Alien Romance: Step Alien (Sci-Fi Paranormal Romance) (SciFi Invasion Short Stories)

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Alien Romance: Step Alien (Sci-Fi Paranormal Romance) (SciFi Invasion Short Stories) Page 2

by S. T. Miller

  I came home one afternoon, every bone in my body tired and aching, the strands of my thick hair and the pores of my skin smelling like fried burgers and fries. The very first thing I did was to peel off all my clothes and jump into a scalding hot shower. I dallied over the pleasure of lathering my hair and body with delicious vanilla scented soap and shampoo. When I had scrubbed my body clean I turned the shower off and had just finished swathing my body with a fluffy towel when the front door bell chimed.

  I turned back to the mirror and continued drying my body determined to ignore who ever it was when I suddenly remembered I was waiting for a package to arrive that day. I looked at myself in the mirror again trying to decide if I had enough time to throw on some clothes but the bell rang again.

  “Fuck!” I grunted out loud, I had no choice but to answer the door right away, towel or no towel. I hurried down the stairs and saw the vague outline of a tall shadow standing on our porch.

  “I’m here, I’m here.” I yelled out loud hoping the delivery man would hear me and wouldn’t leave. Rushing to the door I threw it open and started to greet the person standing in front of me but the words died in my throat and I gasped in shock and admiration instead.

  Never before had I seen such a beautiful looking man. My eyes travelled shamelessly down the length of his body; he was tall. Very tall.

  Almost 6 feet 7 inches. And his body bulged with strong, rippling muscles from the broad shoulders down to his powerful looking legs. He had a narrow waist, which I had always found extremely sexy in a man and looked cool as a cucumber dressed in a white t-shirt, dark jeans and black boots.

  As I studied his body, my own reacted in an odd way, I felt my vagina contract with desire. My skin felt hot and flushed and it wasn’t from the steaming shower I had just enjoyed. My stomach bubbled with excitement and my nipples hardened and tingled in anticipation of something.

  I lifted my gaze and looked at his face, suddenly feeling ashamed of the overtly sexual way in which I had checked him out but to my surprise he was studying me just as intensely. The expression in his brilliant blue eyes was a mixture of awe and amusement.

  As we continued to stare at each other, I saw his eyes dip a little lower, focusing on my cleavage. Following the direction of his gaze, I saw the knot on my towel had come undone and it was now hanging loosely around my body giving him a full view of one tanned breast and a hard, rosy nipple.

  Wordlessly, I shifted the towel and tightened the knot so it covered me more fully but deep down I was itching to yank it off and lay myself bare. When I looked back up, his eyes were no longer amused, they were staring back at me with an unsettling intensity, drinking me in hungrily and I recognized the look in his eyes for what it was because it mirrored my own tumultuous emotions.

  We were both horny as fuck.

  I swallowed hard several times to get myself under control because I couldn’t exactly jump him and drag him off to bed no matter how much I wanted to.

  Or could I?

  The rapid and disturbing thoughts flowing through my brain was shocking. I was a virgin and proud to be one. Sex wasn’t something I was overly interested in so this sudden sexual hunger I was experiencing startled and confused me. What was even more shocking was that I actually debated letting my towel drop to the floor just to see what would transpire.

  Judging from the way the clear blue green eyes were staring at me I was fairly certain the handsome stranger would jump at the change to ravish me right then and there.

  It was only at then I suddenly realized there was something familiar about him.

  I know him from somewhere, I thought to myself, but where?

  Those eyes, they’re clear blue, what was it about them. I studied his features more closely, the chiseled jaw, the patrician nose, the smooth, high forehead, the soft wavy blond hair, that smile…and then everything clicked all at once in my brain. The hair was darker, the physical build was completely different but those eyes and the warm smile were still the same.

  The blood fled from my face and I croaked out in a strangled whisper, unable to believe I was uttering these words,

  “Oh my god, Blake?”

  “Karen?” he asked with a hint of doubt in his deep, slightly foreign voice.

  “Yes, yes, YES!” I screeched with joy, I wanted to leap into his arms but the towel held me back, “It’s me!! Oh my God! Blake!” I knew I probably sounded hysterical but I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  He looked me up and down again and whistled in appreciation. “Well you’ve certainly grown up.”

  I blushed at the compliment. I definitely wasn’t the stick thin, flat chest girl with the pigtails from our younger years. I knew I had rounded out in all the right places with a tiny waist, long, athletic legs and large, supple breasts. I couldn’t help but feel pleased he found me so attractive. And was immediately ashamed of myself.

