Winter's Absolution (Obsidian Blades MC Book 1)

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Winter's Absolution (Obsidian Blades MC Book 1) Page 14

by Kristina Canady

  “Says who?” My brow hits the ceiling. I didn’t know much about make-up, nor did I wear a lot. I’ve always had a fear of not looking like myself.

  “Says the makeup artist, fashion designer extraordinaire. Now hold still.” Wingz winks at me.

  I do as I’m told and within minutes, Sugar tells me to take a look in the mirror. Slowly turning with a skeptical eye, I stand back and look at myself.

  “Wow, Sugar!” Is all I manage to get out, she did a phenomenal job highlighting my features, bringing out my eyes while still allowing me to look like me.

  “Damn, what’s that saying about Cleopatra and hypnotizing men from distances with her eyes?” Wingz jokes.

  “Hell if I know. Luna, hypnotize some free drinks for us, I only brought those four cans.” Bex laughs, her lighthearted nature finally overtaking her motherly one.

  We file out and hit the dance floor, my buzz nice and strong. I don’t even notice the large figure approaching from behind, well, not until his lips brush my earlobe. The girls eyes widen as the presence speaks.

  “Hey there pretty lady, wanna dance?” Not knowing the voice, I turn and get an eyeful of the over six foot mass of biker in his leather cut with the rivals logo sitting proud on his chest, the same one that caught me staring earlier. I glance over my shoulder to the girls and they all have a warning plastered on their faces

  “Sure.” I slip my hand in his, reveling in the sense of control I was feeling in a scenario where I’d normally feel completely out of control. I hear Bex curse under her breath as the guy spins me out and away from the hens. Trying to peak around him to assure them I am okay, it becomes apparent he did that on purpose because now I can’t see shit.

  “Haven’t seen you round here before.” His voice seems a bit too high for someone of his size, but boy can he move.

  “I could say the same about you,” I smart, something the lines in his brow tells me he doesn’t like too much. As if I cared.

  “You got a mouth on you, don’t you?” He pulls me close, rolling his hips and pushing himself up against me. The smell of beer is entirely too heavy on his breath.

  “So what if I do?” I push him back a little and continue dancing to the music.

  He takes my hand, spins me out, then back in again, my back now flush up against his obvious erection. I suppose some might get excited about that, but for me, it was disappointing.

  “So what if you do?” The question hangs on his lips like a challenge.

  Feeling a bit full of myself, I grind my hips back into him before bumping him square in the nuts. An oomph sounds out behind. He recovers and pulls me back even closer, if that’s possible.

  “Is that so?” His fingers dig a little deeper, but before I get a chance to respond, someone else is doing it for me.

  “Axel, back the fuck off my woman.” Leo’s pissed off voice growls right behind us, and for the first time tonight, I actually feel flustered like a woman probably should in a room filled with good looking men.

  “Don’t see your stamp on her.” Axel laughs, his grip becoming too much. It actually begins to hurt. Nope, this fucker has gone too far.

  “Let go, you are hurting me,” I warn him in an even tone, one that told him I wasn’t fucking around. I turn my head enough to see his eyes laugh while he remains silent. Taking the heel of my boot, I land it square in the middle of his foot before dropping my center of gravity low enough to pivot, and knee him in the goods. He drops his hands to his pissed off member and wails some expletives. “You should have let go when I said dickwad,” I sass before walking off from them both to join the ladies. Sugar hands me a beer.

  “Nice shot, here.”

  “Thanks, told ya I could handle myself.” I don’t know who this confident ass woman is, but I like her. She can stay as long as she wants.

  “Luna, a word?” Leo demands from behind, his gravely tone like a boulder in my stomach. The girls all turn immediately to give us some feigned privacy in a packed bar. I can barely hear anything at this point, not even the music, but I most certainly can hear him.

  Turning, I place a hand on my hip while sipping my beer, trying to pretend he doesn’t affect me at all.

  “What the fuck do you think you were doing?” That vein in his neck bulges, the one that always gives away his temper before he’s even fully aware of just how pissed he is.

  “I’m having a good time.”

