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Deathly Christmas

Page 5

by Irena Nieslony

  “I’d like to introduce you to Eve Masters and David Baker who live here, and Jane Phillips, who is visiting. This is James, Jennifer’s nephew.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss. It must have come as a terrible shock,” Eve piped up straight away before anyone could get a word in edgeways. “You were lucky to get over to Crete so quickly, seeing as it’s the holiday period.”

  David felt embarrassed. Eve, as usual, was taking over the conversation.

  But what if she really does like him? Is this the end for us? Has she forgotten about our relationship already?

  “Thank you for your kind words,” James replied, his deep blue eyes sparkling. “Yes, I caught the first plane out of London this morning. I want to make sure everything is done properly and the killer is brought to justice as soon as possible. I don’t completely trust these foreigners.”

  David sighed. Eve and James already had something in common. She had little faith in the Greeks either. David was becoming despondent.

  “I have a feeling I’ve heard of you, Miss Masters,” James continued.

  “It was probably in connection with the murders in the summer,” David commented, before Eve could brag about her success as an amateur sleuth. “Eve discovered who the killer was and almost lost her own life while doing it.”

  “One of the people murdered was my father,” Jane quietly put in.

  She found she was attracted to James and didn’t want to be left out of the conversation, but feared her unobtrusive personality pushed her into the side lines where she would be hardly noticed.

  James glanced at Jane. She was beautiful, very beautiful, but she was quiet and probably a little young for him. Yes, he could easily be attracted to her, but if he was going to get involved with anyone, she needed to be confident and outgoing, and happy to accompany him to business dinners and so on. James didn’t think this was Jane’s cup of tea. Somebody like Eve was a more suitable candidate, but she was taken and her partner looked like he was going to explode if he carried on talking to her. Still, it was Eve that was flirting with him, not the other way round.

  James imagined that Eve liked to be centre stage and wanted to know everything about everybody. She was probably only gathering information about him. James decided to talk to Jane for a moment and let the situation between Eve and David diffuse.

  “I’m sorry,’ James said to Jane. “It must have been a difficult few months for you. Do you plan to move here?”

  “No, I’m staying in England. I came over to get my dad’s things and to put his house on the market.”

  Jane was trembling. James was like no other man she had met, but he seemed more interested in Eve. It wasn’t fair. Women like her always had men following them. Why couldn’t she have the same confidence, not to mention Eve’s style and glamour? Jane was shy and retiring and she felt that took so much away from her looks. Men were drawn to Eve because she conquered any room she walked into. Why couldn’t she do the same?

  Betty had been watching the group and wasn’t happy that James was over with Eve and that she was dominating his attention.

  That woman! Isn’t one man enough for her? Well, she’s certainly not having James, even if it would free up David. James is too good for her as well. I shall have to break this up, she fumed silently.

  Betty stormed over to James and put on a very large smile.

  “I hope these people aren’t taking up too much of your time. You haven’t met Annie and Pete yet. They’re a lovely couple. You must come and I’ll introduce you.”

  “Well, folks, it’s been a great pleasure meeting you all. I’m sure I’ll speak to you again soon.”

  “Yes,” Eve replied. “It’s been lovely talking to you, James.”

  Eve turned to Jane when he had left.

  “So, I can see you like James.”

  “What?” she mumbled. “Was it that obvious?”

  “Oh, I doubt if James noticed, but I could tell. I saw you tremble a little; am I right or not?”

  Jane blushed.

  “I doubt if he even noticed me with you here.”

  “Me? I’m not on the market, so there’s no point him pursuing me. I’ve got my darling David.”

  With that, Eve went and put her arms around David and kissed him gently, not wanting to ruin her lipstick. Betty was watching and grimaced, realizing it would be very difficult to split those two up. However, she refused to believe it was impossible.

  James also watched the kiss and saw that Eve was well and truly taken, but luckily for him, he did also like Jane. She was a highly attractive girl, though lacking in forcefulness. James liked dynamic women, but perhaps he should give Jane a chance.

  James suddenly remembered why he was here on Crete. What on earth was he doing thinking of women at a time like this? His aunt was dead and worse still, she had been murdered and it could have been by someone in this room.

  Annie and Pete soon joined Eve and David and Jane’s mind then started to wonder. She wasn’t that good at small talk and she kept stealing glances at James. He was striking with his jet black hair, just like hers, but his skin was darker and he was a good foot taller than she was. His eyes were a shimmering blue, while hers were a deep brown. She wondered what it would be like to gaze into his eyes, but what was the point thinking about him? She knew she was being silly. James didn’t like her in that way and probably never would. Her last relationship had been a disaster and she was nervous about going into another one. Still, she missed being close to someone, but a man like James was way out of her league.

  Jane then wondered about his relationship with his aunt.

  Jennifer wasn’t a nice woman, she remembered.

  Jane had walked by Jennifer’s house a couple of days after she had arrived and had spoken to her. It was nothing important, just pleasantries, but Jennifer had been short with her and had been uninterested in starting a conversation. Jane had heard she had been rude at Eve’s party as well, flirting with David when she knew Eve and David were a couple. It was particularly impolite as she was in Eve’s home. How did she think she’d have a chance against Eve anyway? Eve was stunning, with a perfect figure, while Jennifer had been plain and was no spring chicken.

