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Bought His Life

Page 12

by Aleka Nakis Tia Fanning

  “Is this heaven?” she whispered.

  He chuckled. “It sure feels like it.”

  “What happened?”

  He took a deep breath. “You fainted…from pleasure.”

  “Really?” she responded in feigned surprise, “You must be quite a lover.”

  His chest puffed out. “Did you have any doubt?”

  “No, I didn’t.” Kimber met his gaze. “It’s your story I doubt.”

  “Trust me. There’s a good explanation.” He brushed his lips over her mouth. “I have to show you something important.” He went to the dresser and collected the envelope.

  Kimber eyed it curiously. “Is that the envelope from the garage sale?”

  He sat on the bed and handed it to her. “Yes. And it’s fairly obvious that you haven’t yet seen what’s inside.”

  She shook her head. “Well, yeah. I’ve been kind of preoccupied of late. Em said the envelope contained World War II paperwork.”

  Lawson said nothing, just watched her face as he opened it and poured the contents onto the mattress. She began picking up the various items and reading them. When she skimmed over his passport, her smile became grim and her eyes, which moments earlier were alight with lust, became dark and suspicious.

  She looked up at him. “Is this some kind of joke?”

  He shook his head.

  “Oh, I get it. This is your father’s passport. You went to the sale to purchase it, and I bought it first, so you followed me.” She began searching under all the documents. “There should be a key here somewhere…”

  He placed his hand on hers. “I have it.”

  “Oh. I’ll tell you what. Take whatever belongs to your family, and I’ll keep the rest. Shit, take it all and just go. Because if you’re still here when I get off this bed and get dressed, I’m arresting you.”

  It wasn’t a threat, merely a statement of facts. She was offering him a head start. After all they’d just shared, she still didn’t trust him.

  “That’s not my father’s passport?” he said softly.


  “It’s mine. And the other items belong to my friends.”

  She laughed. A hollow, empty sound. “That’s impossible. These documents are too old. Look, I’m tired of the lies. Just leave. Now—go, while you still can.”

  Instead, he told her everything, from the mission that went wrong and brought him to the future, to the small key that brought him to her. After he was finished, he waited for her to ask questions, but she said nothing.

  “Do you believe me?”

  She gathered the documents, stuffed them back in the envelope and started to dress.

  He went to her and took her by the shoulders. “I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.”

  She pulled away, then sat on the edge of a desk chair and bent to put on her shoes.

  “Talk to me. Don’t push me out of your life like this.”

  She got to her feet, her expression off-kilter. She retrieved her gun and, with the envelope in hand, headed for the door. “If anyone is crazy, it’s me. A sane Kimber would have hauled your ass to jail already. But for some God forsaken reason, I want to trust you. I’ll see you back at the suite in an hour or two.”

  “Wait, I’ll go with you.” He pulled a black shirt and denim pants from the box, threw them on and slipped his feet into the sandals.

  She shook her head. “I have to meet a contact.”

  “I don’t care. There are people after you. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  She paled. “What people?”

  Was that panic in her voice? He went to her side. “Two guys, maybe Cosa Nostra or some kind of Spanish mafia, whatever you call them in this time. I don’t know. I’ve been wanting to tell you since last night, but you didn’t give me the chance. I was trying to protect you from them when I shot up their car, so they couldn’t follow us.”

  “I have to get out of town then.” She opened the door.

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the motel room. “Don’t be scared. I won’t let any harm come to you.”

  “Scared? I’m not scared for me.” She tried jerking her arm away. “I’m scared for you. For you and my family. They’ll kill you because of me. And they’ll kill Em and Jen if they find out about them. No, I need to get out of town, far from you and far from my family.”

  “I’m not letting you go alone. I’m going with you.”

  She placed her hand gently over his fingers, which were clamped securely to her arm. Pain shot through his wrist, then his hand went numb. She placed her foot behind his and threw her weight into his body. He lost balance and fell, landing on his rear end with jarring thud.

  Kimber offered an apology as she escaped out the door.

