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Page 6

by Jacquie Underdown

  ‘Ouch,’ I whined. ‘Why the hell did you scream, Ros? You scared me half to death!’

  Lucas grabbed paper towel from the bench, unravelled a few sheets, folded them into a wad and pressed it against my skull. The gentle pressure hurt like fuck. He grabbed some more and began mopping the blood from my face.

  Roslyn pulled her gown tighter around her middle. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t expect anyone to be here. And then I saw you both. I was…frightened.’

  ‘Are you okay, Anthea?’ asked Lucas.

  I winced. ‘It stings, but I’m fine, I think.’

  ‘Let me take a look. In case you need stitches.’

  ‘What’s going on here?’ boomed a male voice.

  My heart jolted. I snapped my head towards the doorway: Brendt, dressed only in a pair of boxer shorts, holding a golf club over his shoulder ready to take a swing, every muscle straining.

  ‘Brendt, it’s okay. It’s only us. I overreacted,’ said Roslyn quickly, forcing him to lower the club.

  His eyes were wide as he took in the scene — a strange man holding a red, bloody wad to my head, the scent of copper in the air, and Roslyn dressed only in her dressing gown. ‘I heard a scream. And yelling. What happened here?’

  ‘I came into the kitchen for a drink. I didn’t know Anthea was home yet. I screamed because they startled me,’ said Roslyn, her voice unusually high.

  ‘You scared the fucking shit out of me. I didn’t know what was going on!’ he roared.

  Lucas helped me off the bench, still holding the towelling to my cut. The pain was easing, but my heart was still racing out of control. I had to lean against him for support.

  ‘Oh, my God, what’s going on?’ shrieked Rachel. She was in her flimsy nightie. Wide, frantic eyes darted from Brendt to me, to Lucas and back to Brendt. Brendt took Rachel’s shoulders and explained, calmly, what had happened.

  ‘What happened to you, Anthea? Why is your head bleeding?’ she asked.

  ‘I hit my head on the cupboards.’

  ‘How the hell did you do that?’

  Blush crept up my neck. ‘Never mind.’

  Rachel looked down at the golf club in Brendt’s hand. The corners of her lips curled upwards. Her shoulders jerked as a giggle escaped. ‘No-one would believe us if we told them about this,’ she said, now in full-blown laughter.

  Roslyn smiled then snorted. ‘It is kinda funny.’

  Despite the throbbing in my head and perhaps from slight concussion, I could see the hilarity of the situation and I giggled, which set Brendt off, which in turn set Roslyn off again then Lucas behind me, his chest vibrating. Our laughter grew delirious, complete with snorts and sobs and crying. Roslyn was cracking up so hard tears were streaming down her cheeks as she recounted the scene from start to finish, over and over, never able to form the words needed to recall the point where Brendt ran out in his boxer shorts, golf club hovering over his shoulder.

  I breathed in deeply and wiped the tears from my eyes. My head was killing me and it didn’t help that every time I smiled the skin tightened making it worse.

  ‘Now that you’re all here,’ I said, still giggling. ‘I guess the polite thing to do is to introduce you to my date.’

  They nodded, wiping at their face and eyes, taking deep breaths. I introduced them to Lucas one by one, finishing with Roslyn.

  Rachel peered down at her flimsy nightie and blushed. ‘I assure you we don’t always act like this, or dress like this.’ She wrapped her arms around her middle. ‘Seeing as everything’s under control, I’m going back to bed because I’m freezing. You coming, Brendt?’

  ‘In a sec, babe. You go. I’ll be in soon.’

  ‘Night, everyone.’

  Roslyn looked at the bloody wad on my head and sighed. ‘I’m really sorry, Anthy.’

  I shrugged. ‘You didn’t mean it. I’m sorry for yelling at you.’

  ‘We’re all a little shaken. Don’t worry about it. But you better let Lucas take a look. We may need to take you to the hospital for stitches.’

  I groaned. I really, really didn’t want stitches or that painful cold needle.

  ‘I won’t hurt, I promise,’ Lucas said, as he carefully released the makeshift gauze. ‘Now bend a little so I can get a good look.’ I did and he parted my hair, his fingers gentle as he assessed the severity of the injury. ‘It looks fine. It’s not big enough to warrant stitches. The bleeding’s stopped. You’ll have a sore head for a few days, that’s all.’