  Jane sighed, wishing again that she could attract everyone’s attention when she entered a room, just like Eve could. She couldn’t think of any way that she would be able to entice James.

  “What’s up?” a voice whispered in her ear.

  “Oh, nothing, Eve, I was just daydreaming,” Jane replied, blushing.

  “I knew it, you are quite taken with James aren’t you, Jane?”

  “He is very good looking, but he barely noticed me. I don’t think I’m the type of woman a man like that would even look at.”

  “Nonsense. Don’t put yourself down. Yes, you are quiet, but that doesn’t mean you’re uninteresting.”

  David, who was listening, smiled. There was a time when Eve thought that shy, retiring people were boring. She certainly had moved on and grown up.

  “Perhaps a bit of a makeover might give you the confidence you need. What do you say?”

  “It would be nice, but I may never be in this sort of social situation again, you know, where I might see James.”

  “Tomorrow we’re going to the posh Italian restaurant in Chania for dinner. It’s all part of the Christmas festivities. I’ll find out if James is coming. It would be an ideal opportunity for you two to get to know each other. You could really dress up for that. I’ll help you.”

  “I don’t know…..”

  “Nonsense. It’s a great idea.”

  Suddenly a loud voice silenced everybody.

  “My aunt’s killer will be brought to justice; that I guarantee.”

  Everybody turned to look at James. He looked like a man with a mission.

  Chapter 7

  Eve and David decided to leave the party earlier than Alison and Robert. James had gone back to his hotel shortly after his announcement, much to David’s r
elief, but after having sampled some food and had a couple of drinks, both David and Eve found themselves getting bored.

  Eve decided they were spending too much time with the same people over the holidays, but it had all been planned beforehand and she had got caught up in trying to outdo Betty with the arrangements. Now she was regretting making so many commitments.

  Eve was also not having any luck that evening gathering clues about the murder and she was finding it frustrating. Nobody seemed to have a motive for killing Jennifer and she wanted to call it a day. Perhaps she’d have better luck after a good night’s sleep.

  David and Eve walked home, leaving the car for their guests. Eve thought it was marvelous that car insurance in Greece covered anybody whom the owner allowed to drive the car, thinking it gave you much more freedom, particularly if you’d had a glass of wine too many.

  It was only a fifteen minute hike back home, but Eve had forgotten she had the wrong shoes on for an uphill walk until they were halfway home.

  “Well,” Eve said, finally collapsing on her settee and rubbing her feet. “This murder is going to prove harder to solve than the last ones, don’t you think, darling?”

  “Yes,” David replied quickly. “So it would be much better left to the police, don’t you think?”

  Eve ignored him, carrying on with her train of thought.

  “The list of suspects is pretty small, isn’t it? The police say the poison was in the dessert wine, but the question is who gave it to her? She was only friendly with Betty and Don and I don’t think either of them did it, do you?” Eve asked, not giving David time to reply. “As much as I despise that woman, in all honesty I can’t believe Betty is a murderer. Don is a gentle and quiet man and I don’t think he has a motive. And Annie and Pete are our friends and I know it can’t have been either of them. You had a go at me last time for suspecting Ken from behind the bar and it is unlikely to be him or Jan. Of course it could be any of these people if Jennifer knew something unpleasant about their past. And then it could be Betty if she found out that Don had been having an affair with Jennifer. What do you think?”

  “I think it’s very unlikely that Don would have an affair with anyone, Eve, and the same goes for Pete and Ken, before you mention either of them.”

  David sighed, thinking that Eve might cause rifts again between them and their friends. She had done so during the summer and he didn’t want her to repeat that mistake.

  “Of course we have Yiannis,” Eve went on. “Now he has a foul temper. He could have made a pass at Jennifer and when she rejected him, took his revenge. Do you think that’s possible, David?”

  “It’s extremely doubtful. Yiannis is only thirty and he likes his women younger than him.”

  “That’s true, but you never know with him. He’s a very strange man.”

  “Please don’t go getting involved with Yiannis again. You know how awful he can be.”

  David shuddered, remembering Yiannis lunging for Eve a few months previously when she had upset him.

  “Alright, I won’t…..I doubt if he has anything to do with this anyway. I suppose the murderer could be Kevin or Lucy Fowler…. or his brother, Paul. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was Paul, you know. He was looking after Jennifer’s garden before she moved in and she dismissed him straight away. He could have been angry with her. I’m sure he needs every bit of business he can get.”

  “That’s hardly a motive for murder, darling.”

  “People have murdered for less, David. Oh, I don’t know. I must be losing my touch,” Eve spoke miserably. “I feel like I’m a bit out of my depth this time.”

  “I wish you’d forget about the murders, Eve” David said, shaking his head. “I’d hate to lose you. I’ve got used to having you around!”

  Eve scowled at David and told him to get her a drink.

  * * * *

  Half an hour later, the doorbell rang and David got up to answer it.

  “Who on earth can that be?” he said, with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. “We gave Alison and Robert their own key so it can’t be them, and we saw most of our friends at the party.”

