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Marked by a Vampire (The Hybrid Coven Book 1)

Page 12

by Angela Sanders

  Dee knew her life would never be the same again now that Grace was a hybrid and Amelia was a vampire, but in her heart, she was happy to have her friends’ back alive and well—fangs and all. Change was coming, but she welcomed it with open arms—she could finally share her other life with her friends out in the open.


  Grace was unpacking her suitcase in her room when she felt Matthew’s arms wrap around her from behind. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’m glad you decided to stay, even if it is temporary.”

  Grace turned so she could look him in the eyes. “Matthew, so much has happened and I can’t begin to describe what I’m feeling inside, but I know there’s something here—between us. I’d like to see where this goes,” she said fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

  “I would like that as well. I understand if you want to take things slow—”

  Grace cut him off. “Ha! You heard my thoughts again, didn’t you?” She slapped his arm playfully.

  “I didn’t mean to, it just happened. Don’t ask me how we have this connection, because I couldn’t begin to tell you. Once Genevieve and I speak with Amelia and Tristan, you and I should talk to her about it.”

  Grace sighed and ran her hands through her hair. “All right, if you think she might have the answers, but at least try to stay out of my head. I’d like to keep my dirty thoughts about you to myself.” She reached her arms around his neck and lightly kissed his lips. When he went to part her mouth, she pulled back.

  “There will be none of that. Look what happened last time and you need to get downstairs. Shoo.” She pushed him away with a smirk, then sent him out the door.

  “Whatever you say, but we’re not finished. At least with that kiss,” he said as he was walking away.

  Forgetting about her suitcase, Grace plopped on the bed and sighed. That man was going to drive her crazy.


  Matthew arrived in the family room to find Genevieve, Amelia and Tristan already there waiting for him. He walked to bar and asked if anyone would like a drink. Tristan asked for a glass of Scotch. Matthew liked him already.

  Handing Tristan his drink, Matthew sat beside Genevieve on the couch facing the two vampires. “I understand a life with us will be an adjustment, but we have to make one thing very clear: we do not feed on humans, willing or otherwise.” Matthew paused to gauge their reaction, but when none came, he continued, “You may not be aware, but hybrids do not feed on human blood, we only consume animal blood when necessary. This will be your new diet while you are living here. If you foresee any issues with this in the future, I need you to tell me now.”

  Tristan looked to Amelia, then back to Matthew and Genevieve. “We can never repay you for what you’ve done for us. Animal blood is fine. I also have the ability to consume food, the blood only makes me stronger. However, I am cursed to darkness, along with Amelia.”

  “What? You mean I can eat food and that shithead let me starve? Son of a… Where’s the food? I’m starving,” Amelia said. “I’m not trying to be rude, but dammit, I haven’t eaten food in days and thought I’d have to drink freakin’ blood for the rest of my life. Please tell me you have a greasy cheeseburger around here.” She glanced between Matthew and Genevieve, eyes wide like a kid in a candy store.

  Tristan laughed at her outburst, then Matthew called for Anabelle to bring food to the dining room. “We’ll make sure the two of you will have more than enough to eat and if you do require blood, there’s plenty in the storage downstairs just below the kitchen,” he said.

  Genevieve sat quietly, observing the pair for the slightest hint of deceit, but found none. She stood and welcomed them to the family. “I am glad to have you both. Whatever you require, you only need to ask and we will provide it for you.”

  Both Tristan and Amelia were so full of gratitude, it left them nearly speechless. “Thank you,” Tristan said, then Amelia went to the dining room where Anabelle was waiting with food and Tristan followed.

  “What do you think?” Matthew asked Genevieve after the vampires left the room.

  “I believe they will be a welcome asset to our growing family and good for Grace as well,” she answered.

  “About Grace, I have something I would like to speak to you about, but I want her present for the conversation. Do you have a few minutes to spare before you retire for the evening?”

  “Of course. Ask Grace to come downstairs and we can talk things over.”

  “I’ll see if she’s available now.” Matthew stood from the couch and went upstairs to find Grace.

  When he reached her room, the door was closed. Matthew didn’t want to walk in just in case Grace was changing, although the thought was tempting. He had only seen her breasts and could only imagine what the rest of her body looked like. He decided to knock instead.


  Grace opened the door knowing it was Matthew and without a word, she pulled him inside by the front of his shirt. Matthew seemed taken aback when she pushed him against the wall, then slammed the door closed with her foot.

  She wasted no time crushing her lips against his, running her hands through his hair, then moving them down toward his muscled chest. She parted her mouth and sucked on his tongue. Matthew growled, pulling her closer so their bodies were flush together. He moved his hands up the sides of her shirt, continuing to devour her mouth, nipping her bottom lip. When she gasped, he trailed feather-light kisses along her jawline and down her neck, then pushed her back slightly and raised her shirt, revealing her ample breasts. Grace pulled his head down to give him better access when he unclasped her bra, freeing them from their laced concealment. He took her left nipple in his mouth and gently sucked, cupping the right one with his hand.

  Matthew paid homage to her right nipple, and Grace could barely breathe, throwing her head back in ecstasy. When she felt his hard length against her stomach, she abruptly pulled away, clasping her bra and pulling her shirt over her head.

