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The Billionaire's Weekend Bride

Page 17

by Love, Kimmy

  "I know, Suze, but I really don't think it's a good idea for you to go out if Edward's going. I don't trust him. I just don't want you to get hurt."

  "We spoke about this, Kaya. I'm not going to sit in the hostel staring out the window and sighing while you're off having an amazing time. This could be our last week here and I want to have fun." She looked over at Connor who looked away quickly because he'd been staring at her again. "Why don't you come this time, Connor? I'm going to miss you so much when we leave here. I'd love to have just one really fun night out with you there."

  "Oh, I don't know," Connor said shyly. "I don't think it's my scene."

  Kaya waited until Suzie was out of earshot to beg Connor to go along. "I don't trust Edward," she told him in a hushed voice. "And you know what? I don't think I trust Max either. Henry says that he'll just go along with whatever Edward does. I know I can't stop Suzie going if she's made up her mind, but I'd feel so much better if I knew you were with her. I'd know then that she'd be safe."

  Connor let out a long, awkward sigh and threw his gaze over to where Suze was serving a customer at the counter. "I don't want to third-wheel her and Max. She knows I like her. It'll come across as weird."

  "What? No, it won't. She just invited you. Please Connor! I can't be there. I've promised Henry I'll go with him to one of his hotel events and it could be my last night with him. Please keep an eye on her for me. I know you won't let anything happen to her."

  The waiter folded under the pressure and held up his hands helplessly, shaking his head in despair. "Fine. But only because you might both be leaving me next week."

  That night, both girls were excited getting ready. Suzie got dressed up in a skin-tight hot pink dress which showed off her cleavage and made her look even more girly and blonde than she usually did and Kaya wore a floor length black gown which also clung to her figure, but in a way which was sophisticated and eye-catching rather than overly revealing.

  She wore her diamonds again and piled her hair high up on the top of her head in an elaborate style. She looked like a debutante at her first ball. Stunning. Suzie looked over at her when she was fully dressed and smiled with affection. All of a sudden, she reached up to pull Kaya into a close hug.

  "You look beautiful, Kaya and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for having been so spoiled this summer. I know I've not been easy to deal with, but you know you mean the world to me and I'm so glad I stayed."

  Kaya hugged her back. "I'm glad too, Suzie. It wouldn't have been the same without you."

  Suzie was the first to leave the hostel when Connor came knocking, dressed in an out-of-fashion shirt and a pair of smart pants that didn't quite match, but Suzie smiled widely to see him there and told him he looked good. He walked with her to the curb and Kaya watched through the window with concern to see them both climb into Edward's flashy car.

  Her concern was soon forgotten when she saw a sleek limousine pull up outside and Henry step out. He saw her watching from the window and gave a little bow. Other young people inside the hostel pulled back their curtains and murmured to each other when Kaya stepped outside to greet him and she felt so special and not because of the fancy car or their beautiful clothes, but because of the way Henry smiled to see her and how she got to be his for the night.

  When they arrived at the hotel, many of the guests were already there and it was proving to be an opulent affair. The women were dripping in diamonds and the men were wearing expensive tailored suits. Kaya had almost forgotten what it felt like to be at the center of such an extravagant affair, but all her etiquette lessons came back to her and she walked, spoke and drank like the fine-mannered young lady she had been raised to be. Henry seemed enchanted by her with every step she took.

  The music inside the hall was a sophisticated orchestral melody that made Kaya feel like she'd stepped into another time and when everyone began to take hold of their partners and spin on the dance floor, she looked shyly across to Henry to see if he would ask her to dance. He didn't let her down.

  "Can I have this dance?"

  He asked her so nicely, as if he'd just come from his own etiquette lessons and they moved together amidst the crowd of people to the center of the floor. The room they were in was magnificent, with towering ceilings, chandeliers, sculpted archways and marble floors. The sound of the orchestra was enchanting and Kaya felt herself grow breathless when Henry placed one hand on her lower back and with his other took hold of her own.

