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Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3

Page 25

by JoAnna Grace

  Athena addressed them both. “Shadow Lady, do you deny your role in the death of Grand Deity Troy Castille?”

  “No.” Nikki’s body shook, her eyes closed, and she tried not to cry.

  “Master Thracian, do you find fault with this woman?”

  “No.” Ryse pushed as much of his power into that one word as he could. If only it were enough.

  “Are you willing to punish her based on the judgment of the gods?”

  He swallowed and wished like hell he didn’t have to answer. “Yes.”

  Athena handed him a whip. “Prove your loyalty to the gods, Thracian.”

  Every muscle in his body protested as he gripped the whip and took position behind Nikki. She was openly crying and had hunched down around the post, preparing for the worst. Athena used her knife to slit her shirt right up the middle, baring the pale flesh of Nikki’s back.

  He made the mistake of looking over at the three tiers of seats where his family sat. His mother’s face was glistening with tears, but she kept her dignity about her. Avery’s jaw was clenched so tightly it caused her neck to strain, a scowl on her face. Brenden looked downright mutinous. He was rigid in his chair, and his face showed the minute signs of his stress. He gripped the arms of his seat until his knuckles were white. None of them wanted to watch this. None of them thought Nikki deserved it. Yet all of them were going to honor the will of the gods. Ryse turned back to Nikki.

  Why must I do this? Ryse thought as he cast a glance to Ares. The god watched with no emotion, no expression in his glowing features. He did not answer.

  Although his face was partially covered, Ryse kept his expression neutral. The crowd could not see his indecision, not even in his eyes. They couldn’t know what he was about to do would break his heart. All they were supposed to see were his devotion to the gods and his willingness to carry out their wishes, no matter what they were.

  The crowd hushed as Ryse reared back his arm. This was not the first time he’d handled a whip. He knew exactly how to move his arm and flick his wrist to send the nine tails swooshing through the air to bite into flesh. As his arm came forward and the leather flew, he prayed that Nikki would forgive him.

  The tails cracked, the sound of contact with flesh made him sick. Nikki screamed in agony. Ryse thought he might vomit when he saw the red stripes form on her skin and begin to drip.

  Once. Twice. Three times he struck until his entire body shook, refusing to continue.

  “Enough.” Zeus held up his hand.

  Thank the fucking gods. He wanted to sag in relief, but didn’t. He faced Zeus. “My Lord?”

  “Her punishment was to be whipped. You whipped her. That is enough.” He waved her off. “She is not the real criminal here. Now that her blood has spilled, I absolve her from all wrong.”

  Blinding rage filled him. Ryse bent as if bowing and growled under his breath to the god. “Then why the hell did you even bother? She could have been spared.”

  Zeus glared down at him. “Part of this was your test, Master Thracian, as well as your mate’s, your Elites’, and your brother’s. You have done well, so has your family, so has the woman. You all had something to prove.” He addressed the crowd. “Tend to her wounds.”

  “Brenden,” Ryse commanded, and the soldier quickly rushed to Nikki’s side. Two of the Paeans aided him in gathering her up and rushing her out of the arena where she could be tended.

  “Now for the murderer,” Ares bellowed. “Executioner, come forth.”

  The weight of his next task settled heavily on his shoulders, the relief short-lived. As he approached Salina, her eyes widened, but she stayed silent. He opened his hand to his side and called upon the power of the gods who created him. The sword of Ares formed in his hand, perfectly crafted for him. The blade bore the symbols of his people and was sharp beyond measure.

  Ryse stopped by Salina’s head and put the tip of the sword on the stage. He crossed his hands on the handle and awaited orders.

  “Salina Avondale,” Zeus said, “you have been found guilty of murder and numerous crimes against our people. You are sentenced to beheading and an eternity in the depths of Hades. Your soul shall not see the Heavens. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

  The withered old woman with haunted blue eyes turned that gaze on Ryse. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I only wanted you to love me,” she whispered to him.

  Ryse knelt down to be eye level. “You never knew the meaning of love, Salina.”

