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Deathly Christmas

Page 10

by Irena Nieslony

  “I know it was a ruse to get me to leave Jane and James alone,” Paul replied.

  “Nonsense,” Eve said. “I really do have dying flowers.

  “That’s as maybe, but you still wanted to get me away from them. I’m not stupid you know, but perhaps you are. James could still be the killer and you’ve left Jane with a crazed madman.

  “I don’t think James is a crazed madman, Paul. I don’t even think he’s the killer, but if he is, it was a cold calculated murder and it was his aunt he wanted to kill. I hardly see any reason for him to kill Jane.”

  “I hope I don’t have to remind you of that one day.”

  Eve looked at Paul and felt a little sorry for him. He was very taken with Jane, but there was no future for him there, not even if James wasn’t in the picture.

  When they reached Eve’s house, Paul went to look at the plants while Eve went to get them drinks. She didn’t want to be alone in her house. Perhaps she should go and talk to Annie after all, but would she let it slip to Betty that she and David were taking a break from each other.

  After Paul had given her instructions as to what to do with her plants, they sat down to have their drinks and then Alison and Robert arrived and joined them.

  “Where’s David?” Alison asked.

  Eve didn’t want to announce anything in front of Paul, so she lied.

  “He’s gone home to get some serious writing done. I’m afraid I’ve been a distraction this Christmas season.”

  “Yes, you have,” Robert laughed. “Ending up in hospital again. Poor old David.”

  “What about poor old me,” Eve asked crossly. “I was the one who nearly died.”

  “Nearly died, my foot,” Robert continued. “I bet that whoever did it could have killed you if they really wanted to. Both Alison and I think it was just a warning.”

  Eve grunted. She preferred to think that somebody had tried to kill her. It sounded much more dramatic.

  “Well I hope this has made you stop hunting for Jennifer’s killer. It really is silly, not to mention dangerous. I bet next time it won’t only be a warning.” Alison said.

  “Yes,” Eve said. “I finally agree with everybody. I am getting scared so I think I’ll leave it to the experts.”

  “Glad to hear it, Eve,” Robert put in. “Never thought I’d hear the day though!”

  “Right, I’d better be off now,” Paul got up, finishing his drink quickly.

  He wanted to get home. He felt humiliated after another rejection from Jane. This was the last time he would pursue her. It was pointless.

  “I’ll see you tonight?” he asked before he left.

  “Tonight?’ Eve asked. “What’s happening tonight?”

  “Have you forgotten? I only mentioned it half an hour ago! My brother’s having a do at his house. Don’t say you won’t be able to come? It’s their first party since they moved here. They’re a bit nervous nobody will turn up.”

  “We’ll be there,” Alison said. “I don’t know if Eve’s up to it.”

  Eve didn’t feel like going, but she did feel sorry for Paul. He seemed to be having a lot of bad luck at the moment.

  “I’ll try,” she said, smiling weakly.

  However, when Paul had gone, Eve finally burst into tears.

  “What’s wrong, Eve.” Alison said, rushing to put her arms around Eve. It wasn’t often that the strong and secure Eve cried. It had to be something serious. Robert sat there slightly embarrassed. He never knew what to do when women cried, especially not someone as tough as Eve.

  “I can’t go to Lucy and Kevin’s party tonight,” wailed Eve. “I’ll be alone. David and I have had a big argument. He’s gone home. He hates me. He probably won’t want to speak to me again.”

  “There, there, Eve,” Alison said, trying to comfort her friend. “I’m sure that whatever he said was in the heat of the moment and when he calms down, he’ll be back.”

  “No, he won’t. This was a big row. It’ll take a lot for him to get over it. I’m too scared to go over and see him.”

  Although Eve had decided only a little while ago that David would be back because he wouldn’t be able to live without her, now she had changed her mind again. Now it was all over.

  “Well, I’d leave him be,” Robert put in. “I bet I know what it was all about, Eve. It was about you and all your attempts at detective work, wasn’t it?”

