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Code Blue (The Sierra View Series Book 3)

Page 16

by Max Walker

  Crow wasn’t computing. He could literally see his brain going into the ‘blue screen of death’ mode. The one there was no recovery from. What the hell was Deena talking about?

  “Deena… was there ever a threat against your club the night I was supposed to perform?”

  She huffed on the other end. “A threat? No, thank god, everything was fine. We had a backup performer lined up, although the crowd was definitely disappointed you couldn’t show up.”

  Crow felt a pang of disappointment at failing his fans, but it was clouded by the intense confusion he was feeling.

  “I’m going to have to call you back,” Crow said, shaking his head as if it would clear the daze over his head.

  “Yeah, of course. Good to hear your well.”

  Crow hung up the phone and dropped it on the bed, his jaw falling along with it.

  “What happened?” Ethan asked.

  “Angela canceled my Denver show, saying I had the bird flu or some shit.”

  Ethan shook his head, clearly as confused as Crow felt. “Maybe she knew something that she didn’t tell us? Or maybe Deena’s the one that’s confused?”

  Crow shook his head. One thing was certain, he wasn’t going to get any answers by sitting around and staring at Ethan’s handsome face all day. He got up, threw on a pair of gray shorts and a tank top and started walking right to the living room. Ethan got up behind him, “Whoa, where are you going?”

  “To ask the one person who can clear this entire mess up.”

  “I can’t believe this.” Angela’s face matched the shade of her blouse. Red. She was angry. They were in the living room. The bus had been parked and so the rest of the crew was out exploring the city. Crow was standing across from a steaming Angela, her arms crossed against her chest. “You honestly think I’m somehow involved in all this shit?”

  Crow shook his head. He wasn’t sure if approaching her out of the blue and asking her if she was the stalker was the right approach, but he was so caught up in the moment, he had to get it out. Crow knew Angela, or at least he thought he knew her, and he was sure that throwing her off balance would be the best way to figure out if she was actually involved in all this. To her credit, she didn’t seem to act like someone who had just been called out on some twisted shit. Crow expected a guilty person to stammer and become nervous, trying to find immediate ways out of the conversation. Angela just seemed pissed. Hurt. And Crow could understand why. They were close friends and now Crow was accusing her of being a psycho stalker.

  For a moment, Crow wondered if he had gone too far.

  “We just want to have a few questions answered, Angela, that’s all.” Ethan spoke in a tone meant to calm a rabid dog backed into a corner. “There are some things that smell a little fishy.”

  “How dare you,” Angela said, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, threatening to well up over the dark eye-liner. “All I’ve done is try and keep Crow safe while turning him into a household name.” She looked to Ethan, waving a hand in his direction. “What have you done, Ethan? Besides keeping me awake with your grunts, I don’t think you’ve done much to help Crow. Yes, you’re here because we need you, but that’s it, Ethan. I can fire you just as quick as I hired you. So maybe reconsider the next time you want to accuse me of stalking Crow. Calling me fishy.”

  Crow stepped in, feeling like this was about to spiral out of control. The last thing he wanted was to turn this into a fight over who got a piece of Crow.

  “But why did you cancel Denver? Why weren’t you honest with anyone involved? You lied to me and to Deena. Was there ever a threat?”

  Angela took a heavy breath out her nose. “You won’t get it.”

  “Try me.”

  “I had a nightmare, ok? A really bad one. The premonition kind. Looking back, it might have been extreme paranoia, but I just had a really bad feeling about that night and I knew I had to do something. I knew we would make up the show in the future, and I balanced all the books to make sure any hits to our ticket sales were doable. I thought that if we needed to stretch, I would have added money in from my own pocket. It would have been fine, my choice, my consequences. At the time it felt like the right thing to do. I couldn’t, nor would I ever, fake a threat so I had to tell Deena that you had gotten sick.” She shook her head. “I don’t know what got into me, but that was my fault. I’m sorry.”

