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Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne

Page 28

by Roger Hastings

  Lissa wept silently. With Gregor it felt so crude and brutal. With the other men tonight, she felt possessed by them. With Gregor, there was only a hollow sense of being used and discarded.

  “Get going, girl!” Gregor grinned and pointed south without getting up. “That way—now!”

  Lissa sat up, tears running, her throat hurting so much from Gregor’s emotional abuse that she couldn’t talk. Silently, she began walking away. Like the others, heading for Blackthorne house. She felt so far away from its warmth and cheer that it could have been marooned on the moon.

  She trudged on through the darkness, weaving her way through the endless maze of tree trunks while the moon drifted lower in the west. She found her feet on a narrow but clearly defined path.

  Why not? She followed its direction, its smooth and moss-covered way soothing to her aching feet. After a few miles it led her out to a narrow cleared strip winding along the edge of the loch. She could see Blackthorne House a few miles away. Its windows winking with yellow light, the thin smoke from its chimneys speaking of warmth. She shivered.

  “Hello!” a voice came from a figure a few hundred yards ahead. Should I run away? She shrugged. Why? What’s the use?

  “Please, I’ve been waiting a long time for you.” The figure stood up as Lissa approached. He had two chairs, and a small table with something arranged on it. A cot with a mattress stretched out behind him. Lissa slowed her steps until she was only a dozen paces from him. It was Selby, the old butler. He was naked, his aged body hale and healthy, sporting an extravagant erection worthy of a young man’s lechery.

  “I can guess you are thirsty, and hungry, too. Those men can go for twelve hours without eating and drinking, but I can’t—and I bet you can’t either.” He gestured at the table. “I brought enough for both of us. Please sit down and enjoy some refreshment.”

  “Thank you.” She sat down in the chair on the other side of the table.

  “Feels good to sit down after running for hours, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes. My legs ache worse than I can describe. Why are you being so kind to me? I was told the men abuse all the girls here.”

  “But you are not just a girl. Tomorrow you will become the wife of Sir Richard Cailean, head of one of the most powerful families in the white slavery business.”

  “You mean, all the maids in those lewd little costumes...”

  “...Are captives—love slaves to be used whenever and however the family and staff wants to, or sold off to the highest bidder.”


  “Yes, I can have them, too.”

  “But you are so...old.”

  “We all drink the wine made from grapes grown on this estate. It is much more than a potent and irresistible aphrodisiac. It is the fountain of sexual youth—an herbal formula that keeps our sexual drives and ability to perform at a superhuman level. When anyone, man or woman, drinks our wine—even just once-they can fuck repeatedly like Greek gods, day and night.”

  “Oh. Then since I drank it—I can...”

  “You can enjoy fucking, or any form of sex, even when you are abducted and forced to perform for your captors.”

  “You are one of my captors,” Lissa smiled coquettishly, “are you going to fuck me, too?”

  “Yes. After we eat and drink. I want you to be refreshed so you can feel every moment while I am caressing your warm flesh and probing the joys of your temple of Venus.”

  “Can you release my arms from this fiendish harness? I need my hands free to eat.”

  “No, only Richard is permitted to release you. It’s part of your initiation.”

  “Initiation? What do you mean? Lady Caroline told me only tantalizing hints of what it was.”

  “Every member of the Cailean family, and every employee on the staff must endure an initiation to belong to Blackthorne House. It’s an ancient law of the estate, and cannot be broken by anyone. Part of the initiation is that it is kept secret from the victim until it’s over. That’s why you weren’t informed about what we would do to you.”

  “You mean that Richard and the others knew about...?”

  “Of course. He gave the orders for you to be chased and fucked tonight. It was his duty.”

  “You mean that son-of-a...”

  “If you are truly destined to become a Cailean, you must have enjoyed it.”

  “Enjoyed it? Being chased, whipped and fucked by those horrible men?”

  “I’m one of those horrible men. I’m going to fuck you and you can’t escape from it.”

  “And you think that means I like it?”

