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Page 26

by Aishling Morgan

  Without warning her horse stared, rearing with a whinny of fear and aggression. Elethrine clutched at the reins, felt herself slipping and the next instant had landed with a bump on the forest floor. The horse disappeared into the mist with a muffled clatter of hooves. The something else moved where the horse had been, a small, hunched form. The goblin scent came stronger and Elethrine felt her nipples pop up to erection within her bodice. Despite the mist the path was discernible, a beaten line of mud and leaves among the thick undergrowth. A sound caught her attention, a hiss as if of air expelled between teeth, a hiss that spoke of raw lust. Now was the time to run, blindly, risking scratches and bruises for the sake of her precious maidenhead.

  Now was the time to run, but she could no more run than fly. For a moment the mist swirled aside and Elethrine gasped. A goblin stood in the path, under half her height, his mottled hide blotched black and green, its legs bowed around a pair of massive testicles above which protruded a colossal penis, thick, fleshy and gnarled with the fat, pinkish green knob protruding from the foreskin almost at the level of the goblin’s mouth. It was grinning at her and caressing its monstrous cock as if offering it to her.

  Elethrine stayed stock still, every thing she had ever been taught warring with every natural instinct. Her poniard was in its sheath, a weapon more than capable of dispatching the small goblin and as many of its fellows as chose to follow. She made no move to draw it, instead sinking slowly to her knees, her eyes locked on the huge, rigid penis in front of her. The goblin stepped forward, flourishing its cock for her. Elethrine groaned, trying with one last effort to pull herself away from it but finding her mouth opening and her body leaning forward despite herself.

  The goblin gave what might have either been a laugh or a grunt of delight and held its cock to her face, inches from her open mouth. hardly believing what she was doing, Elethrine leant forward, slowly, her parted lips gaping to encompass the fat penis head, her nostrils full of its rich, irresistible scent, like the scent of dwarf cock, but a hundred times stronger. Then it was in her mouth and she was sucking on a goblin’s cock, not with the disgust that she had been sure she would feel, but with an eager, wanton delight.

  The goblin began to masturbate into her mouth, grunting with glee as two of its companions emerged from the fog behind it. Elethrine lifted her haunches, knowing exactly what was going to happen to her and powerless to resist her body’s demands for pleasure. They were going to ravish her, to strip her bare and broach her precious maidenhead. They would bugger her too and make her swallow their come and use her breasts and hands and buttocks as slides for their grotesque green cocks. They would use her in every hole and cover her in sticky, slimy sperm, just as Ea had been used, and, just like Ea, she would relish every moment of the experience.

  The two new arrivals had got behind her and were pulling up her skirts, chittering in pleasure and anticipation as her dress and then her petticoats were lifted one by one. Yet another appeared, it’s long fingers scrambling at her bodice, first squeezing her breasts through the cloth and then starting to wrench at the fastenings. The one in her mouth had taken her by the hair and was holding her head, fucking her pursed lips with its swollen knob while it jerked itself furiously into her mouth. Hands were on her buttocks, fondling, squeezing, pulling in an effort to get at the ripe prize beneath. Elethrine groaned in bliss and despair as they found the slit and pulled her drawers wide even as her bodice and chemise where tugged open and her breasts fell, bare and heavy, into eager, waiting hands.

  An erect cock bumped against her arm and she took it in hand, revelling in the feel of the hard shaft in her fingers as she began to pull at it. The goblin grunted and grabbed at her breasts, pawing the plump flesh and making her nipples pop out, firm and excited. Two were holding her drawers wide, revealing her bottom in just frilly pantalettes while a third investigated the drawstrings. Its fingers probed, touching her between her buttocks, close to her anus. Then it discovered how the bows worked and began to tug them open, one by one, exposing her most intimate parts and slowly removing the final barrier to her ravishment.

  She could hear them chittering excitedly as her buttocks came on show. Fingers touched her flesh, prodding the girlish swell of her cheeks as if testing the quality, tickling her down between her crease, ever closer to the damp opening of her anal passage, an opening that they were sure to want to take advantage of. One touched it, making it open automatically, then they found her tuppenny and began to rub at her.

