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Page 4

by D. L. Jackson

  She’d heard the rumors. He’d gone through a fair share of women. He hadn’t changed after he left, after she told him she felt they were mates. He didn’t have the capacity to think of anyone other than himself.

  “This conversation isn’t over. I’m coming back, and we’re going to talk.”

  A truck door slammed, and an engine started. Meg sat up in a panic. Don’t leave me again. She ran to the front and hit the switch, clearing the windows in time to see his taillights. “You can’t even camp out on my doorstep like you promised, you bastard!”

  Huddling in the bushes, the four women watched the altercation. “This is going to take more work than I thought,” Lonnie said. “He still thinks of her as that young girl he left behind. We need to open his eyes a bit, step up our game.”

  “You think?” Miss Kathy asked.

  “I have an idea,” Claire piped up.

  “Well, don’t hold it in. Do share,” Miss Lonnie prompted.

  “I did Megan’s final fitting two days ago, for the maid of honor’s gown, and—”

  “What are you ladies up to?” Gee walked up behind them and peered at Megan’s house before returning his attention to them. “Not starting trouble, are you?”

  “How does a sexy goliath like you, manage to sneak up on wolves?” Miss Lonnie smiled up at Gee.

  “Years of practice.” He pointed. “Let them figure it out on their own. I had a feeling you all might be here snooping.”

  “We weren’t snooping. We’re concerned.”

  “You’re being nosey and interfering.”

  “Honestly, Gee, you are reading more into this than there is.” Miss Lonnie smiled. “We went out for a walk and heard the yelling. That’s all. It’s a good thing we happened upon this situation, though. You can see how it’s going. They need a little nudge.”

  Snort. Gee lifted his finger and started to point, but dropped it. “And you just happen to be the wolves to help them with that? I’m warning you, ladies, don’t meddle. It could come back to bite you.”

  “We’re not meddling but merely pushing things along in the right direction. Megan and Tad were always fated to be together. Everyone knows that. Well, except them. We plan to show them what everyone else already knows. How perfect they are for each other.”

  “You’re meddling.”

  Miss Lonnie propped her hands on her hips. “Well, if you want us to focus on your relationship issues instead….”

  “I don’t have—”

  “When’s the last time you got laid?”

  Gee blinked.


  “I’m not having this discussion.” Gee retreated into the woods. “Leave them alone.”

  “Or what? Come here, you big chicken, and face the music.” Miss Fern propped her hands on her hips.

  “That’s right, run. You’re next when we’re done here. We love a good hunt.” Miss Lonnie turned to Miss Claire. “You were about to tell us your plan?”

  “Yes, well.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a spool of thread. “Behold.”

  Miss Kathy snatched it away. “Thread? Your plan is thread? What? Are we going to stitch them together? That’s genius, You’ve outdone yourself this time! Why ever didn’t I think of it?”

  “Stop for a moment and give me a chance to explain. They had this at the fabric store. People use it to baste quilts and garments when they want a temporary seam they don’t have to rip out. When it gets wet, it dissolves.”

  “And you plan to do what with it?” Miss Kathy returned it to Miss Claire.

  “Why, replace the seams on Megan’s dress. I have to take it all apart anyway.”

  “That’s very wicked and underhanded, but brilliant. However, I see one problem. Doesn’t it have to get wet?” Fern eyed it. “It doesn’t look strong enough to hold anything together either.”

  “It’s strong enough while dry. As for how we get it to dissolve…that won’t be an issue. I’m old and forget things. I might have to send Megan to get the present I left at her place.” A sly grin crept onto her face. “And I might forget I asked her to get it and send Romeo, too. Forecast is calling for rain all night. Actually, the forecast calls for torrential showers.”

  “You’ll ruin her dress.” Fern waggled her finger.

