Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne

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Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne Page 24

by Roger Hastings

  “Ai-e-e-e!” Lissa screamed as a multitude of horned heads pressed against the bars, their faces grinning with red tongues dripping drool. Her head jerked from side to side, eyes wide with terror. She shrank to the center of the cage, legs folded over her pussy, her arms covering her breasts. The satyrs cheered and pounded the floor with their cloven hooves as she visibly quaked.

  The king held up his hand and they quieted. He spoke some incomprehensible words and the Satyrs mumbled among themselves. Finally, an aging, but hale satyr stepped forward and knelt before the king. He lay a hand on its head and spoke softly. There was the swift susurration of a hundred breaths as the satyr rose and pulled open the door to the cage. He stepped inside and the king fastened the door shut.

  “No, please,” Lissa whimpered. “Please don’t hurt me!”

  There were just a few yards of space in the cage, and she scooted only a few feet before he had her backed into a corner. Lissa couldn’t tear her eyes away from the hungry glitter in his glowing yellow stare.

  “Please, oh gawd, please don’t eat me!”

  Lissa was pressed against the oaken bars, and the hands of a dozen satyrs grabbed her arms and pulled them through the bars, holding them behind her. More satyrs seized her legs and held them wide apart. The aged satyr dropped to his hands and knees, then pressed his belly to the dirt floor. He crept forward, up between her trembling thighs. His long red tongue flicked out as he pressed his face into her silky pubic muff.

  “OH! Oh Gawd!” Lissa’s throat contracted and her head tilted far back as she felt the hot tongue slither deep into her chamber of Venus. “Oh, Gawd, what are you? UNGH! AH!” She gasped and held her breath as a million sparks of ecstasy exploded in her belly. The satyr’s tongue twisted, corkscrewing inside her.

  “OH! Oh-h-h-h-h...” She released her breath in a long, drawn-out sigh. Her body went limp as pleasure flooded her consciousness. “Oh-h-h-h, Richard,” she gasped as the Satyrs released her arms and legs. She slid down, lying on her back as the pleasure mounted. The core of her consciousness went leaping up a mountainside of ecstasy like a mountain sheep in heat.

  Lissa’s head rocked slightly from side to side. Her hands lay motionless, palms up, totally drained of strength. Her legs, nudged even wider apart by the satyr, extended to the ends of the universe, inviting every tongue, every cock, every drop of cum in nature’s realm to find a welcome in her pussy.

  Lissa heard her voice moaning, pleading, repeating the same word endlessly, “Yes, yes, yes, YES!”

  The satyr’s grinned at each other, nodding their heads gleefully, caressing their cocks and crowding up to get in line at the cage door. Their voices began buzzing softly, growing gradually louder, until they were a rumbling drone of sexual hunger and expectation.

  Lissa whimpered briefly as the old satyr pulled his glistening tongue out of her pussy. He scooted up, pressing his cock into her and laying his small torso on top of hers. Lissa’s breasts rubbed the top of his head, their roundness dented by the blunt tips of his nubby horns. Slowly, gently, she lifted her arm and lay her open hand softly on his back. The old satyr thrummed and gurgled an utterance of delight that even Lissa could interpret. She drew up her other arm and lay a hand on its head, stroking and fondling his wiry hair.

  Gone was the fear, the revulsion, and the terror of their grotesque bodies. Sexual love made all equal in this otherworldly gathering of half-human, half-whatever creature. Their hearts beat with the same lust, the same hunger, the same desperate need that any male human was heir to. Sexual love canceled prejudice and scorn. The sexual bond, made sacred in nature, assured and beatified all who came together as one. In some realm of mind and spirit there was a force, an intelligence, a power, that spread its hands over Lissa and blessed her.

  Lifting its head and opening its mouth wide, the aged satyr brayed. Lissa felt his cock shudder and fling out a geyser of unquenchable cum. His sheep-like braying continued until the last drop of his spurting ardor dribbled from the slit of his cock. The satyr’s aged and exhausted heart, flooded with adrenaline, strained with lust beyond its breaking point. It fluttered, rendered its last contraction, and ceased beating. His torso tremored and flopped lifeless on her belly.