  “Why didn’t you leave Blackthorne after your brother and Richard rescued you and Addy from the satyrs and Gregor’s tower of torment?”

  “I love Richard. I want to live with him and bear his children.”

  “And Richard loves you. He made sure you would not be injured or maimed tonight. We men are well-trained to control girls without maiming them. Almost all your agony was the fear you felt. We are experts at terrifying pretty young girls.”

  “But why...”

  “The people of the world are shocked and repelled by such ideas. They condemn such places like Blackthorne, if they ever know about them, because they are ruled by laws and fears that exist only in their heads. Self-appointed fanatics cloak themselves in pious titles and honors and proclaim they are the only ones good enough to decide what men and women are permitted to enjoy.”

  “The people of the world are the real slaves, not the pretty girls that are brought here. We train them to give and receive the pleasure our bodies were created for. The world never seems to realize the god they worship is the same god who invented sex.”

  “Then you frighten us to drive those old ideas out of our minds?”

  “Exactly! You have the mind of a Cailean—and all the other families like them. I know you and Richard will be happy together. Now, let’s eat and drink, and then I shall fuck you one last time tonight.”

  “But how...” Lissa twisted her torso and displayed the harness trapping her arms behind her.

  “I will feed you. It will be fun for me to remind you just how dependent and helpless you are.”

  Selby poured the champagne and held the vial to Lissa’s lips as she drank. With fork or spoon, he measured out nibbles and sips of their meal. When they had finished, he walked around the table and lifted her easily in his arms.

  “Aren’t you going to whip me first?”

  “Not enough time. The sun will rise soon, and I don’t want to be rushed. You are so very beautiful, so I will treasure every moment while I am fucking you.” He laid her on the cot and gently pressed her thighs apart. Kneeling between them, he lowered his head and caressed the pussy lips with his tongue. In less than a minute, she was squirming and moaning.

  “Oh-h-h-h, oh-h-h-h, Selby, you are so kind. Ugh-h-h, O-o-o-o, no, don’t stop.”

  Her legs spread wider, and her toes splayed wide as the fire raged in her belly. “Fuck me, Selby—Oh-h-h, please, please fuck me.” Her imprisoned arms ached to be free, yearned to wrap around Selby and crush him against her itching nipples.

  He lifted his head and lowered his torso onto hers, skillfully driving his rigid manhood into her dripping pussy.

  “Yes-s-s-s, fuck me! Fuck me!” she cooed.

  Selby released a long-held breath with a whimper of delight. His whispered confession warmed the inside of her ear. “Your pussy is the best I ever fucked.” With a steady, rhythmic thrusting, his hips moved in a slowly increasing tempo, rocking them both upward among the stars until their voices were a celestial chorus proclaiming their simultaneous orgasm.

  Lissa’s pussy muscle shuddered with ripples of ecstasy as she felt Selby’s cum spew into her. In her mind she was straddling a geyser erupting in paradise.

  Selby finished. His arms drooped to the ground on both sides of the cot. His skin savored the pressure against Lissa’s heated body. Gradually their breathing slowed to normal, and he stirred.

  “Not yet,” Lissa whispered. “Not just yet. Lie on top of me for awhile—please.”

  Selby moaned his assent, savoring the bliss of his cock cradled in the cocoon of her Venus clutch.

  They lay together while the sky brightened behind the eastern hills. Birds and small woodland creatures awoke and crept from their nests and hollows. Their eyes spied on the man and woman lying naked together, wondering what humans could value so much that they would endure the affliction of a night in the wild to get it. A young fox stepped forward, bravely approaching the pair. He lifted his head and licked their bare feet with his sandpaper tongue.

  “Oh! E-e-e-e! Augh, stop!” The human voices startled him and he dashed away, only a blur of reddish fur in their eyes.

  “Sun’s up,” Selby said. “Richard will be standing in front of his bedroom window, watching for you to walk home across the meadow.”

  They set off southward along the path by the edge of the loch. When they stepped out of the forest and into the meadow, Selby gave Lissa a hug. “Congratulations, you have endured your initiation with strength and courage. You have earned the right to be a Cailean.

