Virgin Lovers

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Virgin Lovers Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “You know what you did,” she said.

  “Told you the truth.”

  She stood up and glared at him. “I can’t do this, okay? I refuse to do this.”

  “So what I said changed nothing?”

  “It changes everything, Drake. All I’ve known from you is that you hated me, or at least that was what you made me believe.” She dropped her hands, fisting them at her side. “I don’t know what to do. This is … the hardest thing of all.”

  “We’re supposed to be spending time together, Kelly. Not running around avoiding one another. I’m here. I’ve even pretended I was asleep just so you wouldn’t run out in the middle of the night. I’m not going to pounce on you, or anything. That whole mating thing will be … natural.”

  She snorted. “You think we’re going to mate.”

  “Why do you keep denying it? We’re here for a reason.”

  She folded her arms, and stared at him. “You’re just going to give in, like that?”

  He was silent for several seconds, and she was curious about what was going on in his mind. “I don’t consider it giving in.”

  At first, she had no words. Nothing to say.


  “What?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I really don’t know what to say about any of this. I’m … I don’t know what I am.”

  She watched as he glanced down at his hands, and she saw him take a deep breath.

  “I lied,” he said.

  “What about?” During all of the schooling that the pack had given them, she had heard that during this time, there would be an opportunity of honesty, to be open with one another. She had thought it was a load of bullshit. Only now, she was seeing that it might be the case.

  “When I said you were ugly. I never meant it. I actually thought you were the most beautiful woman in the pack, in school, everywhere.”

  “You’re kidding,” she said.

  “Your golden hair was always the first thing I noticed. You’re not blonde nor are you a brunette, but it’s glossy and full. No one else has the tones that you do. Then of course you’ve got your blue eyes, which always sparkled fire at me. Still to this day I love looking into them.” He stepped a little closer. “Then there’s your body.”

  “You told me I was fat.”

  “Again, I lied.”


  “I don’t like being told what to do. Every single day, Kelly this, Kelly that, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly. I wanted it to stop, and I knew the only way for that to happen was to make you hate me.” He reached out, and pushed a curl away from her face. “It worked better than I could have ever predicted. You stopped coming near me. I noticed when I was close, you’d move into the opposite direction. You didn’t trust me, and I don’t blame you.”

  “I don’t get this at all.”

  “Simple. To me, you have always and will always be the only girl I’m interested in.”

  Kelly stared at him, and then she couldn’t help but laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me. There’s no way I’m going to believe that after all this time, and everything that we’ve said and done, that you suddenly have feelings for me. I’ve seen you with other pack females.”

  “I’ve never mated with them, Kelly.”

  This made her stop. The smile dropped from her lips. “What are you trying to say?”

  “You’re a virgin, right? Never been with another male.”

  Her cheeks heated. “So?”

  “What I’m telling you is that I’ve never been with a girl, Kelly. I’m a virgin as well.”

  This had her stepping back, and her ass hit the drawers beside the bed. “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not. I’m a virgin. I’ve never been with anyone else. Never wanted anyone else. I just figured that I was never ready.” He took hold of her hand, and she didn’t pull away.

  This was the most shocking revelation he could have made.

  “No woman has ever made me hard. That day near the water, you did that. Unless I was alone, I never got hard, and I only ever did when I was thinking of you. That’s my biggest secret, Kelly. You were the one I didn’t want, and yet the only one that I did.”

  He stepped close now, and his cock which was rock hard, pressed against her stomach.

  “And I want us to mate, Kelly. I want you to belong to me in every single way that counts.”


  Drake didn’t want her to feel she had to avoid him. He was tired of her always being gone, and then he’d wait until she’d return, knowing she never would until he was asleep.

  She was exhausted. He saw it in her eyes, and she had to stop running away.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, she moaned, her hands wrapping around his neck. “No, we shouldn’t do this?”

  “Why? Our own pack thinks this is what’s supposed to happen.” He kissed her again, this time more passionately than before. “We can do this, and I’m not joking around, nor am I saying shit for the sake of saying it.” He pulled away, and saw her pupils were dilated. Her nipples beaded and pressed against the front of her shirt.

  “I’m really tired,” she said.

  “I know. We’ll get some sleep, and then tomorrow, no more running. No more waiting for something. There’s no rush for this.”

  “You’re really a virgin.”

  “After everything I’ve said to you that’s the one thing you remember.”

  “It’s pretty hard not to think about it.” She squeezed his hand, biting her lip at the same time. “I’m just a little shocked. You’ve been with a lot of girls.”

  “No, I haven’t. When we were at high school there were girls around me, but none of them were mine, Kelly. I’m a virgin. I’ve never been with a woman.”

  “This is still a little freaky.”

  He pulled away. “You can ask me anything you want. I’ll answer. I’ve got nothing to hide.” Climbing into bed, he patted the area that had been designated as hers. There was still a barrier between them, which he didn’t mind. He was happy with whatever made her comfortable. “Come on. I won’t bite.”