  The crowd of satyrs stared in silence, their mouths open wide, their yellow eyes unblinking. Lissa stirred, feeling something was wrong with the old satyr. She wrapped her arms around him, shaking him gently, then recoiling as she realized he was dead. She looked up into the faces of the shocked satyrs. “I...I...” Her throat constricted, “I didn’t...” She shivered, “It's not my fault!”

  Four Satyrs crowded into the cage and tenderly lifted their colleague, carrying him reverently outside. The others were chattering to each other, glancing at Lissa with wonder in amazement, whistling and jostling, each urging the other to be next in the cage to risk fucking this goddess’ black-magic pussy.

  The red-leafed king raised his arm and barked a command. The noise stopped instantly. He lay his hand on his chest and spoke. The others bowed and nodded. The king stepped into the cage, and stood before Lissa, fists on his hips, legs spread, his long, thick cock dancing and bobbing in her face. He made a kissing motion with his lips and pointed at Lissa’s mouth.

  “No,” she said with a gasp. “I’d never do that, it’s dirty!”

  The king scowled as she shook her head. He turned to his loyal satyrs and bellowed an angry command. Lissa shrieked as a dozen glowering creatures entered the cage with ropes, a few whips, and a ring-gag. They bound her wrists and forced her to her knees. They stretched out her arms, level to each side, tying the ropes to the bars of the cage. While four of them held her head steady, the king jammed the ring-gag into her mouth, wedging her teeth apart, her lips stretched open. Her mouth and throat was transformed into a warm, moist, tunnel for their cock to burrow in.

  Lissa’s breasts danced and jiggled as she struggled to escape the horror. The two satyrs with whips were positioned behind her ass, ready to apply a fierce persuasion. The rest of the satyrs danced and whooped around the cage, clapping and laughing. The king gripped her golden hair in one fist, and aimed his cock to violate the captive paradise between her ruby lips.

  “GHAGHK-K-K!” The rhythm of Lissa’s gurgling sounds were interrupted as his swollen cock cycled forward and back, forward and back, wedging into her throat with each thrust. The king turned his head from side to side, grinning at his subjects, assuring them, “This hole is safe!”

  There was a rush of hoofed feet clattering into the cage, each satyr shoving and jostling the other, all wanting to be next in line. Wineskins appeared in their hands, and were passed around. The satyrs gulped their wine, the amber liquid dribbling from the corners of their mouths as they drank, soaking their beards and dripping onto their twitching cocks.

  Lissa’s eyes bulged when her tongue sensed the first tidbit of pungent cum tiptoeing from the slit in the head of King Cock.

  NO! It’s too horrible to imagine. This dwarf freak is going to make me swallow his… Lissa’s sensitive tongue sent an impossible message to her brain, I can actually feel his tiny sperm writhing, their microscopic flagellum thrashing in the glutinous liquid, joyfully forcing their way across my tongue and down my throat.

  “BRAW-W-W-W—UNH, UNH, UNH!” The king’s hips punched at Lissa’s flushed face, scraping his wire-tough pubic hair against and into her nose. She sneezed, blowing his still spurting cock out of her mouth and spraying the hair in his belly and thighs with her mouthful of cum.

  The satyrs chirped with their keening laughter as the king stared at his dripping fur. With a snarl he seized her hair in both clawed fists and jammed his pulsing cock back into her mouth. He jockeyed his hips from side to side, smearing his cum over her nose, cheeks, and chin. Lissa choked and gagged, his still-squirting cock filling her throat with a wild, musky love-syrup.

  His body froze motionless. He threw his head back, his whiskered jaw hanging open. “Bwa-a-a-a!” His long, bellowing bleat of gloating ec
hoed from the cave walls. The king shoved Lissa’s head back, cuffing her roughly. His moist cock gleamed in the torch light, a dangling tassel of amber cum swaying from its tip. He grinned and nodded to the next satyr in the line.

  Another throbbing cock slipped between Lissa’s defenseless lips. Another pistoning spike of male flesh enjoying the pleasure of plundering a beautiful girl’s orifice. An endless line of gibbering, guffawing satyrs waited impatiently, their male-flesh upraised; hard, erect, eager. One by one, they would ravish this pretty captive, some brave enough to risk an ass-bumping fuck in the imagined danger of her pussy. The more timid were content with oral sex.