  Angela sounded sincerely pained. The look in her big brown eyes looked like that of a fawn staring down a wolf, just before it takes off running. “I’m sorry,” she said again, dropping her head. Crow looked to Ethan, who didn’t seem as affected by Angela’s apologies. His face was stone-cold, like he was about to deliver some kind of terrible diagnosis. Crow could empathize with Angela a little more, though. He knew how influenced she was by those mystical type of things. If she did have a vivid nightmare, he could see her acting on it out of fear.

  “What about that one girl?” Ethan asked, pressing on. “Tricia? The one from the beginning of the tour? She went to Crow and said you were harassing her? Why are you harassing a teenager?”

  Angela’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?” she turned on Ethan. “You still don’t get it. I’m doing this to protect Crow. That girl has been to juvenile lock-up twice. Once for beating up a classmate until he couldn’t breath and another for stealing her neighbors Lexus. She’s bad news, and with everything going on around Crow, the last thing he needed was more bad news. You know how I found out about her past? Because her mother reached out to me. She knew that her daughter was chasing Crow around the country, and she wanted me to intervene. Jesus. I stopped her at one of Crow’s earlier shows and told her to leave him alone and go back to her mother before I get the cops involved. Whatever else she told you two is a complete lie.”

  “What the fuck,” Crow said, starting to feel like he had made a huge mistake in confronting Angela. All she had done during this entire tour was try and keep things running smoothly without having Crow offed by some crazy stalker fan. “I’m sorry, Angela.”

  Ethan took a step back, giving Angela some space. She turned back to Crow, who opened his arms and took her into a hug. She was stiff at first, but soon warmed up, her hands coming up to Crow’s shoulders.

  “I’m sorry,” Crow said again, feeling terrible for accusing one of his friends of something so terrible. “The pressure of this is getting to me.”

  They separated, Angela’s eyes moist and pink at the corners. “No, it’s ok. I understand. I should have been honest from the beginning. Things will be different,” she said, managing a smile. “I promise.”

  “Ok,” Crow said, taking a deep breath, feeling like he avoided a crisis. The last thing he wanted to do was lose a good friend because of a bad bout of paranoia.

  I just need to chill.

  He looked over Angela’s shoulder, catching Ethan’s sapphire eyes. He glanced up at the clock on the wall. They still had two hours before Crow had to be at rehearsals for that night’s show.

  I know something we can do for two hours to help me chill.

  26 Ethan Winter

  Crow was sweaty and flushed from finishing up his performance, and Ethan loved it. They were in Crow’s private room backstage, just them two sitting on the couch and talking about what an incredible night it had been. The energy from the New York crowd was absolutely explosive and had left Ethan winded, he couldn’t even imagine what Crow was feeling after being the one on stage, all that energy directed straight at him. He had controlled that entire club, a crowd of at least half-a-thousand, all there to celebrate Crow’s incredible talent for writing songs and bringing them to life with his voice. At one point, Ethan remembered seeing a few fans breaking down into tears as Crow sang one of his slower songs, about his coming out and how strong it made him. It was beautiful to see what an impact Crow was making on people’s lives.

  On Ethan’s life.

  “Did you see Frankie on the drums tonight?” Crow asked, taking a chug from his water bottle. Ethan watc
hed his throat bob, his mouth suddenly starting to water.

  “Yeah, he was really feeling it tonight,” Ethan said, grabbing an ice cold Corona from the cooler next to the couch. The room wasn’t as equipped as some of the other green rooms they’ve had, so instead of a mini-fridge stocked with alcohol, they had a big blue cooler. Crow put his water down and reached over Ethan to grab a Corona. Ethan couldn’t help but get a whiff of sweat and cologne. A perfect mix, especially when it was coming from Crow.

  Damn, he’s so hot. How can he be so hot?

  Ethan’s dick gave a rogue throb of greedy need. He had spent hours earlier with Crow, playing around naked in the bus, and yet he still couldn’t get enough. Crow might as well have been a controlled substance. Something Ethan would have needed to prescribe to avoid addiction.

  It was too late, though. Ethan was already addicted. All it took was one hit, and Crow was all he could think about.

  “I can’t believe the tour’s almost over,” Crow said, taking a chug of the ice cold beer. Ethan followed suit, feeling the smooth bite of the beer down his throat. “And I can’t believe it’s only been months since it started. It feels like we’ve been on the road for years.”

