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Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3

Page 22

by JoAnna Grace

  “This investigation is still ongoing. I’ll send you the report when we have more concrete evidence.” Ryse closed out the meeting, sending everyone to their respective stations for the night.

  He wasn’t sure what to do with himself. Truth be told, he wanted to take Avery back to their bedroom, get her naked, and lose himself in her body. After tomorrow, she might look at him differently. It was one thing to talk about what he had to do, who he had to kill. It was all abstract thought. When the sun came up, Ryse, not someone else, would have to put those words into action. The abstract would solidify. Real blood would spill. Real hearts would break, real families would be torn apart, friendships broken.

  “Ryse,” called out an angry voice.

  He closed his eyes. He knew this was coming, but it still didn’t make it easy. Brenden stormed down the hallway towards him.

  “When were you going to tell me? What the hell?” Defying all rationality, Brenden shoved his shoulder. “Way to give me the heads up.”

  “I refuse to talk to you if you don’t calm down.”

  “Save the Yoda calm bullshit for someone else. Why the hell didn’t you tell me that the gods were going to punish Nikki? She didn’t want any of this. She was forced. Did you even try to advocate for her?”

  “Of course I did!” Ryse stepped up into his face. His extra height had him looking down at Bren. “Even my father begged the gods for mercy on her.”

  “It was Hayden, wasn’t it? This is his fault.” Brenden had lost all semblance of self-control. In his right mind, he never would have challenged Ryse like this. “Where is that pretentious bastard?”

  Using very little strength, Ryse raised one arm and pinned Brenden to the wall, his elbow up under his chin. “Let’s get one thing straight,” Ryse growled, feeling more feral than usual. Bren’s face glowed as the power of his birthright made his eyes turn white. “You may be one of my Elites, some might even call us friends, and you might be distraught about Nikki, but if you think I’m going to stand here and listen to you say one negative word about my brother, you’ve highly overestimated how much I like you. Hayden, Father, and I did what we could for her cause. Nikki chose to take her punishment so that the people would feel as though justice was served. You think I’m going to enjoy hurting her? You think I wanted to come back here and face you, face Avery, knowing that I was going to have to watch Nikki’s blood spill? For one damned moment, why don’t you think about the bigger picture, Bren? Quit being so selfish. Have you thought about how this will affect Avery? That’s the only friend she made and now I have to—” He sighed, his eyes brown once more. He moved his arm and Brenden fell to the floor, gasping for breath. “This isn’t easy for any of us, damn it.”

  “I don’t understand why,” Bren said and choked. “Salina made her do it.”

  “We all know that, even Hayden. We have to have faith. There is a purpose for this, Bren. If I’m going to go through with tomorrow, I have to believe that. And you have to trust me.” Ryse stretched out his hand.

  Bren hesitated, then allowed Ryse to pull him up. Whatever arguments Bren had, he kept to himself. Instead, he nodded and walked off.

  Come to me…whispered a feminine voice in his head. He would know that southern accent anywhere.

  In his mother’s suite, Avery stood in a long, navy blue velvet gown that was straight out of Greek history. Her ethereal beauty still knocked the breath out of his lungs.

  “This is a new look for you,” he said, clearing his throat. “It’s a good look.”

  Avery smiled up at him. His breath caught and his heart lost its natural rhythm. In her eyes shone a desire he’d seen only once before. “I remembered something today.”

  Even with the latest memory solidified in her memory, Avery couldn’t believe this man was her husband. He was too good to be true. Ryse’s dark brown eyes studied her; he licked his sensual lips, and her body melted.

  “What did you recall?” His voice turned husky and she could sense the change in the air. Her body responded, growing tight and heated in dark places.

  Avery, feeling much braver than she had hours ago around him, looped her arms around his neck and pressed her body as close to him as she could. “I remembered making love to you.”

  His swift gasp and widened eyes gave her great satisfaction. Wide, strong arms tightened around her waist. “Did you enjoy this memory?”

  Avery pressed a kiss to his neck, then another a bit higher. “Immensely,” she whispered into his ear. “I believe we need to make more memories like this.”