  That’s your brother. The logical part of my brain whispered cautiously. Only an adoptive brother, argued my raging hormones.

  “What’s a guy have to do for a hug around here?” he asked wryly, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

  Deliberately pushing away my disturbing thoughts, I smiled widely and moved in to his waiting arms to accept his hug.

  He pressed me close to him, crushing my soft breasts against his muscular chest. A shiver of desire shot up my spine and my nipples hardened once more. As I moved away from his arms, my hand accidentally grazed him just below the hip and my face turned crimson. It was clear I wasn’t the only horny one. He pretended not to notice while I quickly changed the subject.

  “I can’t believe how different you look!” I exclaimed.

  “I know, not the skinny little kid anymore am I.” he replied while he grabbed the duffel bag he had dropped by the front door.

  “I was hoping to stay for a few days,” he explained, “if that’s okay with Mom and Dad of course, I know I can’t just drop into your lives and….” His voice trailed off.

  “Okay with it?! Are you kidding me? They’ll be over the moon with joy!” At the thought of Mom and Dad all sexual thoughts fled from my head and I ushered him inside, eager for our parents to come home to this amazing surprise.

  “Listen, you can go up to your old room and get settled in while I go put on some clothes okay?”

  He nodded and started to head for the stairs.

  “Karen?” he turned around and looked at me.


  “It’s good to see you and be home again.” He said simply. Our eyes connected and something indefinable seemed to flow between us just like all those years ago when we had first seen each other as children. It felt like our souls had connected again, that our hearts had found the missing pieces.

  Of course, it would take me many years to realize just how strong a connection we had and how deeply intertwined our lives were. I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen and dashed up the stairs myself to get dressed.

  Chapter 4: Blake’s Story

  My heart was pounding furiously with a mixture joy, nervousness and confusion. And as I blow dried my hair, uppermost in my mind were questions about the last ten years.

  Where were you all this time? What the hell happened? And how did you manage to get away from whoever took you? Were you hurt at all? Were you safe?

  I finished getting dressed, my long hair hanging down my back in soft waves, my face dusted with some loose power and my lashes layered with two coats of mascara to accentuate my eyes which were undoubtedly my best features. I knocked on the half open door to Blake’s room and poked my head inside, “Want a snack?”

  And so it was that when my parents came home from work less than an hour later they were arrested by the sight of Blake and I calmly snacking on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while we swapped childhood memories. It broke my heart to tell him about Sparkles’ death a few years ago.

  “How did it happen?” he asked looking choked up.

  “Old age, he just went to sleep one day and
never woke up.”

  “Poor Sparkles.” He mourned.

  By an unspoken agreement we had decided to put off discussing the last ten years.

  Mom and Dad recognized Blake instantly. She uttered just his name before she began to crumple in a faint but Daddy caught her in time and helped her to one of the chairs around the breakfast table. But Mom sprang up and hugged Blake close to heart covering his face with dozens of kisses crying and laughing at the same time. He stood so tall she had to stand on her tiptoes and she kept exclaiming,

  “My handsome son, my darling handsome son, you’re home at last.”

  Dad, who had always been less expressive just thumped him in the back and said gruffly, “Its good to see you son.”

  But I saw him wipe away tears when he thought nobody would notice. Once all the hugs and tears were out of the way, Mom and Dad rounded on Blake with all the questions going through my own head.

  Blake sat quietly for a few moments and I could tell he was trying to compose his thoughts. Whatever had happened in his life in the last decade obviously conjured very painful memories. Then he cleared his throat and began to speak, his voice low and sad as he related the events of the fateful day simply and concisely.

  “I was walking to school that morning, and I was running late so I took that shortcut through the parking lot behind the deserted garage.” He threw my parents an apologetic look, “I know you guys forbade us to ever go that way but I was running late and I didn’t think it would matter, it was barely two minutes, but I guess it was long enough.”

  Mom stifled a cry with her hand and shook her head.

  Getting up from his chair to give her a hug Blake continued with his story,

  “I was almost across the parking lot when a car pulled in to the lot, I hadn’t noticed it before, a man and a woman were sitting in the front. The woman waved at me and rolled down her windows. It looked like she wanted to ask me something so I stopped walking. She stepped out of the car and walked towards me and asked a question while pointing at something on the map. She spoke a different language so I couldn’t understand her properly and I looked at the map instead.”

  “What was she pointing at?” I interrupted knowing that it didn’t matter but I felt curious.

  Blake looked embarrassed at the question. “I don’t know what she was pointing at because the next thing I knew I was lying in the backseat of their car bound and gagged. While I was busy with the woman, the man crept up behind me, hit me over the head and I passed out.”

