Alien Romance: Step Alien (Sci-Fi Paranormal Romance) (SciFi Invasion Short Stories)

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Alien Romance: Step Alien (Sci-Fi Paranormal Romance) (SciFi Invasion Short Stories) Page 3

by S. T. Miller

  “Do you want to go up to my bedroom?” I whispered against his mouth.

  He groaned and nodded, “I want to so bad.” He mumbled back.

  I told myself going up to my bedroom didn’t necessarily mean we would have to have sex. We could just fool around for a bit. At least that’s how I justified it to myself even though deep down, I knew what I wanted more than anything else was to fuck him. Love or no love. I desired him pure and simple.

  We took a step towards the stairs, already anticipating the moment when we could tear off our clothes and make love to each other. But then the door to my parent’s bedroom creaked open, Dad was headed to the bathroom. We stepped away each other guiltily and Blake ducked back into the kitchen while I went up the stairs. I smiled at Dad as he came out of the bathroom, his pyjamas rumpled, his eyes heavy with sleep.

  “Just getting some milk Dad.” I explained.

  “Mmm…goodnight sweetie.”

  “Goodnight Dad.”

  I closed the door to my bedroom and pleasured myself furiously while I imagined Blake’s lips travelling down my body and kissing me everywhere. I came swiftly and fell asleep dreaming about having sex with Blake.

  In a weird way, the kiss we shared brought us closer together and we began to spend more time together but we were always very careful to avoid any sort of sexual contact. What we had almost done that night had scared the both of us, because even though we really wanted to sleep with each other, we couldn’t just ignore the fact we were technically brother and sister.

  That is until Blake revealed his deepest, darkest secret to me.

  Chapter 6: A Secret Revealed

  I’m sure the expression on my face said it all but I managed to croak out my question, “You’re a what?”

  “An alien.” Blake repeated patiently.

  I stared at him incredulously for a few moments before I burst into a loud hoot of laughter.

  Blake looked perplexed at my reaction. “Why are you laughing?”

  “I’m not lying, I really am an alien, from the planet Rexillan.”

  “Uh huh,” I said playing along, “And what do you do there alien Blake?” I asked him in between my bouts of laughter. The serious tone of his voice and the look on his face was hilarious. Who knew Blake had such a killer sense of humor?

  “I’m the heir to my father’s kingdom.” He answered in reply to my question.

  At the word kingdom I started laughing harder. “You don’t say! So Dad is an alien too?”

  “No, not this Dad,” he said slowly like one would speak to a child, “my real father from planet Rexillan, he’s the king.”

  “A king! Fancy! So that would make you the crown prince then wouldn’t it?”

  Uncurling my legs from beneath me, I got to my feet and curtsied deeply holding on to an imaginary ball gown. “How do you do your majesty? Will you be beheading anyone today?”

  At that point Blake must have realized I wasn’t taking his claims seriously and was in fact poking fun at him. He stopped speaking and his face took on a thoughtful, darker look.

  I stopped my silly antics sensing something significant was about to occur. He stared hard at the solid wall behind the couch, I looked on curiously wondering what he was staring at but could see nothing on the smooth, grey wall. When I looked back at Blake he was holding himself in a tense way, his shoulders hunched slightly, the veins on his neck went rigid and stood out like dark threads running down his golden skin. His eyes narrowed as he focused all his attention on the purple wall. As I watched. the wall glowed a bright red and a tiny hole appeared out of nowhere.

  Startled I shook my head. “Huh?! How did you do that?”

  Sure it was nothing more than a magic trick I walked up to the wall. The air smelt faintly of smoke and it looked like the hole had been burned into the wall. I put a finger inside the hole and felt the soft insulation within.

  I turned to look at Blake. “Holy shit! There’s a hole in the wall.” I was stating the obvious.

  “I know. That was the point.”

  “How did you do that?”

  “It was easy, I can do lots of things like that.”

  “Teach me how.” I demanded.

  “I can’t teach you Karen, I can do it because I’m an alien.”

  “Oh lord, we’re still on that?”

  “Yes! Because it’s the truth, I just proved it to you! How else would I have burned a hole in the wall without lifting a finger?”

  I shrugged, “Some kind of magic trick maybe.”

