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Till There Was You

Page 11

by Iris Morland

  As he looked at Harrison and saw bits and pieces of Jubilee’s features in Harrison’s face, Heath knew that he couldn’t let her go. He’d wanted her for years, hadn’t he? He’d dated a few women here and there, but none had been able to hold a candle to Jubilee. She was all that was lovely in this world to him.

  “If Jubilee tells me it’s over,” Heath said finally, “then it’s over. But I’m not making the decision for her.”

  “Dammit, man—”

  “Keep your nose out of our business. You’re going to turn into your mother, you know.”

  Harrison gaped at him before bursting into a hearty laugh. “Caleb said the same thing. Fine—fine! Do what you want, but my warning stands regardless. Hurt Jubilee, and you’re dead.”

  “Oh, I believe you. Although I’m not as worried for myself as I am for you.” Heath pointed over Harrison’s shoulder, where Sara stood, tapping her foot. “Hi, Sara.”

  “Hi, Heath. Is my husband bothering you? I hope you know I’d never tell him to do something so stupid and childish and I hope he realizes he’s an idiot.”

  “Sara, this is between men—”

  “Oh, please. Go measure your dicks somewhere else, preferably not in a school parking lot.”

  Heath sputtered a laugh while Harrison glowered. Taking Harrison’s arm, the very pregnant but very tenacious Sara said to Heath, “See you tomorrow!”

  Heath drove home, but by the time he arrived, he didn’t want to stay there. He wanted to find Jubilee. He wanted to tell her—oh, he didn’t know. He wanted to tell her about Rich, about Troy and about Gregory, but then he imagined her disgust at his cowardice and his courage shriveled up inside of him.

  He told himself he would tell her everything if she wanted to make this relationship more than a fling. That would raise the stakes, certainly. Until then, he wasn’t going to burden her with his problems. She had her own burdens: namely, a family that seemed determined to keep her in a protective bubble the rest of her life.

  He looked at the clock. Jubilee wouldn’t be off work until after five o’clock. He was tempted to wait outside her apartment until she came home, but considering he’d avoided talking to her at all since he’d broken off their meet-up a week ago, he knew he’d need to come up with an explanation. And he needed to grovel and apologize.

  I’d like to see you tonight, he texted her. I’m sorry for ghosting on you. I’d like to explain.

  He waited for what seemed like an eternity before she replied. Finally, she sent him a text that said simply, Okay. Come over after five thirty.

  He blew out a relieved breath and waited.

  * * *

  Jubilee wasn’t able to say a word to Heath before he embraced her and kissed her with a desperation that shocked her. Confused and aroused, she kissed him back before pushing him away.

  “What was that?” She shook her head in astonishment. “One second you freeze me out, the next you kiss me like we haven’t seen each other in years?”

  He had the decency to look sheepish. “I owe you an explanation.”

  “Uh, to say the least.” She was halfway tempted to send him packing, but he looked so handsome, wearing a dark blue shirt that brought out his eyes, the sleeves rolled up and exposing his muscled forearms once he took off his winter coat.

  “I’d ask if you wanted something to drink,” she said as she led him into the living room, “but I’m too annoyed with you to be polite. You can’t just show up and kiss me, you know.”

  He smiled. “You’re beautiful when you’re angry, you know.”

  “Don’t flatter me.” Despite her words, she couldn’t help but preen under his compliment.

  She’d missed him—not just his kisses, but his conversation. The way he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose when he was thinking. How his laugh made her feel warm inside and out. How he looked at her like she was the only woman in existence, the only woman for him.

  Now you’re being ridiculous, she admonished herself. You can’t let him keep giving you whiplash like this.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened? Or am I going to have to guess?”

  Heath rubbed the back of his neck. “I shouldn’t have ghosted on you like that. I’m sorry. It’s just that the upcoming trial has been holding my focus. It’s difficult on Rose.” He seemed like he would say more, but to Jubilee’s disappointment, he didn’t elaborate.

