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The Edward S. Ellis Megapack

Page 140

by Edward S. Ellis

“Did you see anything of an Indian with a bow and arrow?”

  “You mean Arqu-wao, or, as we call him, Red Crow.”

  “That must be the one. Why does he have such a strange name?”

  “Did you ever see a red crow, younkers?”

  “No; and I never saw a person that has seen one.”

  “And you never will; such a thing would be powerful qu’ar, but he wouldn’t be any qu’arer than the varmint that Boone, M’Cleland, the Wetzel boys and some of the others have given the name to. He’s a bit off, ain’t ’zactly right here,” added the scout, tapping his forehead. “Have you had anything to do with him?”

  Wharton related in as few words as possible their experience with the strange creature, and asked:

  “Has he always been that way?”

  “No; his brother and him had a big fight when they were on the warpath. His brother was older and stronger, and threw him down among the rocks in such a way that his head was hurt and he was never right afterwards. He has lived by himself along that lake over yender for ten or a dozen years. He won’t have anybody with him; you know how the Injuns look on such a person; they think he’s a little different and better than other folks and none of ’em will harm him. Of course none of the boys would hurt a hair of his head, though he’s quick enough with his bow and arrer to shoot any one that comes pokin’ round his place. It’s powerful qu’ar that he acted the part of a friend toward you, but thar’s no sayin’ what crank may come into the head of such a person.”

  “But he had a quarrel with Blazing Arrow, who seemed on the point of striking him.”

  “That’s nateral, for you know you hate anyone that you’ve already done an injury to.”

  “Has Blazing Arrow ever injured him?”

  “Why, he’s the one that throwed him over the rock; him and Blazing Arrow are full brothers.”

  This was surprising news to both, and Larry said:

  “He once mentioned the name of that chap as his brother, but I didn’t think that was what he meant.”

  “I don’t think the Red Crow loves his brother any more than his brother loves him. Some time thar’ll be the biggest kind of a fight between ’em. They don’t often meet, but when they do they allers strike fire.”

  “How was it, Kenton, that you came to shoot awhile ago?”

  “One of the varmints got in my way, and if you know of any better plan for heavin’ him out, let me hear it.”

  “But you don’t explain; did you see anything of Red Crow?”

  “You asked me awhile ago, and I beg pardon for not answerin’. No, I haven’t seen him lately, that is, for the last few weeks; but while I was out yender, just on t’other side of the ravine, whar the trail makes a sharp turn, I catched sight of one of the varmints stealin’ along as though he was lookin’ for somethin’. He catched sight of me at the same time. We had not time to dodge behind anything, and it was a question which could aim and fire the quickest. Wal,” added Kenton, with a sigh of complacency, “mebbe thar’s a varmint somewhar that can do that thing quicker’n me, but I haven’t met him yet.”

  “But you say you saw Blazing Arrow?”

  “Yas, and another of the redskins; they war some way ahead, and the trees war so plenty that we couldn’t draw bead. I waited for ’em to come nigher, but they didn’t seem to be lookin’ for that sort of thing just then, and they scooted t’other way. I ’spect I’ll meet ’em agin purty soon, and I’m ready.”


  Good News

  Wharton Edwards could not keep back the question any longer.

  “Kenton, why was it you were in such a hurry to get along the trail when you left the block-house?”

  “I wanted to catch up with your father and mother, that left before sun-up this mornin’.”

  The poor lad staggered back, and, had he not caught hold of a sapling, would have fallen to the earth.

  “There is no hope for them.”

  “Who said there wasn’t, younker?” demanded Kenton, sharply.

  “I can see none; do you?”

  “It looks putty bad, I’ll own, but Brigham Edwards and his wife are no fools, onless they’ve become so since they left the block-house.”

  The words of the great ranger lifted part of the weight from the shoulders of the boys (for the grief of Larry was almost as deep as that of the son), though they were still in anguish of spirit.