  Brendt came over and edged Lucas out the way with his strong body. ‘I better take a look. Just to make sure. You don’t want to wake up tomorrow having required stitches tonight.’ He carefully spread strands of my hair from side to side and cleared his throat. ‘Yeah. It looks fine. Only a small split that will heal over in no time.’

  I straightened up and sighed. ‘Thanks, guys.’

  Brendt spun to face Roslyn. ‘Perhaps next time you should be a little less hasty to assume the worst.’ His voice was harsh and deep.

  Roslyn laughed, indignant. ‘You ought to talk. I’m not the one who ran in with a golf stick.’

  ‘Well, if you hadn’t screamed like a fucking banshee, I wouldn’t have had to, and Anthea wouldn’t have nearly cracked her head open.’

  Roslyn took a step closer, planted her hands on her hips. She narrowed her eyes and through scowling lips said, ‘What’s your problem, Brendt? I said I was sorry. There isn’t much more I can do. It’s not like I purposely set out to hurt anyone. I was scared. I screamed. Simple as that.’

  ‘Brendt, it’s okay,’ I said. ‘I’m okay. It was an accident.’

  Brendt tensed his lips, then smiled apologetically. ‘I just hate seeing you…’ his eyes darted to Roslyn, ‘I hate to see any of you girls getting hurt.’

  I smiled. ‘Thank you. But I promise I’m okay. Really.’

  ‘Do you need me to get you some paracetamol, apply some antiseptic or something?’

  Lucas tensed as he stepped in beside me, placed an arm around my waist. ‘Thanks, Brendt. I’m sorry we got you up out of bed in the middle of the night when you have to work tomorrow. But I’m sure I’ll be able to help Anthea from here on out if she needs anything.’

  Brendt nodded slowly, shrugged one shoulder. ‘Right. Yeah, of course. Well, I’ll leave you to it. I’m going back to bed.’

  ‘See you tomorrow,’ I said.

  ‘Sure thing.’ And he strode out of the kitchen.

  Roslyn rolled her eyes and huffed. ‘Talk about freakin’ overreact. Anyway, I might get back to bed as well. I’ll leave you guys to it. Once again, Lucas, it was really great to meet you.’

  ‘Yeah, you too, Roslyn. I’ll see you next time.’

  Lucas pulled me into his embrace and kissed my forehead. ‘You’re feeling okay?’

  ‘I’m fine. Just a little tender.’ I pressed lightly against the bump on my head.

  Lucas’s features tensed. ‘I want to apologise for before.’

  My eyebrows arched high. ‘It’s not your fault I hit my head.’

  ‘No. I mean for getting carried away with you before all that even happened.’

  I pressed my teeth into my bottom lip. ‘Then I guess I need to apologise too, because I’m also a guilty party.’

  He ran his hands up and down my arms, goose bumps wakening under his touch. ‘We really need to do this the right way. You know — nice and slow.’

  I breathed in deeply. ‘So what does that mean exactly?’

  ‘It means we take it easy for now.’

  ‘Right. Easy.’ Although, I wasn’t entirely convinced how easy I could take it with Lucas. Perhaps if he hadn’t only moments ago kissed me the way he did, or ignited my body with his hands, then he might be simpler to resist.

  He kissed my cheek quickly. ‘I better get going.’

  My heart sank all the way to the pit of my belly. ‘Sure.’

  ‘I had a lot of fun tonight.’

  I managed a smile. ‘Me too.’



  He kissed my mouth, lingering for a moment too long, yet nowhere near long enough and walked to the foyer, waving once as he stepped in the lift and the doors closed, thieving him from me.


  While I showered, Lucas consumed my mind. He ate up every thought, even the throbbing of my bruised head. My muscles were firing, my veins tingling as I recalled how he tasted, how he smelt, how his hands felt…

  My hand slid down my belly and dipped between my thighs. I found my clit, wound as tight as a spring, and circled, fervent and determined, until I gasped and had to lean back against the cool tiled wall for balance. God damn, I had it bad for him.

  I dressed in my pyjamas, brushed my teeth and climbed into bed. I was about to turn off my lamp when Roslyn crawled in beside me.

  ‘Lucas gone home, has he?’ she asked.

  ‘He left about half an hour ago.’

  ‘Things obviously improved since our chat this afternoon?’

