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Beauty and the beard

Page 19

by Crowne, K. C.


  We reached the motel about twenty minutes later. When we pulled up, there were several police cars outside in the parking lot.

  “Oh, no,” I cried out. “Lindsay.”

  I jumped out of the Jeep and ran over to the police. “Where is she?” I asked frantically.

  “Sir, please stand back. This is an active crime scene,” the cop told me.

  “Please, my girlfriend is inside this motel. She was kidnapped earlier today. Do you know where she is?” I tried to remain calm but if this officer didn’t tell me what I wanted to know, I was going to end up in jail.

  “Cole?” a familiar voice called out to me.

  I looked up to see Alec. “Alec, what are you doing here? Have you seen Lindsay?”

  Alec’s eyes got big. “Lindsay?” he asked. Then he looked to the blonde girl standing beside him. “Your Lindsay is Cole’s Lindsay?”

  “What the hel are you talking about?” asked the girl.

  “You are both looking for the same girl, I think.” .

  Now her eyes got wide. “You mean you know her? She’s alive? Okay?” she looked from me to Alec and back to me.

  I had no idea what was going on. And I all I wanted to know was where Lindsay was.

  I took a deep breath and asked Alec. “Alec, do you know where Lindsay is?”

  “Yes, she’s being held hostage in that room right there,” he pointed to the door.

  “She’s still alive?” I asked him.

  “As far as I know, yes she is,” he replied. “Sophie is Lindsay’s roommate, apparently, and she’s been looking for her. I had no idea they were the same Lindsay,” he repeated.

  “What do you mean that Lindsay is your girlfriend?” Sophie asked me. “She’s been missing for nearly a month now. And you’re going to tell me that she’s been here, shacked up with some guy the whole time?Sheditched her phone and her entire life? For you?”

  She was angry and I understood.

  “Listen, it’s a really long story that she can tell you when she gets out of this but Lindsay can’t remember who she is. Only her first name. I found her and she’s been staying with me.” I put up my hand to stop Sophie from saying anything else. “The important thing is that we get her out of that room,” I said, pointing at the door. “Then you can get what ever answers you need, if she can give them to you.”

  Brad came over to us and told me that they had caught the bigger man and the skinny man with the scar was still in the room holding Lindsay.

  “Alec?” Brad asked when he noticed my friend standing next to me.

  “Hey, Brad. It’s a long story,” he said.

  Brad looked confused but didn’t push the issue.

  “Where is the gun?” I asked. “They only had one gun that I saw in the video footage.

  “The big man here had the gun. He fired it at me when I tried to stop him,” Alec said, wide-eyed. “The police have it now.”

  “Okay, we need to get into that room,” I told Brad.

  Brad nodded.

  “All of these rooms have back windows,” Sophie said. “I’ve been staying here so I know.”

  “The skinny man doesn't have the gun. I can take him,” I said. “The police will take all day to get her out of there. I’m going to the back window.”

  “Okay,” Brad said. “I’m coming with you. Can you guys keep the police distracted?” he asked Alec and Sophie.

  “Yes,” they said.

  Brad and I snuck around the back of the building while Sophie talked to the police. When we got in the back, I was able to count the windows and figure out which room Lindsay was being held in.

  The window was small and I was not, but if I could get Lindsay’s attention and she could slip out of her cuffs again, she would fit through. I tried to open the windwon, and to my relief, it wasn’t locked. I quietly slid up the glass pane. The curtains were in the way. All of a sudden, they were quickly pushed aside, and standing in front of them was Lindsay.

  “Cole,” she whispered.

  “Lindsay! Where’s the skinny dude?”

  “In the bathroom. Hurry, get me out of here before he comes back,” she cried quietly.

  I was so relieved to see her that I almost cried. “Give me your hand,” I told her. The window was really narrow and I was glad that Lindsay was small enough to fit through it. I pulled her up and out of the window.

  Once outside, we heard the skinny guy scream.“Hey, where did you go? You can’t hide from me!”

  “Let’s get out of here,” Brad said.

  We all ran around to the front of the building.

  Lindsay turned and hugged me. “Lindsay, I’m sorry I was such a dick earlier. It was selfish of me. I was scared that you were going to leave me and I reacted like an assole. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me,” I begged her.

  “Cole, you don’t have to be sorry. I’m so glad that you came for me,” she said putting her hand to my cheek.

  I leaned in and kissed her. “I love you,” I told her. “Whatever happens, I’ll always love you.”

