Christmas is You
Page 8
“Why would you think it would? Has that happened in the past?” It warmed her to know that he’d been pursuing her all along, and that he was eager to get their relationship off to the right start, but she wished that he’d been more trusting of her.
A shadow flitted across his face, and he hesitated before answering. “Well, it’s not the best time to get into this, but it has affected one, and possibly more relationships in the past. It’s hard for me to know whether someone is interested in me, as a person, or only in the things I have. Sometimes you find out too late…” His voice trailed off, and she took that as a cue to stop pressing the subject.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” A bright smile flashed across her face as the tree came into view around the corner. Good timing, she thought. “Wow! Look at it – it looks even better than last time!”
He nodded. “Yeah, it’s really amazing, isn’t it?
“It is. And is it just me, or are some booths still open?” She was surprised that there were some vendors there so late into the night.
“You’re right. Some of the gift booths are still busy.”
Suddenly, an idea came to Debbie. She thought it was crazy, but it felt so right. She stopped and looked up into his sparkling brown eyes.
“Let’s buy an ornament.”
He chuckled. “Sure, why not?”
With a skip in her step, she strolled around, looking for the perfect glass ornament. Finally, she found one, and reached for her purse. He laid a hand on hers and gently pushed it off her purse.
“Don’t worry about it. Let me get this one.”
“No, I wouldn’t think of it! It was my idea.”
“How about a deal. I get you this ornament, and next time I come to the café, breakfast is on you. Deal?”
She reluctantly withdrew her hand from her purse. “Deal.”
“Good,” he said, putting an arm around her and pulling her tight.
“This is a beautiful one. It’s made in the German tradition. It’ll last you years and years, perhaps even until your children start getting their own trees!” said the jovial man behind the counter with a chuckle, as he looked from Luke to Debbie and back again.
I hope so, she said to herself, hardly believing the way her night had turned out.
When the ornament was all wrapped up and packed into a box and in a bag all safe and snug, they headed back towards the lounge.
They held hands and cracked jokes and laughed on the way, and she felt acutely disappointed when they arrived. But, she knew she had to go back inside. She couldn’t leave April there all alone for too long. Well, she wasn’t exactly alone, Debbie remembered, but she didn’t feel quite right about it either.
He must have sensed her hesitation at going back in, because when they were almost there, he stopped in the doorway of another closed store, pulled her close in his big comfy arms, and kissed her again. She could feel the chemistry they shared – there was a palpable spark between them – and she felt the last whispers of her hesitation disappear from her mind and heart.
Chapter 15
She was afraid that her and Luke’s connection was written all over her face, so she attempted to hide any signs of her happiness as she walked towards April, with Luke following close behind. Her efforts must have been in vain, because April’s eyes told her she knew exactly what was going on. Ok, maybe not exactly everything, but enough that she knew she’d have some explaining and dishing to do later that night.
After another round of drinks, Mark and Luke excused themselves from the table. Luke gave Debbie’s hand a warm squeeze before getting up, and she couldn’t help but smile. His hands were so big and strong compared to hers, and they were comforting.
Mark and Luke joined the friends they had arrived with, and Debbie took a sip of her wine, trying to avoid April’s gaze. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to discuss Luke – quite the opposite. She was bursting to yell it from the rooftops – she and Luke were into each other, and it was only the beginning.
“So…?” April’s eyes were sparkling in the low and ambient light.
“Well…ok, I’ll put you out of your misery and cut to the chase. He kissed me! But they might be watching, so don’t make a big deal out of it,” she said, glancing over in Luke’s direction. Sure enough, just as she looked his way, he turned his head and made eye contact. She snapped her head back quickly and flushed pink, flustered that she’d been caught.
“He kissed you? Wow, I knew there was something between you, but I didn’t expect that just yet!”
“Yeah, well, it just kind of happened.”
“Aww, you’re embarrassed and blushing, that’s so cute!” gushed April, clearly enjoying Debbie’s mortification.
“I just don’t want him to think I’m checking him out all night, that’s all.”
“Well, he is looking this way, again.” April covered her lips and chuckled. “You guys are hilarious. Why did it take this long to get together?”
“I don’t know. It wasn’t that long. I’ve only known him a few weeks.”
“That’s true. So, have you changed your mind about being single forever, then?”
“I’m not sure. It might be difficult in the long term.” Her eyes darkened. “I still can’t imagine trusting anyone the way I once trusted Jake. It might be too late.”
“Well, give him a chance to prove himself. You’ll never know unless you try,” she said, more serious than before.
“I will,” Debbie said. “It can’t hurt. I hope...”
Her heart still buzzed as she stepped through the chalet’s door. April had gone inside ten minutes earlier, but Debbie had stayed behind in Luke’s car to chat with him a bit longer. When he saw that they were ready to leave the lounge, he insisted on giving them a ride home, telling a reluctant Debbie that he had had enough of the birthday party. She hesitated to accept the ride, because she didn’t want to drag him away from his friend’s birthday.
