a total of SO to 100 men. Infantry companies are generally commanded by a captain.

  Crawler: A tracked, military vehicle. Various designs carry troops, cargo, or weapons.

  Crusader: A heavy BattleMech, weighing 65 tons, with a top speed of 65 kph. It is heavily armed even for a 'Mech, mounting a laser, a heavy machine gun, and massed LRM batteries in each arm, and six SRM launch tubes on each leg.

  ECM: Short for "Electronic Countermeasures", this is broadcast interference to disrupt enemy radar, radio, or other electronic equipment

  Hovercraft: A vehicle that travels several centimeters above the ground on a cushion of air created by large fans inside a rubber or light metal-skirted plenum chamber. Hovercraft may be designed as scouts, transports, or weapon carriers. They are fast, highly maneuverable, and can travel over land or water, but are hampered by rough or broken terrain. They are also called skimmers or GEVs (Ground Effect Vehicles).

  HVT: Hovercraft Transports are a military hovercraft used to carry personnel or cargo.

  HVWC: The Hovercraft Weapons Carrier is a military hovercraft, smaller than a transport, mounting a missile battery, PPC, or other heavy weapon.

  IFF: Short for "Identification Friend or Foe," this is a system of signals from an on-board transponder that can be detected and used to identify the vehicle, especially in combat.

  Inferno: A special, shoulder-launched missile designed as an anti-'Mech weapon. It explodes several meters from the launch tube, spraying the target with white phosphorus or a similar flammable compound in a jelly base. Infernos are not carried aboard 'Mechs because of their flammability.

  IR: Infrared is light at wavelengths too long to be seen by the human eye. Infrared radiation is emitted by heat sources such as running engines or living bodies, and can be detected by equipment designed for use in the dark.

  Lance: A BattleMech tactical combat group, usually consisting of four 'Mechs.

  Laser: An acronym for "Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation." As a weapon, it damages the target by concentrating extreme heat on a small area. BattleMech lasers are designated as small, medium, and large. Lasers are also available as shoulder-fired weapons operating from a portable backpack power unit. Certain range finders and targeting equipment employ low-level lasers as well.

  Locust: A light, non-humanoid scout BattleMech designed for extreme speed and maneuverability. Weighing 20 tons, it has a top running speed of 130 kph. It is armed with one medium laser and a pair of heavy machine guns.

  LRM: Abbreviation for "Long-Range Missiles," indirect-fire missiles with high-explosive warheads. They have a maximum extreme range of several kilometers, but are accurate only between about ISO and 700 meters.

  Marauder: A heavy, non-humanoid assault BattleMech, weighing 75 tons, with »top speed of 65 kph. It is heavily armed, mounting a heavy PPC and a medium laser in each arm, and a 120 mm autocannon over it back. Marauders are extremely well-armored and difficult to knock out, particularly favored for the psychological advantage conveyed by their fearsome appearance.

  PBI: Short for "Poor Bloody Infantry," this is BatdeMech slang for non-'Mech troops.

  Phoenix Hawk: A medium BattleMech weighing 45 tons, with a top speed of 100 kph. It mounts one medium laser and a heavy machine gun integral to each arm, and carries a heavy laser in an arm rifle mount. It is a particularly useful blend of speed and maneuverability in BattleMech combat

  Platoon: A tactical military unit typically consisting of 50 to 60 men, commanded by a lieutenant or a platoon sergeant. A platoon may be divided into two sections.

  PPC: Short for "Particle Projection Cannon," a magnetic accelerator firing high-energy proton or ion bolts, causing damage both through impact and high temperature. They are among the most effective weapons available to BatUeMechs. Though they have a theoretical range limited only by line-of-sight considerations, the technology available for focusing and aiming the bolt limits effective range to less than 600 meters.

  Regiment: A military unit consisting of two to four battalions, each consisting of three or four companies. A regiment is commanded by a colonel.

  Rifleman: A medium BattleMech weighing 60 tons, with a top speed of 65 kph. It mounts one autocannon and a heavy laser in a twin-barrel assembly on each arm, and a pair of lasers in the torso.

  Shadow Hawk: A medium BattleMech weighing 55 tons, with a top speed of 85 to 90 kph. It mounts a medium laser on its right arm, five LRM launchers in its torso, a pair of SRM launch tubes on either side of its head, and a backpack-mounted, over-the-shoulder, large-caliber autocannon.

  SRM: Abbreviation for "Short-Range Missiles", direct-trajectory missiles with high-explosive or armor-piercing explosive warheads. They have a range of less than one kilometer, and are accurate only at ranges of less than 300 meters. They are more powerful, however, than LRMs.

  Stinger: A light scout BattleMech, the Stinger weighs 20 tons, with a top running speed of 100 kph. It is armed with one medium laser and two heavy machine guns.

  T.O. & E: Abbreviation for "Table of Organization and Equipment," the breakdown of a unit's personnel, order of battle, and equipment, including vehicles and weapons.

  UV: Ultraviolet light is radiation at wavelengths too short to be seen by the eye. Special scanning equipment can see by UV light.

  Wasp: A light scout BattleMech, weighing 20 tons, with a top running speed of 100 kph. The Wasp is armed with one medium laser and a pair of SRM launch-racks.

  Wolverine: A medium BattleMech weighing 55 tons, with a top speed of 85 kph. It mounts a heavy-caliber autocannon in its right arm, and six SRM tubes in its torso. High on its chest, just below the head, is a ball turret mounting a medium laser.

  er Rift




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