  “Will you even mourn me?” Her voice cracked, her lips quivered.

  Ryse dropped his head and said the only thing he could. “No.” He then looked her in the eyes. Even in her aged state, he remembered the happy child who played with the horses and twirled her dresses to see them fan out. Things could have been so different for her if only she had chosen wisely. “I shall, however, mourn the woman you could have been.”

  Salina sobbed as he stood and took up his sword.

  “Let this be a lesson to all who dare to defy the gods.” Zeus’ voice reverberated throughout the arena. “We created you for a purpose. We have bestowed our gifts upon you. We shall rule with both love and justice.” The god looked at Ryse and gave a barely discernible nod.

  Ryse raised his sword, his heart ready to explode in his chest. He gritted his teeth. Ares, give me strength, he prayed. Power filled him, wrapped around his soul, and aided him in his task. In his moment of weakness, Ares was there with him physically and mentally, as he had promised. Ryse cried out as the blade sliced through the air and made contact.

  The only thing he heard was Filene’s screams.


  ASHTON SAT MOTIONLESS. His eyes tracked the shining metal of Ryse’s blade as it rose into the air. In that moment, Salina sent him a final telepathic message. In the heartbeat before the blade sliced through her blonde hair and her neck, her eyes flickered to him.

  You’re next.

  Her head fell to the stage floor, her blood mixing with the lamb’s and clinging to her hair. When it finally quit rolling, it stared at him. A withered face, relaxed in death, eyes open.

  Filene screamed beside him. She turned her face into his father’s shoulder. The whole world paused. His sister was dead.

  You're next.

  A princess had been executed. A Castille swung the blade that ended her life. For some reason, up until that moment, until he was staring at the bodiless head of his baby sister, he hadn’t thought Ryse would actually do it. It was quite a shock to his system.

  Ryse truly was the killer of legend.

  You’re next.

  The earth trembled and the skies turned dark. Clouds rolled in and the wind whipped about them. Above the crowd, the portal churned with blackness.

  Hades erupted from the oval, a cloud of oil and acid and brimstone. He flew to the stage and formed an inky cloud above Salina’s decapitated body. If he listened hard enough, Ashton could hear the screams of the souls suffering in the underworld. Chills ran over his skin and the temperature dropped until he could see his panting breath.

  “This one belongs to me,” Hades roared as he absorbed every last drop of her blood and flesh. The god of the underworld formed a mutated version of a body and stood before Ryse, staring him down.

  The bastard deserved credit; he never shrank from Hades. He stood his ground. Thunder boomed overhead as the god spoke to Ryse. No one else heard. Ryse nodded, held up his sword at his chest, and bowed. Whatever passed between the two was a mystery.

  As quickly as he came, Hades rushed back into the oval. The skies settled and the wind ceased. Sunshine bathed them once more. The stage area was clean of all evidence of Salina’s execution. Given how his mother was acting, he was thankful.

  “Before we leave this place,” Zeus said, commanding attention once more, “I shall appoint a new Grand Deity to take the place of our fallen brother Troy and appoint his heir as the North American Deity.”

  Bloody fantastic. Ashton wanted to roll his eyes. Ryse
had just killed his sister and now he was about to be worshipped as the new King of North America. All this political bullshit drove him insane.

  On the up side, there was a possibility that his father might be crowned the new Grand Deity. Who else could it be? Charles was second only to Troy in age and experience. He was the only obvious choice. This had to be part of the reason their family had been asked to stay in this Haven instead of returning home. No other Deity came close to being prepared for such an undertaking. The Grand Deity was in charge of the entire population of Olympians worldwide. It would take a man like Charles to handle the pressures of the task.

  “I ask Master Ryse, Prince Hayden, quondam Deity Hammon, Deity Charles, and Prince Ashton to join me.” Zeus lined up the men and asked them to all take a knee, facing the crowd. “All the Deities around the world, kneel before the gods.”