  Each minute was an hour to Lissa, every hour a day. Even eternity passed more quickly than the repeating onslaught into her mouth, rectum, and pussy.

  Finally the last satyr finished penetrating her. The ring gag was removed and her wrists untied. Lissa collapsed on the dirt floor as the satyrs left her cage and bound the door shut. Her mind swam through a dark pool of bewilderment and sank into sleep. The satyrs marched away down the corridor to their own sleeping den, and dreamed of their next assault on the beautiful girl-flesh they had captured. The cave was silent.

  Far away, outside the cleverly concealed entrance to the cave, the sun shone golden on a world of light and air. Birds sang and flew freely in the sky. The waves of the loch endlessly caressed the pebbly shore. But in the arduous world of men and women, there was urgent work to be done.

  Chapter Eight

  Carnal Crimes

  Dr. Woolsey straightened up next to Treise’s bed. “She’s coming around now. The drug is finally wearing off.”

  “We need to get some answers from her,” Richard said. “Can she talk?”

  “Probably, but don’t expect her to say much. From the label on the vial we found in her nightstand, I would say she was heavily overdosed with a dangerous aphrodisiac. I’ve warned you people not to...”

  “Got to...make Richard...” Treise mumbled, and her eyelashes fluttered.

  “Treise,” Richard said, “where is Lissa?”

  “Richard love me.” Her eyes opened, wandering, trying to focus on the faces hovering over her.

  “Where is my sister?” Allan insisted.

  “Sister? Who...oh, Richard, you’re here.” She struggled to lift her arms, but they only trembled.

  “Treise, can you hear me?” Richard said.

  “Richard, you came back?” Treise smiled. Things were clearer now, and she glanced from face to face. “What...?”

  “Try to relax,” Dr. Woolsey said. “You are safe now. Just tell us where you took Lissa.”

  “Lissa? Took her somewhere. I was riding Cameo. She was with me.”

  “Where?” Richard scowled and reached down to shake her shoulder.

  Dr. Woolsey stopped him. “Easy! She’s trying to remember.”

  “Took her to the stone circle. Satyrs will take her away so you will love me again.”

  “What! Why, you little Lucifer, they will...”

  “Satyrs?” Allan asked.

  “You wouldn’t believe it, even if I told you,” Richard answered.

  Allan’s eyes widened. “Is my sister in danger, then?”

  “They don’t injure the girls we lend them,” Dr. Woolsey said. “They just fuck them. If the girl resists, then they will punish her, but no real harm is ever done.”

  “No real harm!” Allan said. “Just what do you call harm?”

  “Lady Caroline and Gregor are searching for Lissa. They will probably be back here with her this morning. I understand your concern—both of you—but until she’s found, we just have to do our best to keep searching.” Dr. Woolsey lay his hand on Allan’s arm. “I will care for her when she’s brought back. I am confident she will be found unharmed.”

  “It’s their mistake,” Richard said. “We...uh...provide one of our servant girls for the satyr’s sexual toy one night a month. When there is a full moon, we chain a naked girl to a stone platform in the center of a clearing in our forest. They fuck her all night, then fade away at dawn.”

  Allan shook his head. “You’re right. I just can’t believe such creatures actually exist.”

  “They do.” Selby had just come in the bedroom, and nodded his head. “I have seen them. When I was young, and first came to Blackthorne House as assistant butler, I was initiated, along with a pretty captive girl.”

  “We were chained spread-eagle in the stone circle. Her on the platform, me against the stone pillar. The satyrs came and raped us; the males fucked her, the females fucked me.” He sighed. “They kept at it all night. I must say, I certainly lost my virginity at least a hundred times that night.”

  “A hundred times!” Allan’s mouth dropped open.

  “Yes. You see, the satyrs had taken over the abandoned vineyard. They make an amber wine from the grapes, and add some secret herbs and spices that we can’t identify. It’s like a vaccination against impotence. A man or woman who drinks that wine, becomes a sexual dynamo, able to climax as often as desired, every night.”

  Allan’s eyes widened. “So they are fucking my sister continuously?”

  “Most certainly, Sir. To say they are sex maniacs is like saying King George the Fifth has a few shillings.”