  I sighed dreamily. ‘Yep.’

  ‘I didn’t even realise it was Lucas when I saw you both. I assumed you’d gone out and picked up some sexy random and brought him home.’

  I looked at her through narrowed eyes. ‘Come on, Ros. When have I ever done that?’

  ‘I thought you might’ve enjoyed your taste with Leith the other week and thought you’d get yourself some more.’

  I had to laugh at that. Roslyn could be so obscene.

  She bent her arms under her head. ‘He is soooo gorgeous, Anthy. Like over-the-top kind-of unbelievable gorgeousness. His skin, his cheekbones… Great job finding a guy like that.’

  I smirked. ‘He is gorgeous, isn’t he? Did you notice his eyes?’

  Roslyn nodded. ‘How could I not? You guys were really full on when I interrupted.’

  I peered up at the ceiling, my centre clenching from the memory. ‘Yeah. I know. He’s just so…’ I couldn’t find a word that wasn’t quite as absolute as perfect.

  ‘Did you guys end up finishing what I so rudely interrupted?’

  I rolled my eyes. ‘No, we didn’t. He said he wants to take it a little slower.’ I turned to face Roslyn to catch her response.

  Her eyes widened and she rolled onto her side, propping her head up with her hand. ‘He wants to take it slower?’

  I laughed. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘Wow. What did you say?’

  ‘I agreed.’

  ‘Of course you did.’ She clicked her tongue. ‘Well, you got to taste the devil last week and now it looks like you get to sample a saint.’

  I bit my bottom lip, grinning with half my mouth. ‘He didn’t feel too saintly to me.’

  ‘Anthea Lewis,’ Roslyn said in her best authoritative voice. ‘That’s even naughty by my standards.’

  I laughed loudly, then covered my mouth with my palm to quiet the noise. ‘I know. But it’s true.’

  Roslyn sighed. ‘Hey, Anthy?’


  ‘What do you think Brendt’s issue was earlier?’

  My stomach tensed, pushing acid to my throat. I had my suspicions, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to broach the subject with Roslyn, at least until I was sure we were on the same page.

  ‘I’m not sure,’ I said.

  ‘I don’t want to say this, but I think Brendt might have feelings for you.’

  I groaned and shoved a pillow over my face. I didn’t want to admit that Brendt had feelings for me, even after our near-kiss moment and his overprotective behaviour tonight. ‘You really think so?’

  ‘Yes, I do. I’ve thought it for a while, but tonight it was just so obvious.’

  I removed the pillow and looked at Roslyn. ‘What do you mean, you’ve thought it for a while?’

  Roslyn lowered her voice, barely above a whisper. ‘I’ve been noticing things.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Like the way he looks at you when we’re all talking. Or, if we’re sitting around watching the T.V., I’ve seen him staring at you.’

  ‘That could be coincidence.’

  ‘Could be. But, after tonight, I think I’m right.’

  My stomach was bubbling, my chest tight. ‘Rachel can’t see anything untoward, can she?’

  Roslyn shook her head. ‘I don’t think so. She hasn’t said anything.’

  I groaned again. ‘What do I do about this? Should I talk to Brendt?’

  ‘No. What if I’m wrong? It’ll blow up in our faces and hurt Rachel in the process. I think the best thing is to ignore it. You’ve met Lucas now, so Brendt may have no choice but to back off.’

  I sighed. ‘You might be right. If he’s nursing any ridiculous kind of crush then he’s going to have to get over it. Fast.’

  Chapter 10


  The intercom buzzed.

  Dust motes danced in the air as I ran through the silent apartment, cast in early morning honeyed light. My stomach was twisting, blood tingling through my veins. I took a deep breath, inviting calm, and said into the intercom, ‘Hello.’

  ‘Hi, Anthy?’



  ‘Sorry. Who may I ask is speaking?’

  ‘It’s Leith.’

  ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I rang you at work, but they told me you were on holidays, so I thought I’d come over. Can I come up?’

  ‘I’m not sure that’s a good idea.’

  ‘You’re still angry with me?’ His tone was sombre.

  ‘No. It’s just that…well…’

  ‘I miss you, Anthy. So much.’

  I fumbled through my emotions, trying to latch onto some rational reaction like anger or resentment, but I couldn’t find anything. Even after what he had done to me. All I could seem to find was empathy. ‘Leith?’


