Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne

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Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne Page 25

by Roger Hastings

  “Don’t say that,” Caroline said. “It sounds supernatural. Those creatures are unworldly enough, without suggesting they are sorcerers, too. Gives me the creeps!” She shivered.

  Barth sat a little apart, his legs pressed together, his hands sheltering his aching cock.

  “Are you glad I went back to release you?” Crom asked with a grin.

  Barth just looked up with a scowl. “Hurt like hell,” he mumbled. “Feels like I will walk funny for a week.”

  “Let’s get back to the house,” Chalmers said. “We’re not going to find anything in this part of the forest when it gets dark unless we have lanterns.”

  “I hate facing Richard,” Caroline said to Allan. “He is very fond of your sister.”

  “I know. I watched Lissa dance with him. I’m sure she was successful in seducing him.”

  “Yes, I’ve never seen him so taken with a pretty face.” She lifted an eyebrow with a slight smile, “And her body, too.”

  “Well, let’s get back then,” Crom said. “The sooner we return with lanterns, the sooner we can continue searching. Until then, I suggest we split up and comb the meadows, the moors, and the pastures.”

  “There’s a swampy area in the moor,” Shawe said. “Maybe she escaped and fell into the quicksand.”

  “You didn’t need to say that,” Chalmers said with a scowl. “And don’t mention the swamp to Sir Richard.” He stood up. “Let’s go. It’s going to get dark in an hour. Let’s get moving.” They all moved off to the south, picking their way through the trackless forest.

  Lissa woke with a burning thirst. She crawled to the door of the cage and tugged on it with all her strength. It wouldn’t budge. “Please,” she called out, “give me a drink of water.” Her voice echoed from the walls of the cave.

  Got to get out of here. Those horrid creatures will return soon. It must be getting dark outside, and then I will never find my way back to Blackthorne House.

  There was a noise of tiny hooves moving carefully. Lissa turned toward the sound, holding her breath. There was a movement in the darkest shadows, then the form of a satyr, smaller than the others she had seen. The creature stepped into the torch light. Lissa saw the tiny breasts, and realized it was a female. She stopped, tapping her lips and whispering something to Lissa in her strange speech. She held up a wineskin and Lissa nodded her head vigorously. The creature looked behind her to see if she had been followed. Satisfied, she hurried over to the cage and began unfastening the ropes binding the door.

  “Hurry!” Lissa whispered. The female’s tiny fingers were a blur, struggling with the knots and coarse fiber of the rope. It felt like an eternity before she jerked the rope free and shoved open the door. She held out the wineskin and Lissa grabbed it, gulping down the amber wine.

  The creature beckoned to Lissa, nodding her head and pacing impatiently away, up the shallow slope of the cave floor. Lissa hurried after her. “Where are you leading me?” she asked. The female just shook her head and urged Lissa to trot even faster. The creature was running now on her short hoofed legs, climbing ever higher up the twisting turns of the sloped floor.

  Lissa felt a cool draft on her face. The entrance! A few more yards, and they were pushing aside the branches of a thick bush and stepped out under a starry sky.

  “Thank you, Oh, thank you!” Lissa hugged the tiny female.

  The small creature gripped Lissa’s wrist and pulled her away from the cliff face and up the stony trail leading to the top. When they climbed over the ledge, Lissa saw the dark forest to the south, and a vineyard to the east. The female tugged her arm and pointed first east, through the vineyard, then south, toward Blackthorne House many miles away.

  Lissa nodded and smiled. “Thank you, whoever--whatever you may be. And I hope no harm comes to you because you released me.”

  The female satyr hugged Lissa’s legs, then pushed her gently toward the vineyard. “Hurry!” she said in her earth-evolved language. Lissa dashed away, waving good-bye to her rescuer.

  The generous draughts of satyr-fermented wine she had swallowed burned pleasantly in her stomach as she ran, strengthening her, adding wings to her feet. The warmth focused first in her belly, then sent the magic in the wine to where it did its best work. Lissa’s pussy itched and throbbed, crying out for a man’s cock--no, a thousand cocks! Her pussy lips swelled, dripping with her passion juices. She flung her arms out wide, her flushed face lifted toward the bloated moon dangling low in the sky before her. “Fuck me!” she shouted to the world.