  She tucked some hair behind her ear, and frowned at him. “Fine.” She lay on top of the bed. “You’ve never been aroused by a woman?” She turned to look at him.

  He reached out taking a curl between his fingers, twisting it. “Nope.”

  “You didn’t think that was weird?”

  “No, I didn’t. Everything was working down there. I just knew that I didn’t want to accept the answer.” He stared into her eyes. “As much as I’d been an asshole growing up with you, my folks were actually right.”

  “Just because we were born on the same day at the same time, I never for a second believed we’d be together. I mean that, Drake. The last thing I wanted was this to be forced on you.”

  “Is it crazy that I don’t feel it was forced?” he said. “Don’t get me wrong, I was as shocked as you were, but I don’t regret this. Will you give this a chance?”

  “There’s not much choice really. I don’t like being alone all that long, and there’s no point fighting this.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”


  “Are you attracted to me?” Drake asked.

  She stared at him, and she nodded.

  “That’s all I needed to hear.” He released her golden lock, and kept his hand on his side of the bed. “Did you find anything interesting on your travels?”

  “Not really. I don’t know where we are, and it’s so big. There’s no one else around. We’re all alone here.”

  Drake hadn’t paid much attention during their pack classes. He was tired of going to high school, tired of the constant studying he had to do there. When it came to the weekends he didn’t want to be learning about other shit as well. The pack was part of his life, and he always figured he’d learn that shit as he went on. Being forced into knowing it had made it next to impossible to appreciate it.

  “Did you like the pack classes?” he asked.

  “They were something to do. It was our history. You didn’t pay attention, did you?”

  “No. They were boring. Who needs to hear about the descendant of the wolf line, and how we all came into being? I change, I don’t, that’s my call to make.”

  “It wasn’t just about that. It was lessons as well, Drake. We’re only strong because of our healing ability in wolf form. We have enemies, and because of that, we always need to be alert.”

  “I get that, I do. I paid attention to the important stuff. The lovie stuff is for you ladies.”

  This got a giggle out of her. “You’re an ass.”

  “I know, but one day soon I’m going to be your ass.” He couldn’t resist another moment. Touching her cheek, he ran his thumb across her lip.

  “Do you know how to have sex?” she asked, taking him by surprise.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Are you any good?”

  “I have no idea, but I’m sure when the time comes, you’re going to critique my performance.”

  Her cheeks went a beautiful shade of red.

  “That color looks good on you.”

  “I don’t think for a second I’m ever going to get used to this. We’re talking about sex and mating, and everything in between.”

  “I know. Is there anything you’re nervous about?” he asked.

  “All of it?”

  “I’m not ready to rush anything, so we can take our time.” He took hold of her hand. “I can prove to you that I am very patient in a lot of things.”

  Drake stared at where their fingers were locked. There were times that he had dreamt of this moment. Of course, he had thought they were only dreams, and after everything he’d done and said, he didn’t believe she’d forgive him.

  “We’ll take it one day at a time.” Her eyes started to droop, and Drake watched as she slowly fell asleep. She still held his hand, and he wouldn’t let her go.

  He pushed the barrier that kept them apart out of the way, and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close.

  Breathing in her scent, he closed his eyes, and found his own sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Time passed, and still Kelly didn’t talk to Drake about their conversation that night. She woke up the next day, intent on making the most of the peace and quiet they both had. For an entire month neither of them said a thing about his admission.

  He was a virgin.

  So was she.

  They were destined to be mated.

  Alone on an island for one year.

  Yet she found they were talking about anything but what was clearly bothering the two of them.

  “If you were told you were going to die in ten days what would you do?” Drake asked, looking up from a book.

  Kelly was in the water once again. She loved the beauty of the waterfall, and with it getting hotter, she didn’t like wearing a whole lot of clothes. The costume she wore provided some modesty.

  “Why ten days?”

  “It’s a number that I pulled out of my head.”

  “It seems to be an exact number,” she said.

  He laughed. “Come on, Kelly, answer the question.”

  “I would eat everything I ever wanted. All the chocolate and fried food I could have because I wouldn’t have to worry about the consequences.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you the way you are.”

  He’d been making little comments lately about her figure. For the most part she tried to ignore it, but it was getting harder to do. Whenever she was around him now she found herself becoming highly aroused. Her nipples would tighten, her pussy went slick, and she always imagined him naked. What did his cock look like?

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she looked back at him. “I’d have sex.”

  This made him sit up. “You would.”

  “Yeah. If I’m going to die in ten days I don’t want to go out a virgin. That’s just lame, and so not good.” She winked at him. “What about you?”

  “I’d want to have sex.”

  She saw his cock was getting bigger, and she smirked. “It looks like you need to cool down yourself.”

