Virgin Lovers

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Virgin Lovers Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “We can put them up right now if you wanted?”

  “Nah, it’s just great to know they’re here. I don’t know why I thought of Christmas. You must think I’m crazy.”

  “I don’t think you’re crazy at all.” He took her hand and pressed a kiss to her lips. “This is all new.”

  “Are you sure you’re a virgin?” she asked.

  “I’m totally sure. Believe me.”

  “I don’t know, I thought the way you touched me out there, it was pretty … great.” She squeezed his hand.

  “Just great?”

  “There’s always room for improvement.”

  “Well, well, well, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were flirting with me.”

  “Maybe I am flirting with you. Would that scare you?”

  “Not at all. It’s about time you flirted with me.” He cupped her cheek, staring into her eyes. He wanted all of her. “Do you trust me?”

  “No,” she said, giggling.

  “Not even a little?”

  “Maybe a little.” She held her fingers close together, and smiled at him.

  He stood up and got her to do the same.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong. I just really want to do something right now.”

  He pushed his boxer briefs down, and he heard her gasp.

  “You can’t do that.”

  When he stood up, she had a hand over her eyes. Taking her arm, he pulled it away, and smiled at her. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he began to ease the costume down.

  She didn’t stop him.

  The tension in the room seemed to rise. He watched as she licked her lips, and he saw that he was making her nervous.

  “Trust me,” he said.

  “This is a lot of trust.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  He removed the costume from her body, helping her as she stepped out of it.

  Her eyes were closed, and he got a good look at her curvy body. This was the woman that he had spent years denying himself. Her tits were large, her stomach rounded, and she had full hips and juicy thighs. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close, and held her. Her body against his—it was all he wanted.

  Closing his eyes, he felt a warmth from her.

  “Drake, what’s going on?” she asked.

  “I just want to hold you. You don’t need to be afraid of me, Kelly.”

  “I’m not.”

  “That asshole that I was, it’s gone. I’m done.” He couldn’t fight these feelings anymore. Being alone with her, finally having her near, it made everything else inside him disappear. It was like he could finally accept that she was his. She belonged to him and him alone. No one else was ever going to know her sweetness, or see how beautiful she looked in the morning. Her orgasms were all his own. Her pleasure belonged to him.

  Everything that she was, it was all his, and he wanted that.

  Pulling away, he stared into her eyes, seeing the questions there.

  “I just wanted to hold you where nothing is between us,” he said.

  Tears were in her eyes, and he smiled at her.

  “I think you’re beautiful, Kelly. I’ve never told you. Or I’ve not told you enough times. I’m going to make up for that.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes. We can fight this if you want to, but I’m telling you now, I don’t want to. I don’t want to fight these feelings, nor this mating. When this year is over, I’m going to be your mate, willingly, completely. No one else has ever held my interest.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Kelly, I give myself to you.”

  He meant every single word.

  Even if she didn’t believe it yet, she had his love as well.

  Chapter Six

  Following Drake’s lead, Kelly lay on the bed. It was strange how these feelings of trust were building up between them. She knew that he spoke the truth in everything he said.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  Once again she held her fingers up. “A little bit.”

  “One day you’re going to be able to say yes without a single hesitation.”

  “I look forward to it.” She opened her legs to accommodate him. Drake settled between her thighs. His cock touched her pussy, but not seeking to take what rightfully belonged to him. He lay against her, his lips brushing her neck, moving toward hers.

  When his kiss came, she was ready, and wanted it more than anything else in her life. She opened her mouth on a gasp, and he plundered inside. Kissing him back with the same passion he showed, she touched her tongue to his, tasting him.

  Never for a second did she think she would be lying naked on a bed with Drake, let alone making out with him. This was all crazy, and yet it felt totally right. This was supposed to happen. There was something between them, which neither of them could ever deny.

  The passion, the fuel, everything they needed, consumed them.

  Drake ran his hands down her body, going from her arms, down her sides to cup her hips. Once he was at her hips, he went down to her knees, lifting them up to his waist. His touch was strong, tight. She saw clearly that he didn’t want to let go of her.

  When he finally broke away from the kiss, there was a wicked twinkle in his eye.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  He moved from between her thighs, kissing down her neck. She arched up, crying out as he sucked one nipple, and then the other into his mouth. The pleasure was instant, shooting straight to her clit, making her want more. Drake moved between her nipples, teasing each one in turn before trailing his lips to her stomach. He didn’t stop there, continuing further, keeping her legs spread until his head was above her pussy.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this for some time,” he said.

  “Do what?”

  “This.” He spread the lips of her pussy open, and she dropped to the bed, screaming out as he sucked her clit into his mouth. She couldn’t believe how amazing it was. The pleasure was instant, and she didn’t know if she should lie down, or wriggle, or stop him. She had only ever read about this kind of touch. She didn’t think it was possible to actually have it done.

  The way his tongue flicked from side to side across her clit had her release building so hot inside her.

  “You taste so amazing. I knew you would,” he said, speaking against her clit.

