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Wizard Omega (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 4)

Page 34

by Rodney Hartman

  “Rick!” yelled Matthew.

  The teenager gave a laugh when he saw Richard’s ride. “Sergeant Ron said you’d been promoted. I hadn’t realized it was to the rank of leader of a Trecorian cycle-gang.”

  Richard smiled back. “One does what one does best.”

  When Matthew drew close, Richard reached out to shake the teenager’s outstretched hand. But Matthew had other ideas. The teenager not only grasped Richard’s hand, but he gave him a big hug as well.

  Richard was a little taken aback. Other than hugs from his nephew and niece, he wasn’t used to signs of affection.

  Get used to it, came a thought from Nickelo. You’re all the kid’s talked about for the past month. Apparently, he thought you were a big hero even before you saved his mother’s life.

  Whatever, Richard thought back. But in truth, he was touched.

  Attempting to avoid any additional awkwardness, Richard whistled and pointed at the Defiant.

  “What the hell did your mother do to our ship?” Richard asked. “It looks more like a mini-destroyer than a recon ship now.”

  “Ha!” laughed Matthew. “I told Mother she was overdoing it. Grandfather and she have been at each other’s throats non-stop for the last month. I was glad to finally get off planet.”

  Richard smiled. He had a feeling he might have gotten the better part of the deal by arriving on Trecor five weeks early.

  As Matthew and Richard looked the Defiant over from the outside, a hover-truck pulled up and came to a stop. The passenger door swung open, and out jumped Sergeant Hendricks.

  “Hoo-wee,” said Sergeant Hendricks. “You said the Defiant was getting spiffed up a bit, Rick, but geesh, you didn’t tell me you’d turned it into a miniature dreadnaught. Are those main guns Deloris model 200 plasma cannons?”

  “Hell if I know,” Richard admitted. He’d never had to deal with the larger ship armaments of the Empire.

  Richard pointed at Matthew. “You’d have to ask this guy here. He’s our resident weapon’s expert. Sergeant Hendricks, this is Matthew Deloris. Matt, this is my old armorer from the Academy. There isn’t a weapon made he doesn’t know how to fix.”

  The two shook hands.

  “Well, I don’t know about the old part,” said Sergeant Hendricks grinning. “But, I’ve certainly gotten a lot of experience fixing all the weapons Rick has broken over the years.”

  Matthew laughed.

  In a more serious tone, Sergeant Hendricks said, “It’s a pleasure to know you, Matt. I can certainly see advantages to serving on the same starship as the future owner of Deloris Armaments.”

  “Well, don’t get your hopes up too much,” said Matthew. “There’s about fifty relatives all vying for control of the company. I’ll probably be lucky if I get to clean the company bathrooms by the time I’m old enough to move into management.”

  “I’ll take the risk,” laughed Sergeant Hendricks. “In the meantime, how about showing me around? I’m anxious to get the lowdown on our weapon systems.”

  After Sergeant Hendricks and Matthew left, Richard was left to his own devices. He made his way back to his quarters on the Defiant. He found his battle helmet and dimensional pack stacked neatly on his bunk.

  “Hey, Nick,” Richard said out loud. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “Same to you, buddy,” replied Nickelo using the helmet’s external speakers. “Anything I can do for you?”

  “Actually, yes,” Richard said. “I need my dress uniform for a ball tomorrow. How about sending me the specs?”

  “Your wish is my command, oh greatest of wizard scouts,” Nickelo said laughing while still using the battle helmet’s speakers. The sound of his laugh echoed off the starship’s bulkheads. “And see? I told you it would be smart to store your extra gear in your dimensional pack. I’ve no doubt whoever maintains clothing on Storage will have made sure it’s already cleaned and pressed just in the off chance you’d need it.”

  “You did tell me that,” Richard agreed. “I hope you’re right about the pressed part.” After a pause, Richard said, “I’m glad we’re together again. I hated trying to figure everything out on my own. I think I like it better when I can just sit back and complain.”

  “Well, from what I can tell,” said Nickelo sounding serious, “you’ve done very well. I knew you were trainable.” Starting to laugh again, Nickelo said, “You’re turning out to be quite the little wizard scout.”