  ‘You can come up for a short while.’

  I took a seat on the lounge. The elevator doors opened and Leith stepped out. The bruises under his eyes had faded, however, the self-pity and anguish still lingered in his hangdog expression.

  ‘Hi, Anthy.’ Tentative.


  He wiped his palms on his jeans and sat on the lounge next to me. So much had changed since I saw him those few short days ago. I no longer bristled when I thought about how he had deceived, used, and embarrassed me by making a video of us in my most vulnerable and private of moments. In reflection, though, I was also kind of thankful that our relationship did come to an abrupt end, because if it hadn’t, Lucas may have passed alongside me like a ghost if I was still wound up thinking I was madly in lust with Leith. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t stir up any more anger.

  ‘I’m sure I’m the last person you expected to see today.’ He lowered his eyes to the soft leather lounge. ‘Like I said, Anthy, I miss you.’

  ‘I find that a little hard to believe.’

  He sighed. ‘I didn’t show you how I felt. Not when it counted, anyway, and not in the right way.’ He shifted across the couch, closer to me. ‘You look really good, Anthy.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I whispered, doubt and mistrust thick in my tone. ‘I’m sorry, Leith, but what are you doing here?’

  He drew in a deep, strained breath and ran his hands through his blond strands. ‘I was wondering if we could give it another try.’

  My eyes shot open wider and I felt a laugh bursting from my chest, but I tensed my mouth into a long, tight line. ‘You want to give it another go? After what you did?’

  ‘I know. Some nerve, hey?’ he said, with a bashful smile.

  I couldn’t talk. So I sat there, eyes locked with Leith’s. He edged closer again and took my hand in his.

  ‘I love you, Anthy. I want to be with you. I made a mistake, a really big, stupid mistake, and I’m sorry. You know that I’m sorry.’

  ‘You…I — love me?’ I whispered, conscious of him touching me, wanting to pull my hand away, but unable to do it.

  ‘Yes. And I know that sounds absurd, esp
ecially after what I did. But I do love you. I didn’t realise before. I was taking you for granted, wound up in that stupid bet and I didn’t realise how much I actually do feel for you.’

  I shook my head, scrubbed my hand over my face. He was in love with me? Surely he was joking, or had another bet going — two grand if he could make the silly fool take him back. I laughed. ‘I may have fallen for your antics once, but I’m certainly not stupid enough to fall for them twice.’

  He frowned, shoulders drooping. ‘This isn’t a joke. I’m not trying to deceive you. I may’ve initially had the intention of being with you for the sake of a bet, but things changed.’

  ‘You’re serious, aren’t you?’

  He nodded, eyes pleading. ‘I haven’t felt like this about anyone before. I love you.’

  The intercom buzzed. I pulled my hand away and stood, smoothing my hair down. I took a deep, sharp breath and ran to the speaker.

  ‘Hello.’ Anxiety clung to each syllable.

  ‘Hi. Anthy? It’s Lucas.’

  ‘Lucas?’ My voice was high-pitched. ‘How are you?’ I glanced back at Leith, who was looking at me dolefully, and turned back to the intercom.

  ‘Anthy, are you all right?’

  ‘Fine. Fine. Just fine,’ I said quickly.

  ‘Have I got you at a bad time? I can come back later.’

  ‘No. No. Don’t be silly. Come on up. I have a, um…visitor.’

  ‘Oh,’ he said.

  ‘I’ll buzz you up.’

  Silence. ‘Sure.’

  I spun back to face Leith. He had stood, his arms crossed over his chest. ‘You’ve met someone else?’

  I couldn’t lie, so I nodded slowly.

  ‘That was quick. Does he know about me?’

  ‘Not really.’

  He breathed in deeply. ‘Is it serious?’

  ‘It’s new.’

  An eyebrow arched and then fell swiftly back into place. ‘Right. I’ll go then.’

  I nodded. ‘I’ll give you a call later and we’ll finish this conversation properly.’

  ‘Is there hope?’

  The elevator doors flung open and we both turned towards the foyer where Lucas stood, unassuming in a pair of ripped jeans and white V-neck ribbed jumper. He was showing no particular expression on his face, but I could see a slight glimmer of something in his eyes, irritation perhaps — no, mild hostility seemed more accurate. It was nothing Leith would be able to detect, but I could see it because I knew how his eyes looked without it.


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