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Page 6

by Aishling Morgan

  Talithea’s giggle brought Elethrine sharply down to earth and she got up with her face crimson with blushes. A moment more and she would have asked the smith to try and mount her, she knew it, and the knowledge made her burn with shame. As she smoothed her skirts the smith indicated the bench to Talithea. Elethrine went to stand by Aisla, unable to resist watching the Princess have her purity girdle removed.

  As Elethrine herself had done, Talithea shut her eyes. She was also blushing and clinging onto the bench, too full of chagrin to lift her own skirts but instead allowing the smith to do it. He did so without fuss, showing none of the triumph or curiosity that a normal man would have had while pulling up a girl’s skirts. He was, however, wearing a grin that was more than a little lustful, and Elethrine wondered if Talithea was going to get mounted.

  The Princess’s underwear was magnificent, filling Elethrine with jealousy. The crimson dress hid an under skirt of dark rose pink, which in turn covered four petticoats, each of a paler hue of pink than the last and heavily trimmed with lace and in one case fur. Beneath that, her drawers were made of heavy silk, embroidered and coloured the most delicate of coral. When the smith pulled them apart it was to reveal pantalettes of pure white silk of an even heavier grade. These came open to reveal a purity girdle fashioned of silver chain and closed with a lock that appeared to be solid silver.

  Talithea lay spread out on the bench, breathing softly, her legs wide to show off the pale skin of her inner thighs. The smith rubbed his chin, for a moment put his hand to his crotch and then turned to the work bench, taking not the cutters but a thin nail. This he inserted into Talithea’s lock, wiggled, twisted and then withdrew as the catch sprang open.

  ‘Human locks - rubbish,’ he muttered with satisfaction as he pulled at the lock.

  It came apart, exposing Talithea’s sweet, bare tuppenny. Elethrine gasped, partly a reaction at the indecency of seeing the Princess spread-eagled so rudely and partly at the sheer beauty of Talithea’s sex. The mound was covered in pale blonde fur as soft and fine as duck down. The lips formed a neat, bulging purse and were slightly swollen, hinting at the contents. Rudest, and most appealing, was the way Talithea stayed in place, clearly expectant of being mounted and entered.

  Elethrine waited with her breath held. Talithea was surely more than any man could resist and the smith was bound to whip his cock out and mount her at any moment. The idea of watching the Princess’s maidenhead taken appealed to Elethrine immensely, more even than the thought of seeing the haughty young woman’s bottom stripped and beaten.

  ‘Come on then, you’re done,’ the smith said jovially, breaking the spell.

  Talithea closed her thighs and sat up in a hurry, her face crimson with blushes. Elethrine - feeling more disturbed than ever - made a hasty exit in search of some privacy.

  Chapter Three - Protectee

  Elethrine reined in her camel with some difficulty. All day they had ridden across a vast, flat plain broken only by the occasional shallow water course and copses of a curious tree with leaves like sword blades.

  Ghutanisip had been right about travelling with dwarves, and as they had proceeded she had become more and more grateful for the old man’s advice. Several times on the road they had passed groups of soldiers, everyone of whom had cast curious, lustful eyes at her, Talithea and Aisla. None, however, had dared to dispute their right of passage, even though the squares of raw silk that they had been persuaded to use to cover their hair did little to hide their foreign nature. Elethrine could see only too well that without the pentagon of heavily armed dwarves that surrounded them things would have been very different.

  At first the idea of escorting them north had been received with only moderate interest, but as soon as they had walked into the mess hall that had changed. Finally the hand had had to be chosen by prestige of arms, a process that had resulted in a bodyguard that satisfied even the Princess.

  At the apex of the pentagon rode the hand leader, Karogan, a massive, grey haired dwarf whose breadth of shoulder exceeded his height. Second, and normally a hand leader himself, was Turilan, while three warriors, Umajan, Rilan and Harthistan made up the group. Each carried a crossbow, a heavy axe, several knives and an assorment of personally chosen weapons.

  The sun was already reddening when Karogan called a halt, for which Elethrine was glad despite her unease at what was coming. All day the dwarves had acted with consummate professionalism, neither teasing the girls nor making ribald remarks to one another. Yet their passage price included mouth service and even if her honour code had not obliged her to keep her compact she would have been in no position to break it.