  Helpless in the musk induced ecstasy and held firm in the web of their groping arms, Elethrine raised her bottom, offering herself for entry. A tiny voice in her mind was screaming that she was offering her virgin tuppenny to a goblin, the most depraved of acts. The rest of her wanted it desperately, and as she spread her thighs in eager anticipation of being deflowered she felt the rounded head of a cock bump against her vulva. With her head held firm and her mouth full of cock it was impossible to turn and watch, yet she could imagine the grotesque body of the goblin mounted up on her raised bottom, its penis probing for her vagina.

  Twice it pushed and missed, its cock sliding in among the wet folds of her tuppenny. Then it found the hole and its knob was straining against her maidenhead, pushing in, stretching her, forcing entry -

  Elethrine gasped on her mouthful of cock as her maidenhead burst with a sharp stab of pain. Then the cock was sliding up her and the pain was forgotten. Uncontrollable ecstasy flooded into her brain as for the first time her vagina filled with penis. She began to suck yet more frantically as she was fucked, revelling in every sensation of her body. Her breasts were out and being groped, the nipples swollen and sensitive under long green fingers. Her mouth was full of thick, hard penis, redolent of musk and surely about to erupt sperm into her. Her bottom was high and spread, eager fingers groping her full buttocks. Best of all there was a cock inside her, a fat, lumpy cock that created a sensation of breathless rapture as it moved in and out.

  Pulling a hand free of a cock that she had barely been aware of holding, Elethrine put her hand back between her legs and started to masturbate. As she frigged the goblin’s balls slapped on her hand, faster and faster as it gathered pace inside her. She wanted to come desperately, to reach her orgasm while the first ever cock to penetrate her was still inside her. Her masturbation became frantic as the goblin humped her with ever greater urgency. Her clitty began to burn, then the muscles in her thighs tightened and she knew it was going to happen. The cock in her mouth erupted, filling her throat with sperm. She gagged, swallowing come as she tried to scream out her ecstasy. The cock inside her jerked even as her climax exploded in her head. The balls slapped a final time on her hand and then something wet and sticky was running down her tuppenny. She continued to frig, rubbing the sperm into herself as her climax faded. She sighed deeply as the cocks were pulled free of her mouth and hole at the same time and more come began to trickle down her chin and the insides of her thighs.

  Yet already a second goblin had moved to take advantage of her now easy vagina. Another thrust its cock at her mouth and Elethrine went back to sucking as she was once more penetrated. As they used her, her senses slipped into a dizzy, half-awake state of bliss. Again and again her vagina and mouth were used. Occasionally she would be rolled over onto her back and one or more would do it between her plump breasts. Then it would be back on her knees for a better view of her bottom. In addition to their cocks she was frequently made to suck their balls and lick come from penes that had recently been in her deflowered tuppenny.

  After a while one penetrated her anally, forcing the full length of its monstrous prick into her rectum and buggering her as she grunted and squealed in abandoned joy. When it had come it moved to her head to have its cock sucked, which she accepted with pleasure even as another inserted its penis into her now open and ready bottom.

  She quickly lost count of how many had had her and everything became a blur of hot bodies, come and her own frequent orgasms. Finally the goblins
began to tire and one after another lost interest, each shambling away when it had shed its final load over her body or into her mouth, vagina or anus. As the last one came deep in her tuppenny she found herself reaching out for it, desperate for more. It pain no heed, simply wiping its cock on her ruined dress and shuffling away. Still on her knees, she gave herself a final, lingering orgasm with her fingers.

  Elethrine collapsed to the forest floor so dizzy with pleasure that she could barely see. She was naked, every orifice of her body oozing sperm, which also coated her skin and was caked in her hair. Dimly she was aware that it had stopped and that she should be glad even though her true feelings were of deep regret.

  Near her she heard someone sigh, a long, satisfied sound of perfect contentment. A shape showed faintly through the mist, its contours just discernible as female and naked.

  ‘Moth?’ she asked, as the movement of a tendril of fog revealed the shape of a breast.

  ‘Yes,’ Talithea answered, the word coming as a long sigh that mixed rapture, exhaustion and melancholy.

  ‘Aisla?’ Elethrine said, glancing around for any sign of her maid.

  ‘Here, mistress,’ Aisla said faintly from further off.