  When he used his teeth, she sat up, and only Drake’s hand on her stomach kept her still enough to continue to tease her. Dropping back to the bed, she closed her eyes, and gave herself over to the pleasure, to feeling what he was doing.

  Suddenly, she felt very selfish. He was giving her this, and she wasn’t doing anything for him. A virgin she may be, but selfish she wasn’t, nor was she completely oblivious to sex, to pleasure.

  Sitting up, she touched his shoulder. “I want to touch you.”

  Drake pulled off her pussy, and the moment his tongue wasn’t on her, she felt lost.

  “Don’t worry, babe. I’ve got you covered.”

  She saw then that he was playing with his own cock.

  “No. I want to do that. Please, Drake. I want to give you pleasure just like you’re giving me.” Licking her lips, she stared into his eyes. “If you don’t let do this for you, you can stop.”

  “You’re going to hold your pussy ransom.”

  “Would you really stop me from sucking your cock?” she asked.

  He groaned. “Now that you put it like that, how can I deny you?” Drake stood, and then looked at her. “Er, how are we going to do this?”

  This time, she giggled. “You really don’t know.”

  “Haven’t got a clue.”

  “Okay.” She patted the bed beside her. “You lie here, only your … is here.” Her cheeks heated, and then she saw the smile on his face. “You animal, you knew!”

  “Yes, I just wanted to tease you.” He was full out laughing now as he dropped a kiss to her lips. “You’re so e
asy to tease.” He lay on the bed, and she tucked some hair behind her ear.

  She was a little nervous.

  Get a grip.

  “You don’t have to do this,” he said.

  “I want to do it.”

  She wasn’t lying. She wanted to be with him, to feel him, to know him. Reaching out, she grasped his cock in her hand, and began to work him from the base to the tip then back again. The tip was already leaking pre-cum, and she licked her lips, actually wanting to taste him. When his tongue attacked her clit once again, she gasped out.

  His cock was so close, and the scent of him only served to enhance her arousal. He was already rock hard.

  Finally, when she couldn’t stand it any longer, she flicked the tip with her tongue before sinking the whole of him inside her mouth. When he hit the back of her throat, she sucked him hard. The sounds of his moans echoed throughout the room, and only served to turn her on even more. The taste of his pre-cum was a combination of salty and sweet.

  Drake flicked her clit, sucking the bud into his mouth, and then nibbling with his teeth. He was giving her pleasure and pain combined. She didn’t use her teeth, instead sucking him inside.

  Neither of them anticipated this, and within a matter of minutes, Drake pulled out of her mouth, groaning as he spilled his cum onto her tits. He continued to tease her pussy with his fingers, bringing her to orgasm as well.

  They both collapsed on the bed, sighing.

  “We need to get used to lasting longer,” he said.

  “You came first,” she teased.

  “You’re amazing.” He covered her mouth with his, and she submitted, wanting him more than anything else.


  “How is it going?” Drake’s father asked.

  “Fine. It’s all going fine.” Drake moved toward the calendar and saw that they had been on the island for nearly two months now. The cold nights were starting to creep in. They had expected to see someone as their food stocks began to get low. When they went out for a walk, and came back, someone had dropped off lots of groceries, so they didn’t see anyone at all. “How is everyone back at home?”

  “They’re all doing great. Not going to lie, some of them are taking bets for how long you’re both going to last out there.”

  “Not surprised. I imagine some of them think this was the biggest mistake the elders could have made.”

  “I see you’re not saying that.”

  Drake paused, glancing outside to see Kelly on the phone as well. “I’m not because I love her and I’ve always loved her, Dad.”

  “I know you did, son. I also knew you’d regret your actions, but still, you’re happy, right?”

  “Yes, I’m happy.”

  He heard his father sigh in relief. “We’ve had Kelly’s parents around more times than I can count. They have been so worried that something bad would happen.”

  “You mean me killing her?”

  “There is that.”

  “Dad, has anyone killed their mate that the elders put here?” Drake asked.

  “No. No one has. It’s unheard of because the elders don’t make mistakes. Do you think they have?”

  “No. I know they didn’t make a mistake. I love her, Dad.” He’d been too much of an asshole to let her get too close, and he was paying for that.

  Still, the time they now shared together was more than making up for past mistakes.

  Their days and nights were spent pleasuring each other. They had even gotten a timer to see how long they could both last, and it had been made into a kind of game. “I wanted to ask you something.”

  “Anything, son.”

  “I’ve looked through this entire place and I, erm, I can’t find any rubbers here, if you know what I mean.”

  “We don’t carry diseases.”

  “Yeah, but last time I checked, we’re still fertile. We … want to try, but we don’t want to get pregnant just yet.”



  “There’s no condoms there, but I can make sure there are some on your next delivery,” his father said.

  “Could you do that?”


  “I’ve got to go now, thanks, Dad,” he said.

  He didn’t wait around for his dad to say anything. Turning off his cell phone, he smiled at Kelly. She stood in the kitchen now. “Hey,” she said. “So I talked to my mom, and she said that normally protection isn’t needed during this because most couples come out pregnant.”