  Allan jerked his head back to Richard, the question burning in his eyes.

  “It’s true, every word,” Richard replied. “I swear it.”

  Allan looked at Dr. Woolsey. “Won’t they damage her...her...” he blushed.

  “Ah,” Dr. Woolsey cleared his throat and motioned the men out the door into the hallway, and shut Treise’s door. “That’s what is so miraculous about the wine. If they made her drink some, it stimulates a natural lubricant in the woman’s...”

  “I understand,” Allan said. “Will it also make my sister want more...uh...”

  “Sex?” Dr. Woolsey asked.

  “Yes. Want more sex?”

  “Absolutely. Anyone who drinks that wine will crave sex every day. And they are able to enjoy it beyond the most extreme fantasies of all the pimpled teenagers masturbating while gazing up at their girlfriend’s bedroom window.”

  Allan turned back to Richard, “As soon as my sister is safe, I would like to drink some of that wine.”

  “Of course,” Richard said. “As much as you want. Although one glass is enough to confer a lifetime of effectiveness, we drink it every day.”

  “Well, I better get back to Treise,” Dr. Woolsey said. “She’s very weak, and I’m concerned about infection where she’s been scratching under her arm.” He went back into her bedroom.

  The front door slammed downstairs, and Caroline’s voice called out, “Richard? Allan?”

  “Upstairs,” Richard answered. He and Allan raced for the stairway and rushed down the steps. “Did you find Lissa?” His smile vanished as he saw her and Crom alone.

  “The satyrs have taken her away from the stone circle,” Gregor said. “We searched for two hours, and found nothing. We came back to organize a party of men to search farther north. It’s not safe to be in the forest north of the vineyard alone.”

  “I’ll get my pistol,” Allan said. He rushed up the stairs to his bedroom.

  “We need to eat and rest for a moment,” Caroline said. “I’m famished, and my feet are worn out from tramping through that wilderness.”

  “No sign of Lissa at all?” Richard’s eyes were moist. “Do you think she’s unharmed?”

  Gregor shook his bald, black-skinned head. “We can’t be certain. They have never taken away a girl before. And no one has ever discovered where the satyrs live.”

  “Until now,” Richard said with a frown. “Today we will, I swear it!”

  “You’re still weak, Sir Richard. What does Dr. Woolsey say about...”

  Dr. Woolsey had left Treise and was now descending the stairway. “Dr. Woolsey says Sir Richard is going back to bed, to recover.” The doctor said. “Now, Sir Richard, I understand your concern, but you need care as much as Tre
ise. Your family and the staff can do everything that needs to be done. Besides, if Lady Lissa returns while they are still searching in the forest, you need to be here to comfort her.”

  Richard exhaled. “You’re right, Doctor. I’m just so...”

  “I’ll send someone back with a message immediately when we find her,” Allan said. “And someone needs to keep an eye on that cousin of yours. No telling what Treise will do next!”

  “It will be a few days before she is strong enough to get out of bed,” Dr. Woolsey said. “She came very close to losing her sanity permanently.”

  “Will she recover completely?” Caroline asked.

  “Probably,” he answered. “And it’s unlikely she will ever succumb to that temptation again.”

  “I’ll get the staff together and be ready to leave as soon as you eat,” Selby said.

  Caroline heaved a weary sigh and looked at Gregor, “Let’s find Lara in the kitchen and have her fix our breakfast.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Allan said. “Tell me what you saw in the circle of stones, and in the forest.” They went out the archway, their voices fading.

  “Now, Sir Richard,” Dr. Woolsey said, “back to bed for you.” He beckoned to one of the pretty young maids. “Help him up the stairs, and into his bed.” He shook his finger under her nose, “And don’t you touch his cock!” The girl drooped her head and pouted. Dr. Woolsey tickled her under her chin. “Come and see me when you’re done. My bedroom is at the east end of the hall.” He nodded at Richard, “I have to get back to Treise and get some medicine into her.”

  The late afternoon sun dropped into the tangle of branches to the west as the search party gathered to report their lack of success.

  “Nothing,” Shawe said to Chalmers. “Not even a footprint. Those little devils have vanished from the face of the earth.”


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