  Then they began to dance and it was wonderful. Both had learned how to ballroom dance at some point in their lives and they moved around the floor expertly and in perfect momentum with one another. Kaya marveled at how easily her step fell to match his and every time that she lifted her eyes and caught a glimpse of his handsome smile, she half-swooned.

  Yes, she could be judgmental when it came to all the airs and graces of the upper classes, but there was really nothing more romantic than dancing with your man and getting lost in each other’s' eyes, even as a whole roomful of people swirled around you.

  They danced for hours and drank and Kaya felt that this was truly the most magical evening of her whole life. Everybody who spoke to Henry knew who he was and nobody seemed to have anything but respect for him. Kaya could tell that despite his boyish behavior when it came to spending time with Max and Edward, that he really was a young man with high aspirations and ready to accept his responsibilities. She felt a little sorry for him that he had such great shoes to fill, but she admired how he handled his position with grace and maturity, while she had been the one to run away from the demands of her status.

  They stepped outside for a moment to get some air. There was a beautiful balcony, which overlooked the wonderfully crafted hotel gardens and the air was filled with the fragrance of the flowers. Henry leaned against the balustrade and looked out over them with a sentimental gleam in his eye.

  He turned back to look at Kaya and she could see at once how much adoration he held in his eyes for her. He opened his mouth as if to speak, when his cell phone began to ring in his pocket. He sighed, pulled it out and looked at the caller ID.

  "It's Edward," he said with surprise. He lifted the phone to his ear and Kaya began to feel panic as she saw how Henry's expression grew worried and then angry. "You idiot!" he scowled. "Why on earth would you let her do that? And Connor... Jesus, Ed... Is he going to be OK? You're right this is a big deal. Don't worry. I'm on my way."

  Henry hung up and ran his hands through his hair desperately. He looked at the worry in Kaya's face and his expression became apologetic. He reached out to hold her hands and shook his head sadly. "Edward, Max, Suzie and Connor have been in a car accident," he told her softly. "I need to get down to the hospital to speak to Edward. The police are there and this could all blow up."

  "Oh my God!" Kaya gasped. "What happened? Is everyone OK?"

  "They drank too much, probably did drugs as well - God knows, with Edward - and the fool let Suzie take the wheel. Connor is in a bad way. There are going to be arrests. If I can get down there quickly, then I might be able to do some damage control. Pull some strings."

  A hand flew to Kaya's mouth and she gasped. "Suzie was driving?"

  "I'll know more when I get there."

  "I'm coming with you."

  "It's probably best that you wait at the hostel or up in my suite, Kaya. There are police around. It's going to be chaos."

  "I'm coming with you," Kaya repeated in a firmer voice. Henry sighed heavily, but relented. He put his phone to his ear again and called for his driver to come in a less conspicuous vehicle. Minutes later, the pair were in the back of his Mercedes and being driven towards the hospital. Henry was continuously sighing and shaking his head. Kaya could tell that he was angry.

  "He's got no concern for anyone but himself," he raged. "How could he let Suzie drive? What did he think was going to happen?"

  Kaya was just concerned about her friends. How badly hurt were they? Henry had said Connor was in a bad way. Ho
w bad? She wanted to cry, but adrenaline was stopping her from shedding any tears. Instead, she just felt her heart pounding in her chest and found herself gripping tightly onto Henry's hand. She felt guilty for feeling so relieved that she'd been with him that night instead, and kept questioning what might have happened if she had been in the car. She felt horrible Connor had been injured. After all, she was the one who had begged him to keep Suzie safe.

  They arrived at the hospital and both jumped out of the car. They raced through the sterile corridors to the reception desk of the ER and were directed to where Suzie, Edward and Max were all waiting anxiously outside the door of Connor's hospital room. The minute that Suzie saw Kaya, she let out a terrified sob and fell weeping into her arms. Her make-up was smeared all down her face from where she'd been crying, her high-heeled shoes were discarded at the edge of the corridor and she was trembling like a leaf. Kaya hugged her tightly, just relieved that she was alright, and then stepped back to look into her face and ask her what had happened.