  “You know damn well that was someone you don’t belong dancin’ with.” His tone deepens, the possession in it firing me up.

  “I don’t belong to no one and can do whatever I damn well please,” I say, matter of fact, and down the rest of my beer in one gulp, turn and place it on a vacant table not far from us. Ignoring him, I try to head back to the ladies, but his strong grasp stops me in my tracks.

  “That’s where you are wrong.” His eyes penetrate mine, making it feel as if the world has suddenly stopped around us.

  The only response I can manage is a ha. He had his whores that he fucked back at the club. On the ride over here, I asked Bex, Wingz, and Sugar all about that and got an education I hadn’t expected. I had had no clue.

  He steps into me, that hand of his possessing my neck in an instant and my body betrays my resolve by melting right into his hold. “Let’s go home, darlin’.” His southern drawl picks my heartbeat up, teetering me on the edge of indecision. The mounting crowd bumping around us promises so much fun to be had, my buzz is at its peak.

  “Leo, I’m never gonna be one of them club whores doing everything you want, when you want it. And I’ll be damned if anyone owns me ever again.” My lips tremble as my false bravado begins to crumble. He always had that way about him.

  Bex appears, and hands my coat over to him, throwing me a look while mouthing ‘I’ll call you’ and takes back off into the crowd. No one is giving me a choice and that fact alone is making me feel stabbing.

  “My truck, now.” There is no room left for question over the matter either. Marching my ass right in front of him, knowing I won’t win this one, he guides me out with one hand on my hip and the other domineeringly at the base of my neck.

  The minute we get outside, I let him have it. “Now who the hell do you think you are?” He spins me around and crashes his mouth to mine, cutting off anything else I had to say. I groan in a half-hearted protest yet try to keep up with his suffocating need.

  “Truck, now.” He breathlessly breaks the connection, rushing me forward to his beast.

  Feeling like a livewire, shaking from excitement, I finally listen. Parked at the end, just out of direct view of the bar’s front door, we jump in. Before he can fire up the engine, though, I climb over the console and straddle his lap. He’s lit something up in me that I don’t want to try and stop.

  “Luna.” He breathes my name like a sweet surrender.

  Lacing my fingers behind his neck, I pull him forward, reveling in the taste of his lips. His hand slips inside my blouse and feverishly palms my aching breast, making me arch my back as a moan escapes in ecstasy.

  “Fuck! Come on now, back in your seat.” He lifts my hips from his lap, edging me back over. Begrudingly, I go. “Now, don’t pout those pretty pink lips at me, darlin’. We ain’t done. Just don’t think we should be havin’ any firsts in my truck outside a damn bar.” He leans over, and runs the pad of his thumb across my cheek. “You are far too special to me to be doin’ shit like this out here.” I nod in understanding.

  Hell, I don’t know what kind of firsts he thinks will happen but I loved the fact that he respected me like that. He adjusts himself with a grunt and starts the truck, peeling out of the icy parking spot faster than he probably should have. Reaching over, he encases my hand in his and speeds off into the night.

  Pulling up to the drive, the need between us has grown more than I ever thought possible in a short ride. Every time he cast a longing glance at me while trying to watch the road, my breathing hitched and thighs clenched. Every time his fingertips traced m
y forearm, electricity trailed his touch. By the time he shut the engine off, I was panting like a damn fool, steaming up my passenger window.

  “Luna?” he asks, breaking me from my trance, making me gasp as my nerves fired. He leans over the console and gently slants his lips over mine, the tender change of pace making me feel cherished because he normally doesn’t run on that level. Our tongues lazily explore one another, seeking permission, caressing every inch of each other’s mouths.

  “Jesus,” he whispers, his hot breath fanning across my face.

  Throwing me a look of longing, Leo jumps out of the pickup, and runs around to my door. Opening it with a hungry, feral gaze on his face that scares as much as it excites; he snatches me from the cabin. My squeal of surprise is cut short as his lips are back on mine, hot and heavy, as he treads up to the house, my legs tight around his waist.