  “Argh!” he groaned out in frustration and then stalked out of the living room and into the kitchen. He returned shortly holding one of Mom’s sharpest knives in one hand.

  “Here, take this.” He said holding it out to me.

  I took the knife feeling concerned and held it gingerly between my fingers.

  “Now stab me.”

  “What!? Are you crazy?”

  “Come on! Do it!”

  “Blake, you’re out of your mind, I’m not going to stab you.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  I looked into his eyes, eyes I knew better than my own and slowly nodded my head.

  “Then stab me.”

  “Please Blake, don’t make me do this, I can’t hurt you.”

  “You won’t be hurting me! Just do it please, trust me.” He pleaded.

  “Where?” I finally asked in a strangled whisper.

  “Anywhere you want.”

  “But you’ll be hurt.” I protested again.

  “Just do it.” He commanded. I knew from the tone of his voice his patience was running thin.

  Closing my eyes, I counted to three before I swiped the knife across his arm. The blade cut through his soft skin and split it open. I shrieked in terror and dropped the knife because a thick, blue goo oozed out and trickled across over the wound. I watched amazed as within seconds the skin closed up. His arm was completely healed with not even a scar.

  I knew then he spoke the truth. My adoptive brother Blake really was an alien. “Are you really a prince?”

  He nodded.

  “What are you doing on Earth. Shouldn’t you be…well not on Earth?”

  “Came for a visit, I needed to see you. I’ve been thinking about you non stop.”

  Another truth dawned on me. “You were never really kidnapped were you?”

  “No,” he admitted, “I mean I was kind off but not by bad people. It was my own people who took me away.”

  I thought back to the months and years of pain and anguish we had suffered, all because of him. A fierce anger spread through my body and I unleashed it on him.

  “Do you know how long we looked for you? How devastated we all were when you disappeared? And this whole time you were fine! You were okay! And you didn’t bother to even say goodbye.” I spat out at him, foaming at the mouth.

  “I know, I know Karen. And I’m so sorry but I didn’t have time to say anything, I didn’t even know they were going to take me away the day they did. They made sure to not tell me because they knew I could never have left without saying something to you.”

  “Who is they Blake? Why did they take you away?”

  “They took me away because my time was up.”

  “I don’t understand.” I said, waiting for him to clarify but he didn’t. A few moments passed in silent and then I asked him, “Blake why are you really back? And please don’t tell me it’s because you suddenly got your memory back and you wanted to visit us. Because we both know that’s not it.”

  He looked startled at my abrupt question and I thought he would ignore my question entirely but he surprised me by answering truthfully.

  “Because I need to procreate.”

  Out of all the possible reasons – taking over earth being high on my list of possible reasons – procreation was completely unexpected.

  “You what?” I asked again not sure if I had heard him correctly.

  “I need to procreate.” He repeated, “You know bre
ed, have children and there’s only one woman…”

  “Ah, one woman huh?” I interrupted, “So who’s the lucky girl?” I couldn’t help the fierce stab of jealousy shoot through me as I imagined him making love to another girl.

  He looked perplexed by my question so I clarified, “Blake, maybe aliens work in a different way but here on a earth, you need to be with a woman in order to procreate and have children.”

  The roll of his eyes made it clear he didn’t find my clarification amusing.

  “Yes, Karen, I know that. It’s the same with aliens by the way. But I thought you understood…the person I’m talking about is you…”

  The shock of hearing this startling and somewhat degrading revelation was like someone had thrown a glass of cold water on my face.

  “Breeding?! Me!? I’m NINETEEN Blake, I can’t breed, what the hell is wrong…” I had to stop talking because I was starting to sound shrill and because Blake put his hand on my mouth muffling my words.

  “Shhhh…will you let me finish? It’s not just about breeding!”

  “You just said it was!”

  “You didn’t let me finish. I’m at that age where I need to breed yes but it’s more about having my sexual needs met and the only person I’ve wanted to be with sexually is you.”