  "Don't say anything, Suzie," Edward interrupted aggressively as she went to speak. "Connor was driving. That's the story we stick to. It was Connor at the wheel."

  "Suze?" Kaya said in a gentler tone. "What really happened?"

  "We'd all been drinking," Suze sniffled. "Edward was wasted. He was acting all crazy and getting a little violent. We tried to get a cab, but there were none around. Edward pulled out his keys and said he was going to drive. We all tried to stop him, but he insisted that he was taking his car. Well, there was no stopping him. I'd only had a couple of coolers, so I convinced him to let me drive. I thought I'd go really slowly, get us back safely and put him to bed.

  Connor tried to convince me to stay behind, but Max was wasted as well and I was worried about them going off together and getting hurt. It seems ridiculous now after...

  Well, Connor doesn't know how to drive and the other two were so drunk and I felt fine. It wasn't far and I was sure I'd get us all back, no problems. Connor didn't want to get in the car..." Suzie broke down in guilty tears and Kaya had to listen really carefully to catch the rest of her story through her sobs. "Edward had been talking about taking something harder and I was worried what they'd do if we let them go off on their own.

  I just wanted everyone to be safe. Connor wouldn't leave me on my own with them and I was too bloody stubborn to just throw away the keys... I was driving just fine. Honestly, I'd not had that much to drink Kaya, I swear... but then this car came around a bend way too fast. I went to slam on the brakes, but my heel got caught at the pedal. I swerved instead and Connor got the brunt of the other car."

  "Oh my God..." Kaya gasped. "Is he going to be alright?"

  Suzie was wiping at her tears and shaking uncontrollably, but she nodded. "He's stable. When the car stopped, we were all shaken, but Connor wasn't moving. Edward made me get out of the car..."

  "That's enough, Suzie!" Edward warned aggressively.

  "I want to hear it," Henry growled. He'd been standing nearby listening to Suzie's story and Kaya could see that his patience for his friend was wearing thin. His lethal stare was enough to make Edward reluctantly fall silent.

  "Edward made me get out of the car and he and Max lifted Connor into the driver's seat. By the time the police arrived, it looked like he'd been the one driving. They've already interviewed the people in the other car and the driver said he didn't see who was at the wheel. Connor hadn't had anything to drink. Edward thought if he was in the driver's seat, he'd get away with it."

  "What's wrong with you?" Henry accused Edward viciously. "What kind of a stupid idea is that?"

  "Don't," Suzie begged. Her voice had become weak and frail and Kaya could see just how terrible she felt. Her tears kept falling, but she was managing to speak more clearly now. "This is all my fault. I should've listened to Connor. I should've given him the keys and let Max and Edward go off.

  I was just trying to look out for everyone... I didn't want them to get high and get in trouble. Now the police want to talk to Connor and he's been hurt. Kaya, I feel so bad. He never should have been in that car."


  The next twenty-four hours were a lot to take in. Connor had suffered multiple fractures and internal bleeding, but luckily the doctors managed to stabilize him and had assured the group that he was out of hot water and likely to make a full recovery.

  Kaya was the first to see him the next morning when visitors were allowed. She nervously entered the room with Henry at her side and her eyes filled up with tears again when she saw him hooked up to plastic tubes and bruised all over. He looked very pale and tired and his glasses were set aside on his bedside table, but he smiled when he saw her come in and attempted to sit up with a wince.

  "Don't get up!" Kaya told him, rushing to his side and gently urging him to lie back down. "Oh my God, Connor. How are you feeling?"

  Connor saw her eyes tracing all the tubes and he let out a little laugh and patted her hand reassuringly. "It's just painkillers, Kaya. I'm not quite on life support yet."

  "I'm so sorry," Kaya gushed. "I'm the one who asked you to go with her. I'm so sorry it ended like this."

  "It's not your fault," Connor told her kindly. He looked up and spotted Henry hovering by the doorway and he gestured that it was alright for him to step into the room. "How is Suzie?"