  She knew all about what had happened with Rose and Johnny this past summer. Rose had told Jubilee later that Johnny had tricked her into thinking that he’d kidnapped Jubilee. Jubilee had been shocked that Johnny had even known who she was, to say nothing of how creepy it was that a criminal like him would somehow use her to get to Rose.

  If Johnny hadn’t been caught and tossed in jail, Jubilee knew she’d be looking over her shoulder all the time, afraid that he’d try to come after her.

  “Heath,” she said quietly, “I know our…relationship isn’t a conventional one.” That admission made her blush scarlet, but she powered on. “But you can talk to me. I hope you know that.”

  To her dismay, he grimaced. She almost wished she could take back her words. Feeling foolish, she fidgeted, wishing things didn’t always end up being so awkward between them. They could be so good with each other, but the times that were awkward or painful? Sometimes Jubilee wasn’t sure if the good times outweighed the bad in those instances.

  “I appreciate that. I do. I need to make it up to you somehow.”

  “Well, I do have a list that still has some things to be checked off.”

  Heat flared in his eyes. “I haven’t forgotten—not for one minute.”

  “I should send you home, you know. For ignoring me like you did.” She couldn’t mask the hurt in her voice as she added, “I’m tired of this back-and-forth, Heath. I can’t figure out what you want. Sometimes I wonder if you’re doing this out of some weird obligation.”

  “Never.” His voice was fierce, and he cupped her cheek as he said roughly, “I’ve wanted you for ages, Jubi. You have to know that. It’s just that there are so many ways and reasons this could go wrong—”

  “But it could go so right.”

  “Could it? I don’t know. Except being away from you only made me realize that I don’t care. I don’t care about your damn brother or anyone else. I don’t care about what’s responsible or wise. I care about you.”

  She saw truth in his gaze, and her heart squeezed. She covered his hand that still rested on her cheek with her own.

  “I want it to be you. I always have.” Jubilee swallowed. “I want my first time to be with you and no one else.”

  Heath stared at her, his nostrils slightly flared, a flush on his cheeks now. She could practically feel him vibrating with want, and her own body echoed that desire. It was like every time he was near her, her body unfurled like a flower drinking in sunlight.

  He brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. “Then let’s go to your room,” he rasped. Before she could react, he stood up and picked her up, carrying her to her bedroom like a bridegroom crossing the threshold.

  Jubilee trembled, but it wasn’t out of fear. It was out of anticipation and sheer need.

  Thank God for ridiculous lists, was her last, giddy thought before Heath kissed her.


  Jubilee had imagined this exact moment so many times that it was difficult to believe it was really happening now. She almost pinched herself to make certain she wasn’t dreaming.

  But in her dreams, she couldn’t feel how warm and solid Heath was, and she had to admit, he didn’t kiss like this in her dreams. He’d kissed her sweetly in her dreams.

  In reality, he kissed her like she was necessary to his very being—nothing sweet about it.

  “Are you sure?” Heath asked. He searched her face. “You want this?”

  She smoothed her hands down his shirt, and he shuddered. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything else.”

  Groaning, he pressed his forehead to
hers, but he didn’t ask her again if she was sure. He kissed her temple before capturing her mouth in a kiss that made her entire body yearn for his.

  She knew that losing your virginity could be painful. She’d always been a little afraid of it, if she was being honest. What if it were awful? She’d heard enough horror stories that she couldn’t help feeling a little trepidation.

  Heath must have felt her stiffen, because he tipped her head back to look into her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I mean, I’m just a little jittery, is all.” She laughed, but it sounded choked. How did she explain she was excited but also afraid?

  She hoped she wouldn’t make a complete fool of herself. Heath was experienced. What if she couldn’t compare to the other women he’d been with? And then the thought of him being with another woman nipped at her with jealousy.

  “We’ll take things slow. There’s no rush.” He kissed her cheek and down her throat, not pushing, but simply enjoying.