  “Avery, my beautiful love, you have no idea how wonderful that sounds. But are you suggesting that we, uh, make memories when you’re still trying to remember who I am?”

  “I know exactly who you are. You’re my husband.”

  He sighed. “Yes, but do you remember everything that has happened between us?”

  Avery captured his face with her hands. “I know that somewhere in this castle, we have a bedroom. I may have a few blank spots in my memory, but I know we have barely spent time in there alone. I would like to go to bed with my husband—in the literal way. And we can see what else happens.” She smiled, willing him to comply. Her gut said tonight her husband needed to be distracted by something right and sacred. Although she didn’t know the details of what would come tomorrow, it was going to be crap all the way around. Tonight, she wanted to love him.

  “We will have to take the passages. You’re not supposed to be alive.”

  “Alive?” Avery stepped back. This sudden, new word had a bit different meaning than asleep. “There’s a large gap between alive and asleep. Are you sayin’ I…died?” She slipped into a chair, needing support for her jelly-like legs.

  Stunned silence was her answer.

  “No wonder everyone is so shocked—except Yankee. He was, well, he was Yankee.”

  “Don’t be upset, Avery.” Ryse knelt in front of her. “But yes, you were murdered. Rhea kept you alive. Your body was here, your spirit was in the Heavens. No one knew except those who had to take care of you. Tomorrow, Zeus is going to officially present you to the people, so they know you live for a purpose, that your life has been ordained by the gods.”

  “Right.” Avery nodded, some vague memories coming back. “Yeah, okay. This is sounding familiar. I understand.” She stood once again and gathered herself. What he said felt solid, felt right. “We stick to the tunnels.”

  Ryse stood too, and put his arms around her again. “Are you sure? We can rest here tonight.” He looked around his parents’ suite.

  “I don’t want to worry about your mama catchin’ us makin’ out,” Avery said. She bit her bottom lip and giggled.

  “That would be awkward,” he whispered back, a grin tugging at his lips.

  Avery remembered their bedroom the moment she stepped into it. Everything came flooding back: their first night together, the brutal poisoning of her dogs, the shower they’d shared, the times they ate on the patio. She immediately went to the curved wall of windows and pulled back the curtains, revealing the night sky.

  “You know our time is limited. I have to take Dante to the portal. You can stay here if you wish.” Ryse was already taking off his shoes as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Why don’t you try to sleep? I’ll stay with you until I must go.”

  Avery reached for the zipper of her gown and tugged it down. “Then I guess we should hurry.” The gown slipped to the floor and she stepped out.

  Ryse’s mouth hung open. “Dear gods, you are incredible.”

  “I’m fast too.” Avery laughed as she pounced on top of him, his laughter filling the room.

  They wasted no time peeling off clothing and tossing it across the room. Energy and desire raced through her veins. She’d never felt more alive. It didn’t matter what little gaps were missing in her memories, she knew everything she needed to about Ryse. Their love was destined, their souls matched by the gods.

  Avery kissed him deep and hard, her hands exploring the
ribbed planes of his chest and stomach. The man was a living Greek demigod and was built to make his ancestors proud. Her hand slipped into his briefs and gripped his erection.

  “Oh god.” He threw back his head and gasped. “You’re not wasting any time, are you, baby?” He panted in time with her stroking hand.

  “Nope. Our time’s too precious, too fleeting. Tomorrow will be hell, but tonight, we can be together and I’m not going to throw away one second with you.” Avery devoured his kiss. She sucked and nibbled on his lips until she thought she might explode with the desire building inside.

  Ryse disposed of her panties and bra; his own briefs he simply ripped off, the fabric shredding under his strength. Now nothing separated them. Avery settled her legs on either side of his hips and let him guide her down.

  The sweet pressure of him sliding into her made her head spin. When he was buried to the hilt, her body stretched to the limits, she let out a shaky breath and moaned. “Perfection.”

  “Yes, you are.” Ryse’s voice was deep and husky, layered with his passion.

  Avery smiled down at him, her hands roaming his chest and up to his neck. Her hips began to move and he groaned. Every one of his muscles was tight, his control hanging by a thin wire.

