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Page 11

by Fox Brison

  “It should be illegal not to like barbeques,” I countered and she barked that laugh again. “Lead the way.”

  “How about I give you a ride? It’ll be easier than giving directions.”

  So, would giving birth to a twenty pound rock but I wasn’t about to do that anytime soon either.

  “No, you’ve been too kind already I’ll just follow.” There was no way I was going anywhere without a getaway vehicle. Yes she was the epitome of niceness, but hey, I’ve seen the true crime channel and read the statistics.

  And I wasn’t about to come one of them simply because I was desperate for some company who liked me rather than hated the very thought of me.

  Chapter 21


  Smackwater Joe’s could easily have passed for the Longhorn Saloon in any cowboy film except for the mechanical bull in the corner, its body tipped downwards readying to charge. Amy flicked her head towards it. “I don’t think so,” I said chuckling. I hadn’t ridden the bucking bronco for a while; there were occasions in the folly of my youth when I’d used it as a tool to seal the deal with a few girls I was pursuing, it drove them wild.

  My skills even bagged me a toaster oven or two.

  But those days were long gone, well perhaps not long, but gone anyway. A couple of regulars caught my eye, not exactly friends with benefits, more like acquaintances who’d do in a pinch.

  And yes that sounded awful, even to me, but I was in a rancorous mood.

  Granted I wasn’t overjoyed when my mother invited Haley…I like that far better than Jennifer to stay at the ranch but it had less to do with her and more to do with the maelstrom of emotions raging inside me.

  Yes I felt like a fool, but Haley wasn’t totally to blame for everything that had happened, it was simply a series of unfortunate events that Lemony Snicket would’ve been proud of.

  Several tables circled a decent sized dancefloor and generous booths ran the length of two of the walls. The bar was on another wall which faced the stage where bluegrass and country bands would play live every weekend. Amy and I headed for the nearest empty booth and even though I knew exactly what I was going to order, I perused the menu whilst Amy ordered a pitcher of beer.

  “Dani, hi wanna dance?” Emily a lithesome redhead who worked at Mac’s Leather Outfitters and an old flame that had burnt brightly, for all of two nights at least, asked the question. Could she be the cure for my ails? She had been in the past.

  “Yeah, why not.” We stood and joined a few other couples on the dancefloor but as soon as she put her arms around my neck and we began to sway to the music nothing had ever felt more wrong.


  “I’m sorry, Emily, I can’t.” I walked out of the bar and into the crisp night. It felt like I was drowning in a pair of blue eyes, warm blue like a desert island lagoon. They sparkled. Sometimes with fire and sometimes with passion. I regretted seeing them dull after Mom asked about a special someone back home.

  Why couldn’t I stop thinking about Haley’s eyes and start getting on with my life?

  Chapter 22


  Smackwater Joe’s may very well have been lesbian utopia in small town Wyoming. Yes I’d become self-conscious in the last few years, but had never particularly enjoyed entering a pub or restaurant alone, especially if it was somewhere like this, where I was new in town and didn’t know anyone. Several pairs of eyes followed me from the door to one of the booths, where I quickly sat and buried my head in the menu. I felt like an exhibit at a freak show. A few moments later, Madison returned from the bathroom and I heaved a surreptitious sigh of relief.

  “Are they always like this with strangers?” I asked in hushed tones.

  “Only the beautiful ones,” Madison said with a teasing wink. “I should have warned you it was ladies’ night,” she added with a chuckle. “It can get a little intense. An old friend of mine from Texas came once, and by the end of the evening she’d had two offers of dinner, one coffee date and what she was sure was the suggestion to join in a threesome.”

  “A threesome? I think I’d rather run through Old Faithful naked,” I said.

  “Me too. Thankfully no one would dare try it on with me, my boo was state wresting champ.”

  “Hi, again, I don’t know if you remember but I was at Dani’s ranch when you arrived on Wednesday? Name’s Amy, Amy Rogers.” She was smiling warmly and I mimicked the expression even though inside I was snarling.