  Within a second, Lawson was on his feet and in pursuit. He caught up to her as she began pulling out of the parking space.

  He stood behind the Mustang and blocked her exit.

  She rolled down the window. “Lawson, I will run over you,” she hollered out.

  “I’m not moving until you get out of your car. We need to talk. You’re not going anywhere alone.”

  She cursed under her breath, shifted into park and slid from the car. Storming to him, she held her thumb and forefinger and inch apart. “This close,” she muttered. “I’m this close to kicking your ass.”

  “Why the hell do those men want you? What happened?”

  Her eyes got wide, and she reached under her arm for a gun that wasn’t there. She looked back at her open car door as if calculating something. Then she shook her head and closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. “You just fucked us. You have so fucked us.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  A vehicle approached, and Lawson turned in time to see a window smoothly roll down. The man in the long white car smiled darkly.

  “Hello, Ginger. I am so glad to see you again. Is this man bothering you?”

  Lawson looked to Kimber. “Ginger?”

  She pasted a fake smile on her face. “No, Tomas. He’s here to fix my car. But he can leave now since you’re here to pick me up. Oh, and I must say, you look so much better than you did when I last saw you. So much…hm, less swollen.”

  Tomas’ checks reddened. “Thank you, my dear. But don’t send your mechanic away so quickly.”

  The driver and front passenger doors opened, and two men stepped out. Lawson recognized them from the night prior. The larger man stood in place, his hand resting close to his jacket, while the smaller man opened Tomas’ door.

  Tomas got out and approached, followed closely by his guards. He looked Lawson up and down. “Matter of fact, my two friends here could use your expertise. Last night, some cabron wrecked their Hummer.” He turned to his man. “Sí?”

  The guy nodded, then stuck something hard into Lawson’s ribs. “No te mueva.” Don’t move.

  Tomas took Kimber’s hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Why did you leave me? I know I shouldn’t have hit you, but we could have worked it out. I’ve missed you so much, puta.”

  Lawson did exactly as instructed not to do, and moved forward to intervene, but the little man yanked him back, laughing. “Do not know Spanish, you said.”

  Tomas trailed a finger across Kimber’s cheek. “Replaced me so soon? Well, I hope you were at least honest with your new lover. Did you tell him about your life as a cheap hooker?”

  “I was a stripper, you asshole,” Kimber corrected.

  Tomas punched her in the face.

  Rage surged through Lawson. He spun in place, disarmed the guard behind him, and landed a fist in the middle of his throat, then used the gun to put a bullet in the other man’s stomach.

  He swung to Tomas, finger ready. But he didn’t pull the trigger.

  “Don’t make me break her neck,” Tomas threatened, his hand clasped tight around Kimber’s throat.

  Using her as a human shield, the coward made his way toward the Mustang, dragging Kimber’s limp body. Though unconsciou
s from the blow she’d received, her cheeks mottled as Tomas’ grip cut off her oxygen.

  Lawson took a deep breath and held it, praying that his accuracy as a sharpshooter was still what it had been some seventy years ago.

  He fired.

  * * * *

  Damn, her whole head hurt. Kimber opened her eyes to see a very worried Lawson looking down on her. “Where am I?”

  Michiel popped his head over Lawson’s shoulder. “In my apartment, behind the hotel. The cops are all over the front. They’re searching for you, but Alejandro is stalling them from coming back here.”

  “Tomas?” she whispered.

  “He’s dead. They’re all dead.” Lawson responded, his voice empty and cold.

  She lifted her hand and caressed his cheek, hoping somehow to rub his frown away. “Thank you for saving me.”

  “Oh, it’s like a movie,” Michiel cooed, clapping his hands. “The bad guys are dead, and the good guy gets the girl.”

  Relief actually curved Lawson’s lips. “See, Kimber? I am a good guy—don’t you have somewhere else you need to be, Mishi?”

  “Oh. I understand,” Michiel exclaimed and bounded out the door.

