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Page 15

by Aishling Morgan

  He spread his legs wide as Talithea shrugged off the chemise that had in any case barely covered her plump young breasts.

  ‘Crawl to me,’ he ordered, as her heavily frilled pantalettes joined the chemise on the floor.

  Talithea hesitated and then went down on her knees, incidentally providing Elethrine with a fine view of well fleshed bottom and pouting, silver downed tuppenny lips. The Princess crawled across the floor, breasts swinging and buttocks up high and open. Sarod grinned and held his cock out. Talithea reached him, took his balls in her hand and opened her mouth to be fed his penis. His face relaxed in an expression of bliss as she began to suck and Elethrine found herself shivering to see the haughty Princess nude on all fours with the penis of a mere merchant in her mouth.

  Yet there was no denying Talithea’s lust, and Elethrine knew that she herself would have sucked as eagerly once she got the taste of cock in her mouth and the excitement and humiliation of being nude into her brain. As it was she had been ordered to play with Aisla, and she turned to her maid, wondering what to do. “Plenty of cunt” the merchant had said, and so possibly a display of Aisla’s pretty tuppenny might be sufficient.

  Motioning Aisla to the floor and into a crawling position, Elethrine pulled up the shortened petticoat that formed the maid’s sole concession to modesty. Beneath it Aisla’s slender thighs and trim bottom were raised and open, providing Sarod with the display he had demanded. The maid parted her knees and put her face down, increasing the rudeness of her display. The scent of Aisla’s tuppenny was rich in the air - a warm, excited musk that filled Elethrine with the urge to kiss and lick her maid between her thighs.

  Trying to resist making such a wanton display, but unable to stop herself from touching, Elethrine began to stroke Aisla’s bottom, rubbing the cheeks and giving the occasional light smack to make the maid’s buttocks quiver. Aisla sighed from the attention and Sarod groaned and blew out his plump cheeks. Elethrine saw that the merchant’s cock was now hard in Talithea’s mouth, a thick, dark erection around which the Princess’s lips were stretched as she bobbed her head up and down on it. Leaning forward so that his fat belly pressed against Talithea’s face, Sarod took a thick, yellow banana from the bowl on the table and threw it to Elethrine.

  ‘Spit on your friend’s anus and stick this in it,’ ordered, once more lying back and easing his cock into Talithea’s mouth.

  Elethrine moved a little so that she could see the puckered pink orifice between Aisla’s bottom cheeks. She knew that several cocks had been in it, yet it looked tight and dry, unready for penetration. Hardly knowing what she was doing she briefly placed the banana in her mouth, then spat directly onto her maid’s anal aperture. Placing the fruit against Aisla’s bottom ring, Elethrine pushed gentle, getting a thrill of delight as the little hole opened to receive its load. Lubricated with spit, the banana went into Aisla’s bottom ring without raising more than a mild grunt from the maid as she was penetrated. Elethrine began to work it up, leaving it half inserted with a hand’s width or so of thick yellow fruit in her maid’s anal passage and the rest protruding obscenely from the taut ring.

  ‘You show me your cunt also,’ Sarod demanded, nodding to Elethrine.

  Half-reluctant, half-eager, Elethrine turned and knelt by Aisla’s side, raising her bottom until it was on the same level as the maids. Reaching back, she began to lift her skirts, feeling the intense shame of thus exposing herself mingle with the pleasure of doing something so rude. With a final twitch she flicked the heavy blue velvet dress up onto her back, then swallowed and pulled open her drawers, displaying to Sarod the full white globe of her bottom with its centre of golden hair and pouted, plump tuppenny.

  ‘Now you two sluts,’ Sarod rasped, ‘rub yourselves while I fuck your friend.’

  Elethrine’s fingers trembled as she reached back obediently to find her tuppenny. It was moist and swollen, her clitoris a hard bump down between the damp folds. She started to masturbate, a grunt from Sarod and a moan from Talithea telling her that the Princess had been mounted, presumably from the rear so that both of them could watch the two girls play with themselves.

  Sarod took little time to come, but when he did both Elethrine and Aisla were too far gone to do without their own orgasms. Knowing that she was no longer doing it because she had to, and feeling deeply ashamed of herself, Elethrine continued to masturbate, rubbing at her clitty with her thighs well splayed to ensure that her audience got a good look at what she was doing.