  “Oh. I just asked my dad to send me some condoms,” he said.

  They had talked about taking the next step. Even though they didn’t carry diseases, neither of them were ready to be parents. After spending most of his life screwing up, he didn’t want to add children to the mix just yet. “Just out of curiosity, what is the normal average age of a couple that come here?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. According to my mom we’re one of the youngest.” She moved up toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “She’s surprised we’re getting along so well. I think she expected us to kill each other.”

  He grabbed her ass, and shook his head. “We’re not even close to killing each other. In fact, I think we’re getting closer than ever before.”

  “I have to agree.” She went on her tiptoes, and kissed his lips. He moaned, and followed her as she pulled away. Slamming his lips down on hers, he pressed her against the wall, holding her against his cock. “We really have to get those condoms,” she said. “I don’t want to wait too long.”

  “We’ve got to wait until they send another delivery of food.” He squeezed her ass, wanting her naked.

  “I love and hate it when you do that,” she said.

  “Squeeze your ass?”

  “Yes. I love it, and then it makes me think of so many other things we can do.”

  “Which are put on hold,” he said. He pressed his face against her neck.

  “You don’t mind waiting?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t mind waiting. I’ve been a virgin this long. What’s wrong with waiting another few days or weeks, or months?” He groaned just thinking about it. “We can live through this, right?”

  “Yes, we can. We’ve got each other, and we’re doing more than fine.” She smiled at him, and he lost himself.

  “I love you, Kelly.”

  The smile dropped off her face. “What?”

  “I didn’t want to wait another moment without telling you. I love you, and when all of this is over, I’m going to be a damn good mate to you.” He saw the tears in her eyes. “Crap, I didn’t want to make you cry.”

  “You love me?”

  “Yes. Can you doubt it?”

  “I can doubt it. Oh my, you love me.” She cupped his face, and then her lips were on his, kissing him.

  He kissed her back, hoping to show her just how much he loved her. This was something he had been fighting, and he’d taken his own feelings out on her. He’d hated being mean to her, but he’d done it anyway, and then he hated himself for it. Now, he was making up for everything that he’d done.

  Chapter Seven

  The time they spent together gave Kelly an insight into who Drake really was. The person she’d thought he was, an asshole, mean, cruel, and self-centered, that was in fact the illusion. The real man, he was unlike anyone she had ever known. He was kind, loving, beautiful inside and out. He was making her fall in love with him. Their time together was fun, enjoyable, and she loved being around him. Where in the past she would have done anything to be out of his company, she was now looking forward to their days together.

  Drake had been hiding his true self from everyone else. He was the kind of guy who’d run outside even though it was cold to check to make sure their generator was working. In the middle of the night when only a burger would do, he’d be there with her cooking it.

  Breakfast in bed, he was for that as well.

  He was a true romantic. Instead of living separate lives, they became joined tog
ether. When they had nothing to do, he’d read to her, and she’d read books from her e-reader to him. Then of course, there was the intimacy, the touches, the passion that he gave her. She relished his touch, craved it, and often reached for him. Their patience was wearing out, and she knew it was only a matter of time before not having him inside her wouldn’t be enough.

  “What’s on your mind?” he asked.

  They were out walking in the forest, and she had her arm linked through his. “Nothing. I’m just thinking.”

  “Are you hoping we have a special delivery when we get back?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  They kept a calendar on the wall, and in the next week it would be Halloween. It was already freezing cold, and she snuggled up close to Drake.

  “I trust my dad. There’ll be something.”

  “I can’t believe we’re abstaining from sex. I feel all mature and grown up.”

  They were both laughing by the time she finished. Drake stopped, and pressed her up against the tree. She moaned, especially as he cupped her pussy. “I could fuck you right now. Drive my dick so deep inside you that you forget about everything else.”

  “I want that,” she said, cupping his face, and kissing him back. “Damn it, I want it so much.”

  “I don’t want to share you yet, baby.” He pulled away, pressing kisses down to her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  “We’re being all responsible here. I asked my mother how many couples came out pregnant and she said that most did.”

  “I can’t wait anymore, I want you, Kelly. I need you.”

  “I need you, too.” She was on fire with how much she needed him, and was tired of fighting it.

  Together they ran back toward the house, and her heart was racing. She was finally going to have sex with Drake, her mate. The moment they got to the house, though, they paused. There on the sofa was a box. It hadn’t been there before, and Drake squeezed her hand.

  “Do you think it’s what we asked for?”

  They had given each of their parents a list of what they wanted.

  “Only one way to find out.” Kelly stepped toward the box. She had been so embarrassed asking her mother to send condoms, and sexy lingerie, but they had put her in this place. Drake was her mate, and she wanted to make a go of it. Also, during one of the pack schooling weekends, she had read a log of the island mates, and she’d seen several pack members request some kinky stuff. Opening the box, she smiled as she saw several of the negligees she had ordered were right there on top.


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