  Oh I remember you alright, little miss wear something sexy. “That’s right, you were leaving with an old chap in a blue pickup?” I said. She took that, somehow, as an invitation to sit right next to me. I had no choice but move along the bench.

  “Yup, I thought I recognised you. I’m the local vet. I was checking on Dani’s two brood mares. Jezzie finally gave up her little one the evening before last.”

  “Yes, Dani introduced us yesterday when I was up at ranch,” I said, staking my claim. Not that I had a claim to stake, I’d lost my nugget of gold through stupidity. “The foal is a stunning filly.” I wondered if this was who Mrs Robbins was referring to when she mentioned a vet in the family. Amy and Dani certainly would make a good looking couple that’s for sure, they did seem extremely close the day I arrived. Maybe a tinge of the green eyed monster coloured the tone of my next question. “So you’re the local vet?”

  “Yes.” She sounded peeved and I immediately understood why. It was difficult building a reputation as a vet especially for a woman where another practitioner was long established.

  I gave her an apologetic smile. “No, I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just I’m a vet too!”

  “Ahh sorry, a tiny bit over sensitive,” Amy said ruefully. “It’s been a long week. Dani didn’t mention you were a vet.”

  “We don’t really know each other that well, I’m Jack’s sister in law. Is Dani here?” I looked around the bar trying to spot her.

  “She was, she headed out about fifteen minutes ago.” Great. Amy waved towards a waitress circling the room and ordered a pitcher of beer. I smiled and we began chatting. I liked her and could see why Dani did too, even though the realisation killed the remaining hope I had of Dani ever being more than one wonderful night. Madison placed a margarita down in front of me.

  “Oh, I shouldn’t,” I said but it was half hearted at best. I felt like getting trollied. Plus I’d never tried a margarita before and it looked an exceedingly attractive drink. I especially liked the rim of salt, little shards of crystal that drew the eye. “I have to drive back to my hotel.” I said regretfully, not quite a whine, but not far off.

  Amy laughed at my expression. “Where are you staying?”

  “The Cody Hotel”

  “I’ll give you a ride back,” she said quickly before Madison got the chance, “it’s on my way home.”

  I smiled in thanks and took a large gulp. My appetite had suddenly disappeared but my thirst was mighty.

  Chapter 23


  As soon as I left Joe’s I began kicking myself. How has Haley got such a hold on me and so quickly? Ms Jones stirred me up like no other to the extent I’d even refused a sure thing. And yes, that scared me.

  It also exhilarated me.

  I needed to have a talk with her to clear the air without my mother either standing ten feet away or sitting across the table playing cupid. With our Comanche background she’d probably be far too accurate with her bow and arrow.

  I’d been sitting outside the Cody Hotel for the past twenty minutes. I felt like a teenager again trying to muster enough courage to ask the girl I liked on a date. My phone chirped and I gave a mental cheer at the interruption. Procrastination may have been the thief of time, but hell it was better than a stiff drink at bolstering courage, mine at least. “Haley’s at Joe’s with Madison Perkins. Where are you?” Mom’s call stopped me literally as I was about to get out of the truck.

  “Mom?” I asked. I really needed to check who was calling before I answered, procr
astination or no procrastination.


  “How do you know Haley’s at Joe’s? And why is she there with Maddy?” A hint of anger slipped into my tone. Or was it jealousy. Maybe it was a potent cocktail of both.

  “I phoned to see she was alright. I thought she might be lonely.”

  “Well it sounds like she’s doing fine.” Christ it’s going to be like moths to a flame.

  “Why did you leave?” And now Mom was being accusing and in my business.

  “I wasn’t hungry.” I blushed. I was bloody starving but I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t even finish one drink. What the hell is wrong with me? Who the hell is wrong with me would be a better question.

  “Did you get my ribs?”

  Shit. I’d forgotten. “No, Mom, I haven’t got your ribs.”

  I heard her tut. She wasn’t subtle about it and I placed the phone on the seat next to me. Loud speaker wasn’t necessary, Mom’s voice was going to be strident. Maybe even shrill. Depends how angry she was.