  She heard Sarod chuckle, a derisive, knowing sound that only strengthened her lust and shame. There was a smack, as of a hand striking a soft bottom cheek, and the merchant said something Elethrine failed to catch. Then she felt a movement beside her and found that Talithea had crawled into position, leaving the three girls in a line, bottoms high and fingers working in swollen tuppennies as they masturbated together. The Princess came first, presumably as she alone had taken the merchant’s cock in mouth and vagina. Aisla and Elethrine then came together as Talithea’s moans died to whimpers, each was squealing her lust out into the floor as the fat merchant laughed to see them make such a blatant display of their charms.

  The next night followed a similar pattern, only with Sarod adding new variations to the game. Aisla was singled out for fucking and put into a variety of positions once she had sucked him to erection. Meanwhile Elethrine and Talithea were obliged to strip and adopt a series of rude poses, many of which involved touching each other. Finally their resolve snapped and Elethrine, who had been pushing grapes up the Princess’s vagina, buried her face in the wet, juice smeared mess and licked Talithea to her climax. She then took her own climax while Talithea whipped her gently with a quirt like those the eunuchs had used in Vendjome. Being naked and beaten with what was essentially a dog whip gave Elethrine one of the most intense and shattering climaxes she had yet had, while afterwards Sarod declared that the following night he would fuck Elethrine while Aisla and Talithea took turns to whip each other with the quirt.

  The next morning found Elethrine in a state of supreme agitation. That evening she was due to lose her maidenhead and from the excitement she had known while playing with her friends she was painfully aware that she would quickly be too full of lust to play any clever tricks. Besides, she suspected that Talithea would happily hold her down for entry if need be.

  As the day wore on she became more and more nervous, her thoughts constantly turning to the rough intrusion of a penis into her tight, virgin tuppenny and the tearing of her maidenhead. Finally she decided that the thought was unbearable, at least with Sarod, who was not only unprepossessing but a mere merchant, a class considered in Mund as of the peasantry and quite without honour. Even the ageing, scarred Mausac would have been better, at least he had been a warrior.

  Determined on her course of action she began to assemble water skins and foodstuffs in their cabin, but waited until they had served the evening meal and the last trace of light had faded from the sky before presenting the others with her plan to steal one of the Sea Chancellor’s longboats. Aisla agreed without hesitation, Talithea objecting on the grounds that the ship was safe and reasonably comfortable, while Sarod had made no demands beyond his original blackmail. For a while they argued, becoming increasingly heated.

  ‘It is but a trick!’ Elethrine finally insisted. ‘When we reach Anjome he will simply hand us over and take whatever reward is being offered for our capture.’

  ‘What, and lose out on our pleasure between Anjome and Opina?’ Talithea queried.

  ‘He values money before all else,’ Elethrine insisted, ‘besides, what if he failed to report us and the authorities later heard that we had been on the ship?’

  ‘True,’ Talithea said doubtfully.

  ‘Come!’ Elethrine insisted. ‘He might come to search us out at any moment!’

  ‘So be it,’ Talithea answered, ‘besides, I do not care to be subject to Aisla’s dog whip while he uses you.’

  ‘Thank you!’ Elethrin
e said gratefully. ‘Now come!’

  Together they hurried from the cabin and onto the deck. The night was dark and cool, stars alone showing in the great, clear dome of the heavens. Stealthily they crept to one of the Sea Chancellor’s boats, taking care to avoid the lazy attention of the lookouts at stern and forecastles. Simple, yet strong, knots attached the boat to its frame, allowing for quick release in an emergency. The three girls loaded their provisions aboard, then climbed on behind them. With a silent prayer to her father Elethrine tugged hard on one retaining loop even as Aisla did the same to the other. The boat slid into the sea, striking the surface with a loud splash. A cry of alarm sounded on the Sea Chancellor but they were already drifting clear and as the girls managed to control the oars the gap widened until presently they were beyond hope of retrieval in the dark.

  Dawn found the boat rocking on a gentle sea, its sail set and pulling them slowly to the north-east, the presumed direction of Opina. Elethrine was in high spirits, enjoying the fresh sea air and grateful that the prospect of being deflowered by Sarod was now only a memory. Aisla also seemed cheerful, although Talithea was quiet and pensive.

