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Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3

Page 19

by JoAnna Grace

  Master Ryse. This was the Master Thracian. Oh dearest mother of Zeus. She could see how his presence alone would intimidate any civilian who crossed his path. The warrior had death written all over his face. He spoke with the confidence of a man used to being in command, the final rung in the chain of authority.

  “Together? What the hell has been going on here since I left? Someone conjured demons, my warriors are sneaking out of the palace in the middle of the night, and now some Oracle is together with my apprentice?”

  Only when Ryse turned to them did she even notice the other men in the room. Philippe and Cutter stood with a fierce-looking man with gray hair and another man with ebony skin and eyes. She’d been so dumbstruck by the Master, she’d missed every other person in the room—including Dante and the Paeans who worked around him. The healer’s hands hovered over his body, light emanating from their palms as they tried to fix the damage.

  Forgetting everyone else, Lysandra ran to his bedside.

  Dante was still as the grave. His entire torso was covered in gauze and bandages. Sweat beaded on his forehead, his skin far too pale. Each breath was shallow and labored. Paeans covered him with a sheet and backed away when she approached.

  “We have done all we can for him,” one woman explained to Ryse. “We’ve repaired the organs as much as possible to keep him alive and closed him up. Poison from the demon’s talons prohibits our powers from healing him any further. We’ll monitor him throughout the day for infections. His fate is in the hands of the gods now.”

  Brenden thanked the healers, but Lysandra couldn’t take her eyes off Dante enough to acknowledge the other people in the room. She hesitantly reached out and ran her fingers through his hair.

  He stirred, a soft moan crossing his lips. He mumbled her name.

  “Shh, my love,” she whispered in his ear, pulling up a chair by his side. “I’m here, Dante. I won’t leave you.”

  “Lysa,” he whispered, the action taking great effort.

  “Hush now. I’m here.” Even though she was on the verge of a mental breakdown, Lysandra leaned her head next to his on the bed and closed her eyes. She hummed songs that he liked and slowly ran her fingers through his hair over and over again. His body finally relaxed and he went into a deep sleep.

  “I don’t suppose you can get a vision of what happened by touching him, huh?” Brenden whispered into her ear.

  She shook her head. “Not with his powers. Possibly his clothing or even the place where it happened.”

  Brenden pointed to a disposal unit. “His clothing is in there. We are going to have it processed as evidence. Only touch what you have to.”

  Together, they lifted the lid and the smell of Dante’s blood nearly made her wretch. She touched the clothing on a small, clean corner and closed her eyes to concentrate.

  Blue eyes, full of menace. The attacker’s arm was injured. Dante’s knife covered in black sludge, plunging deep into his gut. Exploding pain. Dante’s fear of leaving her. His deep love.

  Lysandra opened her eyes with a gasp. She had no idea he cared so much for her. And she knew that no demon hurt him.

  “This was not a demon,” she said. The images were nothing but quick flashes. The more she focused on the male, the fuzzier the images became. “Whoever was there, whoever conjured the demon, they’re blocked from me. I can’t make out anything but blue eyes. I’m sorry.” She closed the lid on the receptacle and washed her hands before returning to Dante’s side.

  Ryse nodded to Brenden before he left the room. “Good enough. I’m going to my mother.”

  Lysandra stared at his retreating back. “Is he angry with me?” she asked once the scary Thracian was gone.

  “No, he’s just walked into a giant clusterfuck after being through a mess of heavenly proportions.”

  “I wish I could have seen more, helped more. I’ll do anything to save him.”

  “That’s more than we had. Thanks, Lysa.” Brenden leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Hold on to him. We can’t lose our boy. Avery will be madder than a wet hen.”

  “Pardon?” Lysandra questioned his slang.

  Brenden’s mouth quirked up. “It’s a Texan thing.” He closed the door softly behind him and Lysandra rested her head next to Dante’s. She couldn’t lose him. Her every breath had slowly begun to revolve around him over the last two months. If she lost him now, she might not recover.