  Ethan laughed at that. “I definitely think I’ve lived more in these past few months than I’ve lived in the past entire two years. Plus, I think the fact that it feels like we’ve known each other for years has something to do with it. It warps the perception of time.”

  Crow nodded. “You’re giving me an idea for another song.”

  “About time? Perception?”

  “Yeah, I can hear it now.” Crow whipped out his phone and started typing out lyrics, half-speaking, half-singing them out loud. “Time heals all things, time makes all change. Blue makes me see, calm rivers and evergreen trees. A forest of peace and tranquility. Love heals all things, love makes time tick.”

  Ethan was shocked at how fast Crow could flow with the words. He was truly a force to be reckoned with, and it was obvious to see why he was such a success. Crow put the phone down, chewed on his lip as he thought of more lines, and then took a drink of his beer, finishing it up.

  Ethan decided to throw in some more inspiration. “Try to fit in how time is a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.”

  Crow arched an eyebrow, stumped at what Ethan was referencing.

  “You mean you’ve never seen Doctor Who?” Ethan asked, a hand coming up to his chest. “Pfft, we aren’t going to sleep tonight.”

  “Oh?” Crow asked, seeing where this was going.

  “Nope. We’re binging as many episodes as we can get through. You’re going to be TARDIS-certified by next week.”


  “Don’t worry about it,” Ethan said, smiling as he leaned in to steal a kiss from Crow.

  “I’ll watch whatever you want me to, Ethan.” Crow was smiling from ear to ear, his lips slightly wet from beer and Ethan’s kiss. The room was lit by two floor lamps on either side of the room, so it actually made for a romantic experience. It didn’t hurt that Caeri had reached her slow songs, serenading the crowd outside with her angelic voice.

  Ethan had to kiss Crow again. He pushed back in, setting his Corona aside and cupping Crow’s had in his hands, feeling the freshly shaved cheeks, the sharp cheek bones, the diamond-cut jawline. Their tongues danced to the music that pumped in from outside. Their bodies moved closer on the couch, until Ethan was pushing onto Crow, leaning him back down on the couch.

  Crow’s hands slipped under Ethan’s t-shirt, finding his lower back and sending fireworks shooting through him. That was his spot, and Crow knew it. Ethan pulled back, opening his eyes, Crow doing the same. He smiled up at Ethan mischeavously, his fingers gliding over Ethan’s lower back and making his knees shake. Then, Crow slipped a hand underneath the waistband of his dark jeans, under his briefs, and finding a handful of Ethan’s ass, squeezing him and pulling him down onto him. Ethan immediately felt how hard Crow was through his jeans. Their cocks rubbed over the other’s as they continued their kiss, clothes beginning to feel like a jailcell.

  Fuccckk. I want him so bad.

  Ethan was hungry for cock. Crow’s to be specific. He couldn’t handle the deep urge he had to see Crow sitting down on the couch, legs wide and throbbing hard dick in the air. He needed it. His hands went to working on Crow’s zipper, pulling it down over the already growing bulge. Ethan fucking loved getting Crow hard from just kissing him. Crow had the same effect on Ethan. It was potent. A bond that sparked the air around them. They could hear the music thumping outside of the green room as the crowd got hyped up by Caeri’s performance, the slow portion of the song kicking back up again. Instead of opening tonight’s show, they decided to give her a chance at closing it.

  Ethan pulled Crow’s jeans off and threw them to the floor. He crawled off Crow and reposition him so that Crow was sitting with his bare feet planted on the floor, his thighs opened wide. Ethan fell to his knees, getting face-level to Crow’s glorious fat fucking bulge. He couldn’t stop himself from leaning in and mouthing on it through the fabric, taking in the scent of man, worshipping him, relishing in the feeling of Crow’s cock struggling against the thin, wet white briefs. Ethan wanted to give him exactly what he was asking for.

  He stopped mouthing the soft fabric and put his fingers in the black waistband, pulling them down and watching as Crow’s rock hard cock bounced out of its confines. The tip was already wet with precome. Ethan leaned back in, his tongue flicking across Crow’s slit, lapping at the clear juice as Crow moaned above him. He felt Crow’s fingers thread through his hair, pulling him down harder onto Crow’s cock. Ethan opened his lips, taking the velvety soft head into his warm, wet mouth. His tongue drew circles around the sensitive tip, drawing out more moans from his man.