  Eventually, Jubilee felt herself being led to sit on the bed and then she was on her side with Heath still kissing her. When she gasped for air moments later, she laughed when she saw that Heath’s glasses had fogged up.

  He grinned as he took them off, setting them on the nearby bedside table. “I think I’ll manage without them.”

  Jubilee waved a hand in front of his face. “Can you even see me?” she teased.

  “I can see you just fine. I’m not that blind.” Pulling her shirt up to expose her belly, he growled, “But I need to see more of you. All of you.”

  Jubilee nodded and helped him get her shirt off and then her bra. She thought of when he’d made her come at his place, and anticipation was heady in her veins.

  Heath touched her like she was both delicate and strong, his mouth creating heated paths down her stomach, across her breasts. When he took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked, hard, Jubilee arched off the bed with a small cry.

  “I dreamed about doing just this,” Heath confessed as he licked the tight peak of her other nipple. “I’d kiss your breasts until you yelled my name, but then I’d wake up and realize it had all been a dream.”

  “I had dreams, too.” At his eyebrow raise, she blushed.

  “Tell me.”

  She shied away from voicing those things aloud, but Heath was relentless.

  “Tell me, tell me,” he whispered as he nipped at her hip, laughing when she tried very halfheartedly to stop his nips. “You don’t have to be ashamed of what you dream, Jubilee.”

  “I had one recently…” She swallowed and said in a rush, “That you kissed me. Down there.”

  His smile was slow and blinding. “‘Down there’? You mean here?” He touched her knee, making her giggle. “Or here?” He stroked the back of her thigh. “Or maybe here?” he asked as he traced a circle on her pelvis.

  “Close, but not quite.”

  “Then tell me where you meant, exactly. I’m a literal guy. I need specific directions.”

  She burst out laughing, rolling her eyes, but when he continued to tease her and kiss everywhere but where she wanted him, she finally told him exactly where she wanted his mouth. The flush on his cheeks confirmed that he wanted that as much as she did.

  “Naughty girl.” He spanked her ass lightly before stripping her of her jeans and panties. “Good thing I was wanting to do exactly that.”

  Except now that she was completely naked, he moved downward to kiss her ankle. She groaned in frustration. Why was he determined to drive her absolutely insane?

  “Do I want to know what’s so funny?” Heath asked he kissed her knee, then her calf. He tickled the arch of her foot, which just made her laugh harder as she tried to get away from him.

  “No, no! Oh God, stop!” Breathless, she launched herself at him, which only made him rise over her on the bed, pinning her wrists down.

  “Be good, or you’ll have to wait longer.” His actions belied his words, though, and he traced his fingers down her torso to her thighs before parting them.

  Jubilee trembled. It was so strange to have anyone look at her there, and she forced herself not to snap her legs closed out of embarrassment. It was even stranger seeing the stark desire on Heath’s face—strange, yet it only stoked the flames in her belly further.

  She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. She let herself simply feel instead of overthinking every action, every small movement. The tips of Heath’s fingers were callused, and it only heightened the sensation of him touching her.

  He kissed the insides of her thighs, his tongue licking patterns on the silky patch of skin. He kissed her hip, her lower belly, before he finally kissed the top of her mound. She gasped his name when he parted her folds and licked her center.

  Jubilee couldn’t describe how she felt: it was simultaneously strange and wondrous. Her body hummed with every stroke of his tongue against her sex.

  “You taste amazing. So sweet.” His voice was guttural, and Jubilee’s eyes flew open when at the sound.

  He looked up at her, and she could just make out his sensual smile before he began to circle her clit with his thumb. Just like he’d done the last time he’d touched her. Her hips bucked, especially when she just needed him to rub a little harder, a little longer…

  “Look at me, Jubilee,” he commanded. “I want you to watch as I make you come.”

  She sat up on her elbows, gripping his hair as he began to kiss her harder, thrusting his tongue inside her as well. The moment was so erotic that Jubilee felt like she’d been transported elsewhere, like it couldn’t possibly be happening to her.