  Ever since childhood, she’d remembered the love and affection between her parents. Never had the world seen two people so devoted to one another. Even when they disagreed, they did it with respect for each other, never dredging up old hurts or speaking harshly. Her mother gave her father encouragement and support; her father reciprocated tenfold. When they looked at each other, Lysandra could see the desire and love in their eyes.

  It was the same way Dante looked at her.

  Great god Apollo, she prayed. Please do not take Dante from this world. I beg of you. I am thankful for every day we have shared, but I beseech you for more time with him. Let us have the chance to grow together, following your will and doing your work in this realm. Forgive me for straying from the path I have walked for so long. Lead me soundly on this new journey and please, please let me walk it with the man I love.


  DYNASTY, HANNA, AND two Thracians—Titus and Gabrele—made their way down to the medical room to check on Dante and Lysandra. Dynasty was quite fond of both guardians and hoped, when this was over, they could find sanctuary in each other.

  Titus, her personal Thracian guardian, normally didn’t follow her every movement around the palace. However, Ryse had insisted on it until the demon, and the person who conjured it, were found. Titus was very proficient at being around at all times, but hardly ever seen. It was a trait the queen appreciated. He respected her privacy, yet never took her safety for granted.

  Gabrele had been the guardian of her husband. Since Troy’s death, he’d shifted his duties to the queen. The murder of his Master was especially hard and Dynasty insisted he take leave for the last couple months to mourn and be with his family. Now, he was called back by Ryse to serve alongside Titus. The two men were well versed in working together. They had done so for over three hundred years.

  “I want to stop by the kitchen and have Valarie fix a meal for Dante and Lysandra. Remember,” she said to her entourage, “no one knows of Lysa’s presence here.”

  Hanna, Titus, and Gabrele nodded their understanding.

  In the kitchen, Valarie prepared a huge basket of food, assuming she was feeding the four people in front of her. Dynasty thanked her as they left.

  Filene and Ashton approached from the opposite side of the hall. Dyna stopped, determined to say a kind word to Filene.

  “Did Charles return along with Ryse and Hayden?” Her smile was soft and somewhat genuine.

  “He did.”

  Dynasty noted the clipped tone of her voice, the way her shoulders squared, and her chin lifted.

  “Did they find the demon?” Ashton asked. “I can’t believe a Haven as secure as this one is having so many problems of late. Maybe the Thracians need to stop their training and start actually guarding something.”

  The two men behind Dynasty shifted their feet, but gave away nothing in their expressions.

  “I can assure you, Prince Ashton, my son is doing a fine job preparing these young men for their future assignments. Each soldier is unique and must be attended to with care and diligence.”

  “You would know all about that, wouldn’t you?” Filene sniped.

  Dynasty caught a nervous twitch above her eye. “Are you feeling well, Filene?”

  “I know what you’re doing.” The blonde woman stepped close to her, her brown eyes boring into Dynasty’s. “You should be ashamed.”

  “Mother, don’t,” Ashton warned softly, his monotone indicating that he was bored with this conversation already.

  “Would you like to have a private conversation? My people can step aside
.” Dyna never took her eyes off Filene. A wild anger brewed inside her old friend and she intended to address it now.

  “No. I think your Thracian guards should hear about what you’re doing behind closed doors. Or perhaps they already do.”

  Dynasty spoke calmly and slowly, in contrast with the way Filene raised her voice so all could hear. “You seem to be able to see through walls, Filene. Is this a new gift from the gods? Do tell us what it is you think you’ve witnessed.”

  “You’re having an inappropriate relation with that boy, Xavier’s son.”

  Dynasty sighed. Her friend had passed delusional and gone straight to vengefully fabricating lies.

  “I know he picks you flowers and goes to your room each night. It’s shameful. Troy has barely been dead a couple months and you dare to seek out another; and one so young and naive at that.”

  “Oh for Heaven’s sake, Mother,” Ashton said, rubbing a hand down his face. “He’s courting the Shadow Lady.”