  Eve looked at him sheepishly.

  “I knew it,” Robert said. “I’m not surprised one bit. I mean, you ended up in hospital again. David’s in love with you and he doesn’t want to go through all the pain of losing you.”

  “I’ve hardly done anything this time,” Eve said, wiping away her tears with a hanky.

  “Well you did enough to get poisoned, didn’t you? And I bet if you got another clue you’d be off searching for the killer again, wouldn’t you?” Robert asked.

  Eve looked away and refused to answer.

  “Well,” he continued. “You can’t stay in tonight just because you’ve argued with David.”

  “What will Betty say?”

  “Oh for goodness sake, forget about Betty. She’s so unimportant. Just say David’s busy working.”

  “What if David turns up?”

  “Stop making excuses, Eve,” Robert said crossly. “I’ll check with him for you if you like, but I doubt if he’ll be there. Now go and have a bath and start getting ready.”

  Once Eve had gone upstairs, Alison went and put her arms around Robert.

  “My, my, Robert, I do like it when you’re forceful.”

  “Thank you, darling. It’s one of my hidden attributes!”

  She smiled at him as he bent down and kissed her. He was looking forward to coming back from the party that evening.

  Chapter 11

  That evening Eve was the first person downstairs for a change. She sat waiting nervously for Alison and Robert, wishing that she wasn’t going out. She hadn’t taken quite as long with her hair and make-up, not feeling in any mood for getting dressed up and partying, but she had still made an effort and looked as attractive as usual. She didn’t want anyone to know there was anything wrong.

  When Alison and Robert came downstairs, they were surprised to see Eve waiting for them. It was most unusual. Robert was concerned to see there was a drink in her hand.

  “I hope you haven’t had too many of those,” he asked, looking anxious.

  “Only one,” she replied harshly. “And it wasn’t even a large measure of gin. Just needed a little Dutch courage, that’s all.”

  It’s none of their business, she thought. It’s me that’s got to get through this evening, not them.

  However, she was wrong. Both Robert and Alison were dreading the night ahead, not knowing how Eve was going to act. They didn’t think she looked at all tipsy, but Eve had always been able to keep control, however much she had drunk. Alison was worried about other things as well. Eve didn’t want Betty to know about her and David falling out with each other, but Robert could often let things slip. On top of everything, Eve was her own worst enemy. It was highly likely that she would act strangely and make people wonder where David was.

  Earlier in the evening, after Eve had gone to have a bath, Robert had quickly popped over to David’s house. As soon as David opened the door, Robert realized how upset he was about the whole situation. David had told him he still loved Eve, but he didn’t know if he could cope with her putting her life in danger all the time. Robert had told him how miserable Eve was as well, but David had still said he needed a few days on his own. He had also said he wasn’t going to the party that evening and he wouldn’t tell anybody that they had split up, especially not Betty.

  “I was angry with Eve because she was so bothered about Betty knowing we were having a break from each other, but I wouldn’t hurt her by going to the party alone. I’m not a cruel and heartless man, Robert, and anyway, I’m gradually going off Betty. She’s tried to interfere in our relationship too much. I certa
inly don’t want her gloating and upsetting Eve. I hope you and Alison will keep this to yourself.”

  “Of course we will. I know I sometimes let things slip, but I’ll be more than careful with this news, I promise.”

  “Thanks, Robert. It’s appreciated.”

  Eve was relieved to hear that David wasn’t going to Kevin and Lucy’s that evening, and she had even prepared her story. David was on a deadline to finish his book and was way behind. However, she was worried about the following evening. How was she going to make an excuse for David not going to the New Year’s Eve party at Annie and Pete’s? Nobody would believe he would be working on his novel on New Year’s Eve. There was nothing for it. She couldn’t go. She would have to pretend to be ill.

  * * * *

  Meanwhile, Jane was getting ready to be picked up by James and was feeling excited that he was accompanying her again. Just think, this time yesterday evening her world had collapsed. James had been arrested for the murder of his aunt, but now he had been released and they were going to a party together. What was even better, they were going alone and were not being escorted by Eve and David.

