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Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne

Page 39

by Roger Hastings

  Scott slid his hand gently over her torso. “We will leave as soon as they pass out from the fucking and drinking.”

  “Oh, Scott! Hold me! Hold me close and fuck me before I go crazy from fear and disgust! This is all such a nightmare. How can we get back to our own time?”

  “Let’s just get back to shore. My instincts tell me we will be safe once we reach the forest. None of this ship and its crew appeared until we descended to the Loch.”

  “Fuck me, Scott. Fuck me and crush your body against mine so I will know we are still ourselves, and not trapped in bodies that lived a long time ago.”

  “I will, Lissa. Hush now, and lose yourself in our lust.” He lay down on Lissa and guided his cock into her still-lubricated pussy.

  “Oh! Scott—Scott! Your cock feels so wonderful inside me. Let me feel its rigid flesh sliding in and out. Electrify the turmoil in my belly.” She gasped, sucking in a huge breath, then releasing it in a long, wavering moan.

  They were so immersed in their ocean of lust that the faces clustering at the windows and silently opened door never caught their notice. Hardened sailors, devoted to careers of violence and cruelty, leered at the churning portrayal of naked flesh. Gap-toothed grins and lascivious snickers attended the fierce and passionate fucking. Scott’s body functioned like a well-oiled precision machine; tireless, inexhaustible, pistoning his cock in and out of Lissa’s pussy with a single-minded obsession. Nature’s wisdom had fashioned these creatures of male and female flesh to ensure survival by breeding into them an overwhelming obsession for sex that overrides and tramples every law, religious prohibition, and crude brainwashing by emotionally-crippled spinsters. The tyrant hormones that rule the human body guarantee a harvest of babies to continue the species. Sex is too magnificent and delightful to let its practitioners die out.

  As Scott continued his fucking with mechanical perfection, the pirates drifted away, stimulated by the sight into another erection. They returned to their own victims, choosing another defenseless girl’s pussy to spew their male liquor into.

  Scott woke. He had slept on top of Lissa; his body drained and sleepy from fucking.

  “Thank god you’re awake,” Lissa whispered. “I was asleep, too. Listen; the captain is snoring in the next cabin. It’s quiet outside, so the pirates must be asleep, too. Unlock these chains, and let’s get out of here, quick!”

  Scott grabbed the ring of keys off the Captain’s desk and opened the cuffs.

  Lissa sat up, rubbing her wrists. “Now, let’s get out of...Hey, where are you going?”

  “To rescue the girl next door. I promised her.”

  “What? Look in there. He’s sprawled all over her. How can you get her out without waking him?”

  Scott put a finger over his lips, signaling Lissa and Reneé to be silent. Scott picked up the empty rum bottle and brought it crashing down on the captain’s head. The corpulent body jerked, and lay limp. He unlocked Reneé’s cuffs and rolled the captain off her bruised body and the captain flopped to the floor.

  “Hurry,” Scott whispered hoarsely. The three crept out of the cabin. As they clambered down the rope ladder, a harsh voice cried out from the crow’s nest above. “Halt! Stand or be shot!”

  “Go! Go! Go!” Scott urged. They half climbed, half fell into the boat as a shot rang out and a large-caliber lead ball whistled past their heads and raised a spout of water.

  “Row,” Scott hissed. “Row for your life.” All three thanked the moonless night sky for making them a dim and difficult target. Reneé sat in the stern, hugging herself and weeping continuously. They were half-way to shore when the roused sailors clustered at the rail, shouting threats and curses. A half-dozen manned one of the cannons, bringing its lethal mouth to bear on Scott and the two girls.

  “Charge powder!” the first mate cried.

  “Faster!” Scott pleaded to Lissa. “You and I must row faster!” A cream of white froth split at the prow as the frail rowboat drew close to the shore.

  “Load ball!” The first mate shouted.

  A gleam of dawn broke through the shredded clouds hovering above Blackthorne Forest.

  “When we hit the shore, run up the stairs to the clearing as fast as you can. Once we are over the crest, they can’t see us or shoot at us.”

  Reneé was crossing herself, whispering some religious formula.