  “You don’t have to hold back, Ryse. You can love me as wildly as you wish.”

  “I don’t want to rush. I want to take our time. I want to worship your body the way you deserve.” All the while, their bodies moved in sync, the tension building.

  She wanted nothing more than to take a slow, luxurious ride on Ryse. But tonight wasn’t that night. Tonight, she needed to give him the escape he desired, the distraction he needed. Ryse’s Thracian blood was all about dominating, controlling, claiming. For him, she could put aside fantasies of sweet lovemaking for another time.

  “Worship me later. Enjoy me right now.” She knew the moment he gave in. His hands clamped over her hips and he took control. Their tempo increased, the wild rush of ecstasy and desire giving them both the release they needed. Avery threw back her head and gasped his name as pleasure twisted inside of her and she plummeted off the edge of sanity.

  Ryse roared, the muscles in his neck straining as he gave in and let go, filling her body. He held her against his chest, both of them panting and shivering with aftershock.

  “Well,” he exhaled with a gust. “That was…embarrassingly quick.”

  Avery sighed, her body melted butter on top of his. “It was just what you needed.”

  “Did I ever.” With each deep breath, his massive body moved her up and down.

  “I forgot what a huge guy you are.”

  Ryse chuckled darkly. “Are you talking in general, or about a certain part of my anatomy?”

  Avery laughed and rested her chin on her hands over his chest. “C, all of the above.”

  “You southern girls sure know how to sweet talk a man.” Ryse held on to her and rolled them to the side. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.” Avery smiled. His brown eyes reflected the warmth and affection she felt for him.

  He lifted his hand to trace the lines of the tattoo over her heart. The sword matched his, but hers had a lion head on top of it, signifying her as a child of Rhea. “Do you remember the night I gave you this?”

  “Kind of. The details are fuzzy. I remember thinking you were the most amazing man I’d ever met.”

  Ryse grinned, propping himself up on his elbow. His face fell, a deep scowl formed. “That night, you made me a promise. Tomorrow, I’ll test it.”

  Avery dug through her memories, trying to look past the fog clouding some of the details. “Remind me?” She blushed.

  “I promised you that I would never keep you in the dark. I promised always to be upfront about what I have to do. In return, you promised that you would never fear me.”

  The memory unraveled with every word he spoke. All she needed was the reminder. The emotions of that night came back and she vividly remembered making those vows. “I remember now.”

  “No matter what happens tomorrow, know that I love you with all my heart.” He paused. “If I could keep you from this, I would.”

  “You promised not to hide the truth from me.”

  Ryse nodded. “I know. That doesn’t make it easier to tell you.”

  Avery rolled over on her back and took a deep breath. She ran her hands over her face, wishing that all this crap would go away. Unfortunately, Ryse’s phone rang and reminded them both that this was just the beginning.

  “They’re ready to take Dante to the portal.” He stood and gave her a wonderful view of his backside. Wide shoulders, rounded with muscles, tapered off to a trim waist. His sword tattoo stretched from the base of his neck down his spine. It ended just before the curves of his bottom. Her heart ached with longing and, for a moment, she didn’t want him to leave her.

  “Ryse?” Avery whispered.

  He turned, his eyes meeting hers. “What is it?” He fiddled with his shirt, trying to get the sleeves untangled. They hadn’t exactly been careful with their clothing earlier.

  “I love you.”

  He paused, his shirt halfway over his arms. The edge of his mouth tugged back and he sat down on the bed again. “I love you too, baby.”

  Avery stretched out over the bed, her body laid out before him. “I’ll wait here for you, just like this.”

  Ryse clenched his eyes closed and his jaw tightened. “Do you know how hard it will be to concentrate on my task, knowing you are naked and waiting on me?”

  “Don’t forget aroused. I’ll be naked and aroused, waiting on you.” She sent him the most mischievous smile she could.

  “You’re going to be the death of me yet, woman.” He gave her a light slap on her thigh that made her giggle. When he stood to stretch his shirt over his head, a whole new wave of desire hit her. Yes, she was going to be painfully aroused while waiting on him.