  Lawson helped her sit up. She was going to have to deal with the commotion outside, sans Lawson, because she wouldn’t be able to explain him to the cops.

  She swung her legs off the bed, but her head swam and she decided to wait a second.

  Gazing up at him, she touched his jaw. “You took on three dangerous men while unarmed and still came out unscathed and undetected. I can see why the OSS hired you as an assassin.”

  He shook his head. “No, that wasn’t my job. I was an OSS X2 agent that specialized in counter-espionage. I only assassinated when I had to.”

  “Counter-espionage? As in a spy who spied on other spies? God, that’s so sexy.”

  “But I’m retired now. Am I still sexy?”

  “Oh, yeah,” she said, nodding, then wincing when pain shot down her neck and back. She rubbed her throbbing temples and closed her eyes. “Shit, I think I may retire from my job.”

  Lawson chuckled.

  She glanced at him and squinted. “What’s so funny?”

  “You wouldn’t happen to like tropical islands and fruit drinks, would you?”

  “I will. Just as soon as I fabricate a story to close this case.” She rose, accepting his help, and shuffled to the door. “Let me pretend to be the hero here, explain how I took those bastards out by myself, and I’ll be back.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jack waited to walk his boss lady home. Rules were made to be broken, and there was no way he’d let Emily’s rule stand.

  They chatted in a friendly and comfortable manner during the short walk, but this time, she turned to him before climbing the stairs. “Can I get you a beer or something?”

  He would have ran past her, but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to look at her when he saw her warm chocolate-colored eyes light up with the reflection of the porch light. Damn she was stunning. Her auburn mane flowed over her shoulders, her smooth, pale skin was as fresh as the morning dew, and her lithe body was nothing to dismiss. She was the tallest woman he’d ever met, and she had just the right amount of curves to fill his palms.

  “Will we disturb your daughter?”

  “No, after those thugs came after Kimber, we thought it best if she stayed with Pops tonight.”

  “In that case, a beer would be great,” he said, staying on her heels. She shouldn’t be alone, either. Lawson had come into the diner and briefed him on the developments, and even if the guys were dead and had never associated Em with Kimber, Em was vulnerable.

  As a federal agent and with Lawson at her side, Kimber knew most of the truth of their mission, but Emily was still in the dark. They hadn’t discussed how much to divulge and what needed to be explained. As far as Em knew, Kimber had taken down three bad guys singlehandedly. She was at headquarters in a briefing with superiors.

  Emily pulled the front door open and stepped inside. It wasn’t even locked. “You should really secure the door. You—”

  There was a loud noise from the back of the house. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her behind him. “Stay on my back,” he ordered.

  “Jack, it—”

  “Sh. Just stay behind me so I can feel where you are.” He scanned the room with the shadows of the palm fronds dancing on the walls. Reaching an entryway, he felt behind him, assuring she was with him. He didn’t want to strike her in the dark if the intruder lunged and attacked.

  “Jack,” she repeated and tapped a soft finger on his shoulder. He didn’t respond.

  She reached ahead of him, and the light came on. Sitting on the windowsill over the kitchen sink, with a broken coffee cup on the counter, was a marmalade-orange cat hissing at him.

  “I’ve been trying to tell you it was probably just Navel.” Emily wet her lips as she smiled. “What were you, a spy or something in a previous life?”

  Shit! He’d made a fool out of himself, but heck, it was a logical deduction with the noise and the unlocked door. What if it really had been an intruder? Someone out to hurt her? She was exposed, alone, no man around for proper protection.

  “Bond, Jack Bond,” she said and laughed.

  “Carter, it’s Jack Carter,” he responded, puzzled with the amusement Emily’s face portrayed.

  Laughing harder, she doubled over and held her stomach. She caught her breath and wiped at the ends of her eyes. “You’re really cute. Thanks. No one’s made me laugh like that in a long time. I don’t know why, but your aura is strong and hot, yet still inviting. I like hanging with you.”