  “Not funny,” Richard said. But he laughed in spite of himself. It was good to just have his friend back.

  Chapter 32 – The Duke’s Ball


  The staff hover-car with the single star of a brigadier general pulled up in front of the palace steps. Once the honor guard opened the hover-car’s door, Richard stepped out followed by Matthew Deloris.

  Richard was in his wizard scout dress uniform. It had been made special for him to wear to the Fleet Admiral’s Ball on Velos the previous year. Although he’d never gotten a chance to wear it, his friend, Telsa, had told him the creator of his dress uniform, Monsieur Geraldo, was one of the finest tailors in the Empire. Richard believed it. Even he had to admit he looked resplendent in the black and silver-trimmed uniform. The golden-dragon insignia of the wizard scout corps on his collar drew curious stares from those around him.

  Although non-standard for dress uniforms, Richard had strapped his black utility-belt around his waist. Of course, he’d stripped everything off the belt except for his phase rod. He had a feeling wearing a pistol and carrying live grenades wouldn’t go over too well at the duchess’ high-society event.

  “Are you sure it’s all right for me to be here?” said Matthew trying to straighten out the tuxedo Richard had summoned for him. “I mean, I wasn’t officially invited.”

  “Nonsense,” Richard said smiling at the young man’s obvious nervousness. “My invitation said General Shepard plus one. You’re the one. Besides, there’s someone I want you to meet.

  As they walked up the stairs, Matthew stumbled. Richard caught him by the elbow to keep him steady.

  “Relax, Matt,” Richard said. “Why so nervous? I thought being in the Deloris family you’d be used to going to balls and big-wig parties.”

  “Then you thought wrong,” said Matthew sounding a little affronted. “Mother tends to keep me in a pretty protected environment most of the time.” With a slightly embarrassed sound to his voice, Matthew added, “Heck, I don’t even know how to dance.”

  “Well, join the club,” said Richard as he laughed and gave the teenager a slap on the back. “I don’t know how to dance either. Maybe we should both keep score of how many female toes we step on tonight. The loser with the most toes has to cook supper for the Defiant’s crew tomorrow.”

  Matthew seemed to relax noticeably with Richard’s jest. “It’s a deal. But just so you know, I don’t know how to cook either.”

  Once they were inside, Richard introduced his young charge to several of the people he’d gotten to know over the last month. Despite the teenager’s protest to the contrary, Richard thought he presented himself with well-practiced grace. Richard was pretty sure the young man had spent a lot of time observing Councilwoman Deloris over the years.

  After introducing Matthew to Colonel Santos and Admiral Donovan, Richard found who he’d really been seeking.

  “Tia,” Richard said as he approached the duke’s daughter.

  The teenager was only dressed in a standard fighter-pilot’s dress uniform. However, she made it look like the finest ball gown as far as Richard was concerned. From the stares of the young men around her, he wasn’t the only one who thought so. In Richard’s opinion, Tia was every bit as beautiful as her older sister.

  Tia turned away from the three young naval officers who were vying for her attention. When they saw Richard approaching in his wizard scout uniform, they beat a hasty retreat.

  “Rick,” said Tia with a dazzling smile which reminded Richard of
her sister. “You look good enough to eat. I’m beginning to think my sister was a fool for letting you slip through her fingers.”

  Richard felt himself blush.

  “Uh…, well…,” Richard stammered. “Anyway, Tia, I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Matthew Deloris. Matt this is Tianika Bistoria. She’s been a big help to me over the past month. She is by far the best fighter pilot I’ve ever seen. You should’ve watched her making mincemeat out of a bunch of cats yesterday.”

  To Richard’s amazement, Matthew bent low at the waist in a formal bow.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Tianika.”

  This time it was Tia who blushed. “Uh, thank you, uh…, Matthew,” said Tia. “I think you’ll find we Trecorians are a lot less formal than you may be used to, Mr. Deloris. My family’s mostly soldiers. They’re not diplomats.”