  “What led you to follow them in such haste? How did you know they were in such great danger?”

  “I got in late last night to the block-house; I had been out on a scout for Colonel Quimby and was gone more than a week. The Shawanoes and Wyandots are raising the dickens, and I knowed thar war lots of ’em hanging round the settlement. I told your father, bein’ that war so, he had better wait whar he war for a few days, or until we could spare several of the boys to go with him.

  “Howsumever, instead of that leadin’ him to do as I wanted, it made him and your mother twice as determined to be off. They wouldn’t wait at the block-house for you younkers to come in, as they orter done, and made up thar minds to start the fust thing in the mornin’. I talked so hard with your father that I war sure he would change his mind, and so, bein’ powerful tired, I went to sleep. I slept so late that when I woke up they’d been gone an hour. I swallered two or three mouthfuls and started after them.”

  Wharton explained what he had seen for himself, all of which indicated that Blazing Arrow and his two warriors had laid an ambush for the boys.

  “Thar ain’t no doubt of that after what you tell me. They larned that you war goin’ to make a start for the block-house, so they went a good long way along the trail and waited for you to walk into thar open jaws.”

  “Which we might have done had we gone farther; but, that being so, how was it father and mother rode this way without harm when they must have passed the very spot where Blazing Arrow and the rest were waiting for us?”

  “I came by ’em,” said Kenton, with another smile.

  “You could go by any number of them, for you know how. You were on foot and were prepared for them, but they were on horseback.”

  “Which leads me to say agin that Brigham Edwards and his wife ain’t fools, onless they’ve become so powerful sudden. Your father knowed thar war three places whar, if thar war any ambush laid, it war sartin to be in one of ’em. Countin’ from the settlement, the fust was whar the path goes close to them falls, for the lay of the land jes’ invites it; the second are at the ravine down thar, only a little way beyond whar you are standin’ this minute; and the third are ten miles this side of the block-house, whar the trail goes through that swampy spot, and the branches are so thick over it that they almost sweep you off the back of your hoss. If he could pass them there three places without runnin’ agin the varmints, he would be safe.”

  “And where were Blazing Arrow and the rest in waiting?”

  “At the swampy place I war speakin’ of; the varmints made up thar minds that they would be sure of you by goin’ close to the block-house.”

  “And how came father and mother to miss them?”

  “Jes’ before reachin’ the spot they turned out of the trail and went round it. It war powerful hard work pickin’ thar way with thar horses among the trees and round the rocks, but they managed to do it, and did not come back to the trail till they war a half mile this side the spot whar the varmints war waitin’ for ’em.”

  “And ye mustn’t forgit,” said Larry, “that the spalpeens warn’t looking for thim, but for us.”

  Wharton’s eyes kindled with pride at this proof of the wisdom of his parents. It made clear that which had been mystifying to him.

  “Bein’ as your folks had done that,” continued Kenton, “why, I thought it only perlite to do the same.”

  “Why didn’t Blazing Arrow and the others wait for us to come?” asked Wharton.

  “They got tired, though an Injun has more patience than a white man; but they begun to think that mebbe they war t
oo late after all, and they set out to meet you.”

  “But you say that we are close to the second place, that is to the ravine where I got my rifle back from Blazing Arrow.”

  This was the first reference the fleet-limbed youth had made to his great race with the Champion of the Shawanoes, though he had told almost everything else. Remarking that the parents were safe for the present, Kenton demanded an account of the contest, and expressed the greatest delight, declaring that he would have swapped his favorite rifle for a powder-horn could he have stood where he might have witnessed the wonderful burst of speed on the part of the youthful runner.

  But Wharton was impatient. All his thoughts were with the folks; and though quite certain, from the words and manner of the scout, that there was no cause for immediate alarm, he could not be denied fuller information.

  “We are near the second place that you say would be used by the Shawanoes for ambush. Have the folks passed that yet?”

  “No, they ain’t two hundred yards off from you this blessed minute.”

