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Alien Romance: Step Alien (Sci-Fi Paranormal Romance) (SciFi Invasion Short Stories)

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by S. T. Miller

  Stepbrother Alien

  A Sci-Fi Alien Romance

  This deliciously dirty story is a part of S.T. Miller’s super-charged, highly lewd collection of love and lust, written in 2015. Those who attempt to steal any part of this goldmine and take it as their own risk being a fiery, hot death from a hunk bearing copyright notices—and she’s not about to play with you.

  This is a work of fiction—although we wish that people like this really existed, it’s nothing more than a figment of a very, very overactive imagination. Any resemblance to someone you know, a place you love or a thing you hold dear to your heart is nothing more than a craving in your heart that these carnal desires and actions were true!

  It goes without saying that this book oozes with erotic sex appeal, and is filled to the rafters with a smorgasbord of acts that you certainly wouldn’t tell your grandmother about. Bodice-ripping, panty-dropping and glasses-steaming, the scenes contained herein are wickedly naughty!

  Although all the saucy characters are flirting with forbidden desires and sometimes taking the naughty fruit they really shouldn’t be, all are consenting adults over the age of 18 and not blood-related. What they are is passionate and eager to fuck and be fucked all day long.

  In short, this book is going to get you very, very hot!

  A Note to the Naughty Amongst Us

  I devote this book as my attempt to satisfy all those forbidden urges we might just happen to share.

  Please follow S.T. Miller:

  S.T. Miller – for all the lustful stories you’re dying to read.

  Want to read other steamier stories?

  A Spanking Out West: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride

  Pleasing My Professor

  Stepbrother Forbidden

  The Rancher's Mail Order Bride

  Taking On The Team

  Taught By The Boss

  Two For One Tonight

  And if you want to get notified when I publish another steamy story, just click here to subscribe to my spam-free and private e-mail list.

  Table Of Contents


  Chapter 1: An Unexpected Surprise

  Chapter 2: A Mysterious Disappearance

  Chapter 3: Reunion

  Chapter 4: Blake’s Story

  Chapter 5: Forbidden Fruit

  Chapter 6: A Secret Revealed

  Chapter 7: The Capture

  Conclusion: The Escape


  Whenever I reflected on my life, I always saw it divided clearly in three different stages.

  My life as it unfolded with Blake’s sudden and unexpected arrival into our family.

  Life after his equally sudden disappearance and then the startling and often dangerous turn of events, which changed the course of my life forever throwing me headlong into what I have come to believe must always have been my destiny.

  But to make any sense of it all I would have to start at the very beginning. The day I first met Blake.

  Chapter 1: An Unexpected Surprise

  The day I met Blake stands out sharply and I can vividly recall the tiniest details like the colorful dahlias and begonias dancing cheerfully in the slight summer breeze. The peaceful blue of the sky, the slow moving clouds shaped like dragons, the lemony scent of clean kitchen counters… everything stood out sharply.

  I was dressed in my pyjamas enjoying my Saturday morning cartoons curled up in daddy’s arms when the peal of the front door bell vibrated through the house. My mother went to open the door and soon her voice drifted through into the living room nervously calling out to Daddy, “Ed? Can you come here please?”

  “Now.” She added urgently.

  Daddy slid me off his lap, “Karen sweetie, I’ll be right back, you keep watching your cartoons okay?”

  Without waiting for an answer Daddy hurried down the hall to the front entryway. Being of an inquisitive age, I of course had to follow and trotted after him to find Mommy standing in the foyer, the front door held wide open as she rapidly spoke to my father in a low voice. My eyes drifted past them to the little figure standing by the doorstep.

  And that’s when I first met Blake. He was small boy with pale, streaked blond hair, which hung past his chin. With his stooped shoulders and thin arms he looked frail and weak. He was dressed in a plain white t-shirt and faded blue jeans. He looked no more than three years old himself; we found out later he was actually five.

  Mommy and Daddy were still engrossed in conversation; I caught little bits and pieces. “Who is he?” I heard Daddy ask.

  “I don’t know.” Mommy replied weakly, “He says he can’t remember anything, he woke up from a nap and found himself at our door.”

  Daddy looked at the strange little boy incredulously before turning back to Mommy. “Maureen, this has to be a prank. Does he have any identification on him? Any papers?”

  My parents looked at the little boy again, other than the clothing on his back, he had nothing else on him.