  “What?” Filene snapped at her son, clearly upset at not finding out until now.

  Dynasty clasped her hands in front of her and turned her head to Hanna, who, after so many centuries of service, could assume what her mistress was about to do. Dante must have used Hanna to cover his tracks with Prince Ashton. “May I enlighten them?”

  Hanna narrowed her eyes at Filene and Ashton, but nodded, playing her part.

  “The young soldier is courting her under my supervision.”

  Filene looked Hanna up and down, her lips curled up with disgust. “I don’t believe you.”

  “I don’t give a damn what you believe.” Dynasty laced her voice with cold steel. The whip of her words cut at Filene and her eyes widened. “You are clearly under duress and not in your right mind. This once I will forgive these outlandish accusations and your display of blatant disrespect of my Shadow Lady and her privacy. Hear me now, Filene. I will not tolerate such betrayal of centuries of friendship again. I highly suggest you meditate on the true source of your anger. No doubt you will find you have lashed out at the wrong person. Now if you will excuse me—” Dynasty hesitated, a feeling in her gut telling her not to expose where she was going. “I have not eaten today and I hope your vile words haven’t ruined my lunch.”

  She turned on her heel and headed in the direction of her chambers. They would have to take another way to go see Dante.

  “Lady Dynasty,” Ashton called, jogging up to them without his mother. “Please forgive her. She’s not in her right mind. Events of late have caused great stress on her.”

  “That does not excuse her behavior. One should know the facts before publicly denouncing someone else. But thank you for trying.” She turned again, but Ashton caught her arm.

  “Milady, one more moment, if you will?” He smiled and Dynasty was nearly convinced he was the bright-eyed, innocent boy she’d watched grow up. Nearly.

  “How did anyone find out about the demon? I heard the guardian by the portal took off into the woods. Did he sense it?”

  Again, a small voice in the back of her mind told her to lie. “He knew it had entered the Haven. The gods sent Ryse and Hammon back to search it out. Why do you ask?”

  “Xavier is worried because Dante seems to be missing.”

  She sighed and forced a fake smile. “No matter what your mother believes, I don’t have a connection to the man except that I tutor him in history. Hanna? Have you heard from your friend today?”

  Hanna shook her head, looking Ashton straight in the eyes. “He could be anywhere. Xavier could start at the training center.”

  Ashton’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I’ll let him know. Enjoy your lunch.”

  Dynasty made sure he was far out of hearing range before she whispered, “I don’t trust that boy.”

  “Nor do I,” Hanna replied.

  “Gabrele, was Xavier in the woods searching for the demon last night?”

  “No, milady.”

  “Were there any of his men searching?”

  “No, milady.”

  “Does that seem odd to you?” She looked up at the Thracian.

  “Yes, milady. When the soldier of Zeus summoned the Thracians, we all felt the call as a command in our heads to seek out a fallen soldier. Only Yankee resisted so he could stay with you. Brenden expressed that the need to find Dante was so branded on his heart he could think of nothing else, as if under compulsion.”

  “So why didn’t the boy’s own father feel the pull?”

  “Interesting question,” Titus said. “I believe someone should ask him.”

  “I’ll do it,” Gabrele said. “I’m interested to know if he’s looking for his son at all.”

  Dynasty touched the soldier’s arm before he walked off. “Give nothing away.”

  “Not a problem, milady. I’ve been away from the palace for a while now.” He shrugged one shoulder. “I simply need to reconnect with the general now that I am back at work.”

  Dynasty grinned at his cunning and nodded for him to be off.

  Down in the chamber in which Dante rested, Lysandra lay sleeping. Her head next to his, her body leaned against the gurney. The poor child couldn’t be comfortable. Dynasty asked that a cot be brought down for her to sleep properly. No doubt she wouldn’t leave Dante’s side.

  Dynasty touched her shoulder and Lysandra sprang away. “Mistress! I’m so sorry.”

  “Hush, child.” She ran a hand over her black hair. “We brought you food.”

