Vega Brothers: Hannibal: BBW Paranormal Romance Pretend Engagement (The Bear Shifters of Vega Ranch Book 4)

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Vega Brothers: Hannibal: BBW Paranormal Romance Pretend Engagement (The Bear Shifters of Vega Ranch Book 4) Page 1

by Kim Fox



  Other Titles in the Series



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  The Vega Brothers:


  The Bear Shifters of Vega Ranch Book Four


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  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Contains explicit love scenes and adult language.


  Copyright © 2016 by Kim Fox

  Other Titles in the Series





  Montana’s Most Eligible Bachelor and bear shifter, Hannibal, is losing his mind. His face has been plastered on the cover of the country’s most popular newspaper, his three brothers are pressuring him like mad to get married, and he has crazed, money-hungry women banging down his door. He doesn’t want a mate and everywhere he looks, people are trying to shove one down his throat.

  BBW, Mikki, has just settled down in the spectacular town of Colwood, Montana. She has a job that she likes at the bar in town and everything is going perfectly for the first time in a long time until she makes an innocent suggestion to the hot, frustrated bachelor who walks into her bar. He takes her pretend engagement suggestion as an invitation and her nice, new life gets flipped upside down on her head.

  Hannibal and Mikki’s fake engagement begins to grow into something more, but is it acting or are the feelings real? And with the military threat from the Vega brother’s past coming to a head, will any of it really matter?


  “I thought this was our day off,” Slate complained as he walked into the shack. It was bad enough being here in way too fucking hot Colombia, and now he had to come in on his days off too? “I was just about to go the beach and check out the chicas in their string bikinis.” The hot Colombian girls with their bikinis that would make a thong blush were almost worth the insane heat.

  Slate plopped down in the cheap folding chair, grabbed a folder off the table and started fanning himself with it.

  “You’re late,” Thorn barked from the head of the table, glaring at him with fierce eyes.

  “Sorry, Thornado,” Slate said, slinking down in his seat. “It was Karl’s fault.”

  “Me?” Karl said, jerking up in his seat. “What did I do?”

  Slate stared at his identical twin. “I don’t know. I’ll figure it out later.”

  Thorn, or The Thornado as he was lovingly called, rolled his eyes and turned away from the two bickering twins. “We don’t have time for this. He’s waiting for us to call.”

  Slate straightened up in his chair and opened the folder on the table in front of him, trying to look busy and important. It was fine to fool around in front of Thorn and the rest of the Clawed Squad but the general was a whole different story. He didn’t respond well to his special shifter units fucking around. And even though Slate was all the way across the globe, the general still filled him with nerves.

  “Royal,” Thorn said, turning to the blond shifter by his side. “Get him online.”

  Royal jumped up and started hitting keys on the laptop that was sitting at the head of the table. Slate took a deep, nervous breath and looked around the table, nodding at Stetson and Stumps. It was getting hotter in the small shack by the minute.

  Thorn was sitting with his back straight, watching the screen. Karl scribbled something on a note and slid it over to Slate.

  He opened it up and rolled his eyes. His brother had written ‘you suck donkey balls’ on the paper. He folded it up and slid it into his pocket. This was no time to retaliate. Thorn would make him pay if there was any fucking around in front of the general, and Slate was rich with scars from Thorn’s many payments over the years. He didn’t feel like getting another one right now.

  The screen popped on and General Samson’s big ugly face glared back at them from inside the laptop. Royal darted back to his seat and sat with his back straight.

  “Good morning, General,” Thorn said in his most official sounding voice. “It’s always a pleasure.”

  “We need you back at home base,” General Samson snapped, sounding as pissed off as ever. Slate pulled his shirt away from his sticky chest.

  Thorn jerked his head back in surprise. “We have the target in our sights, General. We were going to wait until nightfall to complete the mission.”

  General Samson glared at him with tight lips and flaring nostrils. “Are you questioning me, Commander Thorn?”

  “No, sir,” Thorn said, shaking his head with a gulp. Slate’s stomach fluttered. It was always unsettling to see your alpha be intimidated like that. “I just thought that you should know tha-”

  “If I want your opinion,” the general barked. “I’ll give it to you!”

  “Yes, sir,” Thorn said with a nod.

  “This is urgent and sensitive,” the general said. “We have a unit that has gone rogue.”

  Slate glanced around the table at the rest of the squad. Stumps took a deep breath as he listened. Royal was fidgeting with a pen.

  Slate had been in the Special Shifter Unit of the military for a long time but he had never heard of a unit going rogue. No wonder the general was yanking them out of Colombia ahead of schedule.

  “They have to be eliminated at once,” General Samson said. “I need the Clawed Squad in Montana A.S.A-fucking-P.”