  “We should call the police.” My father said decisively. “This kind of prank is unacceptable, a child’s life is nothing to toy with.” He was starting to sound angry.

  “I agree but let’s at least bring him into the house.” Mommy said, her soft heart yielding to the little boy’s pitiful plight.

  “Fine, but make sure to stay just in the living room, we don’t know anything about him or where he came from.”

  “Ed! I hardly think he’s dangerous, just look at him.” Mommy protested before gently drawing Blake closer to her and inside the house.

  My father harrumphed in response and went to get the phone.

  Through the entire exchange, Blake and I studied each other carefully, sizing each other up. Somehow, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his and I almost felt like I could read his mind and hear his thoughts. I imagined him pleading with me asking if he could stay. I heard him whisper how much fun it would be to have a brother to play with.

  As I kept looking at him I felt an unspoken current of sympathy and understanding flow from each of our souls and form an unshakable bond. By the time the police arrived to investigate this extraordinary story, Blake and I had already formed a connection, becoming fast friends.

  When the police arrived they wanted to take him away and put him in a foster home. But Mommy refused to turn Blake out of her home, she was especially adamant when she saw us quietly playing together happy and at ease. She insisted he be allowed to stay with us, at least for the time being.

  “What difference does it make whether he’s at a foster home or here?” she asked.

  The young officer began to protest and explain about protocol but Mommy had a stubborn streak and she continued on interrupting the officer’s explanation. “Besides he was left here by someone, so if and when they come back wouldn’t it be better if he was actually staying here?”

  Unable to argue with her logic, the police officers reluctantly agreed to allow Blake to stay with us while they conducted their investigation.

  I think you’ll be allowed to stay here. I said to Blake with my eyes. Forever? He asked sounding hopeful.

  I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my blocks, what did I know? I was only three after all.

  Blake was settled into the guest bedroom next to my room and that evening Mommy went out to the mall and bought him clothes and some toys. Over the following weeks and months the police followed up on every lead they could find, they spoke to Blake at length about his life but he had no memories from the past and the only thing he could re
member was waking up on our doorstep.

  The police put up flyers, they put it on the news and the radio but nobody ever came forward to say they knew him or had seen him. In the meantime, Blake had quickly and seamlessly integrated into our family, especially in my little world. We became inseparable and did everything together. We played games, ate together, read to each other, took our naps at the same time, watched television and many other things.

  Even though Blake was small for his age and was not the strongest boy, it quickly became apparent he was an extremely intelligent boy and soon he was teaching me simple math and helping me to read and practice my letters.

  Pretty soon I felt as if Blake had always been a part of our lives, in fact all of my earliest memories revolved around Blake and spending time together. My nightly prayer to God was that Blake would be allowed to live with us always and forever.

  God answered my prayers when almost a year to the day Blake first arrived, the detective in charge of Blake’s case officially closed his file and informed my parents they could go ahead and adopt Blake if they wished.

  In the blink of an eye, Blake became an official Langley, a son to my parents and a cherished, older brother to me. But he was so much more than that; he was my companion, my best friend, my confidante and my partner in crime in all mischievous things, no matter what I did I knew Blake would always be there to protect me.

  To celebrate Blake’s adoption, my parents got him a dog. A beautiful golden puppy with large, brown eyes. Blake insisted I be the one to name him and so the dog came to be known by the somewhat dubious name of Sparkles and became our beloved family pet.

  Soon, our lives settled into the steady rhythm of the quintessential suburban American family with summer vacations to Disneyland, winter breaks in resorts down south. Family picnics, movie nights, perfectly trimmed lawn, a white picket fence and baked goods on the kitchen counter. We even had cartoon stickers on the back of our family SUV to represent us, the stick thin Mommy, the goofy Daddy, the older brother with a baseball cap, the little sister with her hair in pigtails and the family pet on a leash. We took family portraits and put them in frames around the house.

  I had dark brown hair and dark blue eyes, a straight aristocratic nose and full bow shaped lips. People told me all the time I looked exactly like Mommy. And people naturally assumed that Blake got his blond hair and light blue eyes from Daddy except Daddy had a darker hue of blond hair.

  As we grew up, Blake and I continued to maintain our closeness, when he started school full time, I spent a few bad nights terrified he wouldn’t want to spend time with me anymore because he would make so many friends at school, especially boys his own age. I was scared he would think it uncool to be seen hanging around with his baby sister but to my great joy and relief Blake continued to love me best.