  Dr. Woolsey leaned over Richard and shook him gently. “Treise has recovered her mind now, you can talk to her.”

  Richard woke and raised up on one elbow, rubbing his eyes. “Good. What did she say to you?”

  “Not anything important. I’m afraid she doesn’t remember much of what happened--very little, actually. She seems to have more questions of her own.”

  Richard slipped out of bed and followed the doctor to Treise’s bedroom. She was sitting up, her back propped up with a hill of pillows. A maid was serving her dinner on a tray.

  “Oh, Richard,” she said, “is it true? Did I cause something horrible to happen to you?”

  “Yes,” he replied, not smiling.

  “How bad? What...?”

  “Ask Dr. Woolsey. I’d rather not remember it.”

  “I’m sorry. Whatever it was...”

  Richard turned to the doctor. “Is she lying, or is she really unable to remember?”

  Treise looked frightened, glancing at the doctor.

  “I doubt she remembers the worst of it. The drug was a powerful amphetamine mixed with an illegal aphrodisiac. It’s quite popular in the Middle East, where it circulates freely in clandestine harems. There have been several cases of incurable amnesia and insanity reported. Your cousin, here, was very lucky. No permanent harm evident.”

  Richard exhaled, “I’m glad of that, at least.” He shook his head at Treise. “You’ve been a very wicked, very stupid girl. You could have killed both of us.”

  She hid her face in her hands. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I love you so much, Richard. I risked everything to win you back from Lissa.”

  Dr. Woolsey patted her head. “And you did just the opposite, I’m afraid.”

  Richard nodded, “I’m sorry for you, Treise. You were, maybe still are, my favorite cousin. But things have changed between us, changed forever.”

  Treise wept.

  “And there will have to be a family trial, and your punishment decided. The Cailean family cannot let you get by without punishment. We have to make an example of you.”

  Treise turned over and buried her face in the pillows. “I know,” she said between sobs. “I’m so sorry.”

  Doctor Woolsey looked at Richard and the maid, tilting his head toward the door. They all got up and left the bedroom. Outside, Richard spoke softly to the maid, “The whole staff is out looking for Lissa, so I will ask you to guard this door. No one goes in, and no one goes out without Dr. Woolsey’s permission, or mine. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She curtsied, lifting her tiny skirt to expose her naked, strawberry-blonde pussy hair.

  Richard reached out and fondled her breasts. “When my cock is healed, I will reward you for your loyalty.”

  The girl blushed and dipped her head. “Thank you, sir. I will be delighted to feel your cock sliding inside my pussy.”

  One might have guessed that two dozen giant fireflies had invaded the forest. Glowing yellow lanterns swung from hands as their owners pawed through the forest. Allan and Caroline rode their horses farther north, while Chalmers commanded the search among the trees. Every crevice, every bush, every hollow tree was investigated as a possible portal into the satyr’s realm. Gregor and Shawe scrambled down the cliff that formed a vast horseshoe-shape around the water of the bay. There were many brief hopes as hollows or truncated openings were discovered. Men crawled inside, only to find the remains of some fox or badger’s nest.

Nothing!” Shawe called up to Chalmers.

  “Keep trying,” he answered. “We won’t stop looking until we find Lady Lissa.”

  The searchers bent to their task, working their way ever closer to the distant vineyard.

  Lady Caroline and Allan rode their horses along the edge of the forest as the phosphorescent moon lifted in the east, its waxy, nearly-full bulk clearing the hills on the horizon.

  Allan glanced at it. “When it gets higher, it will help us see Lissa, if she is still able to stand.”

  “Sh-h-h-h,” Caroline said. “We need to listen for voices or movement.”

  They continued their slow zigzagging across the meadow, pasture, and moor. When they approached Barth’s campsite, they could hear his bawling above the excited bleating of the suckling calves.

  “What’s happening over there?” Allan asked. “At this distance, all I can see is the herd bunched up into the fence corner.”

  Caroline stood up in her stirrups and gazed into the far darkness. “Well, they look safe enough, and Barth likes to pretend he is a talented singer. Can’t catch the words in his song, though. Sounds like a sad one.”

  “He can take care of himself,” Allan replied. “Our job is to find my sister. Come on, let’s go.” Caroline clucked to her horse, Tara, and they galloped back toward the forest.

