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Vanquishing Ghosts (Tess Schafer-Medium)

Page 18

by Deborah J. Hughes

  Rid was waiting at the door when we pulled into the driveway, his little terrier Teddy sitting at his heels. Since we weren’t sure how Alex would react to the other dog, Kade secured him to a leash and kept him close to his side. But other than wagging his tail in anticipation, Alex did not try to pull from Kade's hold or seem bothered by the other dog’s presence.

  “So you have a dog now? What sort of fella is he, I don’t recognize the breed?” Rid reached down to pet the top of Alex’s head and laughed when he was rewarded with enthusiastic licks.

  "Alex is a Wheaten Terrier and a Great Swiss Mountain mix. At least that's what the vet told us." I gave Rid a hug, noting that he seemed thinner, his shoulders bonier. Although Rid said he was ready to depart this world and join his wife Brid, I selfishly hoped that wouldn't happen for a very long time. Besides, I had yet to meet his son Sid. And then I had to hide my smile because it always amused me to think of their names ... Rid, Brid and Sid, all of which were short for Ridley, Bridget and Sydney.

  "I've heard of Wheaten Terriers of course for my own Teddy here is a terrier but I don't think I've ever heard of the Great Mountain one."

  "Me neither, Rid. How are you?" I gave the old man a searching look and Rid's pale blue eyes met mine with the glimmer of a twinkle. His spark wasn't gone. Not yet.

  "I'm good, Tess." He turned to hold out a hand to Kade. "And how are you doing, Kade?"

  "Doing great, Rid. Will be doing even better if we can figure out who is haunting Tess's new house."

  Rid's bushy white brows rose at that and he waved toward the house. "Well then, let's go inside and have a sit and discuss it."

  A few short minutes later, we did just that. Kade plunged right in with our story, telling him all that happened since our arrival at the house. Rid listened intently, nodding every now and then in reaction to a particularly startling part ... such as when Kade was knocked across the room or when the curtain in the bathroom bowed outward as if someone was leaning into it. I joined in every now and then to add a detail I thought was important but other than that, I let Kade tell him everything. When we were done, Rid sat back and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

  "Well that's quite a story. Sounds like a plot for a horror movie."

  "So what do you know of our house, Rid?" I asked.

  "I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed, Tess. The house has a pretty unremarkable history. The Neil family originally built it in the late 1800s. Over the years it's been added to and renovated but the basic foundation hasn't ever changed. The Bakers inherited it when the last of the Neils died off."

  "Who were the Neils? Did you know them?"

  Rid laughed at the question and his eyes were definitely twinkling now. "Well I'm not quite that old, Tess. But I do know the Neil family has been around about as long as the Buck family I'd guess. One of the Neils served as the town's doctor and another a midwife."

  "So the house has always been occupied?"

  "As far as I know. The first couple of Bakers to own the place didn't stay there much. They weren't the most pleasant of people I'm afraid. Well, the males in the family anyway. The latest Bakers being the exception of course. The kids, at least, weren't so bad. Even Kevin once they got his poor mind all straightened out."

  "So you don't know of anyone dying there?"

  "Well now, as long as it's been around, I imagine there's been a death or two in the house. But nothing I can remember." Rid thought for a long moment and since it looked like he was on the verge of dredging up a forgotten memory, I held my breath and waited.

  "When I was a kid, there were rumors that a witch used to live in the woods around there. Not in your house though. These were old stories from way, way back. In fact, my mother used to call that area Witch Woods. I always thought it was a story to get us kids to stay away from there because the area had a bad reputation."

  Witch Woods! This was getting better and better. "You have never heard of there being any stories to explain why your mother would have called it that?"

  "No. In fact, Tess, given we grew up with the legend of Buck being cursed by a witch, I guess I just figured maybe she was the witch who done the curse. I really never gave it any thought. Out of sight, out of mind and all that." Rid smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry but I told you I didn't know much."

  "Has anyone ever drowned in Silver Lake?"

  "Well I would imagine so but I can't recall anyone off the top of my head. Why?"

  "I was walking along a path next to the lake ... the one leading from the tomb there … and I had a vision of a young man being rolled into the lake. I think his spirit is stuck there."

  "Well that's sad. We've missing persons of course and it could have been one of them."

  "So there were no bodies found in the lake or on its shores?"

  Rid bowed his head to think. "Seems there's an old story ... and I mean really old ... about a couple bones being found when the dam was being put in. They were never identified and though it caused a bit of sensation for a time, it eventually dropped from everyone's mind when nothing more came of it."

  "Well that's something. What happened to the bones?"

  "I'm not sure." Rid drew in a deep breath and let it out on a long sigh. "My memory isn't as good as it once was, Tess. Maybe you could check at the historical society. They've got a lot of information there."

  "Do you know anyone else we could talk to that might know more about why the woods around Tess's house were called Witch Woods?" Kade asked.

  "You might ask Barbara. She gossips ... I mean chats ... with everyone. She may have heard more than I have. I never pursued that story because I just never gave it much credence."

  Rid looked like he was getting tired and I leaned forward in my chair to pat his hand. "Thanks, Rid. We won't trouble you any longer. We need to get home before it gets dark. That's when everything goes a little crazy on us."