  Yeah anger level was shrill bordering on the hysterical.

  “Dolly Danielle Robbins, I’m sick of all this pussy footing around. That poor girl thinks you hate her.”

  “I don’t hate her.” Quite the opposite, I scowled to myself.

  “Then go and get her to come back to the ranch,” she said forcefully. “I will not have her sister and Jack thinking we didn’t make her feel welcome.”

  “Can’t you call her and ask-” I sounded like a petulant thirteen year old and my Mom growled. I gritted my teeth. “Okay.”

  “I mean it, Dani, do not come home without that girl! Or my ribs,” she added as an afterthought.

  “I’ll do my best, Mom, but I can’t force her to come back if she doesn’t want to.”

  “You’ve never had any trouble getting girls to come before.”

  I stared in disbelief at my cell. I’m not sure my Mom intended for it to sound quite how it sounded, but it made me laugh.

  I sped back to town hoping the cops weren’t sat in their usual speed traps. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with Sheriff Donut tonight.

  But I was in the mood to deal with an English Rose in a bar full of horny cowgirls.

  Chapter 24


  It appeared the unknown fifth horsewoman of the apocalypse resided in Cody and was heading my way. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Dani barked and pulled me clear of the table.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing” I shook her off angrily.

  “What name are you using tonight Miss I never go cruising for girls? I’ve met you four times and half of those were in gay bars.” Dani was breathless with rage, her whole body tight.

  Why on earth was she annoyed with me being in the pub? “I don’t have to justify myself to you, Dani.” I didn’t particularly like the inflection in her tone, nor the subtle judgmental aspect of it. I wasn’t sure what she was playing at, but this particular game was not one I wished to participate in.

  “I’m simply calling it like I see it. After all, you did it once before and not so long ago at that. They must breed em loose in England,” Dani taunted.

  My eyes narrowed; she wasn’t the only one whose body was tight with suppressed rage. This was going beyond a joke. What had started out as an honest attempt to apologise was fast turning into a farce of proportions so epic it was about to be made into one of the movie franchise… Date Movie, Not Another Teen Movie, Sucky Apology Movie. “How dare you!” I spat out, the resentment in my words masking the hurt. “Just because we spent the night together it doesn’t give you the right to question my morals, especially as you appear to own those of an alley cat. I’ve slept with two people in five years. How many have you slept with in that time?” I heard Madison mutter two hundred, but ignored her. “And how did you even know I was here, are you following me?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, you weren’t that good,” she sneered.

  I slapped Dani, hard. “I could fuck every single woman in this bar and it would be no concern of yours. I came here to try and make amends…” I choked on a sob. “And you think my mistake gives you the right to stand there and accuse me of being a whore?” The last word was a tormented whisper. “God, I’m such a fool.” I grabbed my bag and felt a hundred eyes following me as I stormed out of the bar.

  I think Smackwater Joe’s had been treated to enough lesbian dramedy for one night.

  I made it to my car and tried to locate my keys but my hands were shaking and my vision was blurred by tears as I fought to stop them from falling, but it was like trying to keep rain in the clouds over the mountains. I buried my head into my arms and leaned against the door of the car, the battle lost, and I began crying in earnest.

  “Haley,” I felt a soft touch and heard the kind and gentle voice I hadn’t heard since San Francisco. “Haley, I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Please, let me look at you.” This time Dani lightly pulled my arm.

  I turned to face her. Now some people are pretty criers, gentle little sobs barely audible, soft tears almost undetectable. Me? Oh no, not me, definitely not me. I was a bawler, a loud, snotty, blotchy mess Picasso would’ve been proud of, a mess who couldn’t even articulate her own name. Dawn hated that about me, she hated that I cried at the flick of a switch, as she put it. She also called it emotional blackmail, a less than subtle manipulation of a tense situation. It wasn’t. I was simply quick to tear, it was a hard thing to explain and even harder to live with.

  “Dani I’m I…I would never...” Then Dani did something utterly unexpected; she took me in her arms and held me tight. God I felt so safe in that embrace that I never wanted to leave its warmth.