  Stepping across to the waterfall, she stood beneath the flow of water, enjoying the coolness that cascaded over her.

  When Drake touched her hip, she didn’t pull away. Their nights were spent together, as were their days. Many mornings she found the barrier between their spaces gone, and his arms wrapped around her.

  The animosity that had once been there between them was fading of late.

  She found herself forgetting some of the hurtful things that he used to say. His hand seemed large as it touched her hip. He stood behind her, moving her hair off her shoulder, out of the way. His lips grazed her neck.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Do you have any idea what it’s like to fight these feelings that you inspire?” He whispered the words against her ear.

  “I inspire?”

  “You know I want you, Kelly. I also know you want me. You don’t think I hear you at night, in the bathroom, moaning, playing with your pussy?” The hand on her hip moved around to her stomach.

  She rested against him, waiting, to see how far he’d go. His hand moved down over her pussy and she couldn’t help but gasp as he cupped her through the costume she wore.

  “Every time I hear you moan all I want to do is come inside and watch, and then I want you to teach me exactly what you like.” He pushed the costume out of the way and then his hands were on her naked pussy.

  She cried out as his fingers ran between her slit. His movements were a little unsure, but she found that highly arousing.

  Covering his hand with her own, she placed his fingers against her clit. “Slow. You don’t need to rush, and you don’t need to go hard. I don’t like a lot of pain.”

  She opened her eyes, and turned her head to look at him.

  Slowly, Drake began to stroke her pussy, teasing her clit. She cried out as he got the spot that made the pleasure explode, but she didn’t find her orgasm. She was building up as he teased her clit. His free hand cupped her breast, pinching the hardened nipple. Reaching behind her, she touched his cock. He was long and hard. Gripping his length, through his boxer briefs she was shocked by how big he actually was.

  Sliding her hand into his boxers she wrapped her hand around his cock. He was rock hard as well.

  He groaned against her ear. “That’s what you do to me, Kelly. Just you. I want to be inside you so damn much, to take you, to make you mine.”

  She worked her hand up and down this length. With water cascading around them, Drake brought her to orgasm, teasing her clit, pinching her tit, and making her want him even more.

  It wasn’t long before he came, biting her shoulder as she worked his cock, drawing his release from him.

  Neither of them had taken very long, and she was a little shaken by how fast they had found their orgasms.

  Drake held her tightly, refusing to let go.

  “You feel amazing, Kelly.”

  She turned in his arms, wrapping hers around his neck, and kissing his lips. Closing her eyes, she felt this need to be with him, to fuck him, to want him.

  It was like an itch she couldn’t scratch, a need that was so powerful there was no way to fight it.

  Whenever she had been around Drake in the past there had always been this yearning, which she had ignored. He’d been her enemy, not her friend, and certainly not her lover. Now she was starting to have a lot of doubts.

  He was her destined mate.

  She wanted him.

  She needed him.

  There was no turning back for either of them. They were it for each other, and strangely, she wasn’t upset about that. Drake was changing before her, and where she had once thought he was a cruel jerk, he was showing to her that there was much more to him than she’d given him credit for.


  Drake wished he had more self-restraint, but when it came to Kelly, he had non
e, none at all. He ached for her, yearned in ways he didn’t think were possible. Lying down beside her on the blanket he’d laid out on the ground near to the waterfall, he ran his hand over her stomach. She reached out, taking hold of him, keeping him in place.

  “My whole body feels heavy,” she said, giggling.

  “Do you think other mated couples felt this way? This peaceful?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. They’re stronger for it. I’ve seen them with the pack. They’re always so close, and they have that kind of bond that says they know each other so deeply.”

  He tickled her stomach, running his hand up to cup her breast. She didn’t bat his hand away as he touched her.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “After a year alone together there has to be a bond that’s formed. You start to know each other so completely, you know?”

  “Yeah, I guess. I never thought of it like that.”

  They were silent for so long. The sun was high in the sky.

  “I love Christmas,” she said.

  “Why are we talking about Christmas right now?”

  “Well, we’re all alone. I love Christmas. The bright lights, the food, the family. Do you think they have Christmas stuff back at the house?”

  Drake shrugged. “Let’s go and find out.” He stood up, took her hand, and together they made their way back toward the house. They went toward the bedroom looking in all of the closets, and when they couldn’t find anything in the storage rooms, he grabbed a ladder, which he’d found in the kitchen closet, and went toward the loft hatch.

  If Kelly wanted Christmas, then that was exactly what he would give her.

  “Can you see anything up there?” she asked.

  He’d opted to go into the attic, seeing as she was terrified of spiders. He didn’t care about creepy crawlies.

  “There’s some boxes. If I hand them down, can you grab them?” he asked.


  There were three boxes, and when they were down, he sat on the bed, opening them up. They were Christmas decorations.

  “This is so cool.” They were old fashioned, and looked to be a little dusty.


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