  “She will be looking for any excuse to get out of the reception, especially with Tad there. Besides, Megan could care less about fancy dresses. When is the last time you saw her in a ball gown? Romeo has never seen her in one either and is going to have a hard time keeping his hands off her. She’ll be quite aggravated by the time I ask my little favor, and willing to do anything to escape, even if it means taking a three-mile walk in the rain.”

  “Good point. So, do you need any help?”

  “I could use help ripping the regular seams out. I’ve already marked the alteration lines, as I needed to take it apart anyway. She’s hardly eaten anything since he arrived, and the poor dear is wasting away to nothing. We have to act fast, ladies.”

  Megan pulled the laces tight on her new sneakers and tugged the bottom of her T-shirt down. Since she’d made friends with Tierney, she’d taken up running at god-awful times in the morning. Every day, rain or shine, the pair met on the edge of pack lands to run ten miles or better.

  At first, Megan thought Tierney was nuts. Yeah, she ran on the full moon with the pack, but it wasn’t so much about exercising as reuniting with one’s beast and setting it free. It was a time to bond with her pack. Running every morning as a human didn’t seem appealing. After the first time, she was hooked. It gave her a chance to bond with her human friend and clear her head before the day began.

  Tierney had even taken her into Rapid City to shop for fancy running clothes, tight leggings, top-of-the-line sneakers, and sports bras in bright neon colors. She stretched, leaning forward and touching her toes. As she came up, the hair on the back of her neck rose. Megan scanned the tree line. “Tierney?”

  Her friend came jogging out. “Sorry I’m late. Traffic in Hot Springs.”

  Megan snorted. Doubtful traffic kept her, but she wouldn’t call her on the white lie either. There were some things she just didn’t need to know, and she could smell Tierney’s mate all over her, which told her the only traffic jam that had delayed her friend happened in bed. So not going there.

  She hopped up and down, loosening her limbs. “You ready?”

  “See if you can keep up this time, wolf.” Tierney took off.

  Megan laughed and followed. Granted, her friend could run fast and for a long distance, but she had nothing on a wolf. She only held back so Tierney didn’t feel awkward.

  She pulled up alongside her. “So, you ready for this wedding?”

  “Of course. Part of me is so excited I can barely wait, and the other part is questioning if I’m jumping in way too fast.”

  Megan nodded. “You just have cold feet. It happens to every bride. Felix is crazy about you, and, besides, you’ve already been mates for months. He’s definitely the one.”

  “Which brings me to his brother….” They turned and started down a game trail through the forest at a brisk pace.

  “No, I’m not talking about the asshole. We’ve been over this.”

  “I think you should give him another chance. Maybe he’s changed.”

  “Girl, I’ve known that wolf my entire life, and he’s never going to change. Dawsons aren’t exactly mating material. Your wolf excluded, of course.”

  “But Felix surprised you. You told me at first you thought I’d made a huge mistake. Later you admitted you couldn’t think of anyone more perfect for me. Right?”

  “Yes, but that’s Felix. Tad is a whore.”

  “Who’s a whore?” Tad ran up alongside her.

  Her heart jumped as she caught his scent. Megan jerked and almost tripped over her sneakers. Seconds later, she picked up the pace, determined to lose him. Her traitorous friend, who had most certainly told hi
m where they’d be running this morning, fell back, but Tad remained by her side. She’d take care of Tierney later. For now, she had a bigger problem to deal with. “Go away.”

  “I asked you a question, Meggie.”

  “Don’t call me that.” Faster. She changed course, heading into the forest, leapt over fallen trees and dodged branches, anything to lose the wolf next to her. Still, he managed to match her step for step, remaining alongside her, not even breathing hard. Damn. “I really don’t want to talk to you.”

  “I’m not giving you a choice. You either talk to me, or I’m going to stick to your ass like glue until you do.”

  “We have nothing to discuss.” She darted around a large oak.

  Tad split around the other side and reappeared in front of her, standing in place, hands crossed over his chest and facing her.