  “Okay, I’m ready to talk to Genevieve now,” she said, then opened the door and walked out, leaving Matthew standing in her room. Grace had heard his thoughts while he was speaking to Genevieve and while he was standing outside of her door, but to her surprise it didn’t alarm her like it had earlier. She decided it would be fun to play a little trick on him. Evil? Yes. But, why not? Sometimes being bad was fun, but dangerous. If she were being honest, she thought she might have tortured herself more than Matthew. She didn’t mean to take it that far and was barely able to pull away. It was only supposed to be a seductive kiss—well, that went out the window. Her heart was still racing in her chest when she descended the stairs.


  Matthew just stood there not knowing what to think or what had just happened. Grace was giving herself over to him, then stopped. Had he frightened her? He had no idea. He realized he would never understand women. He adjusted himself and smacked his face a few times then proceeded out the door.

  When Matthew made his way back into the family room, he found Grace and Genevieve there waiting on the couch. Grace looked up with a mischievous grin when he went to sit beside her. “Feeling better?” she asked.

  Matthew ran his hand through his black hair. “Yes. Fine, thank you.” He looked back at her with a promise for paybacks. Two can play that game, he thought.

  “So, what is it the two of you would like to speak to me about?” Genevieve asked, looking between them.

  “It’s kind of hard to say,” Grace began glancing at Matthew. “I can hear Matthew’s thoughts and he can hear mine, but not all the time. It seems to be getting more frequent, though.”

  Genevieve’s eyes widened and tears began spilling down her face. “What is it? Are you all right?” Matthew asked, reaching out to grasp her hand.

  Grace sat shock-still. She had no idea what caused Genevieve to react in such a manner and it unnerved her. Was this a bad thing? She didn’t think she could handle any more “bad” today.

  Genevieve wiped her tears. “I apol
ogize for my reaction. It has been many years since I’ve heard of such a connection between two people or hybrids like yourselves.” She paused to take a breath as more tears threatened to spill. “What the two of you have is extremely rare and generally only comes around once in a lifetime.”

  “What? What do you mean?” Grace asked near shouting. Sure, she had feelings for Matthew, but it sounded like Genevieve was saying she and Matthew were soulmates or something. That scared the shit out of her. Was she even ready for a commitment like that?

  Matthew sat very still watching Grace’s reaction. He knew what Genevieve meant. Grace was his mate. How could he have missed it? He should have known the very first time he sensed her soul and his body screamed, “Mine.” However, he wasn’t aware mates were able to communicate with their minds. What if Grace rejected him? Could he live with that? No, he decided he couldn’t. He would wait for her for all eternity if that’s what it took.

  Genevieve looked at Grace with understanding eyes. “I know this must be a lot for you to take in, especially considering you were only introduced to our world less than twenty-four hours ago, but when a vampire or hybrid meets his or her mate, it is for life. There is no running away from it.

  “Tell me, what did you feel when you first met Matthew?” she asked.

  Only one word came to mind. “Safe,” Grace responded.

  “Do you know why that is?” Genevieve asked.

  “No,” Grace answered nervously, fiddling with her hands.

  “Because your soul recognized his. It was the same for you, correct Matthew?”

  He nodded.

  Genevieve continued, “The reason I know this is because I was married once a very long time ago. His name was Frank; he was my mate. And before you ask, he was killed by a rogue vampire over forty years ago and that’s why I reacted the way I did.”

  The room fell silent. Even Matthew didn’t know Frank was her mate.

  Grace looked at Matthew with tears in her eyes, then back to Genevieve. “I’m so sorry about your husband. I don’t know what to say.”

  Genevieve placed her hand on Grace’s knee. “Whatever you do, don’t let fear guide you. Listen to your heart. It will never steer you wrong. And Matthew, you only have but this one life. Make it count.” She stood, wiping an errant tear from her face, then left the room.

  Matthew moved closer to Grace, taking her hands in his. “Are you okay?”

  Grace nodded, not sure what to say, but she knew from the moment she met Matthew there was a strong connection that she couldn’t explain. Now, she knew why. “I’m at a loss for words, to be honest, but I can’t say that I’m not happy, only a little scared.”

  Matthew sighed in relief and pulled her into his arms, kissing her hair. “This life is new for you and I understand your apprehension. I will wait for you as long as it takes,” he said.

  Grace’s heart fluttered in her chest at his words. No man had ever treated her with such genuine kindness and affection. She still wanted to take things slow, but her heart belonged to Matthew. Whatever came of this new life, they would stand together as one. She had her friends, a new family and a whole new world of magic to look forward to. What else could she ask for?

  The End….. For now.

  About the Author

  I’m a wife to a wonderful man named, Jason, and Mommy to the greatest miracle God could’ve ever blessed me with. As a retired Navy Chief living in Kentucky, I spend most of my days either writing, editing, reading or all three. (Less reading these days.)

  I’m so grateful to everyone who has helped me along the way. My character inspirations typically come from friends and family; however, in this book, they took on a life of their own. It was so much fun to write and a learning experience at the same time. The Hybrid Coven was originally supposed to be a spin-off novella, but turned out to be a new series all on its own. Watch for the next installment where Dee takes center stage!

  Please consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads. As a new author, every little bit helps. Reviews are our lifeblood and lets us know how we’re doing and if we need to improve. I appreciate each and every one of you and thank you for reading my books.

  More works by this author:

  Winds of Change (Delphine Rising Book 0.5)

  Raging Inferno (Delphine Rising Book 1)

  Marked by a Vampire (The Hybrid Coven Book 1)

  Magic Unleashed (Delphine Rising Book 2) -Coming soon.

  Touched by a Vampire – coming soon.

  Legends and Heroes (War of the Gods) available in paperback only. Will be uploaded to Amazon in October 2017.

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