  “What happened next?”

  “We drove around for a few days, sleeping in trailer parks, one of them always watched me and they kept me tied up all the time. They told me if I tried anything fishy they would shoot me and dump my body where nobody would ever find me.”

  “Is that why you never tried to escape?” I interrupted again.

  He nodded, “Yes and also because I couldn’t remember anything.”

  “What do you mean you couldn’t remember anything?” This time it was Dad who interrupted.

  “I discovered much later when they hit me over the head they hit me so hard I suffered from temporary amnesia, I had no recollections of my past at all.”

  “So you forgot all about us?” Mom whimpered and started to cry.

  “Yes,” he said bluntly, “I had no memories of my anything. So I didn’t even know who or where I should run to. And then we moved to a very remote house on farmland in the middle of a deserted highway and I was kept isolated and almost like a prisoner. When I was almost 20, I ran away. I had managed to save up a little bit of money by stealing from them and I hitchhiked back to a little town. I still didn’t have any memories so I didn’t know where to go. It was only in the last year some of my memories started to come back and now I remember everything. So here I am.”

  “But what about when you were living with those people? What are their names? Shouldn’t we report them to the police? Did they hurt you?” The questions tumbled out one after the other but Blake shook his head.

  “I don’t want to talk about it if you don’t mind. I don’t want to involve police or the authorities; as for what they put me through, well I’m here now aren’t I? I’m back again with my family, I just want to put the past behind me.”

  I was a little disappointed he was so reluctant to share details but he was right, the most important thing was that he was back.

  I would discover much later Blake’s version of the events were almost entirely made up and the real reason behind his disappearance had nothing to do with an actual kidnapping.

  Chapter 5: Forbidden Fruit

  Mom and Dad spent the next 48 hours practically glued to his side; they talked his ear off with stories of the last decade. As for me, I was content to spend those first few days enjoying his presence from a distance.

  To be honest, I was terrified of spending time alone with him. I couldn’t ignore or forget how my body had reacted when I had first seen him and I was horribly ashamed to admit my initial sexual attraction towards him didn’t lessen one bit at all. If anything, I could sense those feelings getting stronger and I could swear it was the same way for Blake. Whenever he thought I wasn’t paying attention, I would catch him staring at me with an intense unreadable look in his eyes.

  But then one night, as I crept downstairs for a glass of milk, I found Blake sitting by the counter also having some milk. The sight brought a smile to my face and I settled down next to him, taking out a box of oreo cookies, his favorite. Over cookies and milk, the sexual tension I had been suffering from dissipated and it was replaced by the easy camaraderie and friendship we had shared as children. I remembered the closeness we used to share, how we were so wrapped up in each other we lived in a world of our own, knowing every intimate detail of each other’s lives. How much I had missed him!

  My eyes suddenly filmed with tears and I brushed them away quickly but Blake saw my tears and brought his chair closer to me.

  “Hey…why the tears?”

  “I’ve just missed you so much, it’s been hard without you.”

  Tenderly he brushed away a lock of hair from my face, curling the thick strands on his index finger.

  “I’m sorry Karen,” he said softly, “I’m so sorry and I’ve missed you so much too. But I’m here now.”

  “I know.”

  I was suddenly very aware of how close we were sitting, his face just a few inches away from mine. I could see the reflection of my face in his clear blue, green eyes.

  “You’re so incredibly beautiful Karen.” He whispered, his breath hot and sensual.

  I shivered with desire, the sexual tension flared up again and I was again consumed with an inexplicable desire to rip all my clothes off and allow him to have his way with me. I imagined him running his hands over my body and a tiny sigh escaped my lips. Blake moved his head closer still until his nose was touching mine. It was an oddly erotic and intimate action.

  “Can I kiss you?” he whispered softly in my ears.

  Knowing I was about to cross a very serious line but desperate to feel his lips on mine, I nodded shamelessly, after all he wasn’t really my brother was he?

  When his lips met mine, an electric current shot through my body jolting me awake, making me feel more alive than I had ever felt before. All my senses seemed to awaken and my toes curled with desire. His lips were soft and pliable and he tasted like mint. His tongue gently nudged my lips apart and curled itself around mine. I moaned and felt myself sinking into the embrace of his solid arms. He hugged me tightly, almost crushing me against him, my breasts pressed firmly against his muscular chest. He rubbed my neck gently and ran his fingers through my hair. My nipples tightened and I felt myself getting wet. My arms had somehow wrapped themselves around his neck and now I moved them down slowly, running down the length of his back, I slipped my hand under his t-shirt. His skin felt smooth and hard.


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