  “Take the keys and open the door.” His husky voice sends shivers down my spine. Fumbling, I try to comply but it takes a few tries before I am able to pop the lock. The door opens and a ball of fury races out and into the night, making me chuckle as Leo marches us straight to his room. “There, the key with the red cover.” Raising a brow, I find the key on the ring and unlock his door.

  He doesn’t even bother with the lights as he rushes toward his king size bed. Satin fabric brushes my skin as he fans me out on the mattress. Definitely not what I’d expect from him. Leaning over me, his fingertips dance across the tops of my breasts before slowly unbuttoning my shirt. A shiver runs across my skin. He wanted to take his time, he wanted to take me softly, meaningfully, and it was fucking agonizing. I didn’t know this language; I had only ever experienced rushed, drunken, unsatisfying, college sex or the other that wasn’t allowed to be brought up right now. He begins to trace soft kisses behind his exploring fingers, firing up my excited body another twenty notches, eliciting sounds from my throat that were strange to me.

  “Fuck, Luna, you are perfection. I’m going to take your pants off, okay?” Sure, asking wasn’t romantic in the moment, but it helped me immensely, especially after our last attempt. The second I nod, cool air rushes my skin as he rips my jeans down my legs, taking my panties with them. Never have I felt so exposed before a man, which is funny, all things considered. What was even stranger was the fact that I wasn’t the slightest bit scared. The tender pace he set was foreign to us both, yet made all the difference in this uncharted territory. His breath hitches after a sharp inhale, and he sinks to his knees on the side of the bed. He grabs behind my legs and slides my ass to the end of the bed. Popping up on my elbows, I give him a questioning look as my cheeks blaze. Even in the darkness, his eyes glowed with a desperate need as he licked his lips and stared at my most intimate parts. It was hot as hell.

  “What are you doing?” I finally ask.

  “I’m going to kiss you here.” He leans forward, his tongue jutting out to quickly taste me before he looks up for permission.

  “But I’m dirty.” I turn my head in shame as I fight back shit no one should be thinking about at a time like this.

  “No, all your shit came back clean by the grace of God.”

  “I still feel dirty, unworthy.” Normally, I’d never admit such a thing, but he has a way of making the truth come easy. Holy cow, if the lights were on I’m sure I’d be about ten shades of red, head to toe.

  He stalks up my body, a man on a serious mission, landing kiss after kiss across my flesh, until we are eye to eye and nose to nose. “It's me who is unworthy, darlin'. How the hell did I get lucky enough to be able kiss the moon while the rest of the world has to drink in its wonder from such a distance?” He pecks the tip of my nose with his soft lips.

  Emotion catches in my throat. “Since when did you become a poet?” Sarcasm in the face of vulnerability for the win.

  “Since a little lady came along and softened this old brute.” He chuckles. “Now, you can tell me to stop any time.” He runs his lips over me as he slides back down my body.

  Slinging my legs over his broad shoulders, he purposefully dives in, the contact electric. Every inch of my skin begins to hum, the vibrations unstoppable as I force myself to remember to breathe. The act was more intimate than any kiss and stole my good sense right out from under me. The onslaught continues as his relentless tongue relishes every inch of my pussy. I’ve never felt anything like this. So soft, sensual, addicting as hell. He circles back up toward the top, striking something there with the tip that is like a white hot rod of pleasure straight to my core.

  “Fuck!” I scream and he does it again. Heat and pressure build with blinding speed between my legs, my belly burning with need as my body coils tight, begging for someone to flip the spring on the release I didn’t know I needed. A low growl emanates from him, and he grabs my thighs tighter… goes deeper. I'm a writhing mess under his firm hold, I feel as if I’m levitating, racing toward some unseen destination in the stars. He sucks that sensitive bit of flesh just enough for lights to finally burst behind my eyes, and a glorious release overtakes my body, encompassing it in waves of bliss. His name plays on my lips over and over as I ride the swells, time has all but stopped.

  “Mhmmmm, sweet fucking Jesus, you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he mumbles into my flesh, his tongue languidly stroking me, taking every bit of me down. My senses start to return, and a haphazard thought circles the drain of “what next” before it’s cut off by that damn mouth of his. “Time for another.” He snickers as he dives back in, ramping me up and straight into another mind blowing experience before I can even make sense of what is happening. I scream my release as my breaths come in short spurts, I don’t even know where I am right now.