  He made a few friends but nobody ever even came close to displacing me. And it was the same for me, even when I started school and met a whole horde of little boys and girls; I still loved Blake the best.

  So our friendship and love for each other continued to grow and strengthen, creating a powerful bond between us. I was to realize much later that it was a bond which transcended time and space.

  Happy and secure in my life, untouched by sadness or troubles of any kind, I was completely unprepared to face the tragedy which descended on us soon after Blake’s fourteenth birthday.

  Chapter 2: A Mysterious Disappearance

  One day he was home, teasing me about boys, helping Daddy with the yard work and complimenting Mommy on her cooking and the very next day he was gone.


  Vanishing into thin air like a wisp of smoke as suddenly and mysteriously as he had first appeared.

  My parents called all his friends but nobody had seen him or heard from him all day. In fact they soon came to know he hadn’t been at school either. Frantic with worry, they called the police. Search parties were quickly organized and the surrounding areas were scoured with a fine toothcomb but nothing could be found. Not a clue, not a hint, absolutely no sign of Blake. It was as if he had never existed. Everyone feared he had been kidnapped.

  My parents spent every waking moment either glued to the phone or running to the front door in the hopes that someone would call or leave a note asking for a ransom. But no such call ever came. After days and weeks of searching, the police arrived at the conclusion Blake must have been kidnapped by the same people who had left him at our doorstep to begin with.

  My parents were inconsolable with grief at his loss…their beloved son. As for me…I think I was shell shocked. I felt as though someone had ripped out my heart, torn it in half and ran off with it. I felt incomplete without my brother and best friend.

  I lay awake for hours at night concentrating all my attention on Blake and calling out to him in my head. Growing up, our connection to each other had been so strong we often had the uncanny ability to almost read each other’s thoughts. I clung to the belief that somehow he would be able to sense what I was asking the way he used to.

  “Where are you Blake?”

  “Please come home now Blake, we miss you so much.”

  “Are you hurt? Are you unwell?”

  But he never answered my pleas. It all felt like such a cruel joke I kept waiting for him to walk through the doors at any minute and say haha gotcha! I kept this hope alive for endless weeks and months until I was forced to face the fact he would never be returned to us.

  The police officers told us bluntly that after such a long period of time, it was highly unlikely they would find any trace of him. In fact. chances were high he was no longer with us at all. But still we had hope, I felt certain that had Blake died somehow, my heart would have sensed it and known. I think Mommy and Daddy felt the same way because we talked about him all the time in the present tense and discussed plans for the future like family vacations with Blake in mind.

  But then one day, we stopped and I knew they had reached the point where all hope had died. They no longer expected him to ever be returned to us. I too stopped watching the door or jumping at every phone call thinking it was him.

  In the months and years which followed, I grew up from the sheltered, naïve little girl who believed life was filled with magic and fairies into a thoughtful, grounded teenager who had tasted and lived through life’s most bitter sorrow and pain.

  Little did I know then, this tragedy in my life was shaping me for my future. It was preparing me for the role I would eventually play where my courage would be tested on a daily basis, where my kindness and strength would be essential to the survival of the human race.

  I may have stopped hoping Blake would one day return but I never forgot about him and found myself thinking about him often.

  One of my favorite past times was to imagine what he may look, I pictured him as a thin man of medium height with pale blond hair and very fair skin. The way he looked like as a child except in a grown up body. I could not have been more wrong.

  A decade was to go by before I lay my eyes on him again.

  Chapter 3: Reunion

  I had just celebrated my 19th birthday, it had been a quiet gathering with some of my close friends unlike my 18th birthday when my parents had thrown me a lavish surprise party. So there I was a fresh faced 19 year old girl, spending my last official summer at home before moving away to college in the fall. And so far it was turning out to be a less than stellar summer break, one clouded in miserable shades of blue.

  I was stuck in a dead end job I hated at the local burger joint while most of my friends were off travelling and having adventures and I had just been dumped by my boyfriend of four months in favor of the school slut because rumor had it she would spread her legs for just about anyone.

  And to make matters worse, the weather was unrelentingly hot, hot, hot. I went to bed each night desperately hoping for rain and cool winds but woke up every morning to dry, muggy weather, my skin slick and warm with sweat. All in all it wasn’t a very promising s
tart the summer. And then everything changed.


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