  Seeing it through her eyes, he enjoyed the comedy in the situation. Maybe not so much from what happened, but because he liked watching her face grow more animated as she talked. She wrinkled her nose just so when she’d called him cute, then her eyes had gotten very big as her hands had indicated his aura. She was so full of life, gorgeous, and he wondered why there wasn’t a line of suitors pounding on her door.

  Then again, hell! Why should he care about their loss? He was standing well inside that same door. With her.

  “I just saved you from that wicked Belly Button there. And all you can do is laugh.”

  “He’s not Belly Button. He’s Navel, like the oranges,” she insisted and stroked the cat’s fur.

  “Belly Button, Navel, whatever his name is, he’s pure trouble. I can tell from his paws and the sly slant of his eyes,” Jack teased. “Anyway, I think you owe me your life and that beer you promised.”

  “Of course, my knight in shining armor. I shall get that beer immediately, sir.” She curtsied before turning toward the refrigerator, and it was Jack’s turn to grin.

  How did she do it? Make him feel like that. He’d met many beautiful women before, but he’d never enjoyed anyone’s company as much. There was something about this Emily he couldn’t place a finger on. And it wasn’t just desire. He felt energized in her presence, happy to sit and enjoy the moment. No other woman had ever made him feel like that.

  “Why thank you, milady.” Bowing in an exaggerated gesture, he took the beers and grabbed a bag of corn chips she’d placed on the table. “Where shall we enjoy this feast?”

  Lightly swiping at his arm, she motioned her head toward the kitchen door and led him outside into a backyard on the ocean. His feet crunched small pebbles as he followed her to a huge hammock hung between two palms.

  “From the front, I wouldn’t have guessed you were on the water.” He held the heavy canvas steady as she sat. “Fishing good out here?”

  “I guess,” she said. “The Keys are known for it, but I don’t touch live, slimy things with scales.” She raised those gorgeous shoulders and leaned her head toward him. “When my daughter was younger, she used to fish off the dock with her friends. I like to sit out on the edge at sunrise and let the golden rays play at my feet as the day begins.”

  “It’s great out here.”

  “So true. I fell in love with this fixer-upper because of the view and the sound of the water lapping on the rocks. I haven’t been able to do much work, yet, but I plan on getting around to it as soon as Emy’s is redone.”

  Getting comfortable on the hammock, he rested his back and turned on his side to watch the new moon reflect off her hair. “I can see why you love it here. The place fits you.”

  Alongside him, she brought her feet beneath her legs. The sweet smell of her hair brushing over his shoulder made him want to tangle his hands in it, pull her close and taste her sensuous lips. Adjusting herself, her hand landed on his thigh and a low groan escaped deep in his throat.

  “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” Emily tucked her hand against her body.

  He reached out and wrapped his fingers over her long slender ones. “No, not hurt.” Pulling her hand against his chest, he decided on a gamble. “Emily, I don’t have the luxury of time. At the risk of being forward, I must tell you, I want to get to know you. On a personal level. Out here, where we’re not working, and we’re not ‘the boss lady’ and ‘the dishwasher’. Just two people who are very attracted to each other.”

  Emily blushed. He could watch her for days and never feel the need to look away. Placing her palm against his heart and satisfied that she allowed it to rest there, Jack reached to touch the silky temptation framing her face.

  “You have an addictive beauty I’ve never experienced before.”

  Her mouth opened to a small, tempting circle, and he couldn’t resist sealing his lips on hers. Sweeping his tongue over the smooth surface of her teeth, he waited for her to grant him access into her sweetness.

  Lost in the kiss, he pulled her against him, molding her body to his. His lips touched her cheeks, brushed her closed eyes, then trailed over her jaw and down her neck. Nuzzling behind her ear, he heard her moan and intensified his kiss, letting his hands roam down her back to rest on her enticing heart-shaped bottom.

  If she hadn’t pushed off his chest and pulled away, they might have stayed close forever. Sitting up, she dropped her legs over the canvas and turned from him. Chest heaving, she looked straight out over the water.


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