  “That’s it darlin’. Fuck, I could stay down here forever.” He plants a kiss on each inner thigh as I stare absently up at the black ceiling, completely detached from my body.

  Pulling away from me, his absence feels like a knife as the sound of clothes being shed hits my ears. My heartbeat picks up faster as I realize that he is getting naked. Adrenaline builds as my all too aware brain tries to kick start its nonsense. The mattress shifts on the other side of the bed as his weight settles in. My mouth guppies a bit, as I push away dark thoughts and stay in the moment with Leo.

  “Luna, take a breath, get up, and come straddle my lap. I want you to ride my dick, baby.”

  Slowly, I roll over onto my stomach and look at the naked man spread out, the moonlight pouring in from the window. He’s a glorious sight to behold. Lying perfectly still, defined arms outstretched, he looks like a carved sculpture, every inch of him demarcated in ways I thought only were possible for people on TV. My eyes drink him in, but quickly avert the second I see what he wants me to ride.

  “Leo, I don’t know if I can.” This is me being an adult, talking about my fears openly and intimately instead of running away, which is what I’d rather do. His penis scares the bejesus out of me, the thought of any phallic object going any place does.

  “I’m not going to touch you unless you tell me to. I’m not going to move an inch either. You do what you want to me. I am yours for the takin’.” His breaths are falling deep and steady, the anticipation lingering in the way his chest hitches right before he exhales.

  It is hard for me to understand why he’s acting submissive, especially knowing what little tidbits the girls slipped up about in regards to his tastes with said women at the club. I felt guilty for even knowing that much. It’s not like he came to me and told me himself.

  Taking my time as I crawl up to him, I shed my shirt but leave the bra, choosing to settle in alongside his tatted figure. Resting my head in one hand, I use the other to trace the vast ink branding his torso. Part of me wishes the lights were on so I could drink in every inch of the designs, but I’m glad that they are off. Darkness shadowing my scarred, nude skin gives a sense of false security during this level of exposure.

  True to his word, he doesn’t move.

  “I don’t really know what to do.” I s
hyly admit, my body still hot and needy despite what he had made me do a moment ago, twice.

  “You mean to tell me we need to take it old school, back to the birds and the bees?”

  “No, you ass.” I smack his chest, something he seems to like. “I’ve never had free reign, I don’t know what you like, hell, or what I like for that matter. Except I know I like it when you kiss me.” I lean over for a taste and he happily obliges. His hand comes up to brush my cheek, and I smile against his lips. “You touched me.”

  “And I’m going to do it again,” he growls, shifting over to abruptly grab my hips and pull me over to straddle his waist. I can feel his erection bobbing behind, brushing my ass as it goes. My entire body locks up in fear. “Luna, come here.” He gently pulls my lips to his, the satin feel of his mouth melting my body against his. Heat builds at a blinding pace as our mouths battle for more, our bodies not able to get close enough. My hips begin to rock against him, all on their own, as something deep seeded within me erupts to the surface, starving.

  “Fuck baby, I need to be inside of you,” he moans in frustration, his weight shifting under me as he tries to stave off whatever is taking over both of us.

  “I’m scared.” My lips quiver against his as hunger and fear passionately dance, one trying to dominate the other.

  “Do you trust me?” His eyes beg mine, seeking something so monumental, like his life depended on it.

  My pause hangs in the air and panic creeps into his handsome features. “Seriously? I’m naked, compromised and showing bits of myself to you that I’ve never willingly showed anyone. I trust you with my life, Leo.” I was kind of offended that he’d even ask such a stupid question. A breath I didn’t realize he was holding whooshes out and, it is then I realize, he’s just as insecure as I am. Perhaps about different things, but six of one, half a dozen of the other. The panic leaves his face and something tender takes over, it’s weird and makes me want to spout off something sarcastic about not going soft on me but I hold back, not wanting to hurt his ego.


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