  Heath growled, and his own enjoyment only heightened her own. When he began to flick her clit as he pushed a finger inside her, she bit her tongue to keep from screaming. Just a second later, the coil inside her belly exploded into her release, and she cried out from the sheer joy of it. Trembling, she had to grip Heath’s shoulders to keep herself from collapsing onto the bed, her bones and muscles melted.

  “God, you’re amazing.” He kissed her, and she tasted herself on his mouth. She moaned, and then moaned again when he broke away.

  He began to strip in hurried movements. “Wait,” she said, standing up. “Let me. I want to see you.”

  His eyes darkened, but he didn’t stop her. Smiling, she helped him out of his shirt, her heart fluttering when his bare chest and abdomen were revealed. He was a work of art, muscular and lean, with probably next to no fat on his frame. If she weren’t so distracted by how much she wanted him, she’d tease him and ask him how an elementary school teacher managed to stay so fit. Weren’t they supposed to be gawky and pale from sitting behind a desk all day?

  She trailed her fingers down his torso, loving the way he sucked in a breath at her touch. He had a smattering of dark hair on his chest that was a similar auburn shade to his hair. Leaning forward, she kissed him over his thumping heart. His skin tasted salty, the crispness of his chest hair in contrast to the smoothness of the skin at his waist, his hips.

  “You’re trying to drive me insane, aren’t you?” He swore when she kissed him right below his belly button. “Dammit, Jubi—”

  “Fair is fair.” She unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down to reveal his boxers. He was obviously hard, and her mouth watered when she saw how hard he was—and how big.

  She wasn’t entirely sure this would work, but she didn’t want to voice that fear out loud. The last thing she wanted to do was seem like some spineless ninny, though, and before she could lose her nerve, she dipped her hand below the waistband of his boxers to grasp his cock.

  “It’s soft,” she said wonderingly. At his wry look, she giggled. “I mean, the skin is. It’s definitely hard. It’s soft-hard.” She knew she was blathering, and she blushed scarlet.

  “You’re adorable,” he said, a bit wonderingly. Then he enclosed his hand around hers. “Like this. You won’t hurt me.”

  She squeezed him, and he groaned. Her heart thrilled at that sound. It was one thing for
him to please her—for her to be able to reciprocate made her feel like the sexiest woman alive. Even if she didn’t always say the right things.

  There was something so unbearably erotic about making a man tremble and moan your name as you touched him. Jubilee’s heart pounded, and with every stroke of her hand around his cock, her heart pounded faster and faster.

  Heath hissed out a breath when she squeezed him a bit harder, and when she drew away, he laughed, breathless. “You didn’t hurt me, but you better stop that. Otherwise this will be over before it ever began.” He stripped his boxers down his hips, leaving him completely naked.

  Jubilee inhaled deeply. He was beautiful—there was no other word for it. His skin was lighter in color on his hips and buttocks, but her gaze remained on his iron-hard cock that seemed to twitch before her very eyes. Touching him was one thing; seeing it in all of its glory was something else entirely.

  She moved back towards the bed. “What are you waiting for?” She batted her eyelashes, which made Heath growl and pounce on her. They rolled onto the bed until Heath lay on top of her.

  His chest pressed against her breasts, his legs tangling with her own, and they kissed deeply and without reservation. Jubilee opened her legs and when she felt his hardness brush against her sex, she shivered.

  Would he fit? She wasn’t entirely certain he would. She didn’t have much basis for comparison, but he seemed large. Then again, as a virgin, she didn’t really know. She floundered, trying to regain her bearings, and once again, Heath seemed to sense her unease.

  “Are you nervous?” He smoothed her hair from her forehead.

  “Yes. I mean, what if it…doesn’t work?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She could tell he was trying to hold back a chuckle, although that didn’t help her embarrassment. It wasn’t that she was afraid of pain—God only knew she’d experienced enough physical pain in her lifetime already—but that it wouldn’t be good. That she wouldn’t be any good at it.

  “What if it’s terrible?” she whispered.

  “Has it been terrible so far?”


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