  “Please call me, Matt,” said Matthew. “And you’re the most beautiful soldier…, uh…, I mean, ah…” Matthew’s voice trailed off as he blushed.

  Richard watched the two trade compliments and blushes for a couple of minutes before deciding his self-imposed mission was complete. He’d been sure the two would hit it off together. When he got the chance, he excused himself. He left the two teenagers in a deep discussion over the best weapon system for a Zip fighter.

  Ah. Rick, the matchmaker, commented Nickelo in their shared space. You missed you’re calling, buddy.

  Richard mentally shrugged. I had a feeling they’d get along. I think they’re both good kids.

  I calculate a hundred and ten percent probability you’re correct, said Nickelo. They are good kids.

  You didn’t calculate that, Richard said. It’s not possible to have more than a hundred percent.

  Sure it is, laughed Nickelo. I gave both of them bonus points.

  * * *

  Richard roamed around a little and spoke to a couple of people he knew, but for the most part he stayed to himself. About thirty minutes later, Richard became bored with what he thought was all the nonsense of a ball. After loading down a small plate with appetizers he rescued from a passing waiter, Richard made for a less crowded hallway leading away from the main ballroom. Once clear of the crowd, Richard felt a little more comfortable.

  I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this kind of fancy stuff, Richard thought.

  Probably not, answered Nickelo. But we’re going to have to work on your diplomatic skills anyway. Not all wars are won on the battlefield. You can accomplish a lot during diplomatic affairs like this.

  Well, I think I’ll leave it to the politicians, Richard said. I prefer action to words.

  Hmm, said Nickelo with a chuckle. I see we’ve got a lot of training to do.

  Still bored, Richard headed for an open set of double doors where he heard the sound of laughter. The laughter was combined with a lot of cheering. Once inside, he saw a group of twenty or so well-dressed military personnel along with a similar number of people in tuxedos. Most of them were gathered around a small rectangle marked on the carpeted floor with white tape. As Richard watched, he saw a miniature red-ball scooting across the floor.

  Bongo, Richard thought. They really are serious about the game.

  Well, lucky thing for you they are, replied Nickelo. At least you have a ready-made batch of personnel with sizeable Power reserves to test and train.

  Yeah, Richard said. Tell me about it. Most of them are connected to Power reserves a whole lot larger than mine.

  Richard spotted the duke’s son, Daniel, standing near the circle. He wasn’t one of the current players, but he was cheering enthusiastically for those who were. When Daniel spotted Richard, the boy gave a wave and went back to watching the game.

  Yep, they’re definitely addicted, Richard thought.

  Richard noticed a miniature version of Tia sitting on a sofa in the far corner of the room. It was Chloe. She was dressed in a light-blue ball gown. She didn’t look like she was having fun.

  Richard made his way over and sat down beside the child.

  You’re supposed to ask permission before you sit down next to a young lady, said Nickelo. Where’d you learn your manners?

  Richard was tempted to say ‘In an orphanage’, but he resisted the urge. He was well aware his manners could be atrocious on occasion.

  Trying to make up for his mistake, Richard held his plate out to the young girl.

  “Want one?” Richard said. “I don’t know what those yellow and green things are, but they’re delicious.”

  The few times Richard had met Chloe, she’d been pretty timid and shy. This time she actually gave him a slight smile.

  “They’re fargo eggs,” said Chloe. “You shouldn’t eat more than two at a time. They tend to give you bad breath.”

  “Oops!” Richard said covering his mouth with his hand. “I think I’ve had six already.”

  You’ve had seven, Nickelo said correcting Richard’s count. And your breath won’t stink. Your selfheal will identify the chemicals in the eggs as a poison and negate them in order to return your body to baseline.

  “Sometimes you’re silly, Rick,” said Chloe using his nickname for the first time Richard could remember. “Tia says I shouldn’t be afraid of you.”

  “Well, of course, you shouldn’t,” Richard assured her.

  That’s probably easier said than done considering you almost killed her, Nickelo pointed out.

  Hush, Nick, Richard said. I apologized. What more can I do?

  “Uh…, your brother sure is into bongo,” Richard said. “How come you’re not over there with him?”