  ‘So Moth,’ Elethrine said cheerfully, ‘you have sailed before. How do we find our direction for Opina?’

  ‘By keeping the sun to the left,’ Talithea answered. ‘Without a compass and a better chart than our map, there is no way of being more accurate.’

  ‘Well I suppose we must strike land eventually,’ Elethrine went on, ‘and then we may simply follow the coast until we reach the estuary of the Cyazin, which the map shows as a river as great as the Ephraxis.’

  ‘One thing,’ Talithea said curiously, ‘in the caravan did Brissac not say that the penalty for being found with a girl of the Panjandrum’s seraglio was death?’

  ‘Indeed,’ Aisla agreed, ‘for it is assumed that no man could resist such beauties and so would be automatically guilty. He said horrid penalties attach even to gazing upon the Panjandrum’s concubines. Only the most highly placed and palace staff are exempt.’

  ‘So if Sarod…’ Talithea began and trailed off, looking hard at Elethrine.

  ‘Perchance Sarod has imperial connections?’ Elethrine hazarded.

  ‘A merchant?’ Talithea replied, her voice icy cold. ‘So, Demoiselle, you have had me degrade myself utterly and all for no reason!’

  ‘Not so!’ Elethrine protested.

  ‘Also,’ the Princess went on, ‘you have cast us onto the open sea for no better reason than the preservation of your precious maidenhead, even though you need not have feared for it had you used your senses!’

  ‘I…’ Elethrine began, only for Talithea to leap at her, red faced and furious.

  She went down under the Princess’s weight, loosing her balance to sprawl in the bottom of the boat. For an instant Talithea’s weight was on top of her and then she had recovered herself and managed to twist to the side. The Princess fell, landing on the duck boards with a thump and a curse. Elethrine grabbed an arm and twisted, her anger rising as Talithea’s free hand caught in her hair. For a moment they were evenly balanced and then Elethrine’s strength began to tell. Talithea’s expression turned from fury to alarm as she was slowly forced over, the direction of Elethrine’s pressure making it quite clear what was intended. The Princess was going to be turned onto her front, and once her bottom was uppermost her fate would be inevitable - a spanking.

  ‘Right you snotty little brat,’ Elethrine hissed as she forced Talithea slowly over, ‘I’m going to spank you and I’m going to spank your bare bottom, just as if you were some impudent peasant girl!’

  ‘Never!’ Talithea squeaked in fury and frustration, but she was already being pressed down and Elethrine’s tiny pantalettes provided almost as little protection for her well rounded bottom as they did modesty.

  Elethrine sat up in triumph, only for the boat to pitch on a wave and the boom to strike her temple. There was a sharp pain followed by a moment of disorientation. Then she heard Talithea’s triumphant yell and found herself being toppled over, still dizzy from the blow. Before she could rally herself she had been pushed down over the rowing bench and mounted with her arm twisted into the small of her back. The Princess quickly looped rope around her victim’s wrists and waist, securing her roughly to the rowing bench.

  ‘Now let’s see who gets the spanking,’ Talithea crowed as she began to pull Elethrine’s dress up.

  ‘Aisla!’ Elethrine managed as her head began to clear and the dress was lifted to expose her drawers.

  ‘Would you strike a Princess?’ Talithea asked Aisla mockingly.

  The maid hesitated, uncertain as Elethrine’s bottom was exposed by the parting of her drawers.

  ‘I’m going to enjoy this!’ Talithea breathed as she wobbled Elethrine’s bottom under her hand. ‘Come Demoiselle, let us see how nicely your bottom reddens and whether you cry when you’re punished!’

  The Princess’s voice was full of satisfaction and sheer lust, her anger having faded at her successful mounting of her victim. Elethrine found her breath coming quickly, shame and desire rising inside her as the first exploratory smack landed on her bottom. Another landed, harder, making her bum bounce and heightening her awareness that it was nude and showing to Aisla. Again Talithea smacked her, then again, laughing as she did it.

  Elethrine sobbed, already feeling the warmth in her tuppenny as Talithea set to work spanking her. She had always had a sneaking desire to know how it would feel to be punished by the Princess and now that it was happening she knew that by the time her bottom was a burning ball of hot, throbbing flesh she would be whimpering and begging to be allowed to touch herself. Then she would raise her smarting bottom and masturbate in front of the woman who had beaten her, a shameless admission of her status and need for punishment.

