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Virgin Lovers

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  He shook his head. “You don’t need to be worried about anything. I’ve just—there’s something really important that I want to ask you.”

  “There is?”

  “Yes.” He took a bite of the lasagna. “I had this whole big speech prepared, and then I burnt it because I figured you’d find it, and then I didn’t know what to do or say. I only know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This is a second chance I will never, ever get. I’m not going to waste it. I love you, Kelly.” He grabbed the ring, and dropped it on the ground. Kneeling down, he found it, and stayed on one knee beside the table. “Will you marry me?”

  “This was your big plan?” she asked.

  “Yes. To tell you first that I love you, that I’ve been an asshole in pushing you away, and I regret it. I love you and only you. I saved myself for you. Please don’t cry.”

  “You can’t do all of this stuff, and tell me not to cry! This is so … romantic, Drake. I never for a second thought you were doing this. I thought you were getting the bedroom ready for us to have sex.”

  “That is ready. We can have sex.” This made her laugh. “But I know what I want, and that’s you. You’re all I want, Kelly. Death do us part. I’ll take care of you when you’re ill and look gross.”

  “Why did you have to be so perfect?” she asked.

  “It comes naturally. What do you say?”

  Chapter Nine

  “Yes,” Kelly said.

  “You want to marry me?”

  “Yes, I do. I want to marry you, and love you for the rest of our life, and have babies.”

  Drake slid the ring on her finger, and she stared at it, amazed that she was going to marry him. He cupped her face, slamming his lips down on hers, and she moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck. Quickly, she pulled away, still holding him close. “I love you, Drake. I love you so much.” She wanted him to know that she felt the same way for him as he did for her. “I didn’t think it was possible to love someone the way I love you, but it is, and I do. I don’t want to live my life without you.”

  Before she knew what was happening, he picked her up, and she released a squeal. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to make use of the love den I’ve built.” He carried her to their bedroom, and eased her onto the floor.

  The moment her hands were free, she attacked his shirt, tugging it off his body. He did the same, tearing her shirt open. Buttons flew all over the place.

  Grabbing his jeans, she knelt on the floor, making him step out of them. His cock was already long, hard, and weeping at the tip. She grabbed his cock, and licked the head before taking more of him into her mouth.

  They had been practicing this together. She’d never for a second thought she would be so comfortable with him, and yet now she couldn’t, and wouldn’t, imagine her life without him.

  He wrapped her hair around his wrist, and began to pump his cock deep inside her mouth. Her pussy got wet, and as she teased herself, it only made her want him more.

  “Fuck, when it comes to you I want everything. I want you so damn much.” He tugged on her head, and she released his cock. Staring up at him, she licked her lips, knowing that it drove him crazy when she did that. “You like the taste of my cock?”

  “You know I do.”

  He eased her up off the floor and took her to the bed. Kelly moaned as his tongue slid between her thighs, teasing her clit as he moved down, fucking inside her. He loved going down on her, and she loved his tongue so much. When he told her wanted practice to make it perfect, she wasn’t going to deny him. He fucked her with his tongue before sliding up and circling her clit. His teeth created a little bite of pain that had her moaning, arching up for more.

  “You like that, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes, yes, I love it. Please.”

  She screamed as she sucked the whole of her clit into his mouth at the same time he pushed two fingers deep inside her.

  “I can feel how tight and how wet you are. You want this, baby, don’t you? You want to feel me inside you.”

  “Yes, please, Drake.”

  “Beg me to make you come.”

  “Please, Drake, make me come.” She couldn’t wait another second, and Drake didn’t make her either. He hurtled her over the edge, and she cried out his name as her orgasm rushed over her.

  Only when she came down from her high did Drake grab a condom and roll it over his cock before sliding inside her.

  She cried out his name, wanting him so much she couldn’t even find the right words to express how much she did.

  “I love you, Kelly. More than anything, I love you.”

  He pulled out of her, only to thrust deep, going to the hilt. She wrapped her legs around him, needing his cock just as much as she needed him.

  “Yes, please, I love you. You feel so good. I want you.”

  Drake began to fuck her hard, pounding inside her, creating that burn that she loved so much.

  He drove inside her, going deeper than ever before. This was different though. This wasn’t just sex, this was love. They were together, accepting each other, mating in their own way.

  This was the love of her life. The man she was always destined to be with, and someone she never thought it was possible. How much they had changed from the moment she’d woken up and realized what had happened.

  Just a few months ago she didn’t think she’d ever want to have sex with Drake, let alone be married or mated to him. How their time together had changed. Was this how other couples felt? That mating heat, the urge, the desire, the raw need.

  He took possession of her lips, and fucked inside her, branding her in a way that made her belong to him, and no one else.

  They had been virgins, who were now lovers, and he was hers just as much as she was his.