  Rid made to rise from his chair but Kade put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about seeing us out, Rid. We'll let you know if we learn anything more and we'll definitely come by to let you know how it all ended. For it will end. Sharing a house with a Big ... a bad spirit is something we are unwilling to put up with for any longer than necessary."

  "That's right. We are determined to vanquish some ghosts." I bent and kissed Rid's cheek. "We'll keep in touch and you take care of yourself." After giving Teddy a few gentle pats, I followed Kade out of the house.

  We didn't say anything until Kade pulled out of the driveway. Then, in perfect sync, we both looked at each other and said, "Witch Woods?"

  Chuckling at our perfect synchronicity, Kade reached over to grasp my hand. "Well, at least we have a little more to go on."

  Yes we did. There was significance to what Rid just told us. It was no coincidence that the woods surrounding my house were once called Witch Woods. And one way or another, I was going to figure out how they got that name. I had this real fluttery feeling in my gut that it was going to be good.

  Chapter 14

  It was a relief to find the front door closed when we got home. Dennis was sleeping on the porch steps and he stretched languidly as we approached him. I reached down to scratch his head and was tickled pink ... honestly, sometimes clichés just fit too perfectly to be avoided ... when he lifted up off his two front paws to meet my hand. I was also surprised that he did not react to Alex’s determination to sniff him over.

  Kade and I locked eyes and conveyed our mutual surprise at the cat’s sudden capitulation towards a dog he pretty much hated a couple days ago. With our animals at our feet, we headed to the front door and while Kade fished for the key, I finally took note of the carvings cleverly etched upon it. Why hadn’t I looked at them before now, especially considering the fact that they deserved my attention? To the casual eye they would appear as a free play on design but upon closer inspection I could now see that a conglomeration of symbols was cleverly hidden within the carvings.

  Excited by the discovery, I clutched at Kade�
��s arm. "Kade, have you looked at the carvings on the door?"

  He gave a curt nod, obviously more interested in what might be going on inside the house than anything else at the moment. "Someone took a lot of time on it."

  "But do you see what some of them are?"

  Kade unlocked the door but instead of opening it, he stood there and quietly studied the designs. "I recognize some of them now that you mention it.” He leaned close and ran his finger along one of the carvings. “This is an astrological symbol isn't it?"

  "Yes, all twelve astrological signs are on this door. They are divided equally around the window. See?" I pointed to the three carved across the top of the door's window casing and then the three on each side and across the bottom. "The symbols here below the window on the center panel are alchemy symbols. And if you look along the entire length you will find the various shapes. There's a diamond and a square and there's a spiral..."

  Kade skimmed his hand along those etched across the top of the door. "I've seen some of these before."

  I moved closer to get a better look and though I wasn't an expert on symbolism, I did know a few. “Those are alchemy symbols."

  "Alchemy has something to do with transmutation of metals doesn't it?"

  "Yes. But it's so much more than that. Alchemy is also relatable to spiritual transformation. It's not just about turning iron into gold but turning mortals into immortal souls. I don't really understand it all either and I'm the last one to be trying to explain it. I just know that this door contains a lot of significant symbols. And now that I realize that, I need to take some pictures and have them analyzed."


  "I'm curious to know what they all mean."

  "Well, considering the Big Bad has probably been terrorizing this place for quite some time, maybe it was someone's way of trying to protect the house." Kade pushed the door open. "One thing for certain ... it didn't work."

  "Well that's because the negative energy from the Big Bad and whatever else took place here has overpowered the positive. We need to bring balance back to that scale. Having Mark bless the house tomorrow will help."

  Once we were standing in the entry hall, I took a moment to feel out the situation. I got nothing in the sense of lurking spirits. And yet the air buzzed with spiritual energy. My skin practically tingled in response to it.

  "Why do I feel as if my hair wants to stand on end but doesn't quite have enough strength to do so?" Kade looked at me with one dark brow raised in question and I reached up to outline it with my finger. He looked so sexy when he did that.

  "I feel it too. There's a lot of energy here. Maybe this house is located on a power grid."

  "Power grid?" Kade grasped my hand and pulled it to his mouth. After pressing a kiss to the sensitive skin on my inner wrist, he slid his fingers through mine and pulled me along with him to the living room. "Why are you constantly introducing new stuff to me? I feel like I don't know anything when I'm around you."

  Laughing at his somewhat disgruntled look, which I knew he was deliberately over-emphasizing for dramatic purposes, I gave him a gentle nudge with my shoulder. "Well then, think of all things you're learning!"

  "So, what's this about a power grid?"

  "Well that's another topic I know a little about but not enough to be considered knowledgeable. That's my problem, Kade. I know a little about a lot of things but not enough for me to utilize it to its fullest potential."

  We stopped in the center of the living room and glanced around. During the drive home we decided to work on this room next. Most of the unpacked boxes were located here and it was the messiest room in the house. Our hope was to get it presentable and thus easily maneuverable for Mark’s visit.