  Turilan was sent to scout the area while the others prepared a camp in the centre of a thicket of blade tree. Elethrine dismounted, resisting the urge to rub at her sore bottom where it had been bouncing on the camels back for the entire day. The riding position also left the beast’s spine pressed into her tuppenny, which had simultaneously been aggravating and arousing.

  ‘Note,’ Karogan addressed her as he fixed the tether of his camel to a tree trunk, ‘how the fallen blade leaves tinkle when walked on. To approach us noiselessly is an impossibility, and there will be two guards on watch at every point of the night.’

  ‘We thank you for your service,’ Elethrine replied, ‘which is fine indeed.’

  ‘Standard dwarven routine,’ Karogan replied dismissively.

  ‘What of our service?’ Aisla asked from behind Elethrine.

  Elethrine turned a glance to her maid, whose tone had been perhaps a little too eager. Aisla cast her eyes down immediately.

  ‘Have patience,’ Karogan replied sternly. ‘First we must set the guards and eat, then you may take your pleasure of our cocks for as long as you please. But explain to me while the pot comes to the boil - Why is it that you do not want your cunts filled?’

  Elethrine felt herself colour up and turned to Aisla for help.

  ‘In Mund,’ Aisle explained, ‘protocol prevents ladies of royal and noble birth from surrendering to their natural urges until taken in wedlock, as do their purity girdles, normally. As an artisan I am subject to no such restraints and may pleasure myself at will, and you also.’

  ‘Not if you wish your bottom to remain unblemished,’ Elethrine warned, shocked at Aisla’s open flirting.

  ‘Sorry Mistress,’ Aisla said hurriedly.

  ‘Go on,’ Karogan said, ‘I do not pretend to understand human thinking, which seems muddled to us dwarves, yet I am prepared to try.’

  ‘Low born men and women of Mund pair as they please,’ Aisla went on. ‘They hold no land and so it matters little who they take to partner, although I would think it shame to wed any but another artisan. Among the seven ranks of highborn, reeves, squires, thanes, barons, earls, princes and full royalty, any man may aspire to any maiden, so long as they are able to ravish her successfully.’

  ‘Ravish her?’ Karogan asked.

  ‘I shall explain,’ Elethrine interrupted, feeling that Aisla was making the explanation too simple. ‘My mother is the High-Demoiselle Seraphinia, and the daughter of a barbarian Earl from the west of Aegmund. When my father desired to wed her, he scaled the walls of the Earl’s keep, defeated three men-at-arms, climbed the central tower, broke the lock of her purity girdle with his sword point and ravished her on her bed. It was a fine deed and did her great honour.’

  ‘I am surprised anybody ever lives to marry,’ Karogan suggested.

  ‘On the contrary,’ Elethrine replied haughtily, ‘it ensures that only the strongest and cleverest produce children, thus retaining the strength of the nobility and royalty of Mund. Still, it is true that I have seen twenty winters and am still maiden. None have yet dared attempt me.’

  ‘Recently, and in the more civilised parts of the kingdom,’ Talithea put in, ‘betrothals have become common. Indeed it is quite the fashion. I am betrothed to the Prince of Ateron in Aegmund.’

  ‘A weak choice that will surely see the downfall of the K
ingdom,’ Elethrine answered, drawing daggers from Talithea’s eyes.

  ‘Extraordinary,’ Karogan said. ‘I will never understand humans. We simply mate as we please, and look to our offspring as seems appropriate. Still, an interesting tale that has made me forget my hunger while the stew readies.’

  They ate in shifts, always with two dwarves patrolling the edge of the copse of blade tree, despite the lack of any evident danger. The meal consisted of a rich stew of spiced meat and barley, eaten with chunks of coarse bread. As they had promised, Aisla served bare breasted, blushing as she exposed her full chest but clearly proud at the compliments she received. Her breasts were large and heavy, full, firm globes of pink flesh topped with rose-pink nipples. Aisla’s slim frame made them seem larger still, and more prominent. As the meal progressed Elethrine became increasingly nervous at the prospect of what honour obliged her to do afterwards. At last the pot was scrapped dry and she was left sipping at a rich red wine with a hard knot of tension in her stomach.