  “Thank you, but I’m not hungry.” Lysandra looked back to Dante, ran her hands gingerly over his hair.

  “You must eat. Imagine how upset he will be if you do not take care of yourself.”

  Lysandra sighed and took the fruit and sandwich from Hanna. She devoured the meal and, blushing, asked for seconds. By the time Dynasty left, Lysandra was full and had fallen back asleep on the cot next to Dante’s bed, her fingers laced with his.

  “I think young love is a beautiful thing,” Hanna observed with a longing expression.

  “Any love at all is a beautiful thing.” Dynasty took Hanna’s arm and held it in hers. “Do you ever think about finding it again?”

  Hanna shook her head. “I had my soul mate. His memory can carry me until the gods call me home and we might be together again.”

  “That’s how I feel as well. Perhaps we should start collecting cats? Isn’t that what the humans do?”

  Hanna smiled widely and shook her head. “No thank you, mistress.”

  Dynasty’s heart pinged with loss once again. There were reminders of her dearest Troy in every room of the palace. He left his fingerprint on every memory. Each day she missed him, but each day she found a reason to keep going.

  And Filene’s accusations, how absurd? How insulting. Did the two women not know each other at all? She never would’ve believed Filene capable of thinking so low of her, much less of saying anything. Even worse, for her to cast out such an accusation in front of witnesses. What was the matter with her?

  One thing was clear, the Avondales and their guards were watching close enough to pick up what was going on. They were going to have to be more careful until Avery woke up.

  Ashton paced in his chambers. Dante should be dead. They should have found the body. That blow to his gut should have left him bleeding out before anyone could make their way up the mountain to help him. Even the soldier of Zeus would have taken more time to realize—

  Unless someone warned him. Unless Dante wasn’t alone and someone ran for help.

  Bloody fucking hell.

  He wasn’t alone, which meant there was a good chance that someone else knew Ashton was out there and Dante might be alive.

  Hanna. It had to be Hanna. Why else would a man be out in the woods on a cold night if not for a woman? He had to find out what she knew.

  What was even more worrisome was his father’s sudden passion about changing the Olympian world. Their reunion last night had been one full of more tears from his mother. Filene was ready to leave this pl
ace, but Charles had informed them that the gods would be at Salina’s execution and they must stay. Filene had all but stomped her foot in defiance.

  “I cannot watch that monster kill my daughter,” she’d yelled.

  “He isn’t murdering her in cold blood, Filene. She practically begged the gods to punish her. You should have seen her. It was horrifying. Her damned mouth sealed her fate with her mockery and downright hatred for the gods. I wouldn’t think it possible had I not seen it with my own eyes. She is not our daughter, Filene. She is something unholy, something purely evil.”

  “She is my child,” Filene sobbed as she fell into a chair. Ashton about rolled his eyes with the dramatics of it.

  “Salina has made her choice. And as hard as it will be, I will stand with him.”

  “Father.” Ashton blanched. “Are you saying you support Ryse executing her?”

  “No. I’m supporting Zeus’s judgment after hearing the blasphemy coming from her lips. Your sister damned her soul and I pity Ryse for having to bear this burden. Even now he is in the temple, praying and meditating.” Charles sat down and put his face in his hands. “I pity him.”

  “He doesn’t deserve your pity.” Filene came up out of her chair. “He deserves your hatred. He was created by the gods to kill his own people. That is his sole purpose, Charles. The gods created him to murder Olympians. He has no other reason for living. Do you know how many of our people have died at his hands?”

  “Every one of them had it coming,” Charles yelled, standing to meet his wife face to face. “He is not a monster, Filene. He is cursed with the task a lesser man couldn’t do. It would break me to have to fill his shoes. Even though those he kills are criminals, their blood is on his hands. A weak-minded man could not carry those stains and still be as honorable as he is.”

  “I can’t believe you are siding with the Castilles over your own family.”

  “I’m siding with the gods. You should consider who you are really up against here, wife. Because I have witnessed their power. They threatened to wipe us all out if we do not change.”


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