  Chapter Ten

  Honeymoon Bound

  Caroline sat beside Lissa’s bed, stroking her forehead.

  “Is it really over?” Lissa asked.

  “Yes, dear, all over.”

  Lissa turned her head and drank in the vision of the sunlight streaming through her bedroom window. “I’m so-o tired. I feel like I could sleep all day and through the night.”

  “You can, my dear. But first, there is someone who needs to speak to you.” Caroline nodded to the maid, and she set down the empty breakfast tray and opened the door.

  Treise stood in the opening, flanked by Crom and Gregor. She was totally naked, her arms strapped tight to a horizontal pole, a short chain locked between her ankles. There were fresh, red marks laced across her belly and thighs. The men twisted the pole sideways, and shoved her.

  Treise shuffled through the doorway, across the room, and knelt beside Lissa’s bed. She bowed her head, her full breasts swaying under her chin. “I’m sorry for what I did to you. I was stupid and cruel. I’m glad no real harm came to you, and now I will be punished for it. I invite you to watch while the men torment me for my offenses against you and my cousin Richard.”

  Crom and Gregor gripped the ends of the pole and jerked her roughly to her feet. Spinning her around, they marched her out of the room.

  Lissa gasped as she noticed the red stripes covering Treise’s buttocks and back. “What did they do to her?”

  “Only what she agreed to,” Caroline answered. “She was given a choice; be punished, or be banished from the Cailean family.” Caroline patted Lissa’s wrist. “I think she made the right decision.”

  “What else will the men do to her?”

  “That’s not for you or I to know. All I can say is that you won’t see her again for a few days. There’s more places than just the cellar, or Gregor’s tower, to take a girl. Some of them, and what is done to girls there, are things you would not want to know about. Only the worst misbehavior is punished in those places.”

  Lissa shuddered. “I feel so helpless, so threatened. How can a woman survive, let alone be happy, in this house?”

  “But we are safe, and very happy, my dear. Nothing ever happens here except what we all agree to. And,” she smiled slyly at Lissa, “it’s really the men who are the ultimate victims here.”

  “But, they whip us and fuck us any way they choose. I feel property, or like an animal they captured and play cruel games with. How does that make them the victims?”

  Caroline grinned wolfishly, “Men spend so much money and expend so much energy, effort and planning, just to push their cocks into a woman. How valuable and necessary we are to their health and happiness. What power we have over them.”

  “Consider; they will do anything, spend any amount, and take any gamble, risking everything they have and are, just to capture us. We are transformed into goddesses as they are made weak in their flesh’s need! Our power over male nature is immense beyond imagining. With our naked bodies, we are the only beings on earth that can release them from the agony of their sexual hunger.”

  Lissa blushed. “I have sexual hunger, too.”

  Caroline patted Lissa’s belly and stood up. “That’s what makes everything so wonderful.” She strode to the door. “Now you get some sleep, and dream of your marriage and honeymoon.”

  Lissa sighed and closed her eyes as the door shut. “Richard,” she sighed, and slept.

  Treise lay on her back for hours, staring up at the wire mesh covering the wide, roofless, stone-walled pit. Birds would alight on the mesh directly above her, roost awhile as they shed their droppings, then fly away on some errand. When evening came to darken the sky, they would return by the hundreds to roost above her, their bellies full, their intestines emptying.

  Bugs ventured out on the wire mesh, lost their grip, and fell onto Treise. She shivered every time one crawled over her naked skin, its scraping, rasping appendages probing, jabbing, nipping every warm nook and cranny of this soft, warm organism. An occasional spider rappelled down on its thin thread. Its tangle of twitching legs reaching out, grabbing at her immobilized flesh until it could drag its bloated, hairy body across her breasts, along her neck, and onto her defenseless face.

  Treise’s belly muscles twitched involuntarily as she caught the movement from the corner of her eye. After making her wait for hours, they had come to torment her. A naked male body approached her.