  When the moment came, it was with a suddenness that startled Elethrine. Karogan simply opened his mail shirt, undid the thongs which held his trousers together and pulled aside the pouch beneath, exposing his genitals. Elethrine squeaked in alarm, quite involuntarily. His cock was thick and a ruddy brown, the wrinkled skin moving slightly as the fat balls beneath it squirmed in their sack. There was also a curious scent, earthy and somehow familiar. The thought of putting the obscene thing in her mouth horrified her, yet also filled her with a strong sense of need. Instead of demanding it sucked immediately, began to stroke it as he looked up to Elethrine.

  ‘Well now,’ he pronounced cheerfully, ‘as you can see, I am ready for my entertainment. Let me see. Elethrine, I think I would enjoy watching you punish Aisla while Talithea attends to my penis.’

  ‘Very well,’ Elethrine answered, glad that the fat brown cock in his lap was not destined for her mouth, or at least not immediately. ‘Aisla, come across my lap.’

  Aisla, already bare breasted, came over with her head hung meekly, accepting Elethrine’s order without question despite having done nothing to earn a beating.

  ‘I shall beat her with this,’ Elethrine announced, reaching for the big wooden spoon that had been used to serve the food as Aisla knelt by her knees.

  ‘Excellent,’ Karogan retorted. ‘Make it hard, I want to see the pale skin of her buttocks turn red and hear her yells.’

  ‘And I also,’ Harthistan put in, ‘do it well.’

  Elethrine glanced towards the speaker, finding him with his cock also out and erect in his hand. Feeling weak in the presence of so much excited masculinity, she pulled Aisla smartly across her lap. The maid lifted her bottom obligingly as her mistress began to fiddle with her skirts.

  ‘Come Princess, to work,’ Karogan ordered, flourishing his cock at Talithea.

  Elethrine turned, finding Talithea standing with an odd look in her eyes. Walking slowly, almost as if entranced, she crossed to where Karogan was sitting, knelt for him, opened her mouth and took his cock in.

  ‘That’s my girl,’ Karogan said happily as the Princess’s cheeks sucked in as she began her work.

  Despite her surprise at Talithea’s easy acquiescence to something that should have horrified the delicately nurtured Princess, Elethrine found herself wishing it was she who was sucking so lovingly on the dwarf’s stout penis. Still, having her beautiful maid across her knee was something, and she determined to explore Aisla’s bottom while she beat it. A weak voice in the back of her head was telling her that this was not only an improper reaction to the very necessary task of discipline, but also an odd one. She ignored it, instead making short work of exposing the maid’s trim hindquarters.

  Aisla made no protest at the undignified lifting of her skirts, nor at the opening of her drawers and pantalettes, a procedure that in the past had always had her snivelling with shame and begging to be let off her punishment. Elethrine had never paid any attention to such protests, but now found their absence annoying. She wanted Aisla to blubber and plead while her bottom was smacked, and she wanted it because she knew that it would add to the warm feeling between her thighs. Aisla’s bottom was bare, a sweet pink peach that Elethrine longed to smack. Raising the spoon, she brought it down hard across the maid’s naked buttocks, making her jump and squeak in shock.

  A surge of delight went through Elethrine at Aisla’s reaction. She had always enjoyed beating her maid, but this was more intense, more satisfying and made her tuppenny tingle more than ever. Again the heavy spoon smacked down, making the soft, girlish nates bounce and wobble. Once more Aisla squeaked, to her mistress’s delight. Another smack fell and Aisla’ thighs parted to give the dwarves what Elethrine knew would be a fine view of wet pink tuppenny and wrinkled, brown bottom ring. Grinning in delight, Elethrine set to work to punish Aisla properly, spanking her with an excited fury that quickly had the hapless maid kicking and squalling while she made a most undignified display of her most intimate secrets.

  As Elethrine beat Aisla, Talithea sucked on Karogan’s cock, displaying the same wanton eagerness as Elethrine felt. His cock was hard in her mouth as she licked and sucked at it, frantic in her eagerness to enjoy the taste of excited male dwarf. Then, to Elethrine’s amazement, Talithea began to pull up her skirts, exposing layer after layer of silk, lace and fur until her fancifully embroidered drawers were exposed, with her full bottom stretching the material out in an enticing ball. Still sucking voraciously on Karogan’s cock, the Princess pulled her drawers wide, exposing heavily flounced pantalettes that did nothing to hide the contours of her magnificent bottom. The split of the pantalettes was open, revealing a hint of blonde fluff and creamy bum-cheek, a display of immodesty so flagrant that Elethrine could scarcely believe that it was the shrewish, demure Princess Talithea who was doing it.