  ‘Aisla, please!’ she gasped in a last, pathetic attempt to avoid disgracing herself after the punishment.

  Talithea just laughed and paused in her spanking to pull Elethrine buttocks apart.

  ‘Look Aisla,’ the Princess crowed. ‘Do you see your mistress’s bottom ring? How tight and virgin it looks. How would you like to stick something in it, as she did to you? Come, fetch a banana from the provisions. Pop - in it will go, and we’ll spank her together while she learns how it would feel to have a member up her bottom.’

  ‘I… I really couldn’t…’ Aisla replied falteringly.

  ‘I shall do it myself then,’ Talithea said and Elethrine felt her tormentor’s weight shift as she reached forward for the bag of supplies.

  Knowing that once the banana was in her anus she would be totally lost to sensual pleasure, Elethrine gave a frantic jerk. Talithea squeaked in alarm and sprawled over the seat of the boat. Pulling free of her badly tied bonds, Elethrine was up in a second, twisting, grabbing for Talithea, catching the split of the Princess’s pantalettes and pulling. There was a ripping sound and half of the Princess’s bottom came on show. Elethrine pulled hard, sending the Princess fully over the seat and the next instant she was mounted on the helpless girl’s back.

  Without ceremony she pulled down Talithea’s pantalettes, exposing the Princess’s full, chubby bottom with its deep cleft and fleshy cheeks. Talithea gave a squeak of despair as Elethrine landed a meaty smack on her bottom, then a moan as her cheeks were cupped and squeezed.

  ‘Now Princess Talithea Mund,’ she declared. ‘I shall beat you, and when your fat behind is as red as a cherry and your tuppenny is awash with juice I shall push a banana up your bottom ring, just as you planned for me. Then you shall kneel and kiss Aisla’s tuppenny, which should teach you manners.’

  The Princess groaned deeply and Elethrine set to work to spank her, slapping one cheek after another and occasionally pulling them open to inspect the state of her tuppenny. Talithea became more and more excited as her spanking went on, until she was moaning and pushing her bottom up shamelessly Elethrine paused and once more opened her victim’s bum cheeks, finding the Princess’s tuppenny wet wit
h white juice and all too clearly ready for entry.

  ‘Pass me a banana for her bottom Aisla,’ Elethrine ordered, ‘and once it is in offer her your tuppenny to kiss. No, your bottom ring, from an inch or so in order that she does it willingly. Meanwhile another twenty firm smacks will do her no harm.’

  ‘Er… mistress,’ Aisla said haltingly, ‘there is a ship approaching.’

  Chapter Eight - Plaything

  Elethrine paused in mid smack, leaving Talithea’s reddened bottom quivering like a round, pink jelly. Looking up, she followed the direction in which Aisla was pointing to find a tall, triangular sail on the horizon. It was black and a black pennon flew from the masthead above it, neither bearing any insignia. As their boat rose on the crest of a wave she made out a long, low hull, also jet black. The ship was very different from the broad, heavily built Sea Chancellor and everything about it conveyed menace.

  Talithea struggled up, the pain and indignity of her spanking set aside as she too focused on the approaching ship.

  ‘Perhaps they won’t see us,’ Aisla said.

  ‘They are coming almost straight at us,’ Elethrine replied.

  ‘Maybe they are simply traders,’ Talithea suggested with very little hope in her voice.

  ‘What matter?’ Elethrine responded bitterly. ‘These southern men have no honour and think only of our value as slaves, be they supposedly honest merchants or the bloodiest of reavers.’

  ‘I will not be a slave,’ Talithea said determinedly.

  ‘Possibly they are not Vendjomois,’ Aisla suggested. ‘Possibly their customs are different and we might be ravished and taken to wife.’

  ‘I do not care to be the wife of a corsair captain,’ Talithea said.

  ‘Better that than his slave,’ Elethrine pointed out.

  ‘True,’ Talithea admitted.

  ‘Let us try and get clear of their path in any case,’ Elethrine said, ‘and we had best cover our hair. Perhaps they will think us a simple fishing boat and too small to trouble with.’


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