  Wharton bounced from the ground and could hardly repress a cheer in the excess of his delight.

  “Why, Kenton, didn’t you tell me this before?”

  “What war the hurry? They’ll keep.”

  “Where did you overtake them?”

  “Some distance back along the trail; I give a signal to your father and he waited for me to come up. I told him the varmints had sot the trap close to the swampy spot that he had sarcumvented, for I had seen their tracks along the trail, and, onless they came trottin’ after us, we must look out for that ravine next. It’s purty hard work sarcumventin’ that, but, leavin’ them to do it, I sneaked back hyar to keep a lookout for the varmints.”

  “Where does father intend to return to the main trail?”

  “A little way beyond the clearin’; but the varmints will find out that he are ahead of ’em, and, havin’ slipped up once already, they may try some trick; they’ll be powerful careful, now that they know your folks ain’t alone.”


  Red Crow’s Errand

  The Shawanoe Indian known as Arqu-wao, or Red Crow, had come in sight of the ravine, which was the scene of Blazing Arrow’s mishap the preceding day, when he halted with the abruptness described, for he had caught sight of the three Indians, with his detested brother at their head.

  They were walking rapidly, and when Red Crow stopped they soon passed beyond his sight again. Looking for them to halt, and half expecting them to turn back at any moment, he signalled the youths to hide themselves, while he advanced in the cautious manner known to the reader.

  Sure enough, he had gone but a little way when he observed the three Indians standing in a group and discussing some question with great earnestness. Quite sure that it had something to do with the action of the couple who had passed that way a short time before, he stealthily watched them.

  The truth was, Blazing Arrow, probably suspecting the identity of the couple, was giving his attention to them. They were sure to run into danger if they kept on to the falls, but they might escape unless he took a hand in the business.

  Almost on the edge of the clearing, in sight of the ravine, the hoofprints showed that the horses had turned off from the trail, and with the evident intention of coming back to it at some point farther on. The result of the conference was that Blazing Arrow and one of his warriors continued in the direction of the natural clearing, while the third was sent to track the horses through the rough wood, and to signal the results to the leader.

  Red Crow cautiously followed the single warrior to learn how he made out. No doubt the latter would have done well had he not run against an unexpected obstruction in the person of Simon Kenton, who, having accompanied Mr. Edwards and his wife a part of the way, turned back with the intention of acting as a rear guard.

  The meeting was as much of a surprise to the white man as to the red man, but, as has been intimated by the famous scout himself, he was just too quick for the Shawanoe. With characteristic bravery, Kenton leaped behind a tree, reloaded his rifle, and coolly awaited the attack of Blazing Arrow and his companion; but they proved their cowardice by slinking off toward the clearing, across which they made their way, in the hope of gaining a better chance at the couple, who could not be far off.

  Red Crow now kept well out of sight of Kenton, as well as of his brother, not stirring from his hiding-place until the way was clear. Then he stole along the tracks made by the horses. These were so clearly defined that a child would have had no difficulty in following them.

  He knew that the couple were the parents of the young men whom he had set out to serve. The course of the great white hunter made it clear that he would soon join the youths, while the route of Blazing Arrow showed that they were in no present danger from him. Accordingly, without taking the trouble of telling the boys his intention, he hurried over the broken ground, anxious to meet the man and wife before they penetrated too far.

  Red Crow had formed a plan the moment he fully understood what was going on, and he knew the need of haste.

  Despite the almost marvellous cleverness he had displayed from the beginning, he narrowly escaped making a fatal error. In his eagerness to reach the couple he forgot that he was in war paint and resembled in every respect, except one, the Shawanoe whom the settler was trying to circumvent.

  It was that one point of difference which saved Red Crow’s life. Brigham Edwards was picking his way as best he could, when he caught sight of one of the Shawanoes hurrying along the trail as though intent on overtaking him at the earliest moment.