  ‘That… I…,’ Elethrine tried and then trailed off, unable to find words to express her feelings.

  ‘It was paradise,’ Talithea said from out of the fog, ‘yet for paradise there is a price.’

  For a long moment there was silence, each girl’s senses slowly returning to normal. Finally it was Aisla who spoke.

  ‘We must return to Aurora,’ she said, ‘it can be no more than the journey of two hours by foot.’

  ‘Let us hasten then,’ Talithea answered, ‘for we can ill afford to come across Hathrul while we are in this state.’

  Elethrine sat up, forcing herself to clear her thoughts despite her experience. Something was wrong. The air was different, fresher and cooler, without the strong earthy aromas of the deep forest. The scent of goblin was still there, but mainly from her own body and it was fading on a breeze that had definitely not been there before. Glancing down, she noticed that the bed of leaves on which she had been so thoroughly ravished were not oak and coffinwood but cherry and she was lying not on damp soil but on grass.

  ‘I am not sure we are where you think,’ she said quietly.

  A swirl in the mist caught her attention. For a moment she expected to once more see the grotesque figure of a goblin but instead the parting vapour exposed the bole of a tree. The wood was a rich, glossy brown and set with horizontal ridges, clearly cherry. As she rose unsteadily to her feet, the images of her dream of ravishment by goblins came back to her. It had been in the cherry orchard - always in the cherry orchard.

  Clasping her soiled gown hastily to herself she realised that it had come true, and then as the mist dispersed she found herself standing, all but naked, not a quarter league from the gates of Korismund Keep. Both Talithea and Aisla were nearby, both in the same sorry state and both gaping in blushing embarrassment at the burly peasant standing not twenty yards away with a cherry basket in either hand and a mouth open in an O of astonishment.


  Elethrine sipped delicately at her silver cup, tasting the delicate, subtly sweet flavour of the wine. She was half turned to the side, watching Talithea declaim their saga to a rapt audience that filled the great hall of Korismund Keep. Occasionally she herself would rise, to cover a part of the story that reflected credit on Talithea. Between herself and the Princess sat her parents and Prince Kavisterion, all three of them listening with the same pride and fascination as the lowest peasants in the hall.

  ‘… as the terrible Irqual slumped lifeless in his chair,’ Talithea was saying, ‘the mate of the corsairs, Drathor, rose roaring to his feet. He was a terrible man, black visaged and cruel, a giant among his fellows. With a bellow of rage he drew his great sword from its sheaf and swung a merciless cut at Aisla’s head. She ducked, an instant before the blade severed her head from her shoulders, then rose, as swift as a striking eagle, to plunge her dagger beneath Drathor’s ribs. Like his master, he died without a sound…’

  Elethrine smiled quietly to herself as Talithea continued. No mention had been made of Irqual and Drathor’s sexual habits, especially of the fact that they had bedded the girls nightly. As far as the assembly knew, she, Talithea and Aisla had fought their way out of Apraya without succumbing to the lustful intent of the natives. While the achievement had been greeted with a pride that fell only just short of disbelief, the inspection of their maidenheads by Nurse Anaka had born out their story. Not that Elethrine had expected to pass the inspection. When they had limped into the keep, sore and naked under coarse blankets, she had anticipated immediate disgrace. It had, after all, been obvious that they had fallen foul of goblins, and while she had said nothing, it was clear that the matron would find her deflowered.

  Only she hadn’t been. Perhaps as many as twenty goblins had pushed their huge penes into her vagina, and there had also been no shortage of exploration with fingers and long, muscular tongues. By any rights her maidenhead should have been torn and broken, clear testimony to her ravishment and disgrace. It had not been, a fact that had astonished Elethrine more even than it had the matron. Rallying, she had claimed to managed to protect her tuppeny during ravishment, an assertion which the matron was forced to accept despite the feat being unheard of.

  Her family had been more than glad to put their doubt at her achievement to the back of their minds, accepting it with the pride such a magnificent defence warranted. Talithea also had proved virgin, and was as astonished as Elethrine at the fact. Making the best of good fortune, she had accepted their praises, and if anybody wondered why Aisla - who had never claimed to be chaste in the first place - was also apparently virgin, then they were too tactful to remark on the point.




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