In the end, he convinced her, and it warmed her heart to know that he cared about her and her safety.
Both she and April were exhausted from their late night out, and decided they’d discuss all the details during brunch the next day.
As she lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, she thought about Luke and how different he was from Jake. So far, he seemed perfect, almost too good to be true, and nothing like her cheating ex. Doubts crept into her heart, though, as she lay there in the still of the night. Were all men cheaters, deep down? Could she trust Luke with her heart?
She didn’t want to have these niggling thoughts, but it was hard to shut them out, and she wondered whether she’d ever be able to let go of the past.
Debbie examined the brunch menu as April pondered what she’d order out loud. Finally, Debbie settled on a three-egg omelet with veggies and cheese, while April ordered her eggs sunny side up. Debbie sighed and took a sip of her coffee, fixing her tired eyes on her friend, ready to discuss the events of the previous night.
“See, I told you he likes you,” said April.
“I guess you were right. It just happened so fast, and I still can’t believe things have gone the way they have.”
“Why not? He likes you, you like him, so it’s normal that you’d eventually get together.”
“I know, but I can’t help thinking that it’s too soon. We’ve only just told everyone that the wedding is off, and I already have a new boyfriend? It might not look right in people’s eyes.”
April scrunched up her nose as she thought about it.
“Yeah, that’s a good point. But, I don’t think it’s a huge deal. He lives here, and you live back in the city, so it’s not as if you need to shove him in everyone’s face right away.”
Debbie nodded. “Yeah, I hadn’t even thought of that. I can keep things quiet for now. After all, who knows how things will go. It might fizzle out…there’s the distance and everything.”
“What ‘everything’? It’s only a two-hour drive, one-and-a-half for me. That’s p
ractically nothing! And besides, eventually, if things work out, one of you can move. I think you might actually like this place. It’s even growing on me, to tell you the truth.”
“Move here? What!? The thought never occurred to me. What about my family, friends, my job – well, eventually I’ll get a new job, I’m sure…” She liked visiting the resort, and her aunt, but she’d never considered moving there. Of course, when love’s involved, it can change one’s mind, but she had trouble imagining herself in that small resort town. She’d always lived in the hustle and bustle of the city, and that’s what she was used to.
April raised her eyebrows and shook her head. “You never know, Debbie…you just never know…”
The waiter placed their steaming plates on the table, and they dug in. They’d been too tired to eat anything when they’d arrived home the previous night, and were absolutely ravenous by the time brunch arrived.
Debbie tried to eat in a dignified manner – after all, you never knew who might walk in. Thankfully, Luke didn’t magically appear at the door. She was slightly nervous about seeing him again, but couldn’t place her finger on why that was the case. Even the thought of being face to face with him made her jittery.
When she finished her meal, she pulled out her phone quickly to check her emails, and was shocked to see an email from a familiar address. It was one of the larger spas to which she’d submitted an application, and they wanted to interview her on Tuesday! She was totally flabbergasted, because she wasn’t expecting to score an interview there at all.
Her expression must have revealed her feelings, because April picked up on it right away.
“What happened? Is everything ok?”
She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“Yeah, I guess. I’ve got an interview this week, on Tuesday.”
“That’s great!” April’s eyes brightened and she smiled. “Where?”
“Back in the city.”
“Well, duh., I figured. But which place?”
“Bliss Spa. It’s that new place downtown, remember? I told you about it.”
“Oh yeah? That’s awesome! Wasn’t that your favorite?”
“Yes, I guess so. And it’s for a management position, which is pretty much exactly what I was looking for.”
“So, why aren’t you as excited as I am for you?”
“Well, I don’t know…” April was right, she should be thrilled that she scored an interview so soon after getting laid off. “It just feels…off. I was just getting used to being here and having the holidays totally to myself, and now I have to drop everything and go back to the city. I should probably visit my parents and Cathy while I’m there too.”
April nodded. “And, when do you plan to go back for good? Do you plan to stay for New Year’s?”
“I’m not sure. Aunt Wendy could probably use help at the café until she hires someone new.”
“How do you feel about leaving Luke here?”
Debbie looked down. She was looking forward to spending more time with him, but maybe it wasn’t meant to be.
“I’m not sure. He’s such a great guy, but I have to do what I have to do. I can’t just turn my life upside down, especially since I just met him.”
April shrugged. “Maybe you’re right. It doesn’t mean you have to stop seeing him, though. I would hate to see you waste a good opportunity like you have with Luke. He’s a great guy and he really likes you. I can tell by the way he looks at you.”
Debbie smiled at April. What she said made her feel warm and fuzzy, and she pictured him in her mind. Her heart fluttered and she sighed. Why did she have to meet him here? Why couldn’t he be a city boy so that she could see him whenever she wanted? If she kept seeing him, that would mean constantly going back and forth between Boston and this little town, and it exhausted her to even think about it.
“Well, I think you really hit it off with Mark, if you don’t mind me saying so,” she said. The tables were turned and she finally had her chance to put April on the spot. It felt good.