  RYSE RENDEZVOUSED WITH the Elites as they came out of the side door of the palace. They carried Dante between them on a stretcher. Hayden led the way. Lysandra, Dynasty, and Hanna followed, with Hammon bringing up the rear. With every movement across the terrain, Dante cringed and moaned. His body was still in great pain. But Apollo promised to heal him.

  “Where’s Avery?” Brenden asked from his position at the front corner near Dante’s head.

  “Avery?” Dante moaned. His dazed eyes found Ryse.

  “She’s awake, but had to remain hidden still,” Ryse answered his soldiers. Sweat covered Dante’s head and chest. His eyes were cloudy and bloodshot. The boy looked terrible.

  Nonetheless, a faint smile kicked up the corners of his lips. “Good.”

  Brenden, Cutter, Philippe, and Yankee walked him to the entrance of the portal. The large oval of liquid still glowed and rippled, actively open to the other side. They gingerly laid his pallet on the ground. The soldier of Zeus looked down at Dante.

  “Well done, thou servant of the gods. Apollo has arrived.”

  Sure enough, the sun god stepped out of the portal, his eyes searching each person in the group. He wore a white robe secured on one of his shoulders. Navy blue ribbons trimmed the edges and a laurel wreath adorned his head. His entire body glowed with power.

  They all went to their knees. Hayden spoke. “Apollo, we are humbled by your presence.”

  “Thank you, young prince. I am happy to aid this fine warrior. He should not have suffered this evil.” The god gathered his robes and came to the pallet that held Dante. Apollo placed his illuminated hand on Dante’s forehead and closed his eyes. He mumbled a few words that Ryse didn’t catch before he lifted his hand. “Open his garment and let me see his wound.”

  Lysandra quickly fell to task. She pulled off his bandages and allowed Apollo to see the gruesome mess of his stomach.

  “Oracle?” Apollo looked inquisitively at her, his head tilted to the side, like he’d just realized the obvious.

  Lysandra sat on her knees, her han
ds folded in her lap. “My Lord.”

  “Why do you abide here?”

  “Rhea sent me.”

  “What business have you with this man?” Apollo pointed at Dante.

  “He is my—” She glanced up at Ryse. “He is my chosen mate, my Lord. If he shall have me.” Her body trembled.

  “You defy the vow of the Pythia?” Apollo frowned.

  Lysandra, frightened but brave, looked full into the face of the god. “My heart belongs to this incredible warrior as strongly as my faith belongs to the gods. If you view this as an act of betrayal, I cannot help that and I am deeply apologetic. But…I pray you do not.” She touched Dante’s shoulder and looked at him. “I love him.”

  Ryse arched his brow. Wow. It took amazing courage to be so bold to a god. His affections for her increased when he saw that she would stand beside Dante and fight for their blooming relationship.

  “I support this union,” Ryse said. Several of his men and his mother agreed. None spoke up as loudly as Yankee. Interesting.

  Apollo looked around at the men. Even kneeling, he was still nearly as tall. “Never has an Oracle left my temple.”

  “With all due respect, my Lord,” Yankee said. “There’s never been a Thracian Deity, never a second-born Deity Prince, never an assassin princess, or a Divine Grace brought back from the grave either.” Yankee shrugged his shoulders, held up his hands with that who gives a shit smirk on his face. “Is this really so shocking?”

  Ryse could have sworn that the god’s lips twitched.

  “Fair point.” Apollo addressed Lysandra. “So be it, Oracle. May you live a long and prosperous life with your warrior.” He touched Dante’s stomach and his hand glowed bright.

  Dante screamed as black oil rose into the air, streaming from his wound and his mouth. It reminded Ryse of how the evil had spewed from Nikki when Apollo had healed her. And he knew exactly who had put that demonic crap inside of her. Ryse was going to pay much more attention to Ashton after this.

  When Apollo finished, Dante lay breathing heavily on the ground, Lysandra gripping his shoulders as he looked around with a wild expression in his eyes. Once they settled on her, he calmed.


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