  Before the Indian knew his danger the vigilant settler had his unerring rifle at his shoulder, and his keen eye was running along the barrel. But he noticed that the Indian carried a bow and arrow instead of a gun. This was so unusual that he hesitated. At the moment of doing so Red Crow stopped short and looked up with a startled look, as though recalling his forgetfulness. Despite his paint, Edwards recognized him as Arqu-wao, whom he had often seen when he was actively engaged in scouting along the frontier.

  The pioneer had stopped both horses, and he and his wife were on foot when this little episode took place.

  “By George!” he exclaimed to his companion, “I came within a hair of killing that poor crazy fool, Red Crow.”

  “What can be his business with us unless it be unfriendly?” asked the wife, who also held a weapon in her hands. “He may have been sent forward by some of the others.”

  “I don’t think we have anything to fear from him. I never heard that he harmed those who did not interfere with him. I will see what he wants with us.”

  As Red Crow approached, Mr. Edwards addressed him by name and repeated his own, but the Shawanoe showed no signs of recognizing it.

  “Why did you come here?” asked the white man, sternly.

  “Shaw’noe dere and dere and dere,” replied Red Crow, pointing toward every point except that of the block-house; “if go on path, Shaw’noe kill white man—kill white woman.”

  “Do you want to help us?”

  “Me show way—Shaw’noe not see—not find.”

  This promise was received with a good deal of skepticism, but the feelings of the parents were greatly stirred by the next words that were quickly uttered:

  “White boy Wart’n—white boy Larr—dey come with Arqu-wao.”

  “What!” exclaimed the father, recognizing the names, and striding in front of the Indian; “do you know anything about those two boys?”

  Red Crow nodded his head several times.

  “Where are they?”

  “Up dere,” he replied, pointing in the direction of the point in the trail where he had left them but a short time before.

  “What can this mean?” demanded the agitated parent. “I must investigate it. We will leave the horses here while we go back with him.”

  The mother was as anxious to meet her son and Larry, and they quickly made ready to start.

  All Together

  Brigham Edwards stopped short on hearing the signal of Kenton, and he and his wife held themselves ready to repulse any attack from the Indians, whom they knew to be in the neighborhood. Red Crow did a little thing which won the confidence of the couple, who could not help regarding him at first with suspicion: he placed himself directly in front, with his bow and arrow ready for use.

  The little party was not kept long in suspense. From among the trees strode the athletic figure of the famous scout, who, at that time, was in his magnificent prime. Directly behind him walked Wharton Edwards and Larry Murphy.

  At the sight of her son, the mother forgot everything else. Dropping her rifle to the ground, she ran forward with the exclamation:

  “Wharton! my darling boy!”

  “Oh, mother, my dearest mother!”

  The lad, equally forgetful, flung aside his weapon and met his beloved parent more than half way, throwing his arms about her neck, while both wept with joy. The father smilingly advanced, and waited until the youth was released. Then he clasped the boy to his breast with a happiness and gratitude as deep and all-pervading, though it was less demonstrative.

  Larry stepped blushingly forward, when the way was clear, and was warmly greeted in turn by the parents, for he held a warm place in their hearts. He was a dutiful and respectable youth, who appreciated the unselfish goodness those people had always shown to him.

  Even the grim, iron-hearted scout betrayed a suspicious moisture of the eyes at the affecting scene. He looked on in silence, while Red Crow gazed off among the trees as though he saw something that interested him. What strange musings coursed through that warped brain is beyond the power of fancy to imagine.

  “This ’ere looks sorter like a family reunion,” remarked Kenton, with a smile, when the first flurry was over; “I shouldn’t wonder now, Brigham, if you and Margaret thar are summat glad to see the younkers agin.”

  “Indeed, I shall always thank heaven for its mercies. Wife and I did not sleep a wink last night after we learned how bad things looked, and nothing could have kept us from hurrying to them.”

  “And how about you chaps?” asked the scout, turning toward the two happy boys.


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