  Her own response was little different though, and as Aisla kicked and yelped her way through her beating, Elethrine found herself wanting to make an equally rude display of her own behind, perhaps even opening her pantalettes and offering her virgin tuppenny to the dwarves’ lust.

  Perhaps it was the sight of Aisla’s soft, hot bottom and the scent of excited girl. Perhaps it was the sight of two dwarves nursing thick erections while a third fed his penis to Talithea. Perhaps it was the strange, earthy smell in the still evening air. In any case, Elethrine could feel her lust rising as it never had before and knew that unless she acted quickly she would be committing an utterly degraded act by offering herself for entry to a squat, dwarven soldier.

  Finishing Aisla off with a volley of hard smacks, she selected her target, choosing Harthistan, who seemed on the edge of explosion. Aisla squeaked as she was pushed to the ground and landed with a bump, red bum stuck up rudely towards the waiting dwarves. Shaking too hard to walk, Elethrine scrambled over to Harthistan on her hands and knees. Even before she reached him she was gaping for his cock, desperately in need of it in her mouth. Then it was in and she was sucking frantically, her senses filled with the strong taste of male dwarf. Harthistan groaned and gripped her hair with a strength that Elethrine knew she had no chance of resisting had she wanted to. Her head was pulled hard down, his cock bumping against the back of her throat. Then it jerked and her mouth was full of something salty and thick. Even as she realised that her precious, pretty, virgin mouth was full of dwarf’s come she was swallowing. Harthistan groaned again, his cock giving another jerk as it was pulled from Elethrine’s mouth. The second spurt of come caught her full in the face, splashing her nose, cheeks and neck to dribble down onto the blue velvet of her bodice.

  As he pulled away with a long exhalation of breath Elethrine sank back onto her haunches, her need greater than ever. The taste of come in her mouth was the same as the curious scent she had noticed before, and now that it was stronger she realised with utter horror what it reminded her of. It was the same scent that had pulled her towards the captive goblin, back in Korismund, or at least very similar. Tears of shame welled up in her
eyes as she realised what she had done, but her lust was still there, as strong as ever. The dwarves, however, were busy elsewhere. Karogan still with his erection in Talithea’s mouth and Umajan mounted on Aisla with her long legs high and wide around his squat brown body.

  Elethrine watched the frantic movement of the dwarf’s muscular little buttocks as he fucked Aisla, imaging herself in her maid’s place, hot red bottom pressed into the ground, naked breasts flaunted for all to see, face set an expression of bliss, dwarven cock working in and out of her open tuppenny. Unable to resist any longer, she began to crawl towards Karogan and Talithea, intending to offer her maidenhead to the Hand Leader’s swollen penis on which the Princess was sucking with such relish.

  Talithea’s bottom was in front of her, plump and bulging inside the frilly pantalettes with a hint of blonde hair protruding from the split to hint at yet more intimate secrets. The sight made Elethrine waver in her intent, the Princess’s luscious sex suddenly as welcome a target as the dwarf’s cock.

  The hesitation saved her maidenhead. She reached a trembling hand out to pull Talithea’s pantalettes aside, intent on exploring the Princess’s bottom while she begged Karogan to take her. Suddenly the dwarf groaned and his penis jerked in Talithea’s mouth, the next instant a gush of white sperm spurting out from around her lips. Elethrine sank back, her hand touching the frills of Talithea’s pantalettes, her mouth open in an O of disappointment.

  Talithea sat up as Karogan pulled his penis from her mouth, leaving her with sperm running down her chin. As the dwarf sat back Elethrine found herself coming forward, her eyes meeting Talithea’s then moving to a dribble of come hanging from the Princess’s nose. Somewhere in the background she heard a loud grunt and Aisla’s scream of ecstasy, a noise serving to increase her need for Talithea. They came together, their lips opening to share each other’s mouthfuls of thick, salty semen. Eagerly, earnestly, they licked each other clean of dwarves’ come, until both were slippery with saliva on their faces and necks.


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