“He is cute, isn’t he? We just chatted, that’s all,” she said, but it was obvious to Debbie that she was keeping some information to herself. She was being way too coy and it wasn’t like her.
“Don’t mess with me. I could see the sparks.”
“You saw nothing. You were too busy making gaga eyes at Luke.”
Debbie decided to cut it out and leave her be, but not before giving her a look that said she knew what was going on. “Alright, if you say so.”
Suddenly, her phone rang. She wasn’t expecting any calls, and her parents didn’t have a habit of calling her in the mornings, so she was curious about who it was.
The name on the screen made her heart skip a beat. It was Luke, and she answered it, not quite sure what she’d say to him. Her words stuck in her throat but she managed to utter a strangely high-pitched hello.
“Hi Debbie, it’s Luke.”
“Hi Luke, how are you?”
“Fine, thanks. I wanted to ask you, is April going back home today?”
“Yes, she is. Why?”
“I want to go out for dinner tonight, but I’d pick a different day if she was still here, since you can’t just leave her home alone.”
“That’s nice of you.” She looked at April and mouthed “dinner” to her, which made April perk up and flash one of her bright smiles and a thumbs up. Debbie rolled her eyes and had to stifle a laugh. “Yes, we can go out. I’m just having brunch with April now, so I shouldn’t stay on the phone, but I’ll call you back as soon as we’re done here.”
She was so excited that she barely registered the end of their conversation, but she knew he said he had a great time the previous night and that he was looking forward to seeing her. When she hung up, she was ear to ear smiles.
Chapter 16
That night, she dashed about the house in a rush to find the perfect outfit and finish doing her makeup. April left in the late afternoon, with promises of getting together once Debbie was back in town for her interview.
Aunt Wendy followed her around as she struggled to get ready. She couldn’t avoid telling Aunt Wendy about the date, and her aunt had no trouble giving her opinion.
“I knew you’d hit it off. You might think I’m old, but I’ve got eyes like a hawk and could always tell when there’s something special going on,” she said.
“That’s great,” said Debbie as she looked for her earrings in her room, “so could you tell me whether I’ll get that job.”
“I don’t need any special powers to be able to tell you that. Of course you’ll get the job! That goes without saying.”
“You say he likes me, but in the big scheme of things it doesn’t mean much. We only just met, so he’d get over me soon and find someone else. And the distance is too big.” She found that repeating these things often enough almost convinced her of their truth.
Aunt Wendy shook her curls. “No, my girl, you have a car, don’t you? And so does he. There’s no reason not to spend the weekends together, you know.”
“I know, but it’s hard to tell what will happen. For all I know, he could just be bored and looking for some time to spend with a woman. Any woman.” She put her earrings on and examined herself in the mirror.
“He’s not just bored. You can trust me on that. I think you should absolutely give him a chance.”
“Alright, I’ll think about it. By the way, will you be ok at the café while I’m gone?” Although she hadn’t had the baby yet, Melissa went on her leave on Friday, and Debbie was worried whether Aunt Wendy could manage the café alone.
“Yes, honey. It’ll be the middle of the week and everything will be fine.”
The doorbell rang and Aunt Wendy rushed downstairs to open it, with Leo following close behind her.
“Come in, Luke, come in,” Aunt Wendy said to him while he stood in the doorway. “She’ll be just a minute.”
She ushered him in and he sat down on an armchair in the living room, w
aiting to catch a glimpse of Debbie as she came down the stairs.
“Wow, you look beautiful,” he said to her with a smile.
He looked great himself. He was wearing black pants and a buttoned light blue shirt. She was speechless, and was sure her reaction showed on her face.
She was wearing a mauve sweater dress that reached to just above her knees, and black booties. The weather was tolerable, so she didn’t feel the need to go out in full winter gear.
“Thanks, Luke. And thanks for picking me up, though you didn’t have to. I could have met you at the restaurant.”
“I know, but it didn’t feel right. It’s already pretty late,” he said.
He rose from his seat when she approached him, and gave her a quick hug. They bid farewell to Wendy, who couldn’t stop grinning the whole time, and headed out.
The car ride was nerve wracking for Debbie, but Luke was as smooth as usual. Ten minutes later, they arrived at the steakhouse and were seated at the best table in the whole restaurant.
The conversation quickly turned to Christmas and their plans.
“Looks like I may see my family sooner than I expected,” she started.
“Really? Why? Are they coming to see you and your aunt?”
She snickered. “Hardly. I’ve got a job interview on Tuesday.” She watched his face for a reaction.
He smiled. “Here in our little town, I hope.”
“Nope. A little further than that. Back in the city.”
She couldn’t help but notice a look of disappointment run across his face momentarily.
“Well, hurry back, because I’ll miss you.”
She giggled. He always knew what to say to lighten the mood.
“What are you laughing about?” he asked, teasing her. “Do you think I’m making it up?”
“No, not making it up. Maybe just exaggerating a bit.”
His face turned serious for a moment.