  “I love you, too Cole and I always will. I promise you that,” Lindsay told me.

  I grabbed her and kissed her.

  “Lindsay?” Sophie said.

  Lindsay looked over at her and just stared. Then she looked at Alec.

  “Cole, isn’t this your friend. What are you doing here?” She looked confused. Lindsay looked back at Sophie. “Do I know you? You look familiar to me.”

  “Do you know me?” Sophie cried and threw her arms around Lindsay. “Oh my God, I’m so glad to see you. I’ve been looking for you for weeks!”

  Lindsay hugged her back and looked at me.

  “Sophie, Lindsay can’t remember you. She was in an accident,” I tired to explain to her.

  Sophie looked stunned for a moment before turning her attention back to Lindsay. “I’m your roommate,” Sophie told her. “We’ve been best friends since college,” she said, smiling.

  “Roommate? Where do we live?” Lindsay asked.

  “New York City,” Sophie told her.

  “Wow,” I said. Lindsay looked at me and I nodded.

  “So if you’re my roommate, then I’m not married. Do I have a boyfriend?” she asked Sophie.

  Sophie smiled. She knew why Lindsay was asking. “Only this hot hunk standing beside you. Looks like he saved you twice.”

  I smiled. Hearing Sophie say that Lindsay was single was like music to my ears.

  Lindsay turned to me and looked me in the eyes. “Eveything does work out as it should,” she said grinning.

  I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to me.

  “I’m never letting you go,” I told her.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she promised me.



  It’s New Year’s Eve and my memory had been slowly returning more and more each day. With much thanks to Sophie, of course. Cole had invited her to come and stay at the resort and I was so happy when she had accepted.

  We got along great and I could see why we were best friends. Over the last week, Sophie had filled me in on most of my life. Even if I couldn’t remember it all yet, at least I knew who I was.

  My name was Linsay Gemmer. I was a well-known wildlife photographer. And, I had come here to Colorado to take the last photos for my book.

  The motel had given all of my belongings to Sophie when I hadn’t shown up to check out. I was happy to have the journal and photo book that I had remembered. I hoped to finish my book now one day soon.

  Cole and I were doing great. I loved him so much. I knew that we hadn’t known one another for too long, but as Mary Beth had said, it had been love at first sight.

  And, according to Sophie, I had never felt the way that I did about Cole for any other man. Just as I had thought.

  Hunters Resort had a special ball every New Years Eve. Sophie, Angela, and I were all decked out a
nd ready to go. Sophie had asked Alec to be her date. I was happy for her even though she and Alec didn’t consider themselves as dating. I knew it would be only a matter of time though; they seemed perfect for one another.

  Cole was as handsome as ever in his tux. I wore a golden, glittery, flowing dress. We danced the waltz and flowed all over the dance floor.

  At one point Cole called me over to the center of the room. I hadn’t noticed but eveyone had gotten quiet. The classical music was playing softly in the backgroud.

  I went over to him expecting that he wanted to dance. Instead, to my surprise, he got down on one knee and pulled a small box from his pocket.

  He put the box in front of me and the most beautiful diamond ring that I’d ever seen sat on a small white pillow.

  “Lindsay, I know that we have been through a lot and my love for you has grown stronger with every passing day. I’d be honored if you would be my wife. Will you marry me?” he asked.

  I was so surprised, a tear fell from my eye. All I could do at first was smile.

  He was waiting for my answer. Then, I looked around the room and saw that the entire ball was waiting for my answer. I began to cry even harder.

  “Yes! Yes, Cole, I’d be honored to be your wife!”

  Eveyone cheered as Cole slid the ring onto my finger.



  I was in New York reading an insert from my newly published book. It had hit the best seller’s chart for the thirteenth week in a row. It had also been nominated for the best wildlife photos of the year award.

  I looked out at my audience and thanked them for their support of my work. I gave a quick speech and told everyone that I’d be happy to sign their copy of the book and invited them to stay for refreshments.

  Everyone in the audience clapped. My dream had come true. I looked out into the audience and saw Cole grinning at me. Our eyes locked and I smiled. A tear ran down my cheek as Cole leaned down and kissed the small pink bundle in his arms.

  I walked over to where he stood and looked down at our little girl. She was sleeping peacefully in her daddy’s arms, just like I did. If anyone had told me a year ago that I would be where I was today, on the best seller list, married to a gorgeous hunk of man, mom to a beautiful little girl, and living happily in a mountain resort, I’d have told them they were crazy. But life is often unexptected and sometimes that was for the best.




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