  “Shhh, it’s okay I know, I’ve been all mixed up since, well, you know, and then when you turned up… it was helluva lot to take in.” She took out a handkerchief, a white cotton one, and began wiping away my tears.

  “If I could turn back time-” I began with a heartfelt plea.

  “Hey, look, stop beating yourself up it was an honest mistake.” Weird how things can turn three hundred and sixty degrees in less than sixty seconds.

  “I lied,” I was especially ashamed by that. I hadn’t been raised a liar and abhorred them. To know my fabrication over something as simple as a name had caused all this confirmed, if nothing else did, that I wasn’t good when forced into making quick decisions.

  “Who hasn’t? I told a girl I was related to Buffalo Bill once.” She seemed smug and sheepish at the confession.

  “Really?” I chuckled. “How’d she take it when you told her the truth?”

  “I never did. She was on vacation and I thought it’d be a nice story she could tell the grandkids one day.” Dani rubbed the back of her neck and smiled bashfully. “Look, Haley, I don’t know why I was so hard on you and the way I treated you was shameful.”

  I couldn’t bear the look of hurt in her beautiful eyes. “Hey, I’ve an idea,” I touched her arm and felt the muscles contract beneath my fingers. I gulped. Wow. “Why don’t we forget everything that’s happened before this point?” Except I wasn’t about to forget about San Francisco in a hurry. That I was going to use to sustain me during the long, cold, lonely nights. Dani looked at me like I was slightly mad when I said, “Hi, my name is Haley Jones.” I held out my hand which Dani took.

  “Dani Robbins.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Dani.” She laughed “Friends?” I asked tentatively.

  “Friends. And my first action as your new friend is going to be to take your car keys and drive you home in my truck, because you’ve been drinking margaritas and I know how strong Joe’s are. We’ll swing by the hotel and grab your bags on the way back to the ranch.”

  “Dani, it’s fine I’m happy to stay at the hotel.” I protested, but without too much conviction.

  “You may be but I’m not. Besides, Mom would have my hide. Give me a few minutes to pick up her ribs, because if I forget them again we’ll both be loo
king for somewhere to stay!”

  Chapter 25


  It was still light as we drove through downtown in my old Ford pickup towards the Cody Hotel. It was a beautiful evening and the streets were busy with people enjoying the weather, a goodly proportion of whom waved as we passed.

  “Is there anyone in town you don’t know, little Miss popular,” Haley teased as I returned their greetings.

  “It’s the truck they’re waving at, not me. This old thing belonged to my Grandpa,” I patted the steering wheel. “It’s been a regular sight in these parts for the past thirty years; it’s like it’s become the town mascot or something.” It was easily recognisable with its mismatched red driver’s door from the time my Grandpa stopped on the highway a few miles south of Jackson Hole to check his back tire just as an eighteen wheeler was passing. It tore the original door right off.

  A second later and it would’ve been Gramp’s head.

  Haley’s lips were still curved upwards as we pulled to a stop outside the hotel. Enigmatic, I thought to myself. It’s an enigmatic smile. And one which I wanted to taste.

  “Are you coming in?” she asked.

  “Do you mind if I wait out here? There’s a horse dealer I’ve been meaning to call all day but it plain went out of my head.”

  “Sure, no problem. I’ll be as quick as I can.” She hurried inside and I tried not to stare as she climbed the few steps into the main door.

  There was no horse dealer.

  I gave up the ghost and ogled her ass entering the double glass doors to the hotel. I groaned and leant my head onto the headrest. Oh how I loved that ass. And her lips. I closed my eyes, my fingers tightening on the steering wheel as the memory of holding onto Haley’s hips as she threw her head back in ecstasy when she came…

  Shit! When we hugged outside Joe’s my heart had raced and every last drop of saliva in my mouth dried quicker than spit in the desert. I needed to get my head together and get my emotional house in order before I made a fool of myself. And carrying her over my shoulder and into my bedroom would certainly qualify as making a fool of myself.


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