  Their fingers locked together, and she thrust up to meet him, finding herself surging toward that peak once again.

  “I love you, Kelly,” he said.

  She whimpered as he kissed down her neck, and he nipped at the pulse right on the spot that was her weakness.

  They found their release together, and Kelly knew deep down in her heart that from then on, they would find that kind of pleasure together. There was no more hiding. He was the love of her life, her fated mate, her soul, and her very reason for going on.

  It was like they were bound by their love, and it was such a magical feeling that she never wanted to let it go.

  “Do you feel that?” he asked.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “It’s just us, baby. Just you and me, and no one else.”

  He kissed her lips, and they didn’t part this time. They held each other close. She stared into his eyes, knowing she was on the verge of something so beautiful, so great that there really were no words.


  The last few months went by on a cloud of love, sex, and more love. Drake didn’t want it to end, but he also knew they couldn’t stay on the island forever. On the final day, they went and stayed by the pool for several hours.

  “Do you think they’re going to make us pass out or something before we can move on?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve don’t know how they do it.” She rested her head against his shoulder. “I feel really tired today. My legs and arms just don’t want to move.”

  “I don’t want us to wait too long when we get home, Kelly. I want us to move in together, get married, build a family.”

  “We will.”

  Suddenly, Drake lay down, and she rested against him. “I think this is it,” he said.

  “I don’t want us to leave, but I’m so sleepy. I love you, Drake.”

  “Love you, too, Kelly. I’ll come and find you.”

  Darkness swamped him.

  Time passed, and then with a gasp, Drake sat up. He was in his old bedroom back at his parents’ home. Looking left, right, and then at the door he saw his parents there.

  “What the hell?” he asked. He was still in the clothes
that he’d been dressed in. “What is going on?”

  “It’s your choice now,” his father said.

  “What do you mean?” Drake had just woken up, and he felt so confused, and so conflicted.

  “Outside is a wedding set up. A priest, the pack leader, and now this is your chance. This is what all island mates do. If they want to continue then right now, they go out, and they join together in this final union. It draws them together, they complete the mating, and our alpha agrees to it,” his mother said.

  “Where’s Kelly?” he asked. There was no doubt in his mind. He wanted to go out there and mate with her, to be with her in every single sense of the word. He climbed off the bed, and headed toward the doorway. “You can’t tell me where she is. It has to be my choice?”


  He ran out of the bedroom, and headed for the main door. There were white and red petals everywhere. Rushing out of the front garden, he saw the trail of petals leading up to where the pack stood. The alpha and the priest were ahead of him.

  There was no sign of Kelly.

  She was going to come. He knew without a doubt that she was going to be there for him, for the two of them.

  The entire pack was there, and he was panting from the short burst of running. His head felt a little thick, but he didn’t care. Whatever they’d done to them to put them to sleep was wearing off.

  He felt a little sick, and he was worried. What if she didn’t feel the same way about him? What if being back with the pack had changed her mind for some reason?

  No, she felt the same. He knew she did.

  Minutes passed, and they felt like hours. He was about to turn to head back indoors, and cry over a carton of ice cream when he saw her. She ran toward him, and threw herself into his arms.

  “I’ve only just woken up. I thought it was a dream, and then I knew I had to be here, and I’m sorry for being out of it. I’m here.”

  He held her tightly. “You had me worried for a second there.”

  “I was coming. I will always come for you.”

  “You do know that sounds really dirty right now.”

  She laughed. “Everything sounds dirty to you.” She kissed his lips, and moaned as she did. “We’re home.”

  “Yes, so I guess now is the time. Do you want to marry me?” he asked. “Do you want to be my life mate?”

  The smile on her face was one of the reasons he’d fallen in love with her in the first place.

  “I’m here, and you’re not getting rid of me. I love you more than anything else in this world, Drake. You’ve got me for life.”

  “And death.”

  “And death.” She went on her toes and kissed him hard. “Are you ready?”


  He took her hand, and together they made their way toward their alpha and their priest. They bound themselves together in love and in the union of the pack. Nothing was going to tear them apart, not now, not ever.

  Once he kissed her, Drake finally felt peace, and from the look in her eyes, so had she.


  Ten years later

  “You’re, like, so gross, Mom, Dad, ewww!” Charlotte ran away, screaming.

  Drake pulled away, smiling at his heavily pregnant wife as his oldest daughter ran away. They were enjoying some rare sunbathing, basking in the last rays of summer sunshine before winter took over.

  “She’s so cute,” Kelly said.

  “I’m going to remind her of this moment whenever a boy comes to visit. I expect her to be grossed out, and then I don’t have to shoot him, or claw his heart out.”

  “My very protective mate.”

  He ran his hand over her stomach. “Always.”