  An inhuman scream reverberated in the cave, rising and echoing and growing fiercer as the word spread, “The girl-human has escaped!” Satyrs poured out of the cave entrance; bent low, their keen yellow eyes scanning the ground, their sharp noses hunting for scent. One raised up with a whoop and pointed east, over the vineyard. The leaf-crowned king leaped up, braying and beckoning the others to follow him. A flood of brown half-human bodies swarmed into the vines, hooting and howling encouragement to one another.

  At the far end of the vineyard Lissa heard the commotion behind her. On she ran, her naked legs pumping, her lungs burning raw with the effort to suck in more oxygen. A life of leisure and privilege had not trained her body to win this race. Gasping, her hair flying about her face, she ran until her aching, trembling legs stumbled and she fell sprawling.

  Pushing herself up again, panting, sweating, she plunged forward out of the vineyard. Turn right! Turn right! Her memory of the female satyr’s pointing hand flashed through her mind. Lissa swerved to the south and raced across the meadow, toward Blackthorne House, safety, and her beloved Richard. It was fifteen miles away. Without hope of escape, a forlorn Lissa wiped away her tears and kept running.

  The savage cries behind her grew louder, slowly drawing nearer. She risked a glance back. A thin, black line of movement undulated a quarter mile behind her. More than a hundred creatures armed with angry whips and erect cocks charged with brute lust pursued her. Lissa wept openly, trying to crowd the dark vision of her recapture out of her mind. I want a man’s cock, not some smelly, deformed creature’s!

  They spied her. The cries were more shrill now, more certain of victory. A few more miles, a few dozen minutes and... They would have her! Then the whips and cocks would have their savage revenge. Every sybaritic face sprouted a brutal grin.

  Lissa whimpered, glancing back again. The shrieking horde was closing in, the flanks spreading out, racing ahead of the other satyrs, ready to close in and surround her.

  Their voices changed. They were laughing now, hooting and taunting her. Lissa cried openly. She could hear their tiny hoofed feet thudding on the sod, their panting breath. In a few more minutes the pain and defiling would begin all over again. They would perpetually abuse her until she died of despair and shame.

  A huge, pale, inhuman shape loomed up in the moonlight ahead, rushing like a phantom toward Lissa. She screamed, falling to her knees and covering her head defensively with her arms. The shape thundered up to Lissa and whinnied.

  “Cameo! Oh, please, Cameo, let me ride you!”

  The horse halted, snorting and pawing the ground. Her hot breath steamed from her nostrils like ghostly flame.

  The satyrs slowed, staring wide eyed at the towering apparition, suddenly afraid. Lissa grabbed the flopping reins and with the last ounce of her strength, vaulted into the saddle. She tried to turn the horse’s head south, toward Blackthorne House, but Cameo refused to be guided.

  The horse leapt forward at a full gallop, charging down on the crowd of creatures. Screaming and crying, the brown-hued satyrs scattered, barely escaping the razor-sharp horseshoes crashing down in their midst.

  Now Cameo wheeled, dashing south, toward stable and home, bearing a naked girl weeping with joy and relief. They plunged ahead across the dark meadow with an angry, ranting herd of satyrs renewing the chase after them. Their shouts and curses were soon left far behind.

  Lissa clung to Cameo’s mane, desperately trying to stay on the horse’s back. Her crotch slid forward and back, rubbing her pussy on the flexing saddle. She gasped, her jaw drooping with arousal. She tilted forward and wrapped her arms around Cameo’s neck and closed her eyes. The lust-wine opened Lissa’s floodgates of desire and she anointed the warm saddle with her love cream.

  “Oh, Cameo, now I know why Treise loves you so!”

  Lissa’s moans and gasps grew louder. Cameo turned her ears back, drinking in the sound of her rider’s ecstasy. The horse lifted her head and whinnied exultation at the star-shimmering sky. Lissa gritted her teeth, crushing her eyelids together as her orgasm hammered against the hot leather of the saddle.

  “Auh-h-h! AUGUH! UH-H-GNH! UH-H-GNH! UHUH! AIE-E-ESH!” Her shimmying crotch scrubbed her pussy against the sensual texture of the waxed leather. “YAUGH! AH! YEAH! OH GAWD! UAUGH-H-H!”