  “Oh, get rid of whoever it is,” Eve said, sipping at her metaxa.

  She didn’t particularly want to see anyone. Eve had had enough of socializing for one night, but a moment later she heard David talking to another man and was sure it was James. She suddenly felt revitalized and jumped up. Eve was about to rush to the door to make sure David didn’t tell him to go, when both men came into the sitting room.

  “Eve, James would like a quick word with you.”

  She noticed David seemed even more annoyed, if not slightly angry, and wondered if he was jealous. There was no need for him to be this way, even though it was quite flattering. Eve didn’t want anyone but David, although she found James very handsome and a touch mysterious. There was no harm looking at other men, as long as that’s all you did. However, perhaps David was simply irritated because James had the audacity to turn up at this time of night.

  “Good evening, Eve, I’m sorry to bother you at such a late hour, but I would like some help if possible,” James asked with that husky voice of his.

  Definitely should have been an actor, thought Eve.

  “From me?” she exclaimed. “I can’t imagine how I can help you, but of course if there is any way I can assist, I would be delighted.”

  David cringed. Eve was fawning all over him. They would have to have this out after James left; and the sooner he went the better.

  The man is too young for her as well, thought David. What is he, mid-thirties? How can Eve do this, and right in front of me as well?

  “Well,” James spoke slowly and clearly. “I’m afraid I don’t have great faith in the police finding my aunt’s killer. You did so much better than they did in the summer and I was wondering if you would help this time.”

  “I would love to,” Eve said quickly.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” David interjected. “Eve nearly lost her life a few months ago. It’s too dangerous.”

  “Poppycock!” Eve exclaimed. “Take no notice of David. I’ll be fine. However, I did take a few too many risks in the summer; I will admit that. I will be more careful this time,” she said pointedly, looking at David.

  “If you’re sure...”

  David knew there was nothing he could do, except keep an eye on Eve. She had a mind of her own and would do whatever she wanted.

  “Well,” Eve continued. “Have the police given you any idea of who they think might have killed your aunt?

  “None whatsoever. I don’t think they have a clue. What about you?”

  “There seem to be very few suspects at the moment,” Eve said, shaking her head regrettably. “But it’s early days yet. Tomorrow night we’re all off to the posh Italian restaurant in Chania, so I shall be talking to people again. Hopefully I’ll be able to gather some more information. Are you coming, James?”

  “I don’t know,” he replied. “Betty asked me, but I don’t think so. It feels like I’ll be celebrating the Christmas season a little too much after my aunt’s death.”

  “I think it could be advantageous, James. Kevin, Lucy and Paul Fowler will all be there, so we can get their reactions to you. They weren’t at Betty’s party, so this will be the first time you’ll all meet.”

  “Very well, I’ll come,” James replied.” Would it be alright if I get a ride there with you? Betty offered me a lift if I went, but I’m finding her too overbearing. I do have a hire car, but I don’t know Chania at all and would probably get lost.”

  “That’ll be fine. We’ll pick you up at seven thirty,” Eve said straight away. “Oh, where are you staying?”

  “The Sea View Rooms. Only place in the area I could find open at this time of year. But I’ll walk here. I like a bit of exercise.”

  “Fine, get here at about seven thirty then.”

  David, feeling like a spare part, went and saw James out.

  How da
re Eve invite James to come with us? What about Robert and Alison?

  “Well, that went well, don’t you think, David? Talk about killing two birds with one stone! James wants me to help him solve the murder, plus I’m going to get him the ideal woman!”

  “What?” David exclaimed.

  “Jane, she’s crazy about James. We’ll give her a lift as well.”

  David shook his head, but he was relieved. At least Eve wasn’t interested in James herself as he feared, but why did she fancy herself as a matchmaker as well as an amateur sleuth? As far as he could see, James and Jane weren’t at all suited. Couldn’t Eve see that? Jane, despite having striking good looks, hadn’t been spoilt or damaged by them and was a sweet, gentle girl, while James was a man of the world and thought too much of himself. This could only end in disaster. And why wouldn’t Eve give up these silly notions of solving the murder? Had she forgotten what happened in the summer? All she could recall were the exciting parts, not the dangerous and life-threatening ones. What was he going to do with her?

  * * * *

  The following day Eve invited Jane to come over at five to start having her make-over. She knew it would take at least two hours, if not a little more.

  Alison had said that she and Robert would travel into Chania that evening in Betty and Don’s car, which had pleased her aunt no end. Betty was still smarting from the fact that Alison and Robert had decided to stay with Eve.

  Eve was excited about the evening, thinking how well her plans were unfolding. To start with, James and Jane would be able to sit together in the back of David’s car and chat during the journey into town. It would give them a little time to get to know each other.

  David had told Alison and Robert about James’ visit the previous evening and they were both dismayed that he wanted Eve to help him find his aunt’s killer. However, they were relieved to see that Eve seemed more interested in her role as a matchmaker at the moment. It was surely less ominous than being an amateur sleuth.

  James was due at the house at seven thirty and they were all going to leave soon after. This should give them enough time to find parking spaces in Chania.


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