  What the hell did they need Hammon for? That fool gave up his throne because of a broken heart. He was barely fit to be a warrior, much less be among the rightful royals. And Hayden, well, now there was a joke if he’d ever saw one. Ashton quickly dismissed him.

  “Divine Graces, please come to stand behind your men.”

  Dynasty, Avery—who was damned fuckable—and his mother stood behind the men. He couldn’t help glancing over his shoulder at Avery. Why the hell couldn’t he have met her first? Damned Castilles, always having the upper hand. If Jerry had done his job better, Ashton would have obtained her. He wouldn’t make that mistake again. What a prize he’d missed out on.

  She met his gaze. His body hardened upon seeing the fire burning behind her emerald eyes. It was a shame this woman was now his enemy. She would have made him a good mate.

  Zeus’s voice called them back to attention and Ashton turned to face the crowd. “As the eldest son of Troy Castille, the crown should pass to Ryse.”


  “However, seeing as how Ryse is also acting as Master Thracian, I will give him the option of taking the crown or passing it to his brother, and second legitimate heir, Prince Hayden.”

  What the fuck?

  The brothers exchanged a glance and a head nod. This was not the first they had heard of this plan. Ryse confirmed as much.

  “I wish to pass the crown to my brother Hayden. He is more than worthy and competent to reign.”

  “Prince Hayden, do you voluntarily take the crown, understanding and accepting the duties of Deity of North America?”

  “I do, my Lord.”

  “Are you sure?” Zeus asked, a hint of hesitation in his voice.

  “I am ready to serve my people and my gods in whatever capacity they designate.”

  “So shall it be. A formal coronation shall be held after the appropriate time of mourning for our fallen.”

  Now for the most important part. If his father was anointed as Grand Deity, Ashton could consider his path much easier. Having constant access to the head of the snake makes it easier to chop it off.

  “After much deliberation between the gods, we have decided who shall rule the Olympian people as Grand Deity. All the Deities and princes of the world were considered. We find this man to be honorable, devoted to the gods, and knowledgeable in the old traditions and customs that we long to revive, yet also able to relate to this time period and the people outside out of the Havens. Not only is he a strong leader, but his house reflects this same level of devotion.”

  Oh shit. That would not be the Avondale clan, thank you, Salina. Charles seemed to understand what this meant as well. His shoulders fell slightly. Of course the gods would consider the family of the man who would rule the world. Fuck. That meant even Hammon was in the running. He might have given up his throne, but his son, Eekon, was as devoted a king as his father.

  “After seeing him stand up for the people while in the Heavens, the gods have all agreed unanimously. Your leader will be a strong advocate of the people and will rule justly according to the laws of the gods. Charles Avondale…”


  “…when you were in the Heavens, you stated you would stand behind Ryse Castille.”


  “Would you also stand behind his brother, Hayden?”

  You must be joking?

  A collective gasp came from the crowd and those on stage. Even Ryse Almighty snapped his head around. Hayden looked pale, nearly green. If he blew chunks all over the stage, perhaps the gods would reconsider letting a pussy like him lead their race. Hayden being crowned Grand Deity was ludicrous. He was young, inexperienced, and a complete push over.

  Then again, maybe he was exactly what Ashton needed as Grand Deity. The Olympian population was practically falling into the hands of the demons with every move Zeus made.

  Charles lifted his chin and made eye contact with Hayden for what felt like ten damn minutes. The guy was an Elementalist, not a telepath. What the hell was he doing?

  “I support him, my Lords. I believe, especially after seeing his passion when we were in the Heavens, that Prince Hayden Castille will make a fitting and honorable Grand Deity.”

  “Hayden Castille, Deity de jure, do you accept this position as offered to you by the gods?”

  “I do, my Lords. On one condition.”

  “Speak.” Zeus squinted his glowing eyes at the boy.

  “Out of respect for my brother, and the birthright he deserves, I want the offices of Grand Deity and Thracian Master to be of equal power, accountable to each other, for as long as we serve together.”

  “Fair enough.” Zeus gave in with no hesitation.

