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Alien Romance: Step Alien (Sci-Fi Paranormal Romance) (SciFi Invasion Short Stories)

Page 4

by S. T. Miller

  I wanted to laugh in their faces and tell them they were crazy but a tiny voice in my head warned me and told me to use their belief in my innocence against them.

  Let them think you’re the victim, the voice whispered in my ear, let them think Blake was using you. When you’ve gained some modicum of trust, you can act against them.

  It was another three hours later before I got my chance. After the first four hours, one of the agents left leaving me alone with the second one, who seemed more sympathetic to my plight and seemed taken in by my looks. Deciding to use it to my advantage, I turned on the water works and cried about what a fool I had been to trust Blake and how my parents must be worried sick for me. I hugged my knees and keeled on the floor like I was having a breakdown and the agent came up to me and soothed me. While he tried to calm me down I calmly and swiftly pocketed his security pass.

  Feeling incredibly sorry for me, the second agent left soon after I calmed down to make arrangements for my supper and to call my parents. Knowing it was now or never, I bolted out of the room he had left unlocked and headed back down the flight of stairs and ran down the hall until I got to the set of doors marked A.

  I carefully opened the set of double doors where I had seen the two agents standing guard when they brought me in, my gut feeling was Blake was being held somewhere beyond those doors. I turned around, expecting to find a room of some sort and was instead met with an endlessly long corridor lined with dozens of identical doors.

  Holy shit, how am I ever going to find him here?

  The walls looked like they were made of concrete, fluorescent light lit up the corridor and the place smelled damp. The doors were heavy duty ones made of steel frames and black hinges and were obviously locked. To my relief however, I saw that most of the doors had a small window one third of the way up. Seeing the windows lifted my spirits somewhat, even though there were this many rooms I would at least be able to peek into them and hopefully find Blake.

  I took in a deep breath and stepped further into the corridor knowing once I embarked on this mission to find him, there was no going back. Without wasting any more time, I hurried to the first door desperately praying nobody would come looking for me just yet.

  So far the agents who had questioned me seemed to believe I was an innocent bystander in what they deemed to be a national – extra-terrestrial conspiracy but if they found me here I would be toast. My strategy would be to go down the corridor and check all the doors on one side and then check the other side while heading back.

  My hands were sweaty with nervousness and I almost dropped the key I was holding within my right palm. Scared I would drop it or somehow lose it I tucked it securely in a pocket and then looked through the first window.

  The room was empty, so were the second, third and fourth and the next six. By the time I got to the eighteenth door I was starting to feel frustrated and a feeling of cold panic was settling in my stomach.

  What if I was wrong? What if Blake wasn’t being held in one of these rooms? Should I call out to him and see if he answers from one of the rooms?

  But it would be a futile exercise; I knew instinctively the rooms and doors were completely sound proof.

  What if he wasn’t even in this building? I had a mental imagine of the agents dragging him away into some secret cell and torturing him for information. The vision shook me and I trembled a little at the thought of my beautiful, wonderful Blake being tortured and hurt.

  I paused in my search to gather my bearings and calm myself down. Negative thinking would get me nowhere.

  Ok Karen, you need to calm down and focus. Breathe in. Breathe out.

  A few deep breathes helped to clear my head and I concentrated my attention on the task at hand. I stared at the doors, willing Blake to come out of one of them. But of course that didn’t happen.

  Come on Blake, where are you? Please help me…please help me find you Blake. You need to save us; I need your help to save us.

  The words marched through my head like a mantra giving me courage and making my fears disappear. Suddenly, my eyes zeroed in on one specific door almost towards the end of the long corridor across from where I was standing.

  I stared at the door for long moments and continued my search but my eyes kept straying to that door.

  Could it be? I had to find out.

  Conclusion: The Escape

  Abandoning my search I ran towards the door, my heart pounding in anticipation. I was almost positive Blake was in there. The closer I got, the stronger my certainty. But when I got to the door and turned the knob it was locked. Oh right! The key!

  I dug it out of my pocket and without bothering to check through the window I slipped the stolen key into the sheath. The key slid easily and turned smoothly unlocking the door.

  Holding my breath, I opened the door and found Blake sitting on a narrow bed looking not at all surprised to see me.

  “Are you okay?” was the first thing he asked me.

  “Yes, yes! I’m fine, are you okay? Did they hurt you?” I searched his face and his body for signs of abuse but found none.

  He reached for me and gathered me in his arms, “I’m so glad your okay.”