  “Montana?” Thorn said as a bead of sweat snaked down his temple. “Is that?”

  “Yes,” the general said through a clenched jaw, his eyes raging with anger. “The Vega Brothers.”


  Hannibal shuddered as he opened his email inbox. “Three hundred and seventeen emails,” he said, feeling his blood pressure rise. He hadn’t even had his morning coffee yet and he was already way too stressed out.

  Julius walked over to where Hannibal was sitting at the kitchen table and looked over his shoulder. “Just marry one already!”

  Hannibal sighed. His brothers were relentless. “They’re all insane!” he complained. “They just want me for my money.”

  Alexander laughed as he sipped on his coffee from across the table. “And you just want them for your money too.”

  When Hannibal’s father had died he left the family home, a log mansion on a n
ine thousand acre ranch in beautiful Montana, and the family fortune to him and his three brothers. The only catch, and it was a big one, was that all four of the boys had to get married and take on mates within a year or the property and fortune would get transferred over to the state.

  His three older brothers, Khan, Alexander, and Julius had all gotten married to their mates and Hannibal was the only one left. Alexander’s mate, Elena, was a newspaper reporter who had written a story about him and plastered it on the front page of America’s number one newspaper, The New York Gazette. She had written, without his knowledge, that he was heir to an immense family fortune and was looking for a bride. Now, Montana’s Most Eligible Bachelor had marriage proposals coming out of his wazoo.

  The only problem was, he didn’t want to get married. At all.

  “What about her?” Julius said, pointing to a random email. “Susan Ryan. Just meet her at city hall and marry her.”

  “Let’s see,” Hannibal said, clicking on her email. Hannibal grimaced. She was a pretty woman but she was surrounded by over fifty porcelain dolls. They were sitting all around her on the floor, the couch, her lap and the shelf over her head. All of their creepy eyes were staring at him like a horror movie come to life.

  Julius spat his coffee out as he laughed. “She’s perfect!”

  Hannibal sighed as he shook his head. “They’re all like this, or worse.”

  “She’s not that bad,” Julius said, wiping the coffee off his chin.

  “It’s not her that I’m worried about,” Hannibal said, shuddering. “It’s her army of dolls coming to life and killing me in the middle of the night.”

  Alexander perked up and looked out the wall of windows behind Hannibal. “There’s another one coming.”

  Hannibal pinched his lips together and turned around towards the windows with his throat feeling like it was closing up. Sure enough, a red car was driving down the Vega Ranch’s dirt road toward the house. Khan was outside on the path, walking up to the car with his hands in the air.

  Thank God.

  Hannibal had put his oldest brother Khan, the tough Kodiak shifter, in charge of security. There had been way too many women showing up unannounced at the ranch lately.

  The car stopped in front of Khan. Julius, Alexander, and Hannibal all watched from the kitchen as he walked around to the driver’s side and bent down in front of the open window.

  “Another crazy one,” Hannibal said, muttering.

  “Maybe not,” Julius said, rubbing his chin while watching. “Maybe she’s the woman of your dreams.”

  “What’s he saying?” Hannibal asked, straining to hear with his enhanced shifter hearing. “Can anyone hear?”

  “Not with you rambling,” Alexander said.

  But no one could hear through the thick windows. Hannibal could only watch with his pulse racing and his stomach in knots. The women who just showed up at his door uninvited were the craziest of them all.

  Khan stood back up and shook his head.

  “Thank God,” Hannibal said, exhaling in relief. “He’s going to kick them out.”

  Khan turned his head up, looking directly at them, and pointed at Hannibal. “Shit,” Hannibal said, ducking.

  He peeked through the crack in the chair and cursed as Khan opened the door for the driver.

  “Traitorous bastard,” Hannibal mumbled, closing his eyes as the woman got out of the car.

  “Whoa!” Julius yelled as Alexander roared with laughter.

  Hannibal jerked his head up and opened his eyes. The woman was standing on his property wearing a full wedding dress and veil. Hannibal’s blood pressure skyrocketed as she waved at him and blew him a kiss. The passenger door opened and a priest in full black robe stepped out. He was clutching a bible to his chest.

  “Looks like you’re getting married this morning,” Alexander said, slapping his back with a hard whack.

  “Looks like you’re getting murdered tonight,” Julius said, his shoulders shaking with laughter. “At least we’ll get the deed of the ranch first.”

  “I’m going to kill Khan,” Hannibal said, staring at his brother who was guiding the bride and priest towards the house. “I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet.”

  The front door opened and Hannibal ducked under the table. “Alexander tell her I’m not here. Wait, no, tell her I died.”

  “She just saw you through the window,” Alexander replied.