  Jane was looking forward to walking into the party with James. She expected that Paul would already be there as it was his brother’s house. This should convince him that she wasn’t interested in him at all. Why did he have to persist in chasing her? She felt sorry for him, but she was getting fed up of his perseverance.

  Jane glanced at herself in the mirror. She knew she looked attractive, but she did have to get some new clothes. None of hers were as seductive as Eve’s midnight blue dress which she had lent her. However she couldn’t wear that again. She should have thought earlier in the day and asked to borrow something else, but she had totally forgotten. She’d have to remember to ask her tonight if she could borrow a dress for the New Year's Eve party.

  Jane heard a knock at the door and her stomach did a somersault. It must be James. She went to answer the door and was pleased that she had been right. James stood there, tall, handsome and sophisticated, looking very smart in a suit and tie. She knew he would show up everybody else. The other men didn’t know how to dress to go out in the evening, especially not Paul. He looked scruffy in jeans and T-shirts most of the time.

  “Good evening, Jane,” James said. “You look beautiful this evening…. as always. These are for you.”

  He handed Jane a bouquet of red roses. Jane was impressed.

  “James, they’re wonderful. Thank you. Come in. I’ll just put them in water.”

  When she came back from the kitchen, she asked him if he wanted a drink, but he said they’d better go. Unlike Eve, he didn’t like to be too late at any social gathering.

  “I’m looking forward to spending this evening with you, Jane,” he said.

  “Me too,” she replied. “I only hope that people are civil to you.”

  “I’m sure most people will be, but there will be the odd one or two who will still be convinced I’m the killer. Come on, let’s go and get our entrance over and done with.”

  “Okay. At least you know that Eve and I are on your side.”

  “Yes, and I’m sure Eve will have something to say if anyone starts criticizing me.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt about that, James, no doubt at all!”

  * * * *

  For a change, Eve left home reasonably early to go to a party, not much caring what anyone thought.

  As they walked there, Eve kept reminding Alison and Robert that they couldn’t tell anyone about her and David.

  “Of course we’re not going to tell anyone, Eve,” Robert finally said, a little irately. “We’re your friends as you should well know and we’re here to give you support, not to make things worse.”

  “I know you are,” Eve replied, almost feeling guilty. “But sometimes it is easy to let things slip without thinking.”

  At least she was subtle enough not to say that Robert often told secrets, albeit by accident.

  “We won’t tell anyone, we promise,” Alison said, putting an arm around Eve.

  “Thank you,” Eve said graciously, still hoping they would keep their mouths shut.

  As soon as they arrived at Kevin and Lucy’s, Betty spotted them, and seeing no sign of David, went straight up to Eve.

  “No David then?” Betty asked her immediately.

  “Not this evening, Betty. He has a deadline to meet with his agent and he’s getting behind, so he’s gone home to concentrate on his writing. We’ve done too much socializing over the Christmas period I’m afraid.”

  “What a pity. I was looking forward to seeing him this evening. Well, there’s always tomorrow, isn’t there?”

  Eve smiled and nodded, but she was concerned about New Year’s Eve. Betty had been very quick to come up and ask about David, and Eve was pretty sure she was already thinking there was something fishy going on.

  Annie came up shortly afterwards and kissed Eve on the cheek. Eve had to go through the same questioning, and even though Annie was a good friend, Eve didn’t tell her the truth. She was certain Annie would let it slip and then everybody would know. Eve suddenly wished she were back in London. News never travelled so fast there.

  Kevin and Lucy came up to greet Eve, pleased to see that she had been well enough to come to their party, but then James and Jane made an entrance and the room went quiet. A couple of people didn’t even know that James had been released.

  “James, how did you get out of jail,” a loud voice boomed. “Hope you didn’t break out!”

  “No, Betty,” he replied. “I was released. There wasn’t enough evidence to hold me.”