  The rowboat crunched against the stony shore. Scott gripped the girls’ arms and almost hurled them out of the boat. “Run! Run for your lives!” They scrambled up the rough-cut stairs, gasping for breath, panting with desperation.

  There was a roar of thunder as fire mushroomed out the cannon’s muzzle. The rowboat exploded into splinters, pieces raining down onto the water and shore. The first mate was shouting, “There they are, climbing up the cliff. One more shot, lads!”

  Lissa held Reneé’s hand, towing her up the slope “Hurry, over the top!” The three leapt over the lip of the cliff. The girls raced for the clearing in the forest.

  Richard turned for one last look at the pirate ship, shimmering, half-transparent in the growing light of dawn.

  “Fire!” Another roar and flash of fire. Scott could see the black iron sphere arcing in the sky, thundering straight toward him. He stood rooted to the ground, hypnotized by the sight of death racing toward him.

  A sliver of sun shimmered on the eastern horizon, transporting reality from the past into the present. The cannon ball mutated into an insubstantial, transparent bubble as it flew through Scott’s naked torso. He clutched his hands to his belly, feeling for the jagged shreds of bloody flesh. He was whole, unharmed, and the pirate ship and its unholy crew had vanished back into their violent past.

  “Reneé?” he whispered. He shouted toward the clearing, “Reneé!”

  “Oui.” Her reply tingled in his ears. “Yes, Scott, I am still here.”

  The three embraced. When they discovered that the horses had already trotted back home, they turned to stroll the seven miles back to Blackthorne House.

  Chapter Eight

  We’ll Make You Cum, Kathleen

  Kathleen stood in the medical office, nervously waiting for Doctor Scott. She tugged at her nurse’s uniform, smoothing every wrinkle caused by her abundant breasts swelling out under her starched white blouse. Her milk-white teeth bit her ruby lip. Will he like me? Will he let me stay. Oh, God, I’m so scared he will send me back to the school. I couldn’t bear the disgrace.

  Footsteps approached from down the hallway.

  He’s coming. Oh, please—please, let him like me!

  The paneled oak door swung open and a handsome young man in a three-piece suit strode into the room. His eyes swept the length of her pleasingly plump body, her few extra pounds making her an even more irresistibly desirable in his eyes. He gazed at her face framed in the angelic cloud of her soft russet hair. Kathleen sighed and relaxed as his face broke into a wide smile.

  “You must be Kathleen. The school phoned to say you were coming.”

  “Yes, sir...uh...I mean, yes, doctor.” Damn! I must sound like an empty-headed twittering bird.

  He strolled over to her and looked down into her moist blue eyes. “I’m Doctor Scott Cailean. Since there are so many Caileans living in Blackthorne House, I’ll ask you to call me Doctor Scott.”

  “Yes, Doctor.” He’s still smiling. Oh, lord, he’s so handsome! Whoa, Kathleen. You’re not supposed to get those ideas. Remember what Mother and my teachers warned me about—men: what they wanted to do to girls with their male things. They start by being nice and saying how pretty you are. Then when they trap you alone—UGH!

  “You are very pretty,” Scott said. “But I suppose you’re used to hearing all your boyfriends say that.”

  “Oh, but Doctor Scott, I don’t have any boyfriends. Never did.”

  “Never? That’s hard to believe. You’re such a beautiful little thing. The boys must have shoved and pushed each other out of the way, each one trying to get
to you first.”

  “They tried,” she said, blushing and lowering her long eyelashes. “But I ignored them.”


  “Mother said I should devote my life to easing the pain and suffering of the sick and crippled. She said that it was much more important than dancing and going to parties. She never let a young man come to visit me.”

  “Didn’t you feel lonely?”

  “No. Mother was always there with me, protecting me. Then at school my teachers...”

  “Didn’t you ever yearn for love, for the touch of a man?”

  Kathleen’s cheeks turned crimson. “That’s naughty. Mother said so.”

  “Well, I’m glad you came here to Blackthorne House. In addition to learning more about nursing, we can teach you some of the joy that a pretty young woman can bring to a man’s life. There are lots of men here that will be eager to prove that.”