  “Tell her I choked on my scrambled eggs and I’m dead,” Hannibal said, starting to panic.

  Footsteps rang out from down the hall and they were getting louder. Or was that Hannibal’s pulse racing in his ear?

  “Where is he?” Khan’s thunderous voice asked as he walked into the kitchen.

  Hannibal could see his feet from where he was hiding under the table. The wannabe bride walked in beside him and Hannibal cringed as he stared at the bottom of her dress. It was covered in dirt and cigarette burns.

  “Where’s my new husband?” she asked, her voice ringing out like the alarm before the electric chair.

  The priest walked in next, his black robes flowing onto the hardwood floor.

  Hannibal closed his eyes and gulped.

  “Let’s get this over with,” Khan said. “Where’s Hannibal?”

  “He wanted me to tell you that he was dead,” Alexander said.

  “Idiot,” he muttered to himself. Am I the only smart one out of the lot?

  Khan’s big ugly head with the long scar down his cheek popped down under the table. “Hide and seeky. I see you sneaky.”

  “Fuck you, freaky,” Hannibal said with a frown.

  Khan just grinned evilly as he moved a chair for Hannibal to get out from under the table.

  Hannibal took a deep breath as he climbed out.

  “Hi husband,” the woman said, thrusting her open palm out. “My name is Cindy, with a W.”

  “Huh?” Hannibal grunted as she bit her lip and tried to give, what he thought must be her sexy face, but it looked more like her high on bath salts face. She had lipstick all over her teeth, lips and chin, her eyes were large and buggy like she’d been up for days, and her hair was matted with wood chips lodged into it.

  I’m going to kill Khan. My security will need security once I get her out of here.

  Cindy picked up her dirty dress that she must have gotten in the dumpster behind a thrift store and spun around. “So, do I get my diamond ring now?” she asked, wiping her nose with her dress.

  “Khan, can I speak to you for a second?” Hannibal asked with a high pitched voice.

  The four brothers huddled into the corner of the kitchen. “How could you think that this was a good idea?” Hannibal asked with a tight voice. He was ready to put his oldest brother through the wall.

  “What?” Khan asked with a shrug. “She brought a priest. She’s ready to go. Just get it over with.”

  Hannibal glanced over at them. The priest was yawning as Cindy snatched a fork off the table and slipped it into her purse.

  “Get her out of here,” Hannibal said, rubbing his temples.

  Khan shrugged. “This is boring,” he said and just walked out of the room. Julius was bubbling over, trying to hold in his laughter.

  “And you two aren’t helping,” Hannibal snapped. “Do something!”

  Alexander nodded. He stepped away from his brothers and walked over to the bride and priest. “Unfortunately, Hannibal is no longer eligible for marriage. He’s actually gay.”

  “Thanks, Alexander,” he muttered.

  “I don’t care about that,” Cindy said, biting her fingernail. “I just want in on that fortune.”

  The priest frowned. “I’m still getting paid, right?”

  Julius grabbed a stack of bills out of his pocket and plucked off two fifties. He walked over and stuffed one bill into each of their hands. “Here,” he said, guiding them out the door. “Now get lost and don’t come back.”

  Both of them smiled as they stared at the crumpled up bills
in their hands. They ran out the door before anyone could have a chance to take the money back.

  “I’m going to kill Elena,” Hannibal said.

  Alexander snapped his head around and practically snarled at Hannibal. “Figuratively,” Hannibal said quickly, throwing his palms up in the air and trying to save his life before the grumpy polar bear shifter ended it. “I wouldn’t touch her!”

  “Good,” Alexander said, patting the top of Hannibal’s head with his enormous hand like he was a little lap dog.

  That was close. Alexander didn’t take any threats to his mate lightly, even fake ones.

  Hannibal grabbed a fresh mug of coffee and walked into the living room. What the hell?

  There were two large charts taped to the walls with a large calendar beside it. Ava and Elena were discussing something as Ava checked something off on a clipboard and then wrote something onto the large calendar. Bailey was sitting at a desk that normally wasn’t there with three telephones on it. She was talking on one while the other two were ringing.

  It looked like command central in a Presidential race.

  “Oh, good. You’re here,” Bailey said, covering the handset of the phone with her palm. “I have a girl on the line who claims she’s the heiress to an oil fortune. She sounds cute. Want me to set up a date?”

  Hannibal sighed. “Where’s she from?”

  Bailey smiled. “Hawaii.”

  “Ugh,” Hannibal said, scrunching up his nose in disgust. “Too hot.”

  “You can’t keep turning every woman down for little things like that,” Julius said, walking into the room. “You have to give these nice women a chance.”

  “I am,” Hannibal said defensively.

  Julius raised an eyebrow. “What about the girl last week?”


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