  "A bit banged up, but on her feet," Kaya replied. "She told us everything. I'm so sorry that she dragged you into this. She's a stupid girl."

  "She was worried about Edward and Max," Connor sighed. "If I knew how to drive I'd have taken them home myself, but as it was I had to choose between letting her go off with them on her own or getting in the car, and you know I don't trust either of those guys."

  Henry sat down on the other side of Connor and gave him a serious look. "You know that they're trying to frame you as the driver?"

  "I was a bit confused when the police mentioned that, but I went with it," Connor confessed. "They said that the driver in the other car had been drinking himself, so I'd swerved to avoid them."

  "It's more serious than that, Connor," Kaya said with worry. "You were driving without a license and had an accident. That could get you in serious trouble. Why did you take the blame for it?"

  Connor gave a timid shrug and let out a little sigh. "I didn't want Suze to take the fall," he told them. "If she'd have been caught it would have been a DUI and then I don't know how much trouble they'd get in for trying to pin it on me. I thought the best thing was to go with it and just learn from my mistakes to never go anywhere with those two again. I knew they were trouble."

  "You warned us," Kaya said regretfully. "Gosh, Connor, are you really alright? I've been worried sick about you."

  "I'm a survivor," Connor grinned. "I'll be fine."

  "Suzie wants to see you. I wasn't sure that was for the best."

  That made Connor perk up a little. "No. That's fine. I want to see her."

  "Aren't you furious?" Kaya asked with disbelief. "She dragged you into that car, crashed it and then let you take the blame. She's my friend, Connor, but I don't think I could forgive her for that."

  "She panicked," Connor justified. "And I know that pinning it on me wasn't her idea. Let her come in."

  Kaya opened the door to Connor's room and gestured for Suzie to enter. The poor girl was still in her party clothes from the night before and hadn't stopped crying since the accident. She burst into fresh tears when she saw Connor hooked up in his hospital bed and she threw herself into his arms, causing Connor to let out a little yelp of pain, but then a little chuckle.

  "I'm so sorry, Connor," Suzie wept. "I'm going to tell the police everything. I swear. You never should have been with us that night. It's all my fault. Don't worry. I'm going to do the right thing."

  "Don't," Connor replied. "Keep your mouth shut. It'll be much worse for you if it comes out that you were driving that car. The other driver had been drinking. It doesn't have to come out that you were drinking, too. Nobody
was really hurt. With any luck, we'll be able to get this down to an insurance issue and a fine for driving without a license. I'm sure the other guy will just be really happy if we don't press charges. Don't worry, Suze. It's all going to be alright."

  Suzie couldn't let go of Connor. She was so relieved to see him alright and touched by his chivalry that she was practically sitting on his lap and Kaya indicated to Henry that they should leave the two alone.

  "He's a better man than me," Henry said when they were outside the ward. "I'd have killed them."

  "He'd do anything for a girl," Kaya said. "He's just that sort of guy. The sort who falls head over heels on a first date and is utterly devoted forever."

  "Those types of guys are foolish. They end up like Connor."

  The two began to stroll away from the hospital hand in hand. The adrenaline from the night before was slowly beginning to wear off now that it was clear that Connor was going to be alright. Henry had sent for a change of clothes for them both the night before, so now Kaya was comfortably in denim jeans and a baggy sweatshirt and Henry was wearing a pair of khaki pants and the same loose white shirt he'd been wearing the night when Kaya had first met him.

  "I'll make sure this goes away," Henry promised her. "I'll pull some strings and make sure none of this comes back to haunt Connor. You're right. He never should have been involved. This is the final straw between me and Edward. I've had enough of this kind of thing. He needs to grow up."

  "That's good to hear," Kaya said slowly. "I'm going to worry about you when we're apart."

  Henry came to a stop and turned to face her. He took hold of her hands and for the first time since she'd met him, Kaya saw his confidence slip for a moment and caught sight of an insecure, slightly boyish young man with a crush. He reached into the pocket of his pants and anxiously pulled out a plane ticket, which he pressed into her hands.


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