  “Oh, Doctor! I didn’t come here for that. The army captain gave a speech at our graduation ceremony. We were all in tears when he told how horribly young men are wounded, and how we can nurse them back to health.”

  Scott smiled at his secret thoughts. “Yes, I’m sure that’s what you have in mind. But don’t be surprised if—uh—unexpected things happen to you. This is a very special hospital, with unusual but effective ways for you to service the primary needs of men.”

  Her cupid’s bow lips pouted in confusion. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean, doctor.”

  Scott lay his hand on her shoulder. “You will, my dear. I promise, you will understand completely when we choose the moment to make it happen.”

  “I hope it’s soon,” she said, her blue eyes bright with happiness.

  “Perhaps tomorrow,” he replied. “I’d enjoy demonstrating your new duties, but unfortunately for me, Doctor Vance has won you. Uh! I mean, Doctor Vance is the one who will have you in his hands. He’s away in the cellar at the moment, training another nurse. But he has been looking forward to your arrival with the greatest anticipation.”

  “Oh, I hope you will both be pleased with me.” She pouted again. Cellar? What could he be doing with a nurse in the cellar?

  Scott raked his eyes over her body, making her blush again. “I’m sure we will be very pleased with your performance. Yes, I’m absolutely sure you will satisfy our cravings perfectly.”

  “When shall I start?”

  “You can spend the rest of the afternoon exploring this hospital wing of Blackthorne House. Familiarize yourself with the corridors and rooms. After your initiation, you will be expected to go wherever we tell you to.”

  “Of course Doctor Scott. I intend to obey your orders.”

  Scott’s hand shifted from her shoulder to lightly caress her cheek. “Yes, young lady, you will. We will all insist on that.”

  Her cheek was burning from the sensation of his touch. “Thank you again, doctor. I’ll start looking around right now.”

  “Oh, one more thing,”

  Kathleen stopped at the doorway and turned around. “What, doctor?”

  “It is forbidden for newly-arrived nurses to leave this building without an escort, and you will not be allowed into the other wing of Blackthorne House until after your initiation. The connecting door is kept locked and guarded as a precaution.”

  “What’s so secret about the other wing, doctor? Now I’m very curious.”

  “Doctor Vance will cure your curiosity tomorrow morning, I expect. Maybe you will learn far more than you expect to.”

  “I hope so, doctor. I want to please you and the others as much as I can.” She smiled and skipped away down the hallway.

  Scott whispered through his grin. “Be careful what you wish for, pretty little girl. Wishes can hurt! They have a terrible way of coming true.”

  Kathleen strolled through the large room filled with hospital beds arranged in two rows, one along each wall. Almost all were filled with male patients. The horrible wounds and amputations she dreaded seeing were not here. These men seemed almost unharmed, with small bandages on arms or legs, or covering a forehead. Some were sitting up, pillows propping up their backs and heads. The worst she saw were the crutches propped up beside two beds. Kathleen blushed involuntarily at the sight of their bare chests and their bare legs sticking out from under the sheets.

  Aren’t they wearing gowns or pajamas? Are they wearing anything at all, or are all these male bodies naked under their sheets?

  The men grinned as they watched her, their alert eyes gleaming with some secret moving behind their faces. Kathleen became nervous with their silent, but intense, interest in her. She noticed that every bed was equipped with ringbolts, one welded to each of the four corner posts.

  How strange—whatever for?

  She tried to smile, then fled with as much dignity her anxiety allowed.

  There was a tiny surgery, empty and sterile, as if it had never been used. At the far end of the room was another door, leading into a strange chamber. Locked cabinets lined one wall. There were close-set steel bars in the high window. When Kathleen stood on her toes, she could just see over the sill. Outside, there was a large grassy courtyard, with a tall, squared stone wall about ten feet tall. A tangle of barbed wire crowned the top. There was no gate or other exit. Posts and platforms stood in the grass, silent and waiting. The leather straps attached to them puzzled her.

  Why have the straps? What use would they be for a hospital? Surely they don’t strap these poor wounded men to the posts and platforms? I’ll ask Doctor Vance about them in the morning.