  Tears streamed from Lissa’s eyes from the intensity of her first Blackthorne Wine orgasm. She subsided and settled onto the rocking, jouncing, sticky-slick palm of the saddle. She gasped for breath and gripped Cameo’s neck as the Earth whirled inside her head.

  Three miles flew under Cameos’ pistoning legs until the horse sensed humans on horses ahead. Slowing, she whinnied to her stable-mates. Lissa lifted her head and saw two riders silhouetted in the distance. They were calling out, “Cameo, Cameo, we’re coming!”

  “Oh, thank you, thank you,” Lissa murmured in Cameo’s ear. She rubbed the horse’s neck and squeezed her in another embrace.

  “Hallo-o-o, hallo-o-o,” Aunt Caroline cried, “Who goes yonder?”

  “Lady Caroline, it’s me, Lissa!” she pulled Cameo to a halt.

  “Thank the spirits, we found you!” Allan shouted. He and Caroline galloped up to her and reined in. “Have you been harmed?”

  “They beat me with their little whips, and fucked me in my...” Lissa choked, then the words tumbled out as tears flooded down her cheeks. “They fucked me in my mouth!”


  “Those filthy little creatures. They took me to a cave and locked me in a cage. They all fucked me so hard, for the longest time.”

  Allan’s face darkened in the moonlight. “I’ll kill them! I’ll...”

  “No, Allan, it’s not their fault. There was a full moon. They thought Lissa was one of our captives, and she was for them. They are not evil, just perpetually horny.”


  “Please, Allan,” Lissa said. “One of them released me, she helped me to escape. She gave me some of their wine to drink, and...” She blushed, “...and because I drank it, I had the most marvelous orgasm. Let’s not hurt them.”

  Caroline lay her hand on Allan’s shoulder. “We are the intruders, not them. They were here tens of thousands of years ago, in the last Ice-age, long before humans crossed over the land bridge from the continent.”

  “How can we be sure they won’t attack Blackthorne House and take my sister away again?”

  “They won’t. My brother, Sir Drake Cailean, made a contract with them decades ago. He learned to speak their language, and wrote it all down. I will let you read it when we get back to the house.”

  Lissa shivered, “Yes, let’s get back. I don’t have any clothe
s on, and I’m getting chilled in this night air.”

  “Of course, dear.” Caroline slipped off her jacket and wrapped it around Lissa’s shoulders. “Allan, you take your sister back to the house, I will ride into the forest and tell the others we found her.” Caroline clucked to her horse and trotted off. She called out over her shoulder, “Tuck her into a warm bed, and have Dr. Woolsey tend her. Then see that she has a hot bath and give her something to eat and drink.” She spurred the horse and galloped into the forest along the path.

  “I’m sorry this happened to you,” Allan said. How beautiful my sister is. Even I can’t resist staring at her, naked in the moonlight. She was right, she is no longer a child. I understand why Richard fell in love with her immediately.

  Lissa pouted. “That horrible Treise, she did this to me. Will they punish her?”

  “I will,” Allan answered. He gripped his riding crop and cracked it hard against the soft, skin-like leather of his boot. “I will!”

  The morning sun buttered Lissa’s bed with golden light. She yawned and stretched, then noticed Richard asleep in the chair beside her. “Good morning, dearest.” She rolled onto her side and propped up on one elbow. Her fingertips caressed his cheek, and he stirred.

  Richard’s eyelids fluttered, then opened. “Lissa, I was so worried about you. I could not leave your side.”

  “I love you, Richard. Come into bed with me.” She smiled coyly and slid aside, making room in her scented bed for him.

  “I can’t--not yet, anyway.” He pulled aside the blanket covering his lap and showed her the bandage around his cock.

  “Oh, no! Is it...” Her face went white.

  “No, no. Nothing to worry about. Just rubbed raw by some wicked girls Treise hired to torment me. Dr. Woolsey says it will be good for fucking in a few days.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful, but do we have to wait so long?”

  “Just long enough for us to make some plans”

  “What kind of plans?” Her crimson lips curled in a sly smile.

  “Wedding plans.” Richard leaned over Lissa and kissed her, massaging her tongue with his own.


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