  The young girl frowned and gave a sigh.

  “Because my mother made me wear this,” she said lifting up part of her ball gown. “Mother said I had to be ladylike tonight. Besides, I’m not really a big fan of bongo.”

  “Oh?” Richard said surprised. He was intrigued. The young girl was the first Trecorian he’d met who wasn’t an enthusiastic supporter of the game. “I was beginning to think it was an unwritten law every Trecorian had to be a head-over-heels fan of bongo. Your brother and sister certainly are.”

  “Yes. Well, they’re good at it,” said Chloe.

  Something in the child’s voice sounded strange to Richard. She sounded sensitive about the subject.

  “And you’re not?” Richard asked. Something told him he should probably leave the matter alone, but his classes at the Academy hadn’t included sensitivity training, so he pressed onward.

  “Not really,” said Chloe.

  Richard noticed the young girl seemed to be concentrating very hard on her shoes.

  “I once heard our family’s bongo trainer tell my parents I had a strange Power reserve,” said Chloe. “He said I’d never be very good at bongo. He told them it was a waste of time to continue training me.”

  “Oh, sorry,” Richard said detecting the obvious sadness in the little girl’s voice. Personally, he thought bongo was a silly game anyway. But then, he wasn’t a Trecorian.

  You know, Rick, said Nickelo. She’s connected to a pretty large Power reserve.

  Yeah, I know, Richard said. I’m picking up her reserve with my passive scan. So?

  Oh, I don’t know, said Nickelo. I just think it’s curious her bongo trainer thought her Power reserve was strange. I calculate a one hundred percent probability a Trecorian bongo trainer is nowhere near the skill level of one of the Academy’s diviners.

  Richard thought about it a few minutes. He’d been concentrating on working with the bongo players Colonel Santos had recommended to him. As the Trecorians’ lone diviner, he was kept too busy to test other people. For reasons which were now obvious, Chloe hadn’t been referred to him by the local bongo experts.

  Being a little bored anyway, Richard said, “Chloe, I don’t know if you know this, but I’m a diviner.”

  “Yes, I know,” said Chloe. “That’s all Daniel and Tia have talked about lately. Mother and Father have made a big deal about your training of the bongo players in passive and activ
e scans.”

  “Oh, okay,” Richard said. “Well, I was just wondering if you’d mind if I checked your Power reserve for myself. It might be good to get a second opinion.”

  “That’s fine,” said Chloe. “Go ahead if you want. But why ask? You’re a wizard scout. You can pretty much do whatever you want, can’t you?”

  Richard laughed. “Uh…, not hardly. Besides, sometimes people with large Power reserves get perturbed if they discover someone inspecting their Power reserve or link without permission. A lot of wizard scouts and magic…, uh, I mean other people, might consider it an act of war.”

  “Oh,” Chloe said sounding surprised. “Well, I won’t consider it an act of war if you want to try. But Mother and Father had me tested by several bongo trainers.”

  “Well, let’s just have a looksee,” Richard said.

  “Will it hurt?” Chloe asked.

  “No. You probably won’t even know I’m scanning you,” Richard said trying to give the little girl a reassuring smile. “My battle computer tells me I’m getting very good at doing active scans without being detected.”

  While Richard talked, he formed an active scan. In spite of what he told the girl, Richard knew Nickelo was a lot better at scans than he was.

  Nick? Richard said.

  Understood, Rick, replied Nickelo taking the hint. Give me control of your active scan. We’ll see what we can find out. I’m a little bored anyway. Oh, and make sure you follow along with the scan. Sometimes you sense things I don’t.

  Richard took his battle computer’s advice and followed along as Nickelo traced a thin link between Chloe and her Power reserve. She had a large reserve, and there were no other links coming off of her reserve.

  Hmm, that’s interesting, said Nickelo. She’s got a solitary Power reserve. But look how flimsy the link to her reserve is. No wonder her testers thought it was strange. She’s barely connected to her Power reserve. Heck, if she sneezes too hard, it’ll probably break.

  Doubtful, Richard said as he analyzed the data from the active scan being fed into his shared space by Nickelo.


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