  Kathleen lowered her tiny feet to the floor and turned around to confront the most puzzling bed she had ever seen. The mattress was ordinary enough, but the iron legs were so high it was only a little lower than her shoulders.

  When someone is laid on it, their body would be level with Doctor Scott’s chest. I suppose that’s so he can manipulate the body more easily.

  The strangest things were the iron bars that extended out diagonally from each of the four corners, making a large “X” shape. Peering under the frame, Kathleen discovered the bars had a locking mechanism that could be released to adjust the length the bars protruded from the corners. At the end of each bar was a strong ringbolt, just like the ones on the men’s beds. “Curiouser and curiouser,” she whispered to herself. “This surely is the strangest hospital I ever saw. Maybe it will be fun learning how all these special things are used.”

  A movement of white caught the corner of her eye. Her head whirled around to look at the doorway into the corridor. Another nurse had hurried past the opening, and Kathleen gasped as she caught a glimpse of her for a fraction of a second. The nurse was wearing a most unusual uniform. No one at school was ever dressed like that. The puffy-sleeved blouse gaped open in front, closed only at the waist, almost as if it had no buttons.

  The skirt was short—terribly short! Almost all the length of her legs were exposed, the lace-trimmed hem high up on the girl’s thighs. Above the top of her white stockings a scandalous width of naked skin showed!

  No, I must be imagining things. Doctor Scott wouldn’t allow such a shameless girl into his hospital!

  But Kathleen could hear the quick-cadenced clatter of the girl’s high-heeled shoes fading in the distance.

  And what was that flash and glitter of something metallic between the girl’s ankles?

  Before she realized it, she was running through the surgery and out into the corridor. Far down the hallway, Kathleen saw a glimpse of a white, high-heeled shoe disappear through an open door. A man followed the nurse through the door. In his hand he carried something that looked like a sinister black leather harness. He shut the door. On an impulse, Kathleen hurried down the corridor, and gripped the door handle. It wouldn’t move.

  Locked! Why?

  She shook her head slowly. “Well, if this isn’t the strangest place! What kind of people work here, and what a weird way to practice medicine!”

  A man in a white jacket approached, coming down the
corridor behind her. He stopped and smiled. “Good evening, miss. My name is Chalmers. I manage the estate, and now I’m administrator of this hospital, too. Most of the other medical men have accepted military commissions, so they chose me to run this place.”

  “How do you do, sir. I am Kathleen, the newest nurse. Doctor Scott gave me permission to look around.”

  “Yes, miss, but there is a bit of difference between looking and snooping. There are some things here better for you not to see until Doctor Vance can demonstrate their use to you.”

  “Oh! I’m sorry...I didn’t mean to...”

  On the far side of the door a girl shrieked, then her voice was suddenly silenced. “What?” Kathleen gasped, her wide eyes staring first at the locked door, then at Chalmer’s face.

  “Oh, just getting a shot of vaccine, I suppose. Some nurses can’t avoid shrieking while we men are giving them our special injections.”

  “Oh.” Kathleen turned back to the door, listening.

  “Why don’t you come with me, now,” Chalmers said. “Since this will be your first night here, I’ve arranged a tray of supper to be delivered to your room. You can eat there.”

  “But, I was hoping I could meet the other nurses, and maybe the doctors.”

  “They are busy with their duties, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to upset them by getting in the way or asking a lot of foolish questions.”

  “Yes, I can see how that would be the wrong thing to do on my first day here.”

  “Follow me, then, and I’ll escort you. It’s easy to get lost wandering all these hallways. Blackthorne House is a large, rambling mansion, each generation of Caileans adding rooms and corridors, willy-nilly, until it became a veritable maze. It usually takes two weeks before a new nurse learns to submit to our routine.”

  He led her around a corner and on to the door at the far end of the corridor. He pulled a key ring from his belt and unlocked the door. When she stared at the jangling collection of keys, he smiled and reassured her. “Some of our male patients like to roam the corridors at night, looking for a nurse. Surely you wouldn’t want one to find his way into your bedroom?”


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