  For one quick second, I wanted to slap him, did he not realize how insulting his comments were? Flattering yes, what girl didn’t like being told she was hot? But the romantic in me wanted to hear about love and intimacy. I wanted to be held and kissed lovingly not just fucked. But I knew I could never say any of those things to Blake, through the course of the last few months as we rekindled our old friendship and became even closer, I had begun to hope he cared for me in that way because I was starting to fall head over heels. And now here he was telling me all he wanted from me was my body. I carefully schooled my features into a mask of indifference and shrugged my shoulders.

  But he was oblivious to my indifference because he was too busy staring deep into my eyes. His hand went up and cupped my face.

  “You are so beautiful.” He whispered.

  “Why can’t you trust me Blake? Why can’t you explain more to me? I don’t understand any of this.” I whispered back, hoping he would shed more light on what he was doing on earth and why I was such an important part of it all. But of course he didn’t, instead he replied cryptically,

  “One day you will.” And refused to say anything more about it.

  As Blake and I continued to grow closer, we struggled not to act on our raging hormones but it was a losing battle. In my head, the minute I found out he was really an alien he stopped being my brother in any sense of the word. He became this really hot guy I could have sex with, guilt free.

  But I knew despite what had almost happened that night, Blake was still caught in a struggle between what he saw as a betrayal towards Mom and Dad, two people who loved him deeply and had cared for him and his uncontrollable lust and desire for me. It gave me great pleasure to torment him in subtle ways by wearing skimpier clothes around him or accidentally showing him parts of my body. I knew it was only a matter of time before we had sex because his lust for me kept growing every day.

  I expected after such a huge revelation our lives would suddenly change or be different but everything continued on as it always had. While Blake decided to take a break from life and just chill at home, I continued to work at the burger joint.

  Whenever I wasn’t at work, I was with Blake, there was so much about his life I wanted to know but he divulged very little telling me it was for my own good and one day he would tell me all but now wasn’t the time. I have to admit it was very aggravating.

  Obviously, I had no way off knowing he was in fact protecting me by disclosing so little about his life. I didn’t know Blake’s every movement was being tracked and he was under careful and constant surveillance by the most powerful entity in the world; the US government.

  Chapter 7: The Capture

  They came for us on a Tuesday. Ironically, it happened on my way home from work, Blake had come to get me and we were walking home together, across the parking lot he had described in his story to my parents. When out of nowhere three black cars pulled in and surrounded us on all sides.

  “You don’t know anything Karen, I’m using you.” He barely had time to mutter those words before we were whisked away in two separate cars. It all happened so quickly I didn’t even have the time to scream, yell or cry out for help. Once in the car I realized we had been picked up by special government agents.

  We were carted off to a rundown, decrepit building. An elevator took us several floors underground and I found myself in what looked like an enormous labyrinth of rooms, cells and closed doors. I saw Blake surrounded by agents disappear through a set of double doors marked with the letter D while I was ushered up a flight of stairs and into a small interview room.

  I found out quickly these agents had been tasked with watching all our movements and they had detected suspicious behaviour on Blake’s end. They claimed they had intel about Blake’s plans to abduct me and bring me back to his planet. I scoffed Blake abduct me? The idea was laughable.

  Over the course of the next few hours, they grilled me about my whole life, they told me how the Rexillians had always shared a peaceful relationship with earth but trouble had been brewing for years and they now knew specially selected agents from the planet had been recruited as part of a program to infiltrate earth. Blake was one such agent.

  “It wasn’t a coincidence he came into your lives all those years ago, it’s not a coincidence he disappeared or that he came back now.” One of the agents stated flatly.

  I stayed quiet. “How well do you know him?” the agent asked me again.

  We had been going over the same questions for the last three hours and I was angry, tired and fearful for Blake’s life. But I had realized within moments of being captured, these agents were a lot smarter than they seemed and as they threw question after question at me I also realized just how closely both Blake and I had been watched. They had gathered an enormous amount of information on us and they seemed to believe Blake had returned armed with some wicked plan designed to wreak havoc on earth. They also seemed to believe I would be the medium, which Blake would use.

  “What can you tell us about his plans to kidnap you?”

  “Do you know he intends to bring you back to his planet and imprison you?”

  “Do you know they plan to use humans in their experiments?”

  They posed one ridiculous question after another, not even waiting to hear a response before jumping to the next one. I had watched enough cop shows to recognize their tactic; they wanted to rattle me, make me lose faith in Blake.


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