  “Well I knew all along it wasn’t you,” she replied. “A gentleman like you would never commit a murder.”

  Stupid woman. What would she know? Paul thought, jealously watching James and Jane together.

  “Well, you’re welcome in our home,” Lucy said. “Come and get drinks, both of you.”

  That’s strange, thought Eve. The other day she told me she didn’t like the man. Well, I suppose she can’t throw him out, especially as he’s been released by the police.

  Paul, however, was having other thoughts.

  Everybody’s pandering to him. Why? What on earth has that man got? He thinks he’s better than everyone else, but he isn’t. I’ll show him. Just wait and see.

  Paul was getting angrier by the second and Eve was watching him and could see it. She was concerned. He certainly had a temper and she could almost imagine him murdering someone, but she couldn’t think why he would want to kill Jennifer. She needed to find out more about him to see if he had a motive.

  Eve got herself a gin and tonic, thinking it was safer to get her own drinks, and went over to chat to Don, but she was missing David. She had got used to him being around and she would have loved to talk to him about Paul and how she suspected him of killing Jennifer. However, this is what had got her into trouble. She couldn’t discuss this case with David and she shouldn’t even be thinking about who murdered Jennifer.

  As the evening wore on, Eve got bored. It wasn’t the same without David, but she had spent years doing things on her own and had never minded, so why couldn’t she get back to how things had been? Eve was a self-sufficient and secure woman who hadn’t needed anyone to enjoy life, but she now realized that her life had changed. She liked to do things with David and she missed him when he wasn’t there. She had finally met someone she wanted to spend her life with, but she had probably blown it. She knew she should put the murder out of her mind if she wanted any chance of getting David back, but it was difficult. It was far too interesting and she needed this stimulation. Why couldn’t she have both David and the excitement of the murder?

  A little later on, Eve came out of the upstairs bathroom, having retouched her make-up, ready to say her goodbyes. She wanted to look good when she had the attention of everyone. Passing one of the bedrooms, she heard raised voices and as usual, curiosity got the better of her. She slowly crept towards th
e door, which was slightly ajar, and tried her best to listen. Within a few seconds, she realized it was Kevin and Lucy arguing.

  Really, she thought. Can’t they wait till we’ve gone? They have guests to look after.

  “Do you have to keep looking at Eve, Kev? It’s pretty obvious to everyone that you fancy her,” Lucy hissed.

  Eve gasped. She hadn’t even been aware of this. So many men were attracted to her and she had come to barely notice them unless she was particularly interested or they made a nuisance of themselves. As for Kevin, he was hardly appealing, plus he was married.

  “Oh shut up, you stupid woman. You’re imagining things.”

  “What? Like I imagined that one night stand you had with Jennifer Anderson?”

  Eve gasped again. She had to get back downstairs before they saw her. Lucy could be the killer and she could have poisoned her as well. There was no way she was going to let that woman see her.

  “I thought we’d got over that, Lucy. You’ve got to forget it ….. and most of all, stop mentioning it. What if someone hears you? They could think you’re the killer and tell the police. God knows, you’ve got a motive.”

  “What? Do you really think I killed that obnoxious woman, Kevin? Do you think I’m capable of murder?”

  “I honestly don’t know, Lucy.”

  “How can you say that?” she replied, now almost in tears. “Haven’t you hurt me enough?”

  “Oh, for God’s sake. Don’t pretend to be in love with me. That ship sailed a long time ago.

  Lucy stared at him. There was no point pretending. She had stopped loving Kevin many years ago when he’d had his first affair.

  “Underneath that quiet shell, there’s an obnoxious, angry woman. Nobody but me sees you when you get like this. If they did, they’d be shocked.”

  Eve still stood by the door listening. She knew she should leave, but this was far too interesting.

  “That’s different to murder. I could never take another person’s life, never,” Lucy wailed.

  She was now in tears.

  “I don’t know if I believe that or not, but we can’t stay here all night. We have guests downstairs. I had better go and see to them.”


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