  “You hurt my sister,” Allan snarled, “and now your family has given me permission to hurt you.” He swept his arm back and hurled the length of his whip against Treise’s already victimized belly.


  “AUGH! Oh, Allan, please, stop--just for a moment!” Treise flung her head from side to side, her raven hair mocking the motion of the whip. She lay face up, her naked and defenseless body stretched taut on the rack.


  “YAUGH!” Her body battled against the straps binding her down on the narrow platform. The rack’s hump under her back elevated her belly, tempting the whip with its convenient position.

  “Allan, please, enough! I’m sorry I hurt your...”


  “AHGH!-AH-AH-NO-O-O-O!” Treise’s head hung down over the edge of the platform, below her arms stretched out level and parallel. Her wrists squirmed, locked in the crossbar. Shaking her head, she tried to block out the reality of her punishment.

  Allan paused and bent over her face. “You enjoyed me tormenting you when you coaxed me down into the cellar during the party. Why is it different now?”

  “I feel so guilty and ashamed,” she sobbed. “This is not a game. This is what I deserve, and it takes all the joy out of it.”

  Allan glanced at Dr. Woolsey. The doctor nodded and Allan’s arm drew back again. Treise clamped her eyes shut and gritted her teeth.


  “It’s so beautiful!” Lissa pirouetted before the full-length mirror, stroking the silk and lace of her wedding gown.

  Caroline sat on the edge of Lissa’s bed, smiling and admiring her niece-to-be. “It was my sister’s; Richard’s mother. She wore it on a day like this. I still remember the fragrance of the flowers and trees. The wedding was in the front courtyard. Both Richard’s father, Sir Drake, and his bride, Lady Felicia, were tied spread-eagled to the rings bolted to the trees.”

  “After they exchanged their vows, the groomsmen ripped off all of her clothing, while the bridesmaids did the same to Sir Drake. I can show you the pictures in our private photo album. We have pictures of both of them, tied to the trees. You can see them, if you like, both naked with the women taking turns masturbating Sir Drake, while the men did the same to Felicia.”

  “We all stripped naked, then the men tied up us girls, or strapped us into bondage harnesses. They chased us all around the house, swatting our dimpl
ed asses with willow switches. We laughed and ran until we were so horny we couldn’t stand it. Then we deliberately tripped and let them catch us. The orgy continued all night long on the lawn under a star-pricked sky. The lanterns were so beautiful, and were still burning when we woke up on the grass the next morning.” She sighed and stared off into space.

  “What will my wedding be like?” She grinned and blushed. “I want to have fun, too.”

  “Oh, we can’t let you know that, my dear. It’s going to be a surprise.”

  Sweat dripped from every inch of Treise’s straining body. She gasped and ground her teeth together as waves of genital pandemonium savaged her flesh. A triangular metal box was wedged up between her quivering thighs. A thick, cylindrical probe extended from its apex, penetrating deep into Treise’s helpless vagina.

  The box hummed and vibrated, the perforated probe cycled forward and back, rotating around its axis. Rhythmic spurts of viscous, pungent syrup oozed from the perforations, smearing the inner walls of her pussy and dripping from her labia. Its speckled texture marked it as a strong irritant mixed with a powerful sex stimulant. Spilled on skin, it caused a relentless itching. Inside a girl’s tender vagina, it drove her to the brink of delirium with anguish and sexual frustration.

  “Get it out!” Treise gasped. “Damn it, get it out of me! I can’t stand it any longer!” She whimpered, the cramped, exhausted muscles in her legs and arms cording with the hours of effort to escape the diabolic machine. “I can’t cum!” she shrieked. “Please, someone, I’ve got to cum or I’ll go crazy!”

  The machine growled on, relentlessly taunting her vagina with the urgent need, but not the comfort, to orgasm.

  “Should we stop?” Allan asked. He glanced at Dr. Woolsey, a growing concern furrowing his forehead.

  The doctor felt Treise’s pulse, and examined her eyes. “She’s getting close to the limit of safety. We can continue a few minutes more, but then she must rest a bit before we continue with her punishment.”


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