  Ten years of married bliss. They were the island mates, and virgin lovers. Just thinking of that year away from everything filled Drake with so much emotion. If it hadn’t been for the elders sending them there, he didn’t believe he’d be where he was now, mated, happy, content.

  More than content. This was the life he had always wanted. When he was a teenager he’d had this dream of Kelly by his side, pregnant with his child. Instead of listening to it, he’d done everything he could to push her away. Like the other island mates, she’d been pregnant before they had left the island. Neither of them had known it at the time, but he’d already gotten her pregnant, despite the condoms.

  She licked her lips and gasped. She placed his hand on her rounded stomach right as his little boy was kicking. They had three children with a fourth on the way. “He’s going to be a fighter,” she said.

  He kissed her lips, hearing his kids be all grossed out again. “Do they know how cute they sound?” he asked.

  “I don’t care, so long as you never stop kissing me.”

  “Woman, I’m never going to stop loving you, kissing you, wanting you.” He pressed his cock against her side, and knew he couldn’t wait another moment to get her alone.

  “Where are you going?” she asked as he stood up.

  “I’m going to take our little ones to their grandparents. When I get back, be ready for me because once I start, I’m not stopping until you’re passed out from being fucked completely.”

  He saw her shiver. “Promise?”

  “I’m already dropping them off.”

  Once his kids were with their grandparents, he was going to give Kelly all the loving she ever needed. Practice makes perfect, and they were damn good together.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

  If you enjoyed this book, you may also like:

  Her Knight in Shining Stone by Tamsin Baker

  The Alpha’s Pride by Deidre Huesmann

  Fatal Truths by April Zyon




  The Alpha Shifter Collection, 8

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Zadie Cox sat on her the large boulder overlooking the lake. She loved coming here on claiming day. While the rest of her unmated and mated pack mates were out screwing, she sat here and looked at the moon. Sometimes she’d turn into her wolf form and just sit back on her hindquarters, and watch the moon for hours. Other times, like now, she would sit naked, leaning back on her hands, listening to the sounds all around her.

  The pleasure surrounding the pack that she’d been born into was all around her. She could allow herself to smile for their happiness, and she just stared up at the moon. For the past seven years she had been hearing the same sounds of the pack finding their pleasure in each other.

  A single tear slid down her cheek, and she brushed it away, not wanting to let anymore tears fall. Every full moon she tried and failed to keep the tears at bay. The fat girl, that’s what she was. The fat wolf.

  Leaning against the dirt wall at her back, she stared down at her body and bit her lip as more tears threatened to fall. In a pack of well over two hundred, she was the only fat girl. She stood out like a sore thumb, that was how it was. A lump began to form in her throat, and she pushed it down. No, no amount of crying would help her. She just had to go on living her life, which was lonely, but she had been through worse.

  Releasing a breath, she stood up, and began to leave her place that offered her so much serenity. She moved several feet and found the clothes that she had removed. There was no need to rush as the full moon was still at its peak, so the pack would be more focused on themselves than on her.

  Tugging on the jeans and the large shirt, she tied her hair into a ponytail, and then began to walk back toward the town. Most of the world’s packs lived near a forest, or at least the ones where her parents had always taken her had. She had never fitted in wherever they went. At least Sloane’s pack didn’t push her aside. The people there were all so kind. She had been here since she was ten years old
. At first, she and her family had been outsiders. No one wanted to trust the new family as they didn’t know if their loyalty was to the pack or to themselves.

  Her father, Tristan, had proven himself time and time again to the Alpha, and because of that, they had been accepted. Her brother had also found his place within the pack as well. She couldn’t fault the pack. They were all kind to her, but she knew that there would be no future for her here, yet she couldn’t leave.

  She had heard of wolves leaving packs, and making a life for themselves, but she didn’t want that. Like most females, she hoped to have a large family of her own one day. She spent all of her time at the local nursery helping young children, and nurturing them.

  Shoving her hands into the front pockets of her well-worn jeans, she paused when she heard the sound of a feminine moan.

  Zadie closed her eyes, and pushed away the wave of need that rushed through her. She didn’t want or need a mate. If she repeated the words constantly in her head, she’d be able to finally believe them.

  Her curiosity always got the better of her, and against her better judgment, she walked toward the noise.

  Great hearing and great eyesight were just a few of the perks she had through her wolf side. Unlike some of the other females in the pack, she had also noticed she was incredibly strong, and even though she was the biggest girl, she was also incredibly fast. Kind of funny really.

  Through the clearing she caught sight of Bianca. There was no mistaking the gold hair that cascaded down her back.

  “There’s enough time for all of you,” Bianca said.

  Zadie saw that not only did Bianca have one man mating with her, but three more stood around her. Their hands were fisting their cocks as they waited their turn.

  “Oh yeah, just like that. Harder. You got to fuck me like you mean it,” Bianca said.


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