  “Shit!” She barely had time to hit the brakes and not barrel into him. Somehow, she managed to come to a full stop without making contact. Megan swallowed, both hands thrown in front of her, an inch of space between her palms and his chest. She looked up into his eyes, and a jolt of lightening shot through her.

  “Oh, babe, we’ve got so much to talk about, and you know it.”

  She spun and ran for the tree, scrambling up the trunk like a monkey.

  “Not so tough without that nail gun, are you?” He shaded his eyes from the sun and peered up at her. “Come down.”

  “You can kiss my ass, Tad Dawson.”

  “Oh, I plan to.”

  She reached a large overhanging branch and straddled it, staring down at him. She plucked a couple of acorns and lobbed them at him. He deflected with his forearm. “Don’t make me come up there.”

  “I dare you to try it.”

  “I have a better idea. I think I’ll sit under this nice big oak and take a nap. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Go away.”

  “Not until you hear what I have to say. Even Felix and Tierney think you’re being unreasonable.”

  “I’m not listening.”

  “For the last five years, there hasn’t been one day I haven’t regretted leaving you behind. I should have stayed. I should have fought for you, but I was afraid you would get hurt, that Magnum would kill your family. And then, like a coward, I was afraid to face what I did, nor did I want to know if you’d found someone. Sweetheart, I don’t have to kiss you to know you’re my mate. I guess I’ve always known. But I’m not running away this time. I’m back, and I’m here to claim what’s mine.”

  “I’m not yours.”

  “Then, come down here and kiss me. Prove it.”

  “Leave me alone.”

  “Is that what you want? Look me in the eyes and say it.”

  “Kind of hard from up here.”

  “Then come down, Meg. Please.”

  She stared at him, clenching her fists. Did he mean any of it? He certainly looked sincere.

  Chapter Four

  Then again, he always did when he wanted to get into a woman’s pants. “I don’t want you, Tad.”


  The lie came out before she could throw on the brakes. “Because, I’m seeing someone else. Okay?”

  “Meg?” His smug expression fell. He frowned then reached up and scratched his head.

  Why did I say that? Regret gripped her chest in a vise, and breathing became difficult. She didn’t have to be close to see the hurt blanketing his face. The scent of a wounded animal wafted toward her. She’d hit her mark, drawn blood. “Tad.” She clamped down on the branch so hard it cracked. “I….”

  “I get it. You don’t need to explain. I’ll stay away.” He shook his head and turned, walking into the dense growth, leaving her behind yet again, and this time, she’d been the one responsible. Why couldn’t she let go of the anger and give him a chance?

  A tear slipped down her cheek. She reached up and rubbed it away. That had to qualify as one of the meanest things she’d ever done, and to the man she loved more than anyone else. She slammed her palm on her perch. Damn!

  Snap. The branch fractured. Next thing she knew, only air sat between her and the ground. It didn’t take long for it to vanish. She landed on her tailbone, pain shooting up her spine and down her legs, yet she barely felt it. The major trauma lay under her ribs, in her heart. The ache blossomed as her mind replayed every last word exchanged between them. “I’m not. I’m not seeing someone else.” She closed her eyes and threw her head back, trying to stop the tears. No chance. The dam, holding back years of hurt, gave. Megan broke into huge racking sobs. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” She slugged the ground.

  “I agree. You let your past dictate your future.”

  What? Who? Megan looked up, blinking away the blur of tears. Gee stood over her, staring down. “Excuse me?”

  “You wolves are too sensitive. If you’d put all the emotional baggage away for a moment, you’d see how clear everything is. He left to keep you safe and couldn’t return. Magnum killed anyone who returned after leaving the pack, and your father warned him off. He didn’t write or call because he was afraid you were with someone else and couldn’t bear to see it.”

  “I don’t understand. How do you know?”

  “I know everything.” He turned and headed toward the path. He stopped and glanced behind him, just before stepping onto the trail. “That was a hint. Go after him.” With that, Gee continued on his way.