  I looked at the mess and wondered where to even begin. There was just so much to do. Had I really accumulated this much stuff? I never thought of myself as having an over-abundance of possessions and yet it seemed that was certainly the case. I guess one didn’t realize until they had to pack up and move just how much stuff they actually owned.

  "We'll place the furniture first and then start unpacking the boxes." Kade headed for the curio cabinet that was near a wall but not yet properly placed. "Let's start with this thing. I assume you want it against the wall here between these windows."

  "Yes." I grabbed one side of the cabinet while Kade took charge of the other and we pushed it into place. Once it was properly centered, we headed for the sectional sofa which currently sat in the center of the room in separate pieces. "Just like in the Sun Room, I want the sofa facing the fireplace but we'll give it a wider berth since this room is so large. We've plenty of room to spread it out."

  "So tell me about the power grid thing. What you know of it."

  "Well, the term I should have used was Ley Lines."

  We pushed the largest sectional about a quarter of the way out in the middle of the room facing and centered to the fireplace. Kade straightened and looked at me, wagging a finger. "Don't make me ask."

  I grabbed one of the sectionals and pushed it in place on my side of the sofa and Kade did the same on his side. "Ley Lines are like the Earth's power grid. Power is stronger where the lines intersect. Every great ancient structure built on this earth are located on these Ley Lines and most often on the spots where they intersect."

  "So what does that mean? What kind of energy are we talking about here?"

  "Mystical and psychic energy ... spiritual energy. It's really the only kind of energy we need if we just knew how to harness and utilize it properly."

  "So you think this house is on a Ley Line and has special powers?"

  I had to laugh because he was trying so hard to understand and I was constantly throwing things at him that challenged his beliefs. "The house has no power but if it sits on intersecting Ley Lines then the psychic energy here is strong. Which would explain how the Big Bad is manifesting so easily."

  "So how in the world are we supposed to get rid of it if this house offers a way in for the other side?"

  "That's just what I need to figure out, Kade. I have no clue how to get rid of it and I still think it's important that I know who or what it is before we can do anything of the sort."

  Seeing my frustration, Kade gave a nod and changed the subject. "Let's put the smaller bookshelves, stands and tables where you want them and then we can start tackling the boxes."


  We worked in harmony for a few moments, our discussion limited to where to put things and when all the furniture pieces were in place, Kade started opening boxes. "So why haven't I heard of these Ley Lines before? Is it common knowledge or secret knowledge?"

  "There's no secret about them. They just aren't taken seriously by the scientific community. There's plenty of information about Ley Lines on the internet. Suffice it to say, they are like energy power grids and where the lines intersect, the power is stronger. I believe the Ley Lines have something to do with magnetics. Someone told me once that the UFOs that supposedly visit our planet use Ley Lines as guides for getting around. In fact, migratory animals use Ley Lines to keep them on course." I hefted a pile of books from the floor and began placing them on one of the bookcases. "I think I have some books on it if you are interested, Kade."

  "So tell me something, Tess. You said we need to balance the energy. Why do we need balance? Isn't it better to remove the negative energy completely?"

  "Well, Kade, it's the law of the land that all things be balanced equally. When the scales tip, it knocks things off kilter, which knocks other things off kilter and then everything becomes a mess. I truly believe eliminating the evil Big Bad will bring balance back to the energy scales."

  "Well I hope Mark is successful tomorrow. I'm getting tired of the skin-crawling sensation I am constantly feeling in this place."

  Speaking of which, I noticed that every time I got near the fireplace, my skin prickled with cold and a shiver chased up and down my spine. I found myself avoiding the area and noticed that Kade seemed to be doi
ng the same thing. After a few moments of speculating over it, I went to the Sun Room and grabbed the last of the crosses. When I rejoined Kade, I found him standing in front of the fireplace and something about his stance drew me up short. My stomach tightened with unease.


  He swung around and looked at me, two vertical frown lines marring the area between his brows. "Something doesn't feel right here, Tess. It might be because this is where I encountered that dark shape and it tossed me across the room but I don't know ... I think it's more than that."

  "It is more than that. I feel it too." Careful not to show the relief I felt that he was okay, I walked over to him and handed him the cross. "Why don't you hang that over the mantel? I see a nail sticking out of the mortar right there in the center. Something else must have hung there at one time."

  Kade pulled the hassock over to stand on and managed to reach up high enough to place the cross. Another chill raced through me and I grabbed Kade's arm in panic. "Get down!"

  "What ..." the hassock suddenly tipped but Kade jumped off it at the same moment and managed to land safely onto his feet. We both took a hasty step back and began a visual search for the dark shape we both knew was near.

  Alex let out a yelp of fear and scrambled from the room, heading straight for the stairs with Dennis at his heals. I couldn't help but wonder where they were going. It seemed every time something happened, the animals hightailed it for the stairs. Did they know something I did not?

  The room became charged with agitated energy and though it wasn't pleasant and an air of expectation had me on edge, nothing happened. "Turn your imaginary light on, Kade."

  "Got it. You don't need to tell me twice.”

  In perfect accord, we backed out of the room. Neither of us wanted a confrontation. If we had to deal with that tomorrow when Mark was here, so be it. But not tonight.


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