  Ryse held out his hand to his brother and Hayden clasped his arm. Lady Dynasty took Avery’s hand. It was all so moving and sentimental and chock full of hearts and rainbows it made him gag. He had to swallow the bile in his throat as the crowd cheered.

  This was total bullshit. The entire Olympian and Thracian populations were going to be ruled by the Castille brothers as equals. Now, more than ever, Ashton knew he had to push on with his quest. The Castilles had to be stopped.

  “Arise, my royal servants.”

  Ashton stood along with the others.

  “Under the next full moon, we shall hold a coronation. Until then, I ask all my children to be in meditation and prayer for your new Grand Deity. Pray for the families of those whose lives have been changed by the events of today. When next we meet, we celebrate and feast.”

  Zeus put his massive hand on Hayden’s shoulder in a show of support. Then he leaned down and whispered in his ear. Hayden’s eyes went wide and he nodded quickly before smiling for the crowd.

  More secrets. These gods were full of them and the Castilles were keeping them.

  Using the portal as their gateway, Zeus, Ares, Athena, and the might as well not exist Poseidon went back to the Heavens, taking the guardian and the portal with them.

  “I want to leave this place,” Filene said to him and his father. “I want to go home and mourn my daughter.”

  Charles took her by the shoulders and hugged her. “Yes, darling. It’s time to go home.”

  They couldn’t get away fast enough. His fucking father had to make it a point to speak to Hayden and Ryse. Bloody hell, could he kiss their asses anymore? The man was going to get chapped lips.

  Ashton stayed by Filene. He could deal much easier with her anger than his father’s misplaced devotions.

  “Filene?” Lady Dynasty came over to them. “Charles says you are leaving today. I pray you have a safe trip home.”

  Filene faced her and stared at Dynasty. “Your son killed my daughter.”

  Dynasty let out a sigh. “Your daughter murdered my husband. Which of the two was the real sin? Ryse acted as the hand of the gods. Salina acted as the hand of selfishness.”

  “You think you’re so justified,” Filene sneered. “Wait until you have to watch one of your children die.”

  “I have,” Dynasty said firmly. The bitch had spine, he’d give her that. “Salina also murdered Avery and she might as well have killed Nikki for all the emotional dam
age this has caused her.”

  “Time will heal her wounds.” Filene waved off the maid. “It doesn’t bring my daughter back.”

  Dynasty clasped her hands in front of her and squared her shoulders. “Time heals some wounds; it festers others. I suggest you tend to your own so they do not become a disease in your soul. I’m sorry our time as friends must end this way.” Her strength gave way to her sadness. “I loved you so dearly, Filene. I still do. Love is honest and does not hide behind pretenses. If you cannot accept this from me, then I understand. I pray, one day, you will accept my love again.” Dynasty bowed her head and turned away.

  “I will never forgive her family,” Filene said under her breath. “She has changed. Her holier than thou ways make me sick. She hides behind the gods.”

  “Don’t worry, Mother.” Ashton touched her face, playing up the caring son card. “Everyone gets what’s coming to them in the end. The Castilles will pay for their power-hungry ways.”

  He sent her to their rooms to pack their things. He had to check on something.

  Ashton, confident that Dante wouldn’t remember anything about their meeting in the woods, sauntered up to where the warrior stood with the Oracle. It didn’t take a genius to figure out there was something between them. His body stayed turned into hers, and her dove gray eyes shone up at him. They were both talking to the temple workers who fawned over the lovely lady from Delphi.

  Dante and the lot of them had lied their asses off about Dante being with Hanna. They were hiding the Oracle all this time.

  “Dante.” Ashton smiled and held out his hand. “Pleased to see you up and moving again. To face a demon on your own…” He shook his head, feigning shock. “Whew, you’re a brave one.”

  Dante shrugged his shoulders and grinned. “My fellow Elites told me there was a fine line between bravery and stupidity.” He rubbed his stomach where his wound was. “I haven’t figured out which classifies me.”

  “Brave,” said the Oracle. “Very brave.”


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