  How the hell did the bear always manage to be around to witness her foolishness? She swiped the tears from her eyes and climbed to her feet. Glancing in the direction Tad had gone, Megan swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat. Could she? Go after him? Or had her anger and pride destroyed her last chance at a relationship with the one wolf she couldn’t get out of her head? Her ass smarted, a reminder of her stupidity, but didn’t feel fractured. Well, at least it looked like she hadn’t broken it. At least she could go after him to apologize.

  She toed off her sneakers and pulled her sports bra over her head, dropping it on the ground. In seconds, she managed to strip down. She’d always been a strong female, so shifting came easier to her than others. Still, she hated to do it outside a full moon, unless she didn’t have a choice. Transformation wasn’t exactly comfortable outside of the moon. She dropped to her hands and knees and closed her eyes.

  The pain started in her head, a burn that only grew worse as muscles stretched and bones shifted. Her joints cracked, her knees bent back, inducing a yelp from her tightening vocal cords. Fur rolled across her skin in a wave, sprouting across her bare epidermis, covering her in thick cream-and-silver hair. Her finger and toe nails fell off as claws exploded from shortening feet and hands.

  As her shift ended, Megan did a full-body shake, locking her form into place. She lifted her nose to howl but dropped it. No warning. She was coming for him, and this time she wouldn’t give him a chance to run.

  Megan took off into the woods, tracking her man.

  It took Tad a couple of minutes to sprint into Los Lobos. As he reached the center of town, he dropped his hands to his knees and sucked in a deep breath. Too long he’d lived among the humans, and God knew they made him soft. When was the last time he’d been winded? A couple of women giggled, and he looked up.

  The Driver sisters. Tad narrowed his eyes, focusing on them. He had to get his mind off Megan, and the best place to start would be with his old flings. Maybe, since they were wolves, his gear would function again. Only one way to find out.

  Don’t you even think about it.

  Shut it.


  They waved. “Hi, Tad.”

  “Ladies.” He gave them a nod and started across the street. His feet felt like he wore concrete shoes. It took maximum effort just to lift them and walk.

  Not yours.

  Stop it.

  You know you don’t want that shit. Been there, done that.

  Well, what I want, doesn’t want me.

u’re a wolf, right? You couldn’t smell her reaction to you?

  She had a reaction to me?


  “Could you give us a hand? We’ll buy you a beer at Gee’s, and maybe we can catch up on old times.” They took their time looking him over, making it clear they wanted to do more than talk. They motioned to a side-by-side ATV, loaded with pottery. They’d always been the artsy types, and it appeared that hadn’t changed.

  The older sister, Lily, pointed at a small storefront, loaded with artisan items. “We sell our wares here.”

  He forced his way toward the back of the four-wheel ATV, stiff-legged, his body fighting him all the way, surely looking like one of those zombies he’d seen on television.

  Stop it.

  You think this is hard, just try and stick your dick in one of them.

  Where I stick my dick is none of your business.

  I beg to differ.

  Tad blew out a breath and reached for a box. The hair rose on the nape of his neck, and the urge to walk away hit like a brick wall. Tad fisted his hands and ground his teeth, staying put, refusing to give control to the pissy beast inside. I said to knock it off.

  Wasn’t me, his wolf chimed in. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.

  Right. He clamped down on the sides of the container, preparing to lift it.

  What the hell are you doing?

  Tad jerked away, as though the items could burn him. That hadn’t been his wolf but a feminine voice. Meg? He’d heard mates could communicate telepathically sometimes, especially ones who’d known each other a long time.

  The sisters took that moment to make their move, appearing beside him, one on each side. “It’s so nice to see you again.” Rose reached up and rubbed one of his biceps. Tad fought the urge to snap his teeth at her. He stared at the box of pottery, using all his willpower to prevent wolfing out on them.

  Lily stroked his nape with the back of her hand, leaning in to whisper. “Daddy told us to stay away. Said you were bad news then and bad news now. Are you as bad now?”


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