  I inhaled his familiar, masculine scent wishing I could stay there forever in the comfort and security of his arms but I knew time was running out for us. Romance at this particular time was out of the question. I moved away from him and grabbed him by the arm. “We have to get out of here right now Blake.”

  “How did you unlock the door?” he asked curiously as we exited the room and started to run down the corridor back towards the double entrance doors.

  “I stole the key,” I explained briefly, “Now hurry, do you know your way out of the building? I’m afraid once we’re past the doors I have no idea where you’re supposed to go.”

  “Don’t worry, I know the way out. I was careful to make a note of it all.”

  “Okay good, I’m going to head back to the other room as fast as I can and hopefully they haven’t noticed I’m gone yet.”

  Blake turned puzzled eyes on me. “You’re coming with me Karen.”

  “Aren’t you?” he added not sounding very sure of himself.

  Now for the most unpleasant part of the whole escape plan, I thought. Telling Blake, my kinda sorta sibling, best friend and most probably love of my life that this was goodbye. I knew it wouldn’t affect him nearly as much as it would me and I told myself I had to be strong and get through this with dignity. I would not break down and start crying no matter how much my heart may be breaking at the idea of bidding him farewell.

  “I’m not coming with you Blake.” I said softly.

  We had reached the double doors, once we stepped through them we would go our separate ways.

  “Why the hell not?” he demanded.

  “Because my life is here.”

  “There’s no way in hell I’m leaving you stranded to face the consequences.”

  “Nothing will happen to me Blake. They’re convinced I’m an unwitting pawn.”

  “Do you think they’ll still believe that when the see camera feeds of you helping me escape?” he asked me.

  In fact, I had not thought of it at all.

  He continued speaking,

  “Do you have any idea what they’ll do to you? You can’t fathom the cruelty humans are capable of inflicting on others…but I do.” His eyes clouded with sadness briefly before he grabbed me by the arms.

  “You have to come with Karen. I’m not abandoning you. You’re going to come with me.” It was a command, not a question. In that one split moment, I saw a glimpse of the powerful ruler he would become one day.

  “Blake, our lives are not meant to go down the same path. You are destined for great things and me…I’m just Karen.”

  His hands slid down my arms and he grasped my hot hands in his cool ones and whispered urgently. “Karen, don’t ever say that you’re just Karen.”

  “But it’s true…that’s all I am, just
good for a lay, to satisfy your sexual cravings remember?” I couldn’t help throwing that in, I guess I was still feeling bitter about his comments from before.

  “Oh Karen, that is so far from the truth. You have a powerful heart and a destiny equal to if not greater than mine. When I came back to earth, it was to satisfy my physical needs but I think subconsciously I came back because you’re a vital part of me, necessary for my survival. I thought I only wanted your body, I thought it was just about satisfying my sexual needs and urges but I realize now it’s so much more. I have never shared so much of my life with anyone else. I have never wanted to. I think I’ve always loved you.”

  My heart sank at those beautiful words, words I had been longing to hear and now it was too late. Tears formed in my eyes and I sniffed furiously trying to stem their flow while Blake continued to speak.

  “Living with our parents, being a part of the family, pretending to be human has changed me. I feel emotions on a deeper level, a human level. Things like friendship, love, family, they all mean something to me and you’re the one who showed it to me. So please come back with me because I can’t live without you Karen. I love you.” He entreated.

  By the time he finished speaking I was crying silently. The tears sliding down my cheeks, my heart ached and cracked at the thought of never seeing Blake again, of losing my love. For of course I love him. If I was honest with myself I would say I had loved him my entire life. But I thought about my parents, my home, my life, I thought about college, of my plans for my own future. Could I really leave everything, all of it behind? And what about what the agents had said, could the government be wrong? What if he really was an agent whose mission was to infiltrate earth?

  I stared deeply into his eyes, my heart constricting painfully I knew no matter what I decided one of us would get hurt. I opened my mouth to tell him how much I loved him too when a loud, ear splitting alarm began to blare through invisible speakers. My absence had obviously been discovered.

  “Karen,” Blake said urgently, “Karen, they’re coming, you need to decide right now, they’re coming for us and they’ll be here any minute. What are you going to do?”

  Thank you again for downloading this book!

  Please view S.T. Miller’s author profile by clicking below:

  S.T. Miller – for all the lustful stories you’re dying to read.

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  A Spanking Out West: The Cowboy's Mail Order Bride

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  Stepbrother Forbidden

  The Rancher's Mail Order Bride

  Taking On The Team

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  Two For One Tonight




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