  Ethan fucking lived for this.

  He opened his mouth wider, trying to take more of Crow inside. His cock was huge. Much thicker than Ethan’s, and longer too. Ethan loved it. He almost felt addicted to the taste, the feel, whether he was soft or hard. Ethan could play with Crow the entire day and never get bored. He could have stayed between Crow’s muscular thighs for the rest of his god damned life.

  Just then, Ethan heard the door open behind him and froze.

  “Whoa!” the door slammed shut again. Ethan looked up, feeling his cheeks rush with red. Crow was blushing too, but he was also smiling. He put his fingers back through Ethan’s hair and guided him down onto his cock, clearly showing that the interruption didn’t bother him. Whoever it was didn’t leave, though.

  “Sorry, Crow, but, uhm, you’re being asked to get back on stage in, uhm, five.” The girl’s voice on the other side of the door was nervous. It was probably too quick for her to have made out any explicit details, but it was obvious she had walked in on something. It wasn’t like most guys hung out between the other one’s thighs just for giggles.

  “I thought I was done,” Crow said, his head falling back as Ethan licked him up and down. He smiled up at Crow, feeling a hot rush come over him.

  “Caeri just finished up. The crowd’s, uhm, ready to riot. They want at least another song from you.”

  “Ok,” Crow said, biting back a moan as half his cock disappeared down Ethan’s throat. “Be there in five,” Crow said, his thighs tensing around Ethan. He returned his attention back down to the man sucking his dick. “You do that so fucking good.”

  “It’s because your cock is so fucking good,” Ethan said when he came up for breath. “I can’t get enough of it.”

  “Good,” Crow said, grinning wide before biting his lower lip as another intense wave of pleasure took him over. Ethan was fondling Crow’s tight balls now. He felt his own needy cock pulse against his jeans, his briefs getting slick with precome. And he didn’t care. All he wanted to focus on was Crow’s tasty cock and heavy balls.

  “It’s going to have to wait until after the encore,” Crow said, thrusting his hips slightly up, burying his cock deeper down Ethan’s throa

  Ethan came back up, a rope of saliva trailing down Crow’s shaft. Ethan grabbed him in a fist and jerked him off as he came up for a kiss, letting Crow taste himself on Ethan’s tongue. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Crow started pulling back.

  “Wait,” Ethan said, getting up and walking over to his backpack. His hard-on was clearly visible, pushing against the front of his jeans as he walked back with the backpack. He unzipped it and pulled out a black velvet draw-string bag. Crow looked from the bag to Ethan, confused.

  Ethan, with a smile, opened the bag and flipped it over, emptying it onto his hand.

  “Is that a… dildo?”

  “A butt plug,” Ethan said, “but close enough.”

  Crow chuckled, his head shaking. “You’re crazy.”

  “I got it one-dayed from Amazon. I wanted to play with you, and I think now might be the perfect time. I want to see you up on that stage, and I want to imagine you with this inside.”

  Crow’s eyes went from Ethan’s to the toy back to Ethan. His smile grew wider as he shrugged.

  “Put it in me, doc.”

  Ethan laughed, biting his lip as he grabbed Crow and positioned him on the couch so that he was on his fours, ass in the air. The plug wasn’t overly large or anything, but it did have a surprise feature Ethan was going to hold off on telling Crow about. Instead, he grabbed the soft navy blue silicon plug and spat in his other hand. He used his finger tips to get Crow’s ass nice and wet, drawing a few moans from the sexy man melting at his touch.

  Crow gasped as Ethan pushed the tip of the toy in. “Breathe,” Ethan reminded him. With a few more breaths, Crow relaxed enough for Ethan to slip the toy in until the rounded end.

  “Oh fuck,” Crow said.

  “How’s that feel?”

  “So fucking good,” Crow replied. Ethan gave his ass a hard slap and stood up next to